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Breaking Articles

Joint Christian-Muslim resistance against the Empire (a quick reminder)

In a previous post entitled “Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”“, I have discussed in some details the basic principles which could be applied by both Christians and Muslims to jointly take a stand against the current Empire.  I don’t want to repeat it all here, especially since in that article I was discussing this issue specifically in the Russian context.  What I propose to do

Was the first shot of the upcoming Ukrainian civil war just fired?

There are pretty good signs that the shots which killed Aleksandr Muzychko might turn out to be the first ones of the upcoming civil war.So far, what happened was not a civil war, but a armed insurrection followed by a coup, a revolution for sure, but not a civil war.  What is beginning to take place now is very different.  Consider this:1)  There are now four very different forces in

Ukraine SITREP March 22, 13:05 EST

The OSCE has agreed to send observers to the Ukraine.  Their task shall be to monitor the situation and to investigate reports of human right violations.  The OSCE has had to accept the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia, thus the observers shall not be deployed to the Russian Peninsula. The situation in the Ukrainian military is one of total chaos.  Not only have three tanks and one

Today every free person in the world has won!

We feel that we won; Lebanon won; Palestine won; the Arab nation won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. I repeat what I said in Bint Jbeil on 25 May 2000: It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Lebanon, the true Lebanese people, and every free

Crimea SITREP March 18, 11:29 EST

Amazing events this morning in Moscow: Putin has made what is arguably the most important and best speech of his career in front of the Russian Federal Assembly in which he made the case for a re-integration of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into Russia as subjects of the Russian Federation.  For the first time ever, his speech was met withs long standing ovations and shouts of “Russia! Russia!”

Personal announcement: warning – this blog is being phished!

A reader just send me this warning: VS, do you realize that a phishing site is closely imitating your blog’s address? I inadvertently typed in (no “s”) rather than and up popped a Christian Zionist website talking about the apocalypse. Do you think that the similarity is intentional??? At first I thought your website was hacked. Then I discovered my mistake. Quick check – he is correct. Some

How the US dream of world supremacy was buried in Crimea

written specially for the Asia Times These are official results from the referendum in Crimea: 96.77% voted for Crimea to join Russia 02.51% voted for Crimea to remain a sovereign autonomous republic inside the Ukraine 00.72% of the votes were declared invalid 83.10% of the eligible voters participated in this referendum (thus:16.9% did not vote) As a reminder, this is the official ethnic makeup of Crimea (in 2001): 58.32% Russians

From Tlaxcala: Ukraine, Russia and the world: Five Questions to 3 Authors

org/article.asp?reference=11749″>Deutsch  Italiano  Español  Français  Português  Ukraine, Russia and the world: Five Questions to 3 Authors TLAXCALA ΤΛΑΞΚΑΛΑ ТЛАКСКАЛА تلاكسكالا 特拉科斯卡拉 Tlaxcala asked three authors- Dmitry Orlov, The Saker and Pepe Escobar– who have been accurately following the situation in and around Ukraine, 5 questions. Here are their answers. Tlaxcala doesn’t share all their views but find them interesting enough to be shared.     1) Do you believe US (Obama)

Personal announcement: okay – I am fed up, Nazi and other trolls are banned

Dear friends, I am really sorry to have to announce that I fed up with the torrent of ignorant, stupid and racist comments this blog is getting.  I honestly tried to do my best not to have to censor these guys, but that only seemed to have exited them further.  I simply don’t have enough time to spend one single more minute dealing with this issue.  I am not a

Ukraine SITREP March 14, 10:55 EST (and a look at the Ukrainian military)

Serious clashes have taken place in the city of Donetsk.  According to most accounts, the newly appointed billionaire governor Taruta attempted to organize a demonstration in support of “a united Ukraine”.  For his purpose he bused in from Kiev and western Ukraine.  The local population organized a counter-demonstration.  The cops tried to keep the two groups apart, but failed, and soon violent clashes happened.  The Banderites were fewer in numbers,

Ukraine, America’s Midas Touch – Again!

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich ‘All that glitters is not gold; all that shivers is not cold’ Mythology has it that Midas, the king of Phyrgia, was able to turn everything he touched into gold — ‘the Midas Touch’. According to Aristotle, the legendry figure died of starvation as a result of his greed to transmute everything from its natural substance to gold. This myth is a tragic reality when it comes

Personal announcement: dealing with Nazis and other racist trolls

With the recent sharp rise of readers of this blog (well over 1’000’000 visits in total and 10’000+ visitors per day) a equally sharp rise of Nazi and other racist troll clearly happened.  My policy in the past has been to either crush their sophomoric and ignorant views by posting rebuttals, but now I simply do not have the time to play Kindergarten cop with these obsessive-compulsive Jew haters.  And

Ukraine SITREP March 12, 12:09 EST (and some debunking)

The new authorities in Banderastan have taken the decision to block all Russian TV channels previously received in the Ukraine. The latest polls in Crimea indicate a 85% for a ‘yes’ in the upcoming referendum. Crimean Tatars have indicated that they will accept the will of the majority of the people as expressed in the referendum. OSCE observers, which had been invited to monitor the referendum, have refused to come

Personal announcement: update on donations

Dear friends,A week has passed since I have placed a donation button on this blog and I feel that I ought to give you a short update on the donations received.   A total of 65 people from 7 countries have made donations ranging from 2 dollars to 100 dollars.  2 people have chosen to make a “recurrent payment”.  All this refers to donations made through PayPal.  Only three people chose

Ukraine SITREP March 11, 13:50 EST (and some debunking)

There are 160 billion dollars invested by Russia in the West. There are 248 billion dollars invested by the West in Russia. Sanctions anybody? Russia still has the option of shutting down the NATO route to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan. This is an option with Russia did not exercise over the war in Syria, but which it will almost certainly exercise in case of a NATO intervention in the

Ukraine SITREP March 10, 10:19 EST (and some replies to comments)

In the city of Lugansk a crowd of demonstrators stormed to local administration building and forced the Kiev-appointed governor to resign. Donetsk: 10’000 people have prevented a pro-nationalist rally featuring Vitalii Klitchko from taking place and have demanded the release of the popularly elected governor (still held in Kiev). The chief of the neo-Fascist organization Right Sector, Dmitri Iarosh, has announced that he will run for President in the upcoming
