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Breaking Articles

Ukraine SITREP March 8, 16:29 EST (and a little debunking)

A deputy of the Ukrainian Rada who spoke on Russian TV from Moscow said that his contacts in the Crimea had informed him that the Ukrainian side had deployed unknown number of Grad BM-21M multiple-launch rocket systems (MRLS) just 2 way from the first Crimean checkpoints (these relatively old systems – they were built in the 1960s – have a 20 miles – 30km – range). Big demonstration in Kharkov

Ukraine SITREP March 7, 09:03 EST (and a little debunking)

The situation outside Crimea is rapidly deteriorating.  Yesterday, a SWAT team of the Ukrainian SBU has arrested the “popular governor” of the Donetsk region.  He whereabouts are unknown.  The local police has also arrested an unknown number of anti-insurgent demonstrators. Arrests of protesters have also happened in other cities of the Ukraine, including Odessa.  To my knowledge there are no signs of police forces siding with the anti-insurgent forces anywhere

Ukraine SITREP March 6, 12:50 EST

The Crimean authorities have just announced that the referendum of the future of the Crimea will be held on March 16 and that the two questions will be: Are you in favor of Crimea becoming a constituent territory of the Russian Federation? or   Are you in favor of restoring Crimea’s 1992 constitution? Crimean MPs voted on Thursday for the region to “to become part of the Russian Federation as its

Personal announcement: PayPal is a pain in the rear…

Sorry to interrupt the flow of news with my personal headaches, but I just found out that PayPal had blocked donations because they wanted more information about me.  I just got off the phone with them and they assured me that the account is now fully restored.  Why they could not contact me *before* blocking donations they could not explain in any other way than “we are so sorry” (sigh,

Maidan snipers: who did or did not know? Everybody knew!

So this morning we have a “revelation”: EU officials are discussing the reports that the Maidan snipers were not sent by Yanukovich but that they were insurgents firing on both sides.Immense surprise everywhere!Well, a few “minor fringe proponents of conspiracy theories” did mention something like that, but for the “proper and rational people” (the folks who watch TV and read the corporate media) this is a big surprise.Might make you

Ukraine SITREP March 5, 09:38 EST

The situation in the city of Donetsk is becoming unstable again.  The local people have elected a “people’s governor”, but the local police forces seem to be loyal to the oligarch appointed as governor by the insurgents.  The local people had been occupying the local governor’s offices and parliament building until this morning when the police told them that there was a bomb threat and that they needed to evacuate. 

Ukraine SITREP March 3, 13:43 EST

A mass rally took place today in the city of Odessa.  The demonstrators surrounded the local parliament building and demanded the the elected officials adopt a referendum on the future of the city of Odessa.  The elected officials suggested a 1-2 days of cooling off.  The demonstrators rejected that offer and stormed the building which they now control. Close to 700’000 refuges from the Ukraine have sought refuge in Russia.

The self-defeating fuite en avant of the US in the Ukraine

The past few days have seen an amazing acceleration of developments which has created a totally new situation.  In simple and plain language the following three momentous events have happened:1) In Kiev an armed insurrection overthrew the elected President and replaced him with a new revolutionary regime.2) Crimea completely broke-off from the rest of the Ukraine.3) An counter-revolutionary insurrection has begun in the eastern Ukraine.The situation in the eastern Ukraine

Okay! Okay! I yield :-)

Dear friends,You guys are amazing, that is all I can say…. It is 0915 and already 53 replies telling me to go ahead.  Okay, I yield.  I will set up a contributions/donations system.  All I can say is that I am immensely touched and immensely grateful.One small comment and then we will go back to the more important issues: some have suggested that I put ads on the blog.  Guys,

Important personal announcement about this blog

Dear friends, I have decided to take a short break for the torrent of news about the Ukraine to share with you an important development in the life of this blog: two days ago, last Thursday, the number of daily visitors to this blog has passed 10’000 to peak at an amazing 11’538 visitors!  Now, some of them are webcrawlers, search engines, double visitors and my own, but the 10’000

Statement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the events in Ukraine

The agreement on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, which was signed on the 21 February and certified by the German, Polish and French Foreign Ministers, is still not being fulfilled. Militants have still not laid down arms, they have not freed administrative buildings, or announced their intention to “make order” in all the Ukrainian regions. There are threats of physical reprisals, as the President Viktor Yanukovych emphasised in his

The Kremlin’s response to the events in the Ukraine gradually becomes more apparent

Русские долго запрягают, но быстро едут (“Russians take a lot of time to saddle up, but then they ride fast”)  Russian adage Over the past few days the events in the Ukraine have seen a fantastic acceleration and many important events have simultaneously taken place.  I will try to look at them one by one. In Kiev, the leaders of the insurgency have taken full control of the Parliament and

Follow up to my post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism

Dear friends, As, I promised, I am now going to reply to some of your comments concerning my recent post about the roots and nature of Ukrainian nationalism.  First, I thought of replying to your comments one by one, and then I changed my mind.  I think that there are some general and recurrent topics which I need to address because they are mentioned several times.  That would save space

Will NATO annex Ukraine?

by Pepe Escobar Anyone who believes Washington is deeply enamored of ‘democracy’ in Ukraine must hit eBay, where Saddam Hussein’s WMDs have been found, and are on sale to the highest bidder. Or pay attention to the non-denial denials of the Obama administration, which swears on a daily basis there’s no ‘proxy war’ or Cold War redux in Ukraine. In a nutshell; Washington’s bipartisan Ukraine policy has always been anti-Moscow.
