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Breaking Articles

Putin “This will take more than handing out pies at the Maidan, that’s all not enough to keep the Ukrainian economy from slipping into total chaos”

Official publication of the Kremlin’s press service: (red color added to the funniest parts by me, the Saker) Meeting with Security Council members April 11, 2014, 17:00 Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow Region Vladimir Putin held a briefing session with permanent members of the Security Council. Taking part in the meeting were Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office

Personal announcement: update on donations and new PO Box in the USA

Dear friends,I have a found a few minutes to sit down and update you about donations.So far, 80 people have made donations through PayPal.  Even though many of you have had problems due to all sorts of bugs and quirks of PayPal, the money always ended up getting to me.  I now also have as a policy to immediately transfer any money I get to my bank account, “just in

President Vladimir Putin’s letter to leaders of European countries. Full text

ITAR-TASS reports:  President Vladimir Putin’s letter to leaders of European countries. Full text Ukraine’s economy in the past several months has been plummeting. Its industrial and construction sectors have also been declining sharply. Its budget deficit is mounting. The condition of its currency system is becoming more and more deplorable. The negative trade balance is accompanied by the flight of capital from the country. Ukraine’s economy is steadfastly heading towards a

Russia might very soon do something rather counter-intuitive: nothing at all

All the signs are that the freaks in Kiev have decided to put down the demonstrations in Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk by force.  YouTube is full of amateur footage showing all sorts of militarized units, APCs and even artillery pieces being moved towards these cities.  Local people have tried to stop them, but without success.  It appears that the attacking force will include loyal cops from other cities, regular military

Appeal for assistance – information sources from Russia and the Ukraine needed!

This morning a number of links to Russian news channels are not working.  Some URLs simply do not resolve.  Though this might be a local problem or a technical glitch, I think that as events heat up in the eastern Ukraine such technical glitches might happen more often.  Thus I would ask you all – especially those of you who live in Russia or who understand Russian – to share

Sergei Lavrov: It’s not Russia that is destabilising Ukraine

by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for The GuardianThe west has been needlessly whipping up tension – if we don’t co-operate soon, chaos may take hold The profound and pervasive crisis in Ukraine is a matter of grave concern for Russia. We understand perfectly well the position of a country which became independent just over 20 years ago and still faces complex tasks in constructing a sovereign state. Among them

Saker interview with Nebojsa Malic aka “Grey Falcon”

Today I want to do something which I have not done in a long while: interview somebody by email and give that person the space to fully answer.  For those interested, in the past I did that with Mizgin (Kurdistan), Roger Tucker (One Democratic State), Taimur (Indian Kashmir), Gilad Atzmon (Palestine), Joel Bainerman (Israel), Uri Avnery (Israel), Jonathan Cook (Palestine), Joel S. Hirschhorn (USA), Anticapitalista (Greece) and Scott Horton (USA). 

A really important interview of Andrei Kostin, President of VTB Bank

Dear friends,Today I am posting a video of what I think is an extremely important interview of Andrei Kostin, the resident and Chairman of the Management Board of powerful Russian VTB Bank (who basically speaks for Russian banking).  At a recent meeting of Russian banker Kostin made the official proposal for Russia to switch from the US Dollar to the Russian Ruble as payment currency for Russian exports.  This proposal

A couple of short pointers about recent rumors

I have decided to take some time off two articles which I am working on today to reassure many of you about some rumors which are being spread by the western corporate media.  I will go this bullet-style.  Here we go:1) “Russia has massed forces on the Ukrainian border and is about to invade“NATO and western media corporations are in a panic mode due to what they claim in a

Interesting poll on US public opinion towards the Ukrain reports:  Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Want the US to Stay Out of Ukraine Emily Ekins|April 4, 2014 6:56 pm As tensions rise between Ukraine and Russia, America’s foreign policy hawks argue the US needs to do more. However, Reason-Rupe finds war-weary Americans are reluctant to get involved in yet another conflict abroad. My college Zenon Evans writes more about this here. Conservative hawks like Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol

Replies to some comments to my post about Europe and Russia

First, thanks a lot for the very interesting comments you posted in response to my post about Russian-European relations.  Since I did not want to put up with the (silly) length limitations in the comments section, I decided to reply to a few your comments in a separate post.  Sorry I cannot reply to all of them, so I had to pick:Here we go:Anonymous wrote:  actually europe ahs bene infiltrated

Personal announcement: Should something bad happen

After the weird service interruption today, I have decided to take some precautionary emergency measures.  Should something really bad suddenly happen to this blog, for whatever reasons, I will continue blogging at the following address: (please write this down somewhere)also,I cannot imagine having both my blog and my email address shot at the same time but, just in case, I have this backup email address (please write this down

The painful issue of today’s Europe – what are Russia’s options?

I think that it is time for me to directly address the issue of today’s Europe role in world affairs.  In this blog I have often voiced very harsh criticisms of both “old Europe” and “new Europe” – to use Rumsfeld’s classification – but I have never addressed this issue head-on, and this is what I propose to do now.Let me begin by a little disclaimer and say that while

A new Cold War has begun – let us embrace it with relief!

Considering the relative lull which seems to be taking place in the Ukraine, this might be a good time to look at the impact which the dramatic developments in the Ukraine have had upon the internal political scene in Russia and what that, in turn, could mean for the international (dis)order.  In order to do that, I would like to begin by a short summary of a thesis which I
