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Hail to the Chief! and Other News

by Scott Humor Russia will always side with the forces of peace, with those who opt for equal partnership, who reject wars as contrary to the very essence of life and the nature of man. Vladimir Putin at the military parade to mark the 72nd anniversary of victory in the 1941–1945 Great Patriotic War   Hail to the Chief! President Putin made an announcement during Wednesday’s press conference following a

Navy Brief 10/17 May 9th 2017 St Petersburg Naval Parade

by LeDahu   The case of the disappearing ships. The Russian Navy arrived in St Petersburg, moored on the river Neva, in preparation for the 9 May Victory Day, on the evening of the 3rd May (Video) #ВИДЕО: Военные #корабли вошли в Неву #Петербург — Пятый канал Новости (@5tv) May 3, 2017 Including the submarine “Kolpino” and the corvette “Urengoy” at night. This was followed by the “Zelenodolsk”, and

Who was defeated in the Great Patriotic war?

by Scott Humor Sergey Shoigu , the Russia’s Minister of Defense, issued an order to congratulate servicemen and veterans with the Victory Day   May 9th Victory Day Parade on Red Square 2017 (FULL VIDEO) President Putin’s speech at 17:30 with English voice over     This morning I got a message from Veritas: “Thanks Scott. I am sitting here watching the Victory Parade live – VVP’s speech this year

Naval Brief NB 09/17 May 4th 2017

by LeDahu   Part 1- Brief Background on naval developments with North Korea  (DPRK) & South Korea, (ROK) South Korea staged a large-scale land & air exercises last week. On 29, DPRK carried out a ballistic missile launch test, that lasted for approximately 15mins. It appeared to have failed according to ROK news agency Yonhap. At the same time, (bear in mind that there is no President of ROK at

The only force standing

by Scott Humor The only force standing between peace and hell on earth is the Russian military in Syria Russian and Saudi FMs clash over Syria & Iran “We would like to put an end to Iran’s involvement in the region,” the Saudi FM said. Russia’s Foreign Minister countered this view, noting that Iran, as well as Hezbollah, are operating in Syria on President Bashar Assad’s official request. “We don’t

Naval Brief NB. 08/17 April 25th 2017 by LeDahu

Opener As part of the Russian Defence Ministry Board in Moscow, Russian defence minister Shoigu said on 21 April that “the frigates will be the main combat ships of the Navy.” The Russian navy commander, Adm Vladimir Korolev, in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda” outlined the scale of the presence of the Russian fleet on the world’s oceans. The US Navy and others in West Pacific First, let’s just put

Background on USS Carl Vinson – Saga by LeDahu

Here’s a background info sheet: US Navy statement: “After departing Singapore on April 8 and cancelling a scheduled port visit to Perth, the Strike Group was able to complete a curtailed period of previously scheduled training with Australia in international waters off the northwest coast of Australia,” a U.S. Pacific Command spokesperson Actual story is PACOM said it was underway…but it wasn’t. The USS Carl Vinson group had been in

Naval Brief NB 07/17 April 18, 2017 by LeDahu

Part 1 – News Update on North Korea – naval activity   Naturally any significant deployment of the US Navy in the region gets the attention of the Chinese & Russian navies, especially in the intelligence gathering field.  No exception here and it is likely to be the Russian Navy SSV-208 Kurily. Although you might only have heard about it this week, frankly it isn’t a new event, but the

Trump has lost control over the Pentagon

The Pentagon’s more aggressive military approach Here is a short timeline of the Pentagon taking the presidential commander-in-chief power from Trump. The ultimatums came on March 1. On March 1, 2017 the Atlantic’s article “Trump and the Generals” announced that Trump’s military leaders “increasingly sound like they’re working for a different president altogether.” They complained about the lack of funding, even after Trump pledged to give them additional $54 billion

News Brief BRICS Joint Communiqué, troops deployment near Korean Peninsula

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang’s Regular Press Conference on April 14, 2017 Q: It is reported that all necessary materials for the deployment of THAAD have been delivered to the golf course in Seongju region in the southeast of the ROK. The ROK military suggested that THAAD would be deployed soon to counter the threat posed by DPRK’s nuclear and missile programs. What’s China’s comment on this? A: China has

Breaking News US led forces has bomb a chemical warehouse April 13 2017

  BREAKING || Civilians killed as US jets bomb ISIS chemical depot in Deir Ezzor: Syrian MoD “DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:30 P.M.) – The US-coalition Air Force has conducted airstrikes against ISIS positions in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor, targeting a chemical depot for the terror group which resulted in the death of hundreds of militants as well as civilian, the Syrian Ministry of Defense said in an official statement.

“Reports of war” Naval Brief NB 06/17 April 13, 2017 by LeDahu

The West is currently playing a game of brinkmanship with Russia over Syria, based on the “fast and loose” principle it seems. The US Navy – eastern Mediterranean  “We prepositioned forces (the 2 US Navy ships) so that if there was an order received we could have that quick response.” US  senior defense official. This deployment of the 2 closest US warships in the eastern Med, would have not gone

Tracking under-reported developments SITREP Updated

While we all struggle with the deep state, and very few governments openly express their opposition to the US crazies in the UN, things are working the way they should: The 5th East Forum of the EU and the EEU 5th East Forum of the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union in Berlin adopted a Memorandum  of creation an economic area ( a pathway) from Lisbon to Vladivostok and beyond.

Syria US missile strike Naval Brief NB 05/17 April 08, 2017 by LeDahu

Another Naval Brief- an update, only because it seems that at times, when a Brief gets published, something spectacular happens shortly afterwards.   US destroyers “USS Ross” (DDG 71) & “USS Porter”, (DDG 78)     were the US Navy warships that launched Tomahawk strikes at the Shayrat airbase in the Homs region of Syria. Yet, more than half did not reach their targets. In a nutshell, $88.5m worth of

SITREP: Important update on the US attack on Syria

I have an important update: based on Russian sources, including video footage and the reports of one Russian journalist on the ground, Evgenii Poddubnyi, it has become clear that the US strike was largely symbolic.  Here is the evidence: The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians.  The Americans must have assumed that this would happen. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a

Naval Briefing NB 04/17 April 2017, by LeDahu

The various West/US/NATO deployments puts the security environment in Eastern Europe, Syria and South China Sea in a precarious situation.   Not in the news but… The USA flagged Ro-ro “Liberty Passion”, recently called into Beirut on the 4th April.  It is doing a whistle stop tour of some of the seven seas, so it seems.  It’s previous port call was Constanta in Romania, dropping off 200 or so pieces

What does Russia produce? 3

What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2   Space Exploration Space complex rockets Angara New generation rocket engine RD-181 Engine RD-191 Progress 66 Cargo Ship Docks at the Space Station The automated Progress 66 supply ship docked at the space station at 3:30 a.m. EST (0830 GMT), parking itself at the station’s Russian-built Pirs docking module   For space exploration Russia also develops and  manufacturers Mirrors for

What does Russia produce? 2

Once upon a time, a few Russian guys built a super all terrain vehicle and dubbed it Sherp. Sherp is an ATV with superb off-road performance, with no one else even coming close. Happy and excited about building such a cool thing, Russian guys invited the Western experts to share a joy of this engineering marvel. The Western experts looked at Sherp and said: “Russians would do anything not to

In Germany NATO films “Freedom Shock” with Russian speaking civilians

On the last day of March my true love came to me and asked for the Russian (Polish) speaking extras to act as the “villagers” being invaded by the US military. What notably absent here is the demand for some Ukrainian or Belorussian speaking actors, even though they might get the migrant workers from Ukraine mostly. RT posted more details on this NATO’s open casting call, NATO acting up: Alliance looking

World SITREP Heads and Tails

Pentagon has finally discovered a “link between Russia and Libyan commander Haftar” Marine General Thomas Waldhauser, the head of U.S. forces in Africa told reporters on Friday March 24 that there was an “undeniable” link between Russia and powerful Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar, underscoring U.S. concerns about Moscow’s deepening role in Libya.” as Reuters reported. General Khalifa Haftar, commander in the Libyan National Army (LNA), visit to Moscow was announced
