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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

President Putin meets with participants of 19th World Festival of Youth and Students

Following the opening ceremony of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students, Vladimir Putin met with festival participants – students and young specialists from Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, France, Jamaica, the United States, India and Zimbabwe. October 15, 2017 Moderator Ksenia Razuvayeva: Mr Putin, good evening. Starting today, we can consider our World Festival of Youth and Students open. As we speak, Sochi is welcoming over 30,000 young people from 188 countries, all with their own unique history, projects, ideas and expectations.

Two views on independence

Translation by Scott Humor Radio Sputnik talk show guests Fuad Abbasov and Avigdor Eskin on the Kurdish referendum for independence. The Sputnik Radio refused to air this interview, however the Israeli journalist Avigdor Eskin latter attacked Fuad Abbasov in media.     Radio talk-show host: “Regarding the referendum in Kurdistan and looking at the situation from different points of view. What are the prognosis for Iraqi Kurdistan? Are we talking

Russian Energy Week Forum

 Vladimir Putin attended a plenary session of the first Russian Energy Week (REW) Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum. October 4, 2017     Following the plenary session, Vladimir Putin had a brief meeting with foreign guests of the Russian Energy Week who arrived in Moscow to take part in the Ministerial Meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF). The President wished successful joint work during the Russian Energy Week to heads of the related ministries of the GECF member states. Representatives from major international energy companies and organisations together

Hassan Nasrallah calls on Jews to flee Israel: Zionism is our common enemy

  Source : Translation: Transcript: […] Second, (regarding) Israel. Israel does not cease to issue direct threats against Lebanon, (promising) to destroy it all in a next war. There is always someone there who stands up and says, “In the next war, we will not let but ruins behind us, and we will return Lebanon 100 or 200 years ago.” Before the [Israeli military manoeuvres] Northern Front [in

King Philip VI addresses the Spanish nation

Semi-Official translation of the newspaper El Pais: ——- Good evening, We find ourselves at a critical juncture for our existence as a democracy. In these circumstances, I wish to address all Spaniards. We have all witnessed the facts that have taken place in Catalonia, with the illegal declaration of independence as the final goal of the Catalan Government (Generalitat). For a long time, some Catalan authorities have repeatedly, consciously and

Rostislav Ishchenko on the potential of the Ukraine in 1991 (MUST READ)

Note by the Saker: the following is a translation of a partial transcript of an interview given by Rostislav Ishchenko, arguably the foremost Ukraine specialist alive today, to Dmitrii Puchkov.  Thanks a lot to Eugenia for translating this for the blog.  I asked for this translation because it reminds us in just a few short words of what the Ukraine could have been had this country not been run by

Statement by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 21, 2017   Distinguished Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Last December, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution on “Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order”, which clearly stipulated the inadmissibility of interference into internal affairs of sovereign States, non-recognition of coups d’état as a method of change of power and the need to exclude from the international communication the attempts of unlawful pressure of certain States on others, including exterritorial application

Interview with Peter Koenig: BRICS – Potential and Future in an Emerging New World Economy

Based on an interview with Tashreeq Truebody, Radio 786, South Africa Questions Global economy and Brics Peter Koenig Let’s put the BRICS in perspective: The BRICS are of course Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Together they make up for almost 50% of the world population and close to one third of the world’s economic output, or GDP. This alone would make them fully independent from the western economy, from

Putin and Moon Jae-in on Russia, the Republic of Korea and the DPRK relations

Press statements following talks with President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in Vladimir Putin and Moon Jae-in made statements for the press following their talks. September 6, 2017 Vladivostok   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, We have just completed our meeting with President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in. We had a meaningful and constructive conversation, and discussed in detail the state and future of bilateral relations, as well as urgent regional and international issues. The Republic of Korea is one of Russia’s key partners in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Vladimir Putin’s news conference following BRICS Summit 2017

Vladimir Putin answered Russian journalists’ questions following his visit to China to take part in the BRICS Summit. September 5, 2017     Vladimir Putin summed up the results of the BRICS Summit and his talks with foreign leaders on the Summit’s sidelines, and shared his perspective on pressing international issues. * * * Transcript of the news conference for Russian journalists President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Let us start with your questions, please. Question: The BRICS Summit has just closed. As we all know, BRICS countries

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s speech at MGIMO

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions at a meeting with the students and faculty of MGIMO University and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, September 1, 2017   English translation Mr Torkunov, Mr Bazhanov, Friends, I am happy to welcome all of you to our meeting, traditionally held at the beginning of the academic year, including the students, faculty and management of MGIMO

Hassan Nasrallah: in North Korea, Trump heads for a nuclear world war

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on 31 August 2017, on the occasion of the commemoration of Lebanon’s “Second Liberation” against terrorist groups Transcript: […] We need to know, o my (dear) brothers and sisters, that the opposing (US-Israeli) project in the region is crumbling and falling apart, and that US and Israeli dreams that were built on Daesh and its sisters and fellow takfiri and terrorist groups, these

BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership Vladimir Putin’s article BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership was published ahead of the BRICS Summit, which will be held in Xiamen, China, on September 4 and 5. September 1, 2017 The 9th BRICS Summit will be held in Xiamen, China, on September 4 and 5. I consider it important in this regard to present Russia’s approaches to cooperation within the framework of this large and respected association and to share my views on the future of our further cooperation. I would like to begin by expressing our appreciation of China’s significant contribution as this year’s chair of the organisation,

Hassan Nasrallah: Israel is in despair after the defeats of Daesh

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on 28 August 2017 on the occasion of the Second Liberation, following the complete surrender of the terrorists of Daech and Al-Nosra in Lebanon Translation: Transcript: […] We are truly facing a great victory (against Daesh in Lebanon). From there, consider that on May 25, 2000, we expelled the Zionist Occupying (Lebanon) and today we all (the Syrian and Lebanese armies

From the US Embassy in Kiev: Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!

This video was made by the US Embassy in Kiev and posted on YouTube with the following message: “On behalf of the American people, Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, and the staff at the US Embassy in Kyiv we wish all Ukrainians a joyous Independence Day holiday.”  At the end of the day the US Embassy personnel warmly greets the Ukrainian people with the words “Glory to the Ukraine” which everybody in
