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Saker Community Translations

The Ukraine without heating, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   Located in the Cherkasy region, the Ukrainian city of Smila with 88,000 people is on the verge of imposing a state of emergency. The reason is that the heating has not started in the settlement for the upcoming season. The further away the heating season, the thicker the “European integration” is, that’s what we’re being told

Putin and the Rules of the Elite

By Aleksandr Khaldey Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: When trying to understand during many years why Putin doesn’t rotate the elite but works with what already exists, very few people understand the subject of discussion. Experts already know almost by heart the president, his biography, and the story of his arrival to the top of power. Much less attention is paid to

67 Countries Regret That There Are No Fascists in Crimea

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The UN is a complicated structure, called on to satisfy the ambitions of everyone (both small and big), at the same time preserving the right of the five permanent members of the Security Council to accept (or reject, if a consensus is reached between them) of a final decision. In this regard, except the

True Lies: Poroshenko Sells His Business to Dmitry Firtash, the “Party of Regions”, and Vice Presidents of the United States

By Leonid Azadovsky Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The anonymous “NEZYGAR” Telegram channel, whose authorship is attributed to the top manager of the Moscow company “Renova”, published information about the current president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko carrying out negotiations on the sale of his own assets on the territory of Ukraine. The corresponding post on the Telegram channel appeared on November 15th: “Petro

Lithuania Brings Out Payable Food Stamps, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions. The malicious witch Zrada (defeat), who is circling, and not keeping the Russophobes out of sight from the post-Soviet space, is once again plotting trickery. This time, the Lithuanians got it, who had “completed the Euro integration” to the ration cards. When the combined choir of the Russian liberals performs an aria about the “horrors of Stalinism”

Eternal Maidan – Three Sources, Three Components

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: In Ukraine there is talk about the first Maidan, the second Maidan, a future Maidan, and an aborted Maidan (“Ukraine without Kuchma” event). Politicians, political scientists, journalists, and already even scientific historians (if it is possible to call as such the people representing Ukrainian historical science) discuss the quantity of Maidans in the history

Important for DPR & LPR People – Their Determination by Coming to the Elections by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   The closer we get to the planned elections in the Republics of Donbass, the louder Ukraine and its Western sponsors are screaming. Like, the declaration of will is illegal, because it is not provided by the Minsk agreements. For this, Russia is pressuring its own line, from which it is not going to back up on.

The Pentagon Realised What It Has Done – the Chinese Put the US Army on Its Knees

By Ivan Danilov Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard cross posted with source: In the system of national defense of the US a gaping vulnerability was found that is very difficult to close. The reaction of the Pentagon is reminiscent of badly hidden panic, and journalists who examined the results of the research of American experts, who thoroughly studied the condition of the American army and defensive

Europe Recognized Ukraine As a Safe Country, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   While various clowns that imitate “Svidomo” (Ukr. – “national conscious”) politics sing the anthem of Ukraine in the PACE, and in the same place perform the Nazi salute, the European bureaucrats are steadily bending their line. This line is to isolate the Ukrainian “patriotic” abscess, the creation of which was supported by the same European Union.

Germany is reluctant to fight the war against Russia with the rest of NATO, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitles by Scott Humor.   We have received an interesting data in regard with the saber-rattling NATO drill in Norway. German army admits most of its newly acquired military hardware is faulty & unfit for service. Why would it be so? The Western Media headlines are screaming that NATO has never hold military exercise on the scale of the Trident Juncture. Under the aegis of a “unifyed 3-prong

The Non-Existent Sea of Azov Crisis

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: After the resolution of the European parliament that, contrary to international law and common sense, condemned the actions of Russia in the Sea of Azov, Ukraine cheered up and achieved the bringing of the question concerning elections in the DPR/LPR to the consideration of the UN Security Council. Russia couldn’t block the introduction of this

Russia Will Decide the Fate of Syria Without America

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: On Saturday, a symbolic meeting of four national leaders took place in Istanbul. Vladimir Putin held talks with the presidents of France and Turkey, as well as with the Federal Chancellor of Germany. The topic of the Syrian settlement was mainly discussed. The main conclusion that we can draw from this meeting is that

Latvia Bought Almost All Export Rye From Russia, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   Latvia showed by its own example that the Russophobe only squeaks about the “damned Muscovites” while it still has something to eat. As soon as the food runs dry, he is immediately ready to skip to Russia, buying almost all the export rye.     When the Balts with all their strength struggled to get European

Post-Maidan Suicide of Ukrainian Small Business

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: In February, 2014, on the day that Yanukovych fled, the Ukrainian state not only refused the monopoly on violence, but also in principle ceased to carry out the functions of the state. Small and medium sized business very much rejoiced. But they shouldn’t have… It seemed only from aside that, by discharging the incumbent

Striking a Strategic Balance – Putin’s Preventive Response

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: I think that Vladimir Putin at Valdai not at all incidentally started talking about the increased danger of nuclear war, repeated the axiom about the readiness of Russia to take away the whole world with itself, and discussed the existence of the right to make a preventive strike. Concerning the latter issue experts immediately
