First, a painful, but necessary, clarification:
Basement crazies. Neocons. Zionists. Israel Lobbyists. Judaics. Jews. Somewhere along this list we bump into the proverbial “elephant in the room”. For some this bumping will happen earlier in the list, for others a little later down the list, but the list will be more or less the same for everybody. Proper etiquette, as least in the West, would want to make us run away from that topic. I won’t. Why? Well, for one thing I am constantly accused of not discussing this elephant. Furthermore, I am afraid that the role this elephant is playing is particularly toxic right now. So let me try to deal with this beast; but first I have to begin with some caveats.
First, terminology: For those who have not seen it, please read my article “Why I use the term AngloZionist and why it is important.” Second, please read my friend Gilad Atzmon’s article “Jews, Judaism & Jewishness” (or, even better, please read his seminal book The Wandering Who). Please note that Gilad specifically excludes Judaics (religious Jews,) from his discussion. He writes: “I do not deal with Jews as a race or an ethnicity. I also generally avoid dealing with Judaism (the religion)”. I very much include them in my discussion. However, I also fully agree with Gilad when he writes that “Jews Are Not a Race, But Jewish Identity is Racist” (those having any doubts about Jews not being a race or ethnicity should read Shlomo Sand’s excellent book “The Invention of the Jewish People“). Lastly, please carefully review my definition of racism as spelled out in my “moderation policies“:
Racism is, in my opinion, not so much the belief that various human groups are different from each other, say like dog breeds can be different, but the belief that the differences between human groups are larger than within the group. Second, racism is also a belief that the biological characteristics of your group somehow pre-determine your actions/choices/values in life. Third, racism often, but not always, assumes a hierarchy amongst human groups (Germanic Aryans over Slavs or Jews, Jews over Gentiles, etc.). I believe that God created all humans with the same purpose and that we are all “brothers in Adam”, that we all equally share the image (eternal and inherent potential for perfection) of God (as opposed to our likeness to Him, which is our temporary and changing individual condition).
To sum it all up, I need to warn both racists and rabid anti-anti-Zionists that I will disappoint them both: the object of my discussion and criticism below will be limited to categories which a person chooses to belong to or endorse (religion, political ideas, etc.) and not categories with which one is born with (race, ethnicity).
Second, so what are Jews if not a race? In my opinion, they are a tribe (which Oxford Dictionaries defines as: a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader). A tribe is a group one can chose to join (Elizabeth Taylor) or leave (Gilad Atzmon).
Third, it is precisely and because Jews are a tribe to which we who are non-Jews owe exactly nothing: no special status, neither bad nor good, no special privilege of any kind, no special respect or “sensitivity” – nothing at all. We ought to treat Jews exactly as we treat any other of our fellow human beings: as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31). So if being Jewish is a choice and if any choice is a legitimate object of discussion and criticism, then (choosing to) being Jewish is a legitimate object of discussion and criticism. Conversely, those who would deny us the right to criticize Jews are, of course, the real racists since they do believe that Jews somehow deserve a special status. In fact, that notion is at the core of the entire Jewish identity and ideology.
Now let’s come back to our opening list: Basement crazies. Neocons. Zionists. Israel Lobbyists. Judaics. Jews. I submit that these are all legitimate categories as long as it is clear that “Jews by birth only”, what Alain Soral in France calls “the everyday Jews”, are not included in this list. Thus, for our purposes and in this context, these terms are all interchangeable. My own preference still goes for “Zionist” because it combines the ideological racism of secular Jews with the religious racism of Judaics (if you don’t like my choice, just replace “Zionist” with any of the categories I listed above). Zionism used to be secular, but it turned religious during the late 20th century, so now for our purposes this term can encompass both secular and religious Jewish supremacists. Add to this some more or less conservative opinions and mindsets and you have “Ziocons” as an alternative expression.
[Sidebar: This tells you something about the power of the Zionist propaganda machine; I call it the “Ziomedia.” Perhaps I should preface this article with a 700+ explanatory words to try to overcome counter conditioned mental reflexes in the reader to infer I might be an evil anti-Semite. By the way, I am under no illusions either; some Jews or doubleplusgoodthinking shabbos-goyim will still accuse me of racism. This just comes with the territory. But the good news is when I will challenge them to prove their accusation they will walk away empty-handed].
The reason I decided to tackle this issue today is that the forces who broke Trump in less than a month are also the very same forces responsible for his political 180: the Neocons and the US deep state. However, I think that these two concepts can be fused into what I and others have called the “Ziocons”: basically Zionists plus some rabid Anglo imperialists à la Cheney and McCain. Ziocons are the folks who control the US corporate media, Hollywood, Congress, most of academia, etc. These are the folks who organized a ferocious assault on the “nationalist” or “patriotic” wing of Trump supporters and ousted Flynn and Bannon, and these are the folks who basically staged a color revolution against Trump. There is some pretty good evidence that the person in charge of this quiet coup is Jared Kushner, a rabid Zionist. Maybe. Maybe not. This does not really matter; what matters now is to understand what this all means for the rest of us in the “basket of deplorables”, the “99%ers” – basically the rest of the planet.
Making sense of the crazies
Making sense of the motives and goals (one cannot speak of “logic” in this case) of self-deluded racists can be a difficult exercise. But when the “basement crazies” (reminder: this term was first used here) are basically in control of the policies of the US Empire, this becomes a crucial, vital exercise for the survival of the mentally sane. I will now try to outline the reasons behind the “new” Trump policies using two examples: Syria and Russia.
Syria. I think that we can all agree that having the black flag of Daesh fly over Damascus would be a disaster for Israel. Right? Wrong! You are thinking like a mentally sane person. This is not how the Israelis think at all. For them, Daesh is much preferable to Assad not only because Assad is the cornerstone of a unitary Syria, but because Daesh in power gives the Israelis the perfect pretext to establish a “security zone” to “protect” northern Israel. And that, in plain English, means fully occupying and annexing the Golan (a longstanding Israeli dream). Even better, the Israelis know Daesh really well (they helped create it with the USA and Saudi Arabia) and they know that Daesh is a mortal threat to Hezbollah. By putting Daesh into power in Syria, the Israelis hope for a long, bloody and never-ending war in Lebanon and Syria. While their northern neighbors would be plugged into a maelstrom of atrocities and horrors, the Israelis would get to watch it all from across their border while sending a few aircraft from time to time to bomb Hezbollah positions or even innocent civilians under whatever pretext. Remember how the Israelis watched in total delight while their forces bombed the population of Gaza in 2014? With Daesh in power in Damascus, they would get an even better show to take their kids to watch. Finally, and last but definitely not least, the Syrian Christians would be basically completely wiped out. For those who know the hatred Judaics and Jews have always felt for Christianity (even today) it will be clear why the Israelis would want Daesh in power in Syria: Daesh is basically a tool to carve up an even bigger Zionist entity.
Russia. Ziocons, especially ex-Trotskyists turned Neocons, absolutely loathe Russia and everything Russian. I have explained the origins of this hatred elsewhere, so I won’t repeat it all here. You just need to study the genocidal policies against anything Russian of the fist Bolshevik government (which was 80%-85% Jews; don’t believe me? Then listen to Putin himself). I have already discussed “The ancient spiritual roots of russophobia” in a past article and I have also explained what rabbinical Phariseism (what is mistakenly called “Judaism” nowadays) is little more than an “anti-Christianity“(please read those articles if this complex and fascinating history is of interest to you). The bottom line is this: modern Neocons are little else than former Trotskyists who have found a new host to use. Their hatred for everything Russian is still so visceral that they would rather support bona fide Nazis (isn’t this ironic?) in the Ukraine than Russia, which is even more paradoxical if you recall that before the 1917 Bolshevik coup, anti-Jewish feelings were much stronger in what is today the Ukraine than in what is the Russian Federation today. In fact, relations between Russians and Jews have, I would argue, been significantly improving since the Nazi coup in Kiev, much to the chagrin of the relatively few Russians left who truly hate Jews. Even though you will hear a lot of criticism of organized political Jewry in Russia, especially compared to the West, there is very little true anti-Jewish racism in Russia today, and even less publicly expressed in the media (in fact, ‘hate speech’ is illegal in Russia). One thing to keep in mind is that there are many substantial differences between Russian Jews and US Jews, especially among those Russian Jews who deliberately chose not to emigrate to Israel, or some other western country (those interested in this topic can find a more detailed discussion here). Jews in Russia today deliberately chose to stay and that, right there, show a very different attitude than the earlier attitude of those (Jews and non-Jews) who took the first opportunity to get out of Russia as soon as possible. Bottom line – Ziocons feel an overwhelming and always present hatred for Russia and Russians and that factor is one of the key components of their motivations. Unless you take that hatred into account you will never be able to make sense of the Ziocons and their demented policies.
Making sense of Trump
I think that Trump can be criticized for a lot of things, but there is exactly zero evidence of him ever harboring anti-Russian feelings. There is plenty of evidence that he has always been pro-Israeli, but no more than any politician or businessman in the USA. I doubt that Trump even knows where the Golan Heights even are. He probably also does not know that Hezbollah and Daesh are mortal enemies. Yes, Trump is a poorly educated ignoramus who is much better suited to the shows in Las Vegas than to be President of a nuclear superpower, but I don’t see any signs of him being hateful of anybody. More generally, the guy is really not ideological. The best evidence is his goofy idea of building a wall to solve the problem of illegal immigration: he (correctly) identified a problem, but then he came up with a Kindergarten level (pseudo) solution. The same goes for his views on Russia. He probably figured out something along these lines: “Putin is a strong guy, Russia is a strong country, they hate Daesh and want to destroy it – let’s join forces”. The poor man apparently had absolutely no idea of the power and maniacal drive of the Neocons who met him once he entered the White House. Even worse is the fact that he apparently does not realize that they are now using him to try out some pretty demented policies for which they will later try to impeach him as the sole culprit, should things go wrong (and they most definitely will). Frankly, I get the feeling that Trump was basically sincere in his desire to “drain the swamp” but that he is simply not too clever (just the way he betrayed Flynn and Bannon to try to appease the Ziocons is so self-defeating and, frankly, stupid). But even if I am wrong and Trump was “their” plant all along (I still don’t believe that at all), the end result is the same: we now have the Ziocons in total control of BOTH parties in Congress (or, more accurately, both wings of the Ziocon party in Congress), in total control of the White House, the mass media and Hollywood. I am not so sure that they truly are in control of the Pentagon, but when I see the kind of pliable and spineless military figures Trump has recently appointed, I get the feeling that there are only two types of officers left in the top ranks of the US military: retired ones and “ass-kissing little chickenshits” à la Petraeus. Not good. Not good at all. As for the ridiculously bloated (and therefore mostly incompetent) “three letter agencies soup”, it appears that it has been turned from an intelligence community to a highly politicized propaganda community whose main purpose is to justify whatever counter-factual insanity their political bosses can dream up. Again. Not good. Not good at all.
Living with ZOG :-)
ZOG. Or “Zionist Occupation Government”. That used to be the favorite expression of various Jew-haters out there and it’s use was considered the surefire sign of a rabid anti-Semite. And yet, that is precisely what we are now all living with: a Zionist occupation government which has clearly forced Trump to make a 180 on all his campaign promises and which now risks turning the USA into a radioactive desert resulting from a completely artificial and needless confrontation with Russia. To those horrified that I would dare use an expression like ZOG, I will reply in this way: believe me, I am even more upset than you are about having to admit that ZOG is real; I really don’t care for racists of any kind, and most of these ZOG folks looks like real racists to me. But, alas, they are also right! Facts are facts, you cannot deny them or refuse to correctly qualify them that because of the possible “overtones” of the term chosen or because of some invented need to be especially “sensitive” when dealing with some special group. Remember – Jews are not owed any special favor and there is no need to constantly engage in various forms of complex linguistic or mental yoga contortions when discussing them and their role in the modern world. Still, I am using ZOG here just to show that it can be done, but this is not my favorite expression. I just feel that committing the crimethink here will encourage others to come out of their shell and speak freely. At the very least, simply asking the question of whether we do or do not have a Zionist Occupation Government is an extremely important exercise. Hence, for today I ZOG-away :-)
Some might argue with the “occupation” part of the label. Okay – what would you call a regime which is clearly acting in direct opposition to the will of an overwhelming majority of its citizens, and which acts in the interests of a foreign power (with which the USA does not even have a formal treaty)? Because, please make no mistake here, this is not a Trump-specific phenomenon. I think that it all began with Reagan, and that the Ziocons fully seized power with Bill Clinton. Others think that it all began with Kennedy. Whatever may be the case during election after election Americans consistently vote for less war and each time around they get more wars. It is true that most Americans are mentally unable to conceptually analyze the bizarre phenomena of a country with no enemies and formidable natural barriers needs to spend more on wars of aggression then the rest of the planet spends of defense. Nor are they equipped to wonder why the US needs 16/17 intelligence agencies when the vast majority of countries out there do fine with less than 5. Lastly, most Americans do believe that they have some kind of duty to police the planet. True. But at the same time, they are also sick and tired of wars, if only because so many of their relatives, friends and neighbors return from these wars either dead or crippled. That, and the fact that Americans absolutely hate losing. Losing is all the USA has been doing since God knows how long: losing wars against all but the weakest and most defenseless countries out there. Most Americans also would prefer that the money spent abroad on “defending democracy” (i.e. imperialism) be spent at home to help the millions of Americans in dire need in the USA. As the southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd (which hails from Jacksonville, Florida) once put it in their songs “Things goin’ on“:
Too many lives they’ve spent across the ocean
Too much money been spent upon the moon
Well, until they make it right
I hope they never sleep at night
They better make some changes
And do it soon
Soon? That song was written in 1978! And since then, nothing has changed. If anything, things have become far worse.
Houston, we got a problem
ZOG is not an American problem. It is a planetary problem, if only because right now ZOG controls the US nuclear arsenal. And Trump, who clearly and unequivocally campaigned on a peace platform, is now sending a “very powerful armada” to the coast of the DPRK. Powerful as this armada might be, it can do absolutely nothing to prevent the DPRK artillery from smashing Seoul into smithereens. You think that I am exaggerating? Business Insider estimated in 2010 that it would take the DPRK 2 hours to completely obliterate Seoul. Why? Because the DPRK has enough artillery pieces to fire 500,000 rounds of artillery on Seoul in the first hour of a conflict, that’s why. Here we are talking about old fashioned, conventional, artillery pieces. Wikipedia says that the DPRK has 8,600 artillery pieces and 4,800 multiple rocket launcher systems. Two days ago a Russian expert said that the real figure was just under 20,000 artillery pieces. Whatever the exact figure, suffice to say that it is “a lot”.
The DPRK also has some more modern but equally dangerous capabilities. Of special importance here are the roughly 200’000 North Korean special forces. Oh sure, these 200,000 are not US Green Beret or Russian Spetsnaz, but they are adequate for their task: to operate deep behind enemy lies and create chaos and destroy key objectives. You tell me – what can the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group deploy against these well hidden and dispersed 10’000+ artillery pieces and 200,000 special forces? Exactly, nothing at all.
And did I mention that the DPRK has nukes?
No, I did not. First, I am not at all sure that the kind of nukes the DPRK has can be fitted for delivery on a missile. Having a few nukes and having missiles is one thing, having missiles capable of adequately delivering these nukes is quite another. I suppose that DPRK special forces could simply drive a nuke down near Seoul on a run-of-the-mill army truck and blow it up. Or bring it in a container ship somewhere in the general vicinity of a US or Korean base and blow it up. One neat trick would be to load a nuke on a civilian ship, say a fishing vessel, and bring it somewhere near the USS Carl Vinson and then blow it up. Even if the USN ships survive this unscathed, the panic aboard these ships would be total. To be honest, this is mostly Tom Clancy stuff; in real warfare I don’t think that the North Korean nukes would be very useful against a US attack. But you never know — necessity is the mother of invention, as the British like to say.
I don’t believe that Trump is dumb enough to actually strike at North Korea. I think that his dumbass plan is probably to shoot down a DPRK missile to show that he has made “America great again” or something equally asinine. The problem here is that I am not sure at all how Kim Jong-un and his Party minions might react to that kind of loss of face. What if they decided that they needed to fire some more missiles, some in the general direction of US forces in the region (there are fixed US targets all over the place). Then what? How will Trump prove that he is the biggest dog on the block? Could he decide to “punish” the offending missile launch site like he did with the al-Sharyat airbase in Syria? And if Trump does that – what will Kim Jong-un’s reaction be?
To be candid, I don’t think that the “very powerful armada” will do anything other than waste the US taxpayer’s money. I am getting a strong sense that Trump is all about appearance over substance, what the Russians call “показуха” – a kind of fake show of force, full of special effects and “cool” photo ops, but lacking any real substance. Still, being on the receiving end of Trump’s показуха (po-kah-zoo-kha) must be unnerving, especially if you already have natural paranoid tendencies. I am not at all sure that Kim Jong-un will find the presence of the US carrier strike group as pathetic and useless as I do.
Both Russia and Syria have shown an amazing amount of restraint when provoked by Turkey or the US. This is mostly due to the fact that Russian and Syrian leaders are well-educated people who are less concerned with loss of face than with achieving their end result. In direct contrast, both Kim Jong-un and Trump are weak, insecure, leaders with an urgent need to prove to their people (and to themselves!) that they are tough guys. Exactly the most dangerous kind of mindset you want in any nuclear-capable power, be it huge like the USA or tiny like the DPRK.
So what does that have to do with the ZOG and the Ziocons?
They are the ONLY ONES who really want to maintain the AngloZionst Empire at any cost. Trump made it clear over and over again that his priority was the USA and the American people, not the Empire. And yet now he is playing a crazy game of “nuclear chicken” with the DPRK. Does that sound like the “real Trump” to you? Maybe – but not to me. All this crazy stuff around the DPRK and the (few) nukes it apparently has, is all just a pretext to “play empire”, to show that, as Obama liked to say, the USA is the “indispensable nation“. God forbid the local countries would deal with that problem alone, without USN carrier strike groups involved in the “solving” of this problem!
[Sidebar: by the way, this is also the exact same situation in Syria: the Russians have single-handedly organized a viable peace-process on the ground and then followed it up with a multi-party conference in Astana, Kazakhstan. Looks great except for one problem: the indispensable nation was not even invited. Even worse, the prospects of peace breaking out became terribly real. The said indispensable nation therefore “invited itself” by illegally (and ineffectually) bombing a Syrian air base and, having now proven its capacity to wreck any peace process, the USA is now right back in center-stage of the negotiations about the future of Syria. In a perverse way, this almost makes sense.]
So yes, we have a problem and that problem is that ZOG is in total control of the Empire and will never accept to let it go, even if that means destroying the USA in the process.
I can imagine the gasp of horror and disgust some of you will have at seeing me use the ZOG expression. I assure you, it is quite deliberate on my part. I want to: 1) wake you up and 2) show you that you cannot allow the discomfort created by conditioning to guide your analyses. As with all the other forms of crimethink, I recommend that you engage in a lot of it, preferably in public, and you will get used to it. First it will be hard, but with time it will get easier (it is also great fun). Furthermore, somebody needs to be the first one to scream: “the emperor has no clothes“. Then, once one person does it, the others realize that it is safe and more follow. The key thing here is not to allow ideological “sacred cows” to roam around your intellectual mindspace and limit you in your thinking. Dogmas should be limited to Divine revelations, not human ideological constructs.
Where do we go from here?
Things are coming to a head. Trump presented himself as a real alternative to the ultimate warmongering shabbos-shiksa Hillary. It is now pretty darn obvious that what we now have is just another puppet, but that the puppet-masters have not changed. The good news is that those who were sincere in their opposition to war are now openly speaking about Trump’s great betrayal. From Ann Coulter to Pat Buchanan, many paleo-Conservatives clearly “got it.” As did the real progressives. What we are left with is what I call the “extreme center”, basically zombies who get their news from the Ziomedia and who have so many mental blocks that it takes weeks of focused efforts to basically bring them back to reality.
The key issue here is how do we rescue those who are still capable of clear thinking? I think that a minimalist agenda we can all agree upon could be composed of the following points:
- Peace/pacifism
- International law
- Human and civil rights
- Democracy
- Pluralism
- Anti-racism
- Ethics and morality
Sounds harmless? It ain’t, I assure you. ZOG can only survive by violence, terror and war. Furthermore, the AngloZionist Empire cannot abide by any principles of international law. As for human and civil rights, one quick look at the Patriot Act (which was already ready by the time the 9/11 false flag operation was executed) will tell you how ZOG feels about these issues. More proof? How about the entire “fake news” canard? How about the new levels of censorship on YouTube, Facebook or Google? Don’t you see that this is simply a frontal attack on free speech and the First Amendment?! What about Black Lives Matter – is that not a perfect pretext to justify more police powers and a further militarization of police forces? To think that the Zionists care about human or civil rights is a joke! Just read what the Uber-Zionist and [putative] human right lawyer, the great Alan Dershowitz writes about torture, Israel or restriction of free speech (especially for Norman Finkelstein). Heck, just read what ultra-liberal super-mega human righter (well, after he returned to civilian life) and ex-President Jimmy Carter writes about Israel! Or look at the policies of the Bolshevik regime in Russia. It is pretty clear that these guys not only don’t give a damn about human or civil rights, but that they are deeply offended and outraged when they are told that they cannot violate these rights.
What about democracy? How can that be an intellectual weapon? Simple – you show that every time the people (in the USA or Europe) voted for X they got Y. Or they were told to re-vote and re-vote and re-vote again and again until, finally, the Y won. That is a clear lack of democracy. So if you say that you want to restore democracy, you are basically advocating regime-change, but nicely wrapped into a “good” ideological wrapper. Western democracies are profoundly anti-democratic. Show it!
Pluralism? Same deal. All this takes is to prove that the western society has become a “mono-ideological” society where real dissent is simply not tolerated and where real pluralism is completely absent from public discourse. Demand that the enemies of the system be given equal time on air and always make sure that you give the supporters of the system equal time on media outlets you (we) control. Then ask them to compare. This is exactly what Russia is doing nowadays (see here if you are interested). Western democracies are profoundly anti-pluralistic. Again, show it!
Anti-racism. Should be obvious to the reader by now. Denounce, reject and attack any idea that gives any group any special status. Force your opponents to fess up to the fact that what they really want when they claim to struggle for “equality” is a special status for their single-issue minority. Reject any and all special interest groups and, especially, reject the notion that democracy is about defending the minority against the majority. In reality, minorities are always much more driven and motivated by a single issue; that is why a coalition of minorities inevitably comes to power. What the world needs is the exact opposite: a democracy that would protect the majority against the minorities. Oh, sure, they will fight you on this one, but since you are right this is an intellectual argument you ought to be capable of winning pretty easily (just remember, don’t let accusations of crimethink freeze you in terror).
Lastly, my favorite one: ethics and morality. Modern western society has been built on a categorical rejection of ethics and morality. Slogans like “God is dead” or “Beyond good and evil” resulted in the most abject and viciously evil century in human history: the 20th century. Furthermore, most people by now can tell that Hollywood, and its closely related spinoff, the US porn industry, have played a central role in basically removing categories such as “good,” “truth,” and “honor” from the mind of those infected by the US mass media, especially the Idiot-box (aka “telescreen” in Orwell’s 1984). Instead, unbridled greed and consumption became the highest and most sacred expression of “our way of life” as Americans like to say. Hollywood movies effectively proclaim that “greed is good.” In fact, at the very core of capitalist ideology is the belief that the sum total of everybody’s greed yields the happiest and most successful society possible. Crazy and sick stuff, but I don’t have room to discuss this here. All I will say that that rehabilitating the notions of right and wrong, good and evil, truth and falsehood, healthy and natural versus unnatural and pathological is a great legal way (at least so far) to fight the Empire. Ditto for sexual morality and family. There is a reason why Hollywood movies frequently present only divorced or sexually promiscuous heroes: they are trying to destroy the natural family unit because they *correctly* identify the traditional family unit as a threat to the AngloZionist order. Likewise, there is also a reason why all the western elites are constantly plagued by accusations of pedophilia and other sexual scandals. One Russian commentator, Vitalii Tretiakov, recently paraphrased the old communist slogan and declared “naturals of all countries – come to Russia” [in modern Russian “naturals” is the antonym of “homosexual”). He was joking, of course, but he was also making a serious point: Russia has become the only country that dares to openly uphold the core values of Christianity and Islam (that, of course, only adds to the Ziocon’s hatred of Russia).
[Sidebar: by the way, and contrary to popular belief, Russia is not an especially religious country at all. Although only a minority of Russians is truly religious, a majority of Russians seem to support religious values as civilizational ones. I don’t think that this is sustainable for too long; Russia likely will become more religious, or more secularized, but for the time being we have this apparently paradoxical situation of a generally secular society standing for traditional and religious values]
You might wonder how pacifism, international law, human and civil rights, democracy, pluralism, anti-racism, ethics and morality can help avert a nuclear war in Korea. In truth – they cannot directly do this. But in the long term, I firmly believe that these values can corrode the AngloZionist Empire from within. And look at the alternatives: Organizing political parties does not work in a system where money determines the outcome. “Direct action” does not work in a system that treats libertarians and ecologists as potential terrorists. Public protests do not work in a regime where the Ziomedia get to decide which demonstration gets coverage and which one does not. Civil disobedience does not work in a regime that has no problem having the highest per capita incarceration rate on the planet. Running for office does not work in a regime that selects for spinelessness, immorality and, above all, subservience. Even running away abroad does not work when dealing with an Empire which has 700-1000 (depending on how you count) military bases worldwide that will bomb the crap out of any government that strives for even a modicum of true sovereignty. The only other option is “internal exile,” whereby you build yourself you own inner world of spiritual and intellectual freedom where you basically “live there” with no external signs of you having “fled” the Empire’s ugly reality. But if nuclear-tipped ICBMs start flying, no amount of “internal exile” will protect you, not even if you combine that internal exile with a life far away in the boonies.
Orthodox Christian eschatology teaches that the “End Times” are inevitable. However, the Fathers also teach that we can push the End Times back by our collective actions, be it in the form of prayers or in the form of an open resistance to Evil in our world. I have three children, 1 girl and 2 boys, and I feel I owe it to them to fight to make the world they will have to live even marginally better. And even if all my efforts are vain, at least I know that I resisted with everything I have. At the very least, I hope that it will inspire them to fight for their own children. I also believe that I have to resist this Empire because of all the good, decent and kind people I met in my life, including the Americans I have been living next to for so many years now. I don’t want any of them to die in a useless and stupid war triggered by the demented minds of a tiny demonic minority of mankind-hating psychopaths who, driven by their apparently infinite capacity for evil and self-delusion, apparently having convinced themselves that either they will own the planet or they will destroy it.
Saint Paul very accurately explained that “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). As for Ernesto Che Guevara he wrote that “the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love” (love of living humanity). Today is Holy Paskha, the most joyful and sacred day in the Orthodox year, the day that marks the victory of Christ even against death itself! In the beautiful words of Saint John Chrysostomos:
O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
These words and this promise should give us the courage to resist no matter how ugly, evil and insane the world around us can become. Because we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against wickedness in high places, and because we are not moved by hatred, but by the love for our fellow human being. Finally, the following words written by a true Jew several millennia ago will, I hope, give us all the courage to struggle until our victory: “I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, who beset me round about. Arise, Lord; deliver me, my God: for thou hast smitten all who were without cause mine enemies; thou hast broken the teeth of sinners. Deliverance is the Lord’s, and thy blessing is upon thy people” (Ps. 3).
I greet you all with the ancient Christian greeting of Christ is Risen!
The Saker
PS: I pretty much know what to expect next. First, some will make me say things I never said by beginning their dishonest paraphrase with the words “in other words…” and then fill the blank with stuff I never said. Others will try to summarize this 6300+ words long text in a one line slogan that will grossly misrepresent my analysis. I won’t ask the moderators to ban such post, but I warn you that the use of either one of these techniques will guarantee that I will ignore your post. Likewise, I have included a lot of pointers to outside texts and sources, and if you failed to read them and that shows in your comment, I will likewise ignore your comments. You have been forewarned ;-)
Можно получить ответ на вопрос, как Вас зовут? Спасибо за fascinating read, touching upon the subjects that we were talking and thinking about for the last 3 months.
меня зовут Андрей but I prefer that you use my pen-name of “The Saker”
“Orthodox Christian eschatology teaches that the End Times are inevitable. However, the Fathers also teach that we can push the End Times back by our collective actions, be it in the form of prayers or in the form of an open resistance to Evil in our world.”
And statistics say… 5% to 10% reverse the course of history if they have an alternative.
Please, get together, all of you speaking out. We, expected taxpayers refusing that system, can only do only so much by refusing to file and pay while leaning on Sherry Jackson Peel, Joe Banister, Aaron Russo. Revolutions do not have to be violent. Revolution means: “Stop feeding the beast.” We don’t need to know who it is. We only have to refuse its fruit. War is the fruit of a beast I want to see disappear.
Orthodox Christian eschatology teaches that the End Times are inevitable. However, the Fathers also teach that we can push the End Times back by our collective actions, be it in the form of prayers or in the form of an open resistance to Evil in our world.
It was known to all at the time (and recorded for us to read today) that it was the continual praying of James the Just that delayed the destruction of Jerusalem until after his martyrdom.
“Submarines in the Desert”.
That is the term you used some time ago, to describe yourself and those of us who are like-minded.
yes, but if you read the full text (/submarines-in-the-desert-as-my-deepest-gratitude-to-you/) you will also see that through the people I met through this blog I now found my “ocean” :-)
I don’t feel like I am in the desert anymore
I feel like we are everywhere (
Kind regards,
The Saker
Happy Easter!
Compliments to the article. My 3 questions or thoughts
the control over mass media is to some degree in the hands of ziocon´s; the statistics about it are not being produced for obvious reasons. An old statistic which I have seen was published way back in the Christian Science Monitor, maybe in the 1970´s or 1980´s. I have lost the exact source and would appreciate if you or someone in your blog, (more computer savvy than myself) would be able to find that article. It would be very interesting to have current statistical figures and see if there is any change.
2. the control of hearts and minds of the population in the US (and elsewhere), is of paramount importance for the Zio´s to continue their power. Therefore, I presume a need exists for industrial scale screening and mining of data about numbers of commenters in the newspapers, the interactive media, the blogs, youtube video´s etc., for any evidence of ´undesirable´ trends. These screeners of the „ziocon orthodoxy“ could perhaps analyze the trends, and mobilize trolls to make counter-propaganda. Another question is if adjustments are made by the higher-ups in the controlling places to prevent that these adverse trends will not get out of hand. If it sounds – as I see what I have written – as a case of Orwellian world, so be it.
3. The third question is actually only peripherally linked with your article, but it seems to me that I may include it here as well. Namely, it is hard to separate some spontaneous events from carefully staged ones. Just as an example of rather spontaneous and tragic event – out of many more – one could take the Herrin Massacre ( others, such as the Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Pussy Riots seem to be carefully staged and orchestrated events. How can one quickly distinguish what is a true demo – by which I mean one which is not led by sinister figures for nefarious reasons, from more legitimate ones, such as the Mahatma Ghandi methods?
Traditional mass media is quickly losing it’s power. That’s the good news, the bad news is that the internet is also controlled by Jews. The major information/communication channels of this time are Jewish owned: Google, Facebook and Whatsapp being the biggest ones.
One can hope that those Jews are just born as Jews and not supremacist Jews, but for me, at least, that would mean 1 too many coincidences.
In defense of the Bolshevik Revolution
In this list the Bolshevik Revolution has been characterized as a conspiracy of Anglo-Zionist imperialism. No scholarly sources have been cited for this claim other than referring to sources on the Internet. The causes and subsequent unfolding of the 1917 revolution are very complex and deserve serious study, and many such studies are available. In 1917, Russia was primarily a country of peasants (similar to pre-revolutionary China) with industrial development being concentrated in a few areas. A classic analysis of the development of capitalism in Russia was made by Lenin. This peasantry suffered terribly (e.g., hunger and deprivation) under the rule of theTsar and the Europeanized Russian nobility (whose lifestyle has been portrayed in Tolstoy’s great works), who were detached from the great travails of the common people. This culminated in the Russian revolution in which the involvement of the Tsarist army in WW I, and the consequent weakening and debilitation of the Tsarist government, was seized upon by Lenin, who was the primary theoretician and leader of the revolution, as a result of which the USSR was established on the world scene. Lenin’s collected works run to about 45 volumes which can be compared to the theoretical output of the present Russian leadership (I am not aware of any), which is primarily self-interested, pragmatic and nationalist, in sharp contrast to the internationalist outlook of the Bolsheviks.
The years of civil war that followed saw great violence and destruction of the country with the protagonists being the White and the Red armies. A glimpse of the state of affairs during this period is given in Mikhail Sholokhov’s great novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. There was Red terror in the countryside (e.g., execution of White soldiers and generals) but this was overshadowed by the wholesale and barbaric terror of the Whites against the common people. The support and invasion of the imperialist countries on the side the Whites, the comments made by Western leaders like Churchill (“we should strangle the baby in its cradle”) and the wholesale denunciation of the Bolsheviks in the imperialist mouthpieces like the New York Times, clearly show that Anglo-Zionist imperialism considered the Bolsheviks to be their mortal enemy whose success could inspire workers’ revolutions in their own countries.
After Lenin’s death, Stalin became the leader of the USSR. At the beginning of the 1930s, he said with great foresight that “We have about 10 years to industrialize” (paraphrase) and in a matter of years the USSR achieved an industrial might that had taken about 2 centuries for the capitalist countries to acquire. The motivating philosophy behind the Bolshevik Revolution was to create a society which had abolished the “exploitation of man by man” and in this they were remarkably successful as evidenced by rapid advances in sectors like industry, education, health, women’s emancipation, elimination of hunger, crime, etc. There was certainly Red terror while Stalin was a leader and also crimes (“A revolution is not a dinner party” – Chairman Mao) but this was terror in order to preserve the Soviet state from enemies both internal and external. Tens of thousands of innocent people were caught up in the purges but reports of millions of people (the number ranges from a few to 60 million, depending upon the source) killed in the Stalin period are basically fabrications of Western reporters and intellectuals. A scholarly study of the great purges was published in an article by J. Arch Getty in the American Historical Review in the 1990s.
The USSR was a transitional society (between capitalism and communism) and herein lay the great danger of capitalist restoration or reversal whose manifestation appeared with Khrushchev and culminated in Yeltsin. In the famous preface, Mark envisioned the primary contradiction in the capitalist mode of production to be that between the forces and relations of production.This contradiction, theorized to occur in a capitalist country, would finally lead to a communist state. However, for developing countries a 2-stage process was envisioned – a bourgeois revolution (Russia, China) followed by a proletarian one. This 2-stage revolution is mentioned in a letter of Engels and also in Lenin’s April Theses and is inherently prone to capitalist restoration since the mechanization of industry in the beginning stages of a socialist revolution require management hierarchy and help from skilled and trained personnel of the old regime, which leads to the germination of the bourgeois class in the womb of socialist society. In contrast, in a capitalist country,, the danger of capitalist restoration is much less since the mechanization phase has essentially been completed with the entry and wide prevalence of automation.
I will conclude by saying that in this life I was born in Mother India and in my next life I wish to be born in Mother Russia.
Quoting Captain Nemo. “In this list the Bolshevik Revolution has been characterized as a conspiracy of Anglo-Zionist imperialism. No scholarly sources have been cited for this claim other than referring to sources on the Internet.”
Why rely on ‘scholarly sources’ of dubious agenda, when the internet has many original documents, such as these for starters.
United States Senate. Bolshevik Propaganda Hearings before the Judiciary of the United States Senate, 65th Congress. S.RES.439 and 469. Washington, 1919.
The Committee’s final report filled 1,256 pages. Whilst the report contained little evidence of communist propaganda in the United States, instead it gave valuable eye witness accounts of life in pre and post revolution Russia. A copy of the Overman Committee’s final report was printed in the New York Times, 15 June 1919. The report described the Communist system in Russia as a reign of terror unparalleled in the history of modern civilisation.
‘The Bolshevik Government is founded upon class hatred, its avowed purpose is the extermination of all elements of society that are opposed to or are capable of opposing the Bolshevist Party. ‘Merciless suppression’ and ‘extermination’ of all classes except the present governing class are familiar slogans of the Bolsheviks, and confiscation is adopted as an essential instrument in the governmental formula’. The Committee’s final report.
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1918, Russia
United States Department of State, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1931
Volume I
Volume I – 754 pages, Volume II – 887 pages, Volume III – 330 pages
These three volumes of State Department documents are a treasure trove of information – from diplomatic cables, to lists of loans to Russia, to numerous reports on the revolutions, WWI and the Russian Civil War. The diplomatic telegrams start from February 1917 (before Nicholas II abdicated) and prove beyond doubt, the heavy Jewish hand in the revolutions and Communist takeover of Russia.
Volume I
I The March Revolution -Abdication of the Emperor 1
II Provisional Government – Premiership of Prince Lvov 15
III The American and Russian Special missions 107
IV Provisional Government – Premiership of Kerensky 159
V November Revolution – Bolshevik coup d etat 224
VI The Armistice with the Central Powers 242
VII Establishment of Soviet Power 264
VIII Brest Litovsk Treaty 404
IX Arrest Rumanian diplomat 477
X The Soviet Republic 483
XI The Constitution 587
XII Russo-German Supplementary Treaties 598
XIII Removal of American and Allied Embassies to Archangel 618
XIV Withdrawal of American and Allied Military Missions 641
XV The Terror 680
XVI Bolshevik Propaganda 722
Index 733
Foreign Relations, Volume I, Chapter 2, p 239-241
State Department document File No.861.00/2205: Undated telegram from Consul General at Irkutsk (Ernest Harris) to the Secretary of State (received 5 July 1918, 11.50am Washington)
Harris writes: ‘Since 1 April 1917, as commercial representative of National City bank, I have travelled 18,000 miles in Finland, Russia, Turkestan and Siberia… Have come in contact with every class of Russian society, including financiers, workmen, peasant, manufacturers, merchants, soldiers, general, nobility, intelligentsia, politicians and anarchists. Believe I am entitled to offer an opinion on present conditions…
Bolsheviks are only interested in seizure of their power and ruining Russia. Bolsheviks in every city I have resided in are simply robbing, murdering and burning. Practically every business is ruined. Seventy-five per cent of all shops closed. Private banks seized and funds confiscated. Courts of justice abolished and public school education reduced to a minimum. Foreign commerce nationalized. Landed property both large and small seized and divided. Factories nationalized and workmen paid for doing nothing. Currency system reduced to printing unlimited quantities of worthless paper. Not content with ruining Russia in a disgraceful treaty with Germany Bolsheviks are now permitting Germany, wherever possible, to buy up all raw material and foodstuffs for shipment to Germany while Russians starve. Fifty per cent of Soviet Government in each town consists of Jews of worst type, many of whom are anarchists.
It would be a grave mistake on our part to officially recognize Bolsheviks who scarcely represent 8 per cent of Russian population and in many places, as Irkutsk for example, depend upon armed prisoners of war to keep them in power. I recommend intervention on part of Allies in such a way as to enable the real people of Russian to rally to Ally standards and fight the common enemy…’
I would suggest the film – Russia tha we have lost.
A non-scholarly glimpse of pre revolution, one in which my parents lived. Only in Russian, AFAIK.
Worth a glimpse if only for the pics.
” You must understand : the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians.They hated Christians. Driven by ethic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of remorse. The October Revolution is not what you call in America ‘The Russian Revolution’. It was an invasion and conquest of the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be underestated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
—Aleksandr Solzhenitzen
A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia
Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, April 1919
London 1919
Sir M Findlay forwarded to A Balfour which included report by Netherlands Minister at Petrograd (Mr. Oudendyk) contained the following warning:
“I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.”–ACollectionOfReportsOnBolshevismInRussia1.ed./Russia_No.1_1919–A_Report_On_Bolshevism_In_Russia#page/n5/mode/2up
Hristos Voskrese!
The Australian Sun has some good effects too!
But don’t believe that the submariners would stop pretending that there are no “scholarly sources”.
There are sources that you can hardly find, smothered under the mountain of ‘debunking’ of the “myth” of the Jewish ‘conspiracy’.
An exhaustive one is published in the book of Mgr. Juin “Le péril judéo-maçonnique”, (extremely hard to find but search@ Appendice I:
“Qui gouverne la Russie. Personnel de la bureaucratie sovietique” (Publication de l’Association ‘Unite de la Russie’ – 121 East 7th Street New York City, 1920).
“Comment la propagande bolchevik est organisee dans le monde entier”.
A good one is:
A. Netchvolodow, “L’ Empereur Nicolas II. et les Juifs: essais sur la révolution russe dans ses rapports avec l’activite universelle du Judaisme contemporain”, Paris, 1924 (available in Kindle)
You can always use to good effect:
“The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals” by Louis Marschalko (1958) – available in PDF or other formats@
Thanks for the links Babushka. I’ve not finished reading the whole lot but it’s pretty horrifying reading.
Report No 33
Mr. Alston [British charge d’affaires in Siberia] to Earl Curzon.—(Received February 11.)
(Telegraphic.) Vladivostock February 8, 1919.
FOLLOWING from consul at Ekaterinburg, 6th February:-
“From examination of several labourer and peasant witnesses I have evidence to
the effect that very smallest percentage of this district were pro-Bolshevik, majority of
labourers sympathising with summoning of Constituent Assembly. Witnesses further
stated that Bolshevik leaders did not represent Russian working classes, most of them
being Jews.
“As a result of refusal of 4,000 labourers near Ekaterinburg to support local
Bolsheviks many were arrested, and twelve were suffocated alive in slag gas-pit, their
mutilated bodies being buried afterwards, and ninety peasants taken out of Ekaterinburg
prison, where they had been thrown because they objected to Bolsheviks requisitioning
their cattle, &c, were brutally murdered.”
Once again this “scholarly sources” nonsense. In other words, bowing to some false, preapproved authority. 99% of “scholarly sources” is pure propaganda. Why prostrate yourself before some PhD whose mind was formatted by oxford, or some other institution of psychological conditioning?! Look around! A lot of what they teach us totally contradicts reality or any form of common sense. There is plenty of sources that dismantle western academia as a tool of brainwashing. If you’re philosophically minded, I suggest reading Jacques Ellul’s “Propaganda – The formation of men’s attitudes” . In fact, I strongly suggest reading every book by this brilliant human being. He also happened to be a Frenchmen who followed Orthodox Christianity.
Communism and all types of Socialism have killed north of 100 million civilians in the last century. Most attempts to implement this ideology even resulted in genocide and concentration/re-education camps. I cannot accept such an ideology and any person that defends it is either uninformed, living in an utopian lala land or is plain evil.
Go watch what is happening in Venezuela today. A country that had no war in the last 100 years, lots of fertile land and one of the largest oil reserves in the world now has forced labour, breadlines, people staving to death and even cases of cannibalism in prisons. You saw the same shit in the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. It’s despicable.
I do not care if you have good intentions, as soon as state power decides for everyone who deserves to have what and how much it will by definition have to use force to take resources from others and this will of course cause those who create to stop doing so or reduce it to a (at some point mandatory) minimum. “You pretend to pay me and I pretend to work”
There is a reason why every religion preaches that one should not steal. Being able to provide for ones family through work and creation is the basis for civilisation. If everything is taken from you then you don’t even have the means to guarantee your survival anymore, let alone the survival of your family. You are instead depending on some bureaucrat (a stranger) who will decide your fate and if you are going to receive the resources needed for your survival. If this happens you are a slave.
Dare to dissent? Visit a nice concentration camp!
“as soon as state power decides for everyone who deserves to have what and how much”
Here’s the problem — that’s not what real socialism and communism are — just what the propaganda says; that’s actually authoritarianism, and pretty close to fascism, which is the opposite of socialism and communism where the people decide things, including what the state does if there is one.
There is also a load of propaganda saying the US is a democracy, and the ‘free market’ is free. One needs to deconstruct this deception and find out what the words actually mean.
Oh I agree that the West is neither Capitalist (which would mandate that you only can make money if someone else is willing to pay you for something out of his own pocket without any coercion – meaning you get rich by solving other peoples genuine problems) nor Democratic (I just have to look at the obnoxious propaganda forced upon all of us here)
But Socialisms definitely means that the state gets to take your stuff (at varying degrees and if necessary even by gunpoint) to distribute them to someone else (in practice mostly to bureaucrats)
It also guarantees that the state has a kind of power that makes it a menace to everyone that dissents. You don’t want to pay out of your own pocket for importing millions of refugees that will do god knows what to your friends, wife and children? Well here’s our hate crime laws, let’s see how you’ll like our prisons! (I already could go to jail for this comment, just think about this – and I’m living in the so-called free West)
What I see is that you make a distinction between organised “people” that decide things and the state. But the state actually is just a bunch of people who have power over more than just their own resources. They have power over yours and mine.
If a bunch of people organised and decided to implement Communism (or whatever they want) by strictly using only their own resources and not stealing mine and not forcing me to do anything then it wouldn’t have ever been an issue. If it works, well I’d freely take part (I can change my opinions if convinced), if not – just leave me alone and do your thing – good luck
But that’s not what has played out historically. It was always a totalitarian power grab where at the end these groups of people could even decide in which town you are allowed to live, what job and what education you can get, what thoughts you are allowed to have (see Religion under Communism) and how you are going to die if you dissent.
The Socialism we have here in Western Europe has been moving for decades towards totalitarianism. And anyone can see that the people in power are not going to let go of power without a fight. That’s why there’s no doubt in my mind that Western Europe will either end up in a civil war where we’ll reclaim our freedoms or we’ll end up in Gulags at the end.
There’s no in between, once you decide that stealing, robbing, murder and criminalising the truth are the virtues of your society it will move towards totalitarianism until a breaking point is reached.
“Capitalist (which would mandate that you only can make money if someone else is willing to pay you for something out of his own pocket without any coercion”
No — you have this all wrong. Capitalism is making money by having money and owning the means of production and renting.
“Socialisms definitely means that the state gets to take your stuff”.
Again, no, The state does not take ‘your stuff’ but controls property of the commons — such as rivers or monopolistic utilities — so that the people as a whole have control over the economy instead of a plutocracy or ‘the 1%’.
There is no problem at all doing business in a socialist or communist system, earning money by producing things, which is then controlled by the workers who produce it, not the owner of the factory who gets ever richer off other people’s labor.
You need to some reading and studying about these things are. Start with devouring material from R.D. Wolff, fopr example, and and go from there. Look at material from Michael Parenti, and Michael Hudson. You need to break through the propaganda, and see the difference between it and the real thing.
Your comments regarding Capitalism:
You cannot make money just by having money (it doesn’t multiple by itself), there is always some kind of economic activity involved (which includes a risk). Even if you just have your money in the bank and get interest, that money is borrowed away and people build houses and new businesses with it. And you risk to lose your investment if the bank goes bankrupt. People save money and then they invest in whatever they desire, be it a new home, a good education or their own business.
Regarding Socialism:
How does then the Socialist System acquire the resources to spend it on for example importing millions of “refugees” into the EU or wars if not by forcefully taking more than 70% of their peoples income? (various taxes + VAT) Keep in mind that most people are against this immigration and against these wars, yet they get it anyway and at all costs. (quite literally the people in the EU get to pay in order to suffer the resulting violence)
If you believe that force would not be necessary in a better implementation then tell me what holds you back from implementing it yourself with a few like minded persons where you currently live? Just work together and produce something small and then move from there to bigger tasks. I’m quite sure that if you think it through to it’s consequences, you will reach the conclusion that you need to steal from other people and force them to play along in order to implement this Ideology.
I will tell you now why Socialism is a concept (prominently promoted by some Jews) that must always result in malevolence and evil within society. How did people live before they had Socialism, a.k.a. the big all powerful, god like government that pretends to take care of everything? (for example US before 1913, or Russia before the first World War)
They lived within their families and within communities of like minded families that took care of each other. Why? There was no Socialism. They had to act responsibly, they couldn’t go around and take drugs or have sex with anything that moves without severe consequences to their own and their families lives because they had to pay the bills themselves. Women could not have children with 5 different men, take most of their money and property (either directly or via government handouts which is payed by the productive in society) and then to top it off deny their fathers even seeing their own children. (which of course damages children immensely)
They were religious, not just because of the fear from God or some deep understanding of scripture, but because it provided a good enough blueprint to how one could live his live in order that everyone around them may prosper.
They had to take care of the poor and suffering around them themselves, with their own time and their own hands, not just because there was no government agency pretending to fight poverty (fun fact: we had less poverty before the war on poverty was started – seems like giving the government more resources to spend actually produces more of it) but because they risked to invite the very hell into their own lives they saw in the poor if they tried to ignore it.
So what did big Socialist government actually do for us in it’s milder variant here in the West: It destroyed Religion, it destroyed the family unit, it destroyed charity and care for others, it destroyed education and replaced it with brainwashing, it destroyed individual freedom and responsibility for our own actions, it took so much of our hard earned resources that we have no option but to submit to the state.
This doesn’t sound like a good trade to me. If you look at the Communist Manifesto you will find that they openly advertised precisely this as their goal. Their goal was to destroy marriage and rip the children out of the family unit (obviously claiming it would be better for all of us), to destroy Religion and to destroy personal responsibility by allowing everyone to do things that would be considered wicked by classical standards.
Don’t you see how this destroys our societies from within and why enemies of our civilisation would promote this? I do not doubt that you truly desire to improve the world but how many Socialist blood orgies must we all endure until we collectively learn our lesson? It ends in degradation of living standards and culture every single time it is implemented anywhere.
By the way: The reason why I admire Putin is not just because I share one culture with him (as a Serb), but because he seems to really _get_ it:
He obviously reigned in the unrestricted, lawless Capitalism/Oligarchy but he also seems to understand that he needs to let his people act more responsibly by only providing social security to the weakest while at the same time not expanding it so far as to enable people to act like complete degenerates.
He also understands that bribery is evil and corrupts society and the only way to reduce it is to NOT have government officials have insane amounts of power and resources. Of course there still is bribery and government officials with such powers but imagine how much power they would have if the tax rate was 70% instead of the current 13%?
It is very simplistic to believe that Putin could crack down on bribery and moral decay with the use of force – Russia has tried it already for a century and it failed miserably and produced immense suffering.
What does his policy also do to society? Well, strong families start to form again in greater numbers, because people need to rely on each other and they get to keep enough of their income that enables them to hope for a better future. See the growing birth rates in Russia vs the total decay in the West. If I had no family here in the West I would definitely move to Russia.
Read and listen to Michael Hudson — there is far too much here for me to reply to and you are better off getting it from a top expert.
You also need to learn about MMT– neweconomicperspectives is good source. Banks do not loan out deposited money, but create it through accounting entries (listen to Randolph Wary, Stephanie Kelton). (Some at )
I’m afraid you have a lot of learning to do in order to correct the errors and myths you think and get the real story — but it is interesting to do that. What you are posting are echos of the false propaganda from the capitalists and ruling class, along with some real errors in what happened in those attempts at socialism until it went way off track.
There are variations of socialism and different definitions but has a decent first explanation.
Google search definition:
noun: socialism
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
And understand that countries such as USSR were not socialist or communism in very important ways (Wolff, among others) explains this) — they were not economic democracies as socialism (to a large extent) and communism are, but state capitalist oligarchies.
I will look into the PDF but you are wrong if you believe that I do not know how banks work or if you believe that I approve of our corrupt and crony Capitalism.
Our societies problems (including economic) are not to be solved by economic models, they are purely problems of moral degeneracy.
If you allow people to steal (for example women) then you are going to end up with a decaying society of single mothers, sub-replacement fertility, hedonism, nihilism and children that are raised to act in immoral ways.
If you allow individuals to act irresponsibly by virtue of stealing (and even promote it) then they will be enabled to act like degenerates, not caring for their own family and for the people around them.
If you could implement this Ideology in a virtuous way, lets say by not breaking any of the ten commandments, then we would already have reached utopia. I doubt that anyone ever will do it this way because the problem is approached the wrong way.
Everyone of us first and foremost needs to act in a moral way to make any change for the better, then convince others to do the same (there can be no morality in using violence except in self defence) – not ponder on what we can take from someone else.
Like I said before, you are free to implement any Ideology yourself with like minded persons as long as it is not based on force and violence. Did you try?
Saying “money in the bank and get interest, that money is borrowed away and people build houses and new businesses with it” shows you don’t know how banks work.
All I can recommend for you is to read, study, and learn, and cast off the erroneous ideas and ‘facts’ from the ruling class.
A better economic system may not cure all the problems but a corrupt and/or erroneous system, with ever widening levels of wealth between classes, can virtually preclude solving them. Necessary but not sufficient.
They do borrow it away, although only in a fractional manner, no matter how you slice it. And there is risk involved and the loans are used for economic activity. Do I support bailouts? No.
You attempt to twist my words while at the same time promoting Marxism and refusing to answer why you can’t implement your Ideology without violence and stealing.
I can guarantee you this: Marxism will never rise again in Eastern Europe and Jews will never get to rise in our countries again. On this matter even Poles (who are constantly opposed to Russia) will agree with Russians. And Marxism will not prevail in the West, there’s too many Slavs in Western Europe and we don’t fear calling a spade a spade.
If you believe that we do not see through the Marxist brainwashing attempted in the West then you’re in for a big surprise. We know exactly by whom and how the Tsar family was murdered in an attempt to destroy our culture and what the perpetrators tried to re-enact in a sick and twisted way.
Because you also mentioned fascism – In my view the Nazis (National Socialists – colloquially called Nazis by Germans back then to signify their ideological similarity to the “Sozis” – Socialists) were just as much totalitarians inspired by left wing utopia by Marx as the Soviets were. I don’t make a judgement as to who was worse because both were rotten to the core. Both of these groups worked towards exterminating their own culture and both almost succeeded in doing so.
Don’t be embarrassed by the nomenclature–a truly great teacher, James Petras, published about the same Power as the “Zionist Power Configuration”. Same beast, same smell, same habits.
One additional comment: the “Zionist” in this context affirms the Talmudic attitude that the “goy” or “the other” is less than human, disposable (or, as David Rockefeller or Henry Kissinger might say, “an unneeded consumer”). The Rulers do not affirm value to humanity, only utility, and if an eater has no utility for the Ruler, “it” does not deserve to exist. THIS attitude predates Leo Strauss even!
nb: I have not read the other comments
I would like to thank you Saker for this article, I found the contents of the section: where do we go from here especially moving at this time of Holy Pascha – He is Risen Indeed!
greetings & thanks once again, variya
Bravo! A tour de force, even by your high standards. I share your work on FB (hope you don’t mind), but that’s a perhaps pointless thing, preaching to those of like mind (fb “friends”), a bit of an echo chamber. Is there a particular reason why you don’t avail yourself of SoMed sharing? Apologies in advance if you’ve already explained this in a column I’ve missed.
Best, Sasha
Ha Ha. I think we are beyond the point now of being concerned what people think. This is not racist in anyway.
In fact, as the Saker points, we have been brainwashed into thinking so many things are racist, when they are not.
What will be, will be, in the world. I will support my own vision of truth and with god on my side, I know that peace will prevail.
Dear Saker,
This is not a peripheral or even adjunct issue – it is “The Issue” of our times. No matter how much one wants to avoid the sensitivity of it, one always returns to the inescapable facts at hand. I believe, however, that there is an underlying aspect here that could lead the discussion further in a prospective direction without as much symbolic or political pushback.
Just like the commenter “blue” at 3:37 above, I would like to point towards the psychopathology of certain ideologies, religious beliefs and, dare I say, tribal dogmas. Just look at capitalism, with its “rational man” fallacy. Combine it with a mix of Calvinism and Talmud and you have the direct antithesis to empathy and love, for example.
Naturally, psychopathic/sociopathic behavior has its materialistic and competitive advantages and if you are successful, others try to emulate you. Thus, this trait spreads like a virus across society and history. One could even speculate that this particular flavor of pathology is hereditary, or at least epigenetic in nature and could be aggravated by trauma. Those who see it as an advantage then would likely care a lot about their bloodlines.
I would argue that we can be more effective and less immediately aggravating to the people we hope to communicate with, without losing track of the core of the issue, if we focus on the actual negative trait we see in the individuals involved: ruthlessness, valuelessness, lack of empathy, greed and hunger for power, etc, etc. If we give it an overarching name, “The Psychopath Tribe”, for instance, we don’t have to point fingers at something or use names that trigger the rejection reflexes in people.
How do you destroy evil? For ever,?…it is not enough to neutralize it , it needs to be totally destroyed…the article has excellent analysis but assumes result based on movement based on masses which are zombies..
How do you destroy evil?
By refusing to take part in it. At any cost. Any.
“How do you destroy evil?”
“By refusing to take part in it. At any cost. Any.”
Yes, the pertinent question and the only correct answer. Unfortunately, too few understand or more often refuse to acknowledge the evil staring them in the face. My elders and I saw and understood; but my siblings prefer to remain blind despite my efforts to open their eyes. And I imagine I’m not alone with this problem–family estrangement, even hatred, as one of the costs.
I find it somewhat amusing so much bandwidth is spent discussing the Russian Revolution when it has almost no bearing on the topic at hand. The Good versus Evil War’s been ongoing for Millennia, it’s seeds germinating as hominids developed tribal organizations with hierarchical orientations either matrilineal or patrilineal, with the former generally being more ethical, while culture was developed as the technological governing tool to overcome the Laws of Nature ages before the advent of written laws. The vast majority of modern humans are so far removed from the Laws of Nature that they are incapable of understanding just how much sway they have over how we conduct ourselves; yet, it’s precisely those Laws that are at the root of our predicament.
The 5 Fundamental Laws of Nature for Humans:
1: To survive, humans must have water;
2: To survive, humans must have food;
3: To survive, humans must be capable of defending themselves;
4: To enhance survivability, humans must have shelter;
5: To enhance survivability, humans must organize into groups.
To obey and facilitate adherence to the above, humans have either captured (as with fire) or invented numerous technologies. It most certainly is a Hobbesian World. Unfortunately, resource competition rapidly negated the initial need for solidarity and currently underlies all conflict. Hominid societies have existed for @ 5 million years, as has the primary conflict, with Good and Evil being the notions invented to deal with it.
All forms of He Said/She Said argumentation witnessed in these comments prove the degree to which people’s minds must change if the primary conflict is ever to be solved and with it the notions of Good and Evil. The Saker’s observation: “We ought to treat Jews exactly as we treat any other of our fellow human beings: as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31),” is the key–overall human solidarity must be reestablished so that resource competition can be eliminated and thus overcome while adhering to the Laws of Nature. There is only the Human Race just as there is just one habitable planet; the fantasies engineered that more than one of each exists serve to perpetuate the Evil while drowning the Good.
“Unfortunately, too few understand or more often refuse to acknowledge the evil staring them in the face. My elders and I saw and understood; but my siblings prefer to remain blind despite my efforts to open their eyes. And I imagine I’m not alone with this problem–family estrangement, even hatred, as one of the costs.”
You are not alone with this problem. People refuse that evil exist. For those who do not believe, it is just a set of circumstances. Even when faced with cause and effect relation and prior knowledge of effects they cling to that belief, because evil does not exist to them.
What i find interesting in such interactions is how they turn logic off when faced with evidence and instead of logic they turn belief on. Belief that evil does not exist. When their view of the world smooth itself or if we move away from the topic, their logic comes back. It is interesting also to note what defensive mechanisms that belief uses-not one of them has anything with virtue. It more resembles a terrified animal, you never know what it will do next, but you can be certain that it will be something harmful.
I love my family and i will be with them to help them when they open their eyes, to not get mad as it almost happened to me. It is the only right thing to do. Arm yourself with patience and forgiveness, they will turn to you at one point, they will need your help, be there for them when that happens.
I enjoyed this article, as I have enjoyed reading many of your contributions. Like you, I have children, two girls and two grandchildren, a boy and a girl and like you I feel like I owe it to them to fight to make the world they will have to live in even marginally better. The difference between us is that you have faith in Orthodox Christianity in your quest, I have no faith in any religion in mine.
Tell me if I am wrong, but you seemed to be making the point, with examples I agree, that Zionism, Judaism, ZOG, whatever label one wants to put, are the reasons why we live in such a f****d up world.
I agree totally with you on your minimalist agenda to bring people together who are still capable of thought;
International law
Human and civil rights
Ethics and morality
but I don’t believe faith in any religious doctrine will bring that about. All religions are about power and survival using the totally illogical anti-human thought that some ‘divine entity’, whether it be God, Allah, Sun God or Buddha will make things right. The vast majority of humankind, believers or none believers, know that the world we live in is an unfair world, a greedy world, an immoral world and they know that it is the corrupt politicians, religious faith leaders and corporate bandits who have made it that way under the guise of ‘democracy’ in many parts of the world and outright tyranny in others but what power do the majority of citizens of the world have to change it for the better? None. They are mainly preoccupied with where their next meal will come from or how to keep the roof over their heads and many turn to a religious faith to help them. Religions pray on this situation to keep up their flock numbers. It is not in the interests of any religion, in terms of their power and influence to have a fair society because they wouldn’t be needed as much and therefore would lose power and influence, both politically and socially.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with all the facts you evidenced in your article and I would love to see the world the same way as you, at peace, less inequality, more respect, more freedom and morally better, but if you think that religion will bring these about, you only have to look at the actions of religious movements over the past centuries to see it will be doomed. I would like to think I have faith in humanity to bring about a better world as stated above, but I am starting to think that I am ‘flogging a dead horse’.
I am always surprised (although I shouldn’t be) to hear so many people rushing to make emphatically loud declarations of ‘unfaith’ whenever someone express a religious point of view. It is (I become increasingly sure) a Pavlovian reflex, acquired through the intense brainwashing process misnamed ‘education’ in our ‘progressive’ world.
Hear! Hear!
It’s always the same boring recital of half-digested opinions with nothing of substance–just bloviating. I have a typical family of over-educated self-declared agnostics/atheists. It really is a question of being brainwashed and socialized to fit in with their peer group. As a Christian, I am astonished that people can be so heedless of the fate of their eternal soul, but that means nothing to the entire rest of my family. Also more convinced than ever that it is the influence of this elephant–these sworn enemies of Christ–that has robbed people of–or anaesthetized them against–the most basic instinct of eternal self-preservation. Where is their victims’ rage? Atheism is for the goyim.
“Folly to the gentiles and a stumbling block for the Jews”–words for our time.
The last thing I’m concerned with is fitting with a peer group — if I could even find one. I’m a ‘submarine’ in more than one desert, and not at all brainwashed about religion — I got over that decades ago when I stopped associating myself with churches or established religions because they didn’t make sense or hold up to reality.
I simply don;t believe in these things, and have very different basic assumptions (or lack of assumptions) about the nature of reality. As for ‘eternal soul’ for example, it’s undefined what that even means, or what the nature of such a thing might be, or how it might relate to the concept of a ‘god’ — another undefined term — or perhaps defined differently by different people.
After decades of studying and contemplating epistemology, ontology, psychology, and various other related subjects — even theology, I won’t say my thinking and cognitive synthesis is half-baked at all, and it certainly doesn’t come from limited sources or one set of doctrines or religious traditions — those decades of thought and research are hardly Pavlovian conditioning or the product of ‘enemies of Christ’ or ‘progressives’, or any other political ideology. Note that the politics in the US is heavily biased towards religious belief, and belief, under peer pressure, as a valid epistemological method.
The truth is revealed to little children and hidden from the sophisticated, at least according to one reliable source I recall reading or hearing about.
Nonsense. Little children say and think all sorts of ridiculous things — and I remember doing that when I was little and didn’t know anything. Little kids also lie a lot, take a long time to develop a theory of mind, and don’t think about the consequences of what they do, even into teen years. They also often believe any nonsense at all someone tells them because they have such a limited knowledge base and ability to do critical thinking, nor well developed intelligence. They are not held responsible for their actions for some very good reasons.
It doesn’t seem your source is reliable after all.
When I was a child, I didn’t particularly like having to go to mass each Sunday. I envied the little Protestant children, who were a pretty small minority where I lived, because they practically never went to church. Nevertheless, I would have missed going to church, in spite of the excruciating homilies.
I remember, nevertheless, how I loved to hear the Gospel. The whole congregation stood and I would, as it were, open my ears, and stand up straight and tall, straining to hear every word. This was purely instinctual. My parents never talked about religion and my brothers and sisters were allowed to stop going to mass around the age of 13. What a joy it was to hear the words of Christ! “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.”
That was then. Later, at age thirteen I read books like Bertrand Russell’s “Why I am not a Christian” and Hans Reichenbach’s “The Rise of the Scientific Philosophy”. I got interested in Freud after having read HG Well’s “The Science of Life”. From there I went on to read Eric From, David Hume, Gilbert Ryle and others who filled my plate with lots of delectables that steered me away from having faith. I found the idea of faith to be ludicrous, on the order of something like “remembering not to forget”, but even then, reading or hearing certain passages from the Gospel like the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan would move me profoundly, sending chills down my spine.
Now, due to sin and having become a turncoat, it is rare for me to have those spontaneous reactions. Losing faith is not painful. It’s like having an invisible hand reach into your head and turn a dial. You don’t even notice it. And once lost, it is practically impossible to recover.
I believe it is wholly a question of having the ears to hear Christ’s words. For instance, the passage where Peter responds to Christ saying, “Where would we go? It is only you that have the words of eternal life.” Does that not resonate? Does that stir you in the depths of your heart, making it burn?
What a curse must be on the heads of those who seek to deprive others of these riches!
Jeremy, this was a beautiful post, and some thoughts that I have had recently may be of assistance to you.
First, it might be ‘practically impossible’ to restore faith once it is lost, but I would say from my own experience that reading those enlightenment texts and seeing those arguments against faith isn’t necessarily a bad thing – I went through a course of studies like that myself, and the Fathers of the Church did not turn away from classical studies any more than we should turn away from science or mindful approaches to the problems the world faces that we as fellow humans must also face, difficult though they be. Saint Paul knew what it was to be a Roman citizen, and thus we can see from his words that he knew Rome, just as he knew the faith out of which his Christianity had sprung.
My recent thoughts, though, went like this: First, faith is a gift. And if we feel, as you have expressed, that the gift has been taken away, it cannot be anything this world does to us that effected this loss. It happens, I would say, to all of us at one time or another. There is a passage in the Gospels which reflects this – the father who is desperate to have his child healed by Jesus, who cries out – “I believe! Help thou my unbelief!”
And then there is Saul, on the road to Damascus, who not only does not believe but has persecuted Christians! You see, even that one who held the coats of men while they stoned Stephen, killed him! – even that one (not even asking for help!) – was given the gift of faith.
I would not judge anyone who finds Christ in any other form of Christianity besides my own, or indeed where he finds any human soul. It is a mystery where faith inhabits, where faith chooses to inhabit; I cannot judge that. The hymn says “Let the whole universe visible and invisible rejoice in the feast!” If you sing that on that night you wish it for every particle of being.
Vo istino voskrese! Indeed He is Risen!
@juliana, thank you for your kind words and what you say is very reassuring. I find that everything that has gone wrong in my life was due to turning away from my faith, which, as you say, is a gift freely given. The Christ says that every person must be born of the Spirit–the Holy Ghost–and “the wind goeth where it listeth.” It will always be a mystery until we see God face to face. I feel as you do, that I do not wish to judge other forms or branches of Christianity, even though my Church has its “No salvation outside the Catholic Church” doctrine, which chafes against my sense of justice.
We have so many beautiful and life-giving treasures. The parable of the mustard seed, the woman at the well to whom Our Lord said that he could offer her streams of living water that would rise up like a fountain. So many things to find solace in and to delight in during this brief exile. I wish you a most bountiful Easter!
The fantastic trick of brainwashing is that it makes you think that all the instilled ideas are ‘discoveries’ made by your independent brilliant mind endowed with a high IQ and gives you the satisfaction to look down at the herd of the rest with not ‘well developed intelligence’, of the children who listen to their parents. You eat and internalized the fruit of the “Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil’ and you ‘are like God’, the instructor and judge of the ‘others’ (“For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi[b] by others”).
A frightful disease: “But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ… But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in”).
As the two comments to yours show, it’s difficult being a Humanist given the depths of religious indoctrination. And as they also show, gaining the solidarity required to actually defeat the Evil afflicting humanity will be extremely difficult to attain. It’s more important for them to prove their religiosity than first standing with you in solidarity.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for your first class, informative information about the Zionists. This being said, would it be possible to go even deeper?
I would very much like your comments to this link, by Henry Makow that he made official on his Blog today:
Mr Makow in the past has taken Saker’s articles and mangled them, omitted details etc, to suit his own agenda.
“Beware of sheep in wolves’ clothing.”
The fascist rulers who ursupated the Israeli state are a grave danger for the mankind. They have nothing in common with the Jewish religion other than abusing it and the Shoa narrative as legitimation for their crimes against humanity.
Not that they would be so powerful or bright in their sinister dealings, constitutes the mortal danger. No, it is the effectivity of the combination of shameless reference to religion and victimness on the one hand, and the brutal and cynical power technolgy applied for their crimes without hesitation on the other hand. This worked for decades.
The real danger is that most power-addicted Western politicians found this approach to be an attractive business model, co-opted it and modifyed it for their purposes. Their deeds are not serving the res publica, but accumulating power by all means, including the doom of the folks they are ruling. They bought the fascist mantra: Final power is when you are not crippled by any qualms and notions of good and bad. These are seen as marks of the loosers by these Übermenschen. They follow the Zionist footsteps and run the world into a final desaster.
Saker, you are absolutely right. The world needs to re-establish right vs wrong, good vs evil, otherwise called a « sane frame of references ». And the religious values are perfect for that. Only, one should add not all religions have the same value. Protestantism, for instance, by placing the emphasis on a personal relationship with God and an individual interpretation of the Scriptures, reinforces the ego – which makes it a disguised atheism (in the sense the individual becomes his own God — by making God in his image). It also states people are born bad, which allows to abuse others with a clean conscience. There is nothing a tyrant likes better than thinking his victims are bad anyway, so they « deserve what they get ».
Look at what Protestantism did : first the British empire (the Anglicans are nothing but Protestants with a fancy name). Then the USA. And let’s not forget Japan, whose wartime doctrine, Bushido, was a 20th century construct by a dude named Inatzo Nitobe, who was a Protestant. A Quaker, to be precise. The Japanese military was, as everyone knows, one of the most cruel and demented in all history. And then, as underlined by a French sociologist, the Nazi vote in Germany was the Protestant vote – meaning, those who voted for Hitler lived in the Protestant regions of Germany.
So only some religions are fit to give the whole of humanity the same references, the same law for all, which in turn warrants social harmony and sane thinking.
On another note, I still don’t agree with your « Anglo-Zionist » explanation, since 1) it attracts all the anti-Semites of the USA, who are only too happy to blame the actions of their country on others (zee joos) 2) it hides the role of Protestantism, which is just as bad, if not worse, that Zionism.
Just ask the Indians how that colonization by the British went. Or the Chinese about the uber-perverse Opium wars. Or the Native Americans about their slaughter. Or the African slaves in the US south. (And all that was before Zionism).
So, religion, yes, absolutely. Which religion is another matter.
So, religion, yes, absolutely. Which religion is another matter.
If there are, say, 1000 religions out there you have two options:
1) they are all wrong
2) one of them is right and 999 are wrong
the answer to your question is simple: the right one.
Which one is the right one?
That you have to seek for yourself :-)
Good luck,
The Saker
“Which one is the right one?
That you have to seek for yourself :-)”
It ought to be noted that besides religions other philosophical systems exist that don’t rely on faith to prove their Metaphysical arguments. The one I advocate is Humanism grounded in morals, ethics, facts and logic solely reliant on Nature and the historical human experience to explain events and actions. Unfortunately, Humanism takes a great deal of learning during a life of never-ending examination requiring a rather consistent level of effort, which is why during this age of immediate gratification there are few true Humanists, and is also why the human polity continues its slide into self-inflicted demise.
Christianity and Salafism are epistemological equivalents because both depend on belief and dogma from some ‘authority’, and ultimately say ‘do this because god said so’.
Wow, what a beginning. To me is seems that you are describing modern science, but okay, you are entitled to your opinion, even if it is an uninformed one :-)
Regardless of what the ‘do this’ is, they both rest on belief instead of rationality or empirical information, and neither is tolerant of doubt or skepticism.
Blue – you are clearly totally ignorant of Christianity and Islam. Why would you write about a topic you know nothing about? Don’t you see that this just make you look ignorant?
About the same with most religions — they are belief based. .
No kidding?!
On the other hand, given that not all religions are rigidly belief based, it’s possible for more than one of them to be ‘right’.
that coming from a person pretending to defend the empirical against the irrational, LOL
Buddhism, for instance, tends to be based on practice and process instead of belief.
Right. A (mostly) non-theistic religion. And having little flags fluttering in the wind or rotating devices in your hand to get something from that is indeed practice, but it also is belief, beliefs in the totally absurd I would add
Blue – stay away from religion. It’s just not your topic. You have exactly ZERO knowledge of this and everything you see further hurts your credibility. Sorry, but that is the kindest way I can put it.
Just stick to other issues, okay?
The Saker
I should stick to other topics then, since studying these issues (specializing somewhat in epistemology, and some psychology) for over 60 years is not sufficient for you? Not exactly zero knowledge (in fact I was even an acolyte for a while, and considered becoming a priest).
The closest ‘organized religion’ I’m sympathetic to now is Zen — but it’s very organized, and much different from the Biblical religions.
There are distinct variations in Buddhism but in most cases belief is not a very important element, and was not for Buddha, but some schools put more emphasis on it, and, of course, individual people have differences.
“Zen is very pragmatic and down to earth. It is essentially a practice, an experience, not a theory or dogma. Zen adheres to no specific philosophy or faith, and has no dogma that its followers must accept or believe in. ”
The Sixth Patriarch (Hui Neng) Tearing up the Sutra Attributed to Liang Kai Hanging Scroll, ink on paper, 73 x 31.7 cm.
“pretending to defend the empirical against the irrational”…
Frankly, you apparently don’t understand what I’m talking about, which entails different modes of thought/being and different ‘realty systems’ (CF )
And you don’t agree with me (at least not yet [grin]). How would you know the difference between what I know and what you don’t agree with? Do you assume that because you disagree that I am ignorant? I do not know much at all about Orthodox Christianity, and I do know more about other forms, but I am not interested in Biblical religions very much because they tend to be rather limited in scope (aside from some mystical practitioners) but in reality systems, where religion is just one part.
I am familiar with the various modes — rational, scientific, artistic, religious, magical, mythical, etc., however someone wants to label them, and how to sort them out. Working on this is mostly what I have been doing most of my life. But my path is very different from yours.
What I am disturbed by is how ‘irrational’ (clairvoyant, mythical, magical, or artistic) modes are confused and intermixed with scientific, sensory, or rational modes. Each has its own set of assumptions, rules, and methods, and that makes for untold problems, and even wars, and interferes with finding solutions (such as trying to use prayers to heal someone with appendicitis or surgery to heal someone with a ‘broken heart’).
Walk then your own path and stop trespassing ours. Keep admiring your own intelligence through your navel-gazing. Rest assured that your 60+ years of study is not sufficient for us.
WizOz — it’s getting all I hear around here lately is religious preaching, especially from you, and some of it is quite hateful, such as your recent post about Jews hating Christ and Christians….
not the Jews I know!
I don’t ‘admire’ my intelligence and navel gazing, but I’m not ignorant or stupid either, have considerably more than zero knowledge, and I use the same methods and skepticism with all belief systems, whether religious, political, ideology, or reports about how many ‘new Hitlers’ are in the world and have to be bombed to pieces. Did you think I understand geopolitics and propaganda by accident?
Trespassing? I’m trespassing here? Well — that’s easy enough to fix. I can just ease on down the road for a while, and not have to put up and waste time with the sanctimonious, dogmatic, preaching in place of actual political and related discussion, and evidence based knowledge. I didn’t come here for church services or continual dogmatic assertions about Satan, etc.
I don’t know for sure who the “us” you refer to are or how many you speak for, but I guess it’s rest of the congregation here who have no tolerance, or respect, for those who are not of your sect — so typical of ‘true believers’. Small wonder religion is at the root of so much war.
But I don’t want to trespass in your church, so perhaps it’s better I just leave and let you and the congregation dwell in whatever thoughts and beliefs please you. I shall consider it.
Please don’t let yourself be driven away by people disagreeing with you. He/she does not speak for all/most of the people here. I find it better to hear all opinions and then make up your mind.Now having said that,I do have a big problem with nazism and bigotry. So I guess I meant all moral opinions,lol.
Blue, I’m all for you being here. I find you to be a very serious contributor. Yes, I am one of those religious people, but for me, it is a privilege to post here. It is rare to be able to read and respond to so many intelligent posters, and yet have a religious point of view also taken seriously. It goes without saying, at least in my experience, that practically any intelligent, well-educated person who can string together a sentence, will reject, instinctively and out of hand, my “childish” utterances.
Saker is an equal opportunity critic. He shows on this very posting that he regards Catholicism as heresy, if I read him correctly. That stung me quite a lot. Funny, because my experience with Catholicism has always been the enormous respect and love Cathlolics feel for their Orthodox brothers in Christ. Even Our Lady (I hope noone is offended by this ancient honorific, Notre Dame) prophesied at Fatima that the triumph of Christianity, after the coming almost complete demise of the Church, will come from Russia.
So I too am perhaps a bit in the doghouse, but I respect Saker and hope to continue posting here. It’s good to get a taste of the medicine I dole out to Protestants and atheists. (I confess to feeling a certain trepidation wrt Jews.)
@hateful, such as your recent post about Jews hating Christ and Christians….
So here we are, mate. I would have expected you to react to my ‘hateful’ quotation of the Woes to the scribes. But no! Strait to the ‘reductio ad Hitlerum’. Proof of conditioned reflex.
“To me is seems that you are describing modern science, but okay, you are entitled to your opinion, even if it is an uninformed one :-)”
Your opinion of science is an uninformed one, but you’re entitled to it. Indeed, it is possible to have a rational debate with you on the subject, just as it ought to be to have a rational debate with blue about religion, which would in itself demonstrate that his assertions are mistaken. (You could even discuss Buddhism without the jeering).
Your pointed analysis is fine which is why it elicited such a knee-jerk response. You seem to be doing quite well following Socrates Law that all aspects of life be tirelessly examined: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Seeking out the Logos existing within the Mythos is often painstaking which is why so few choose to do so and let their belief rule their mind.
Look at what Protestantism did : first the British empire (the Anglicans are nothing but Protestants with a fancy name)
A Romanist is a Christian who failed Patristics.
An Anglican is a Romanist who failed Latin.
A Methodist is an Anglican who failed Theology . . .
the descent continues from there.
@Blue —
What you don’t seem to have any grasp of is how utterly commonplace your ideas (and the attitude behind them) is. You write — in excruciating detail — what everybody has heard from the educational establishment from childhood on up, reinforced by mass media. The whole “educational”/mass-persuasion effort is a gigantic echo chamber, ceaselessly repeating the same vapid, empty nonsense. People here are refugees from it.
edited, please review – Moderation Policy Rule 2 I have gone ahead and posted your comment minus your last sentence.
North Korean Military Tactics In A War With United States
A Strategy Of Massive Retaliations Against US Attacks
By Han Ho Suk
Director Center for Korean Affairs
This is an oldie but a goodie.
Haven’t read this one since it was first published. Thank you for reminding me.
Take Care
Thanks for your sincere and honest appraisal of our global situation! Not a hopeful future we have, but at least there are some who have the courage to address “The Elephant in the Room”! I will be sending this link to many people in the future.
No strategies to counter Zionist power can be successful without understanding the source of that power and the methods by which it is maintained. Although other posters on this thread have already made perceptive comments on these points, we remain mesmerized and confused by the spectacle of armies and the antics of politicians.
Real power does not lie in Washington but with the internationalist banking oligarchy, the owners and managers of these structures, as well as their attendant multi-national corporate handmaidens. Any strategy to resist such forces must be fundamentally of an economic and financial nature, not political certainly. Ideology is also not helpful without understanding the nature of the opposing force.
The power of the bankers lies with their ability to generate limitless amounts of credit based money and charge usurious interest, This is a private power, the US government does not create money. If that were so, the government would have no deficit and no debt.
In my opinion, the simplest strategy is thrift. Simple thrift. At the personal level, reject and pay down debt. At the sovereign level, foreign denominated loans are death and should be avoided at all possible cost.
Rejection of the neoliberal consumerist culture is an important part of this strategy. Think twice before buying stuff that you really don’t need and want. Much more could be said on this such as what the underlying principles for and economy should be. Education is also an important factor.
Remarkable. Your analysis is very similar to what Sheikh Imran Hosein has been saying all this while about the mechanism of Jewish/Zionist control over the world, in a word, control of the world’s financial system. Control the money and you don’t have to worry about the politicians.
Actually, all sovereign nations DO have the authority to create their own currency, it’s just that we have handed that power over to the private banks (97%), which has resulted in a $200 trillion global debt crisis. MMT (modern monetary theory) explains how the economy actually works, or should. Neoclassical economics has given us neoliberalism, which is really economic fascism. Top economist Michael Hudson’s new book, J is for Junk Economics, cuts through the Orwellian doublespeak that passes for mainstream economics today.
We need to demand congressional spending on public purpose, not just for multi-trillion dollar private bank bailouts, corporate subsidies and defense spending. Our taxes do not fund federal spending and the national debt is actually private securities savings. When we gain financial knowledge, the lies will finally end. Research heterodox economists like Steve Keen, Stephanie Kelton, Warren Mosler and L. Randall Wray for some untainted truth.
“The government is not like a household, it’s like a bank. It’s one of TWO WAYS to create money, and if you don’t let them create money by spending more than they take back in taxation, you have to rely on the private banking system to create the money and you therefore get private debt bubbles.” ~ Steve Keen
The Government Deficit = Private Sector Saving
It’s all about government finance! Frank Newman gets to the heart of it here:
Thanks for the Article!
Well researched, logical and much needed.
May still be some hope for a free America.
Zionism is an ideology, isn’t it? I might have misunderstood, but the article displays that it is Zionism that forms a certain mental set in people (which we might call sociopathy). I think that ideologies do not shape people’s mentality, it is people’s mentality that drives them to embrace a certain ideology (if any). Zionism or rabbinical Judaism are only a pre-text, for that matter, to justify and to exercise one’s pathological mental set. It is like with Wahhabism or Salafism in Islam, it is people’s mental and moral deficiency that led to inception and creation of a certain ideology. Even if Zionism and supremacist Judaism will be defeated and deprived of power, there will be other ideologies to replace them, because the mental set is still alive and kicking. I also think that nothing of the things used in the past will or can combat this mental set, and certainly not another religion (Christianity, for instance). The very “us” and “them” thing is what helps the psychopathy to thrive, actually.
The Talmud states that non-Jews are cattle. There are plenty of modern Rabbis quoting the same sort of supremacist hate, e.g. non-Jews are beasts of burden for the Jews.
Now, the euphemism for this Talmudic attitude is that the “Jews are the Chosen people”. This is usually described in glowing terms like “the Jews are merely servants of righteousness here to help everyone” — but I’ve just told you what their Holy Books say about everyone else.
Zionism is merely a particular expression of the Talmudic attitude. Just like Bolshevism. Just like Neonconservatism (ex-Trotskyites btw). Just like Neoliberalism. All expressions of the Jewish revolutionary spirit, another euphemism for Jewish Supremacism.
And they won, btw. Just check out the wealth of the Rothschilds. Sure didn’t they fund Cromwell and then the British Empire; now they control the US Empire.
So this is not about money and power for its own sake; this is a cultural war. The Saker is right — the only way to counter this globalist evil is…”don’t do evil”. Do not join in; do not take the Judas-coin. We will save or damn ourselves; especially now that the “internet” granted a brief window on the truth of how the world really works.
Ford was right: history, as written by the current winners, truly is bunk.
Typo in the title of Gilad Atzmon’s book, The Wandering Who, referenced at the beginning of your excellent article.
To fully understand the Israeli-Zionist mindset it really heops to read The Iron Wall.
There the policly is set forth clearly:
Take whatever you can, legally or illegally, then make it permanent. Military force comes before all else. No negotiations. Negotiations are just a ruse. We don’t keep any agreements we don’t like—in fact, we don’t like agreements at all. But we try to get others to make agreements—not with us, but with each other, to protect us.
Israel would love to take a corner of Golan, or anywhere else, and start planting settlers there. Then it becomes a fait accompli, and eff you, world.
Their goal is Eretz Israel. There is only one goal, one bottom line and that is it.
In fact, “eretz Israel” could be translated as “We F*ck You.”
That is, The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World, by Avi Shlaim.
The first chapter, “Prologue: The Zionist Foundations,” presents numerous quote from Herzl and, most importantly, Weizzmann and Jabotinsky. They clearly and without shame articulated that they were going to take political control of all of Palestine (west and east of Jordan), and the Pals be damned.
They felt they had the right to it.
As someone else stated here, it seems like this basic information doesn’t get trhough to the MSM. I wonder wehther it might get t hrough to some of the “just born Jew, not choosing Jew” who can’t help being Jews, any more than a German can help being German but is not nec. a Nazi.
It seems like the Jews themselves had a hard time figuring out what they were. Herzl came to the conclusion that the Jews were a nation, but one that didn’t have a home. He wanted to press the rewind button on the Diaspora. Jabotinsky and Weizmann didn’t seem to really care. They just were driven to take over Palestine and drive out or totally marginalize the existing population. They got furious at the British when the latter belatedly realized that the Palestians also had political rights.
I’ll cut it short, but just this opening chapter is well worth a read.
Here it is at Google Books:,+%22Prologue:+The+Zionist+Foundations%22&source=bl&ots=MIWI2ijGAF&sig=EA_SQrHX_rfoE024I2PeXluXoDg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjliM3Tj6zTAhUs1oMKHTKQCgwQ6AEIMjAD#v=onepage&q=Shlaim%2C%20%22Prologue%3A%20The%20Zionist%20Foundations%22&f=false
What the world got from Zionism is the biggest land grab in the world since the Anglo-Saxons and their Golem stole North America from under the Natives. The total land temporarily seized is smaller so far but the evil is, if anything, greater.
It is really startlingly similar to the Germans’ idea of Lebensraum.
We need space and we will take it.
And also no different from the French in Syria and elsewhere in their empire, the Zionists saw themselves as having a mission civilatrice in Palestine, or at least bringing the blessings of economic development as they saw it, while practicing brutality on the recipients of this so-called “advanced civilization.”
The Jews, the Germans, and the French viewed their targeted populations (peopling the lands they wanted) as one or another form of Untermenschen.
A good article here on the s topic – and the pivotal role Chabad’s messianic Rebbe Schneerson has played in the promition of Ziofascism:
I suspect the cultivation of poor little rich girl-goys like Ivanka Trump is part of the insidious manipulation of key loci of control: no doubt Trump was identified as a potential tool decades before he ran for President.
Good article. Your own writing betrays the kindergarten psy-op conformity inducing power (illusory) of the perps though. Just report the truth in its depressing glory.
Good on you, old buddy! Bravo! Finally. You have pinpointed the worst of the monsters in the fetid Swamp. That is why the world’s foremost challenge is to bring down the Jewish State. It is the fulcrum of the destructive insanity that bedevils us and which threatens all living things.
Thought provoking and sadly true, but why should our fate be any different than the millions of innocents before us? They died so that we can live? What makes us different from them? Why should we expect to be spared? We can blame evil but evil exists because we allow it to.
our collective ignorance ensures its continuance, it thrives because of us, not in spite of us. I cannot help but think that we deserve to be destroyed by evil, that we are in fact evil.
Perhaps evil thrives through us. Through our failures to be courageous, intelligent, forthright, ready to act, to kill if necessary and to die. The terrible travesty that was the Oregon uprising told me that the USA is too rotten to do anything about its state.
The article by Saker which speaks more forthrightly about jews than most articles ever have is significant.
Once we stop NOT speaking about jews the enemy of humankind will be more easily identified and dealt with.
They keep saying we must target Muslims for their characteristics. Most ‘problem’ Muslims are Semites, and Jews claim to be Semites, so we should now extend the courtesy they demand… to them.
I agree Franz, and would go further to say that evil can only live and work through the human being. Evil does not have a creative existence. It is anti creative and can only distort what is already created by God. GMO”s are one examples of what I am saying. Gmo’s are not something new in creation, GMO’s are a manipulation of nature’s (God’s) wisdom. It is similar for human souls. We were created in the “image and likeness”, but we fell into manifold distortions of our true nature. Christ leads the way to the New Adam. The earth through the Risen One (Bless His Holy Name) in collaboration with human beings will over come the evil, and return restore the kingdom.
It is odd (@evilc above) to say we should be destroyed by evil. Rather we must unite with the force of the Resurrection Body and also become Risen into our true Divine nature and consciousness. Through Christ we have the possibility receive the power and the force to overcome within transform evil. We see the machinations and black power of evil working through human beings. There is a greater power. We have the possibility to access a divine force. This begins with the faith of the mustard seed, and grows into a real capacity and force if wee seek to align ourselves with Christ.
May we seek and receive the Blessings of the Risen One!
Greetings and blessing for Easter Monday, and thank-you dear Saker for naming the elephant. Trump himself seems to have agreed that it was time to bring the elephant out into the daylight in his 4/17 weekly (Easter) address in which he publicly bows low before his zionist masters.
Here are two good articles from The Millennium Report on Kushner.
Jared Kushner: A Suspected Gangster Within the Trump White House
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Kushner Crime Family Nows Runs The White House
Former Israeli and former Jew, Gilad Atzmon, has just published this:
Gilad has asked to spread the above link everywhere. As it is related to what The Saker wrote,I give the link.
I’ve tried to open the link – no dice.
Then via several browsers – Atzmon’ s blog.
Again – no dice.
Surfing Atzmon, I come across the following fragment: ‘ The Times of Israel remove d-‘
So it looks like the article about Rebbe Schneerson is the same one in the link I’ve given (The Ugly Truth – in response to Katherine above).
Interesting that it was published – then pulled.
Anyone interested – and its well worth reading – can follow my link if they encounter the same obstacle…
And, just in case that gets pulled too, I’ll copy and paste it here.
To mods: if you think this is unnecessary, don’t let it through.
Your call.
The link opened for me.
I don’t have time to read this now, but I have been reading other stuff lately.
Even if you just read the Wiki entry on Hassidism you will get an eyeload of what these Lithuanian rebbes were all about in the 19th C. It is actually disgusting to read and to see the pictures of these grotesque men. There is a direct line from them to the right-wing parties in Israel, via Betar, Jabotinsky’s Revisionist Zionism (even though Jabotinsky’s idea supposedly was secular), the Irgun (Begin), Stern Gang, the Herut and Likud parties. The right-wing, militarist, Whole Land of Israel is Ours by Right faction won out. Netanyahu is also in a direct line from these hard-liners.
And if you want to lealrn about the “domestic” settler program, Google “Bloomingburg, New York.”
Great work Saker, I agree 100 %.
I would like to add two things however. First, the Khazarians(neo-Jews) of the world want their old glory days back, so that means getting back the lands that used to encompass the Kingdom of Khazaria. These lands happen to belong to Slavs, Orthodox Christians and modern Russia, Ukraine and the Crimea. That’s one main reason they want to take down Russia so bad.
Second, the worlds fake ‘Jews’ know deep down inside , and have a cold-hearted fear that soon, Orthodox Christianity and Islam will naturally become closer and closer, and they simply cant have that.
As for your eloquent break down on the political correctness/incorrectness when discussing all things Jewish, I say this :
‘What if the people speaking out against the Jews are not doing so out of hate?
What if they have discovered that this tribe has seized control of power and influence to enforce a self-serving global Jewish agenda?
What if they are doing it because they see the plight of humanity with all of its wars, poverty and unnecessary suffering?
What if they are trying to awaken you out of love and compassion that’s being mistaken for racism and hatred?
Thanks for an article that is so brave and far-ranging that I hardly know how to respond in a few words. Instead, I attach a link to the “people” behind Trump. From the list you will appreciate that Jared Kushner is a small fish who is doing what he is instructed by older and much more powerful Jews. Frightening stuff.
I’ve come across several scandals involving Chabad Lubavitch New York.
An organ- trafficking scandal in particular.
Then I recently read of the Noahide Laws requiring execution by guillotine. Which – coincidentally? – unlike electrocution, happens to preserve organs.
Just like ISIS/ Saudi beheadings.
Israelis have also been involved in organ-extraction of Palestinians.
Moldavia has recently seen organ ‘ donation’ increase – again, Israelis feature as middlemen.
There was also a case in Romania where an Israeli doctor was discovered to have illegally extracted eggs from the ovaries of female patients while unconscious during surgery.
Chabad Lubavitch in NY is also involved in the rent-a-womb trade….
Something of a pattern is emerging – that Gentiles are indeed a ‘ resource’ to be exploited as far as this cult is concerned.
A cult that appears to be well-ensconsed in the corridors of political and economic power – including the White House.
Particularly in the person of Jared Kuschner.
What are the implications of Bush-era passing of the Noahide Laws – effectively authored by Schneerson – for citizens in general, rather than Chabad Jews in particular?
Here’s one blogger who has serious qualms:
Christopher Bollyn did a very well done talk on the Zionist faction behind the Global War on Terror (GWOT) and the 9/11 false flag that he describes as “two sides of a single counterfeit coin.” It is highly recommended for those who already understand that WTC7 was demolished with explosives and who already understand that a militant faction of Israel played a role.
I appreciate The Saker’s addressing this issue. I can’t see anyway to understand the US military role in the ME without talking about Israel’s ‘Oded Yinon Plan’.
Proverbs 8:36King James Version (KJV)
“But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.”
Full text of article I believe was referenced by Gilad Atzmon:
Times of Israel
April 18 would have been the 115th birthday of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. Schneerson, who took over a struggling Brooklyn-based Hasidic sect in 1951, was by his death in 1994 arguably “the most influential Jew since Maimonides,” and it is about that influence I wish to write — particularly because, in the 20-odd years since his death, recollections of the Rebbe’s personal charisma have largely eclipsed the record of his actual teaching.
I note at once that I have neither the expertise nor the desire to try to analyze the whole range of the Rebbe’s religious doctrine. Of his role as clergyman and community leader I have little to say, never having lived in a predominantly Lubavitch enclave. Moreover, since I had no contact with him, I am clearly unequipped to write about the Rebbe’s personal qualities; I am prepared to grant that these were impressive.
I am more concerned with the darker side of what the Rebbe taught.
For that darker side — the farrago of apocalyptic messianism and overt racism at the core of the Rebbe’s teaching — is likely to be his lasting contribution to the Jewish world, in which his prestige (thanks in no small part to popular hagiographies by Joseph Telushkin and Adin Steinsaltz) continues to rise even as serious discussion about his legacy has all but disappeared.
Worse, the Rebbe’s teaching invites serious practical consequences. Some of his most vehement sermons were devoted to the promotion of Mideast militarism. While Israel’s violence against its Palestinian Untermenschen intensified and its attacks on neighboring countries reached new heights of savagery, the Rebbe rationalized the occupation and egged on Israel’s military assault against Lebanon in 1982, as he would cheer on the American-led carnage in Iraq nine years later. Certainly a Muslim cleric who preached similar things would be anathematized throughout the Western world. Why, then, is the Rebbe given a pass for his warmongering in support of the oppression of Palestine — surely the ugliest blot on Jewish tradition in modern times?
The question cannot be shirked. The Rebbe didn’t just tolerate Israeli oppression. He encouraged it.
In Eyes Upon the Land, a book explicitly “based on the public statements and writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,” the reader is told that “every inch of territory in Israel,” including “the lands taken in the Six-Day War,” must be held by the use of Jewish military force, regardless of international law or the consequences for the non-Jewish population. Why? Because “the ordinary Arab in the street” seeks nothing less than “Arab dominion over the entire land of Palestine” and regards all Israelis with “deep-seated hatred.” The Rebbe never produced evidence that a nonexistent Palestinian army would somehow overwhelm Israel’s massive military forces — there being none — but the darker question is why the Rebbe’s insistence on Jewish dominion over the same land, and the deep-seated hatred of Palestinians and other Arabs he encouraged (during Israel’s slaughter of over 17,000 people in Lebanon in 1982, the Rebbe repeatedly criticized the Israelis for being too timid) didn’t justify the use of force by Arabs against their Jewish attackers. The only possible answer is the obvious one: Jews were different from non-Jews by definition. Jewish goals mattered to the Rebbe. Arab lives didn’t.
And Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza? During the First Intifada, the Rebbe preached emphatically against the slightest easing of the oppressive conditions that had spurred the desperate (and overwhelmingly nonviolent) popular revolt. “[C]oncessions convince the Arabs of Israeli weakness,” he claimed. “Even mere talk of possible concessions is harmful because it encourages terrorist activity.” Meir Kahane himself could not have said it more brutally.
The mainstream reader seldom hears about any of this: much of what passes for commentary on the Rebbe’s work is mere propaganda. In Toward a Meaningful Life, a book intended as a distillation of the Rebbe’s teachings, Simon Jacobson claims that “the Rebbe taught – and embodied – a distinctly universal message, calling upon all humankind to lead productive and virtuous lives, and calling for unity between all people.” In fact, Schneerson based his teaching on the traditional Hasidic text known as Tanya, a deeply racist work according to which only Jews are endowed with fully human souls. True, Schneerson was far from being the world’s only racist preacher; but it is hard to imagine panegyrics like Jacobson’s being circulated about, say, David Duke.
Nor have only the faithful been playing such games. In her review of two recent biographies of Schneerson for the Wall Street Journal, Dara Horn – after describing the efforts of the Rebbe’s emissaries to persuade Jewish men to don phylacteries and Jewish women to light Friday evening candles — insists that although “[i]t all seems suspiciously cultlike,” these “bearded enthusiasts aren’t out to convert anyone.” Really? It’s true that the only targets of Lubavitch’s missionary activities are Jews — but to deny that they’re “out to convert anyone” makes sense only if you accept the underlying premise that all Jews ought to be Orthodox Jews, if not Lubavitch Hasidim, a position that aligns Ms. Horn with a highly tendentious theological position she fails to acknowledge, let alone to justify.
Schneerson’s warmongering was partly a product of his doctrinal Jewish chauvinism — but it also drew on his fanatical insistence that the end of days was rapidly approaching. “We are now very near the approaching footsteps of Messiah, indeed, we are at the conclusion of this period,” he claimed as far back as 1951. Samuel Heilman and Menachem Friedman, in a relatively clear-headed review of the Rebbe’s career, call it “the story of how one man and some of his followers were swept away by his beliefs and expectations and led to assume that death could be denied and history manipulated.”
But Western media generally disdain religious fanatics who believe they can defy death and turn back the course of history. The Lubavitcher Rebbe alone is treated with kid gloves — even though violence was among the tools with which he sought to change reality. Witness the silence that followed this fulsome encomium from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in the Observer:
“The Rebbe’s moral authority and unparalleled humanity inspired in all who met him a desire to be better…. Seeing the dignity he accorded all who came to seek his blessing his admirers ceased judging people who were different.”
Those fine sentiments will be news to Palestinians, for whom the Rebbe expressed nothing but loathing and contempt. And the Rebbe’s “unparalleled humanity” had no problem with extolling Israeli massacres in Lebanon and the slaughter of Iraqis in 1991.
Yes, religious leaders can be complicated figures, and I am willing to grant that other aspects of the Rebbe’s teaching may be genuinely inspirational. But until we come to terms with the dark side of his career, we will not be able to shake off his complicity — and ours — in the long-running crimes of the Jewish state which, in the Rebbe’s perverse preaching, became acts of piety.
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Why don’t you post this one on your site Saker? You claim to agree with Gilad! If you don’t I will have to start calling you the sucker and assume you are a racist, Jewish, supremacist, trying to dominate the opposition, an old Machiavellian and roman tactic copied by racist Jewish supremacists as Gilad has shown so accurately. I will assume that you are a Jew or as Gilad says a Sabbath Goyim, which means house Negro / house slave is we sick master???? Basically a collaborator and a liar, or at best an immoral coward as you keep it in the family.
Dear Yohanan,
Okay, okay – I give up! You uncovered me. I was hoping that nobody would realise that I am a Mossad collaborator and a Sayan, but while I could fool many, I could not fool you. Now I have to confess that early in my life, when I had to decide whether to become a Lubavicher rabbe like my daddy or paid Mossad officer I figured out that there was more money to be made from the Institute than from selling pseudo-kabalistic trinkets on the Friday market in Kiryat Arba. I was also hoping to meet some cute Mossad ladies. Alas, they did not accept me due to my “lack of commitment” to Zionism. Go figure… So this is when I moved back into Galutland to become a Sayan. Not as prestigious, but still kind of cool. What I never expected is to be found out. Oi veh!! What will I do now?
Please have mercy on me – if you do I will ask my bosses to send you lots of Shekels. Deal?
Zay gezunt,
The Saker
LOL. Best riposte I’ve in a while.
I think it was Twain who said, ‘Don’t wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.’
But I’m glad you ignored Twain this time Saker. Cheers.
Thanks for the analysis and the courage. I will see what I can do to help.
I also have a reference you might find interesting and relevant, from whistleblowers in the defense and (secret) space programs (called “SSPs” on the inside).
This may seem so foreign that it is preposterous and not worth the time, but all these geopolitical streams and conflicts are flowing swiftly into one drama now. You are accustomed to the slight awkwardness of combining your religious and political interests — the world is coming to a point where we must consider political, spiritual, technological and “galactic” contexts altogether. This is extremely challenging mentally but there are actually hopeful signs here, unlike it may appear to those mired in geopolitics.
These reports are coming out of the woodwork today, as the internet has lowered the barrier (and the risk) to whistle-blowing, and there is a high degree of corroboration among the people speaking out. Of all the sources this man seems to be the most accurate and informative.
This topic involves vast and profound matters. Trying to be brief:
The host-parasite dynamic which Mullins explored in depth is very helpful. However, a key aspect therein is the symbiosis involved.
Another way of putting that is: we always get exactly the problems/diseases/corruptions/challenges we deserve. The world is fundamentally, basically good, including all any evil therein.
I keep coming back to an old Hindu-Buddhist view, the six realms: all beings are continuously cycling around six realms which scale from extreme pain to extreme pleasure, namely: hell, hungry ghost, animal, human, jealous god / titan, god. These are described as literal beings and environments, but also states of mind/motivation/inclination. Human beings are special in that unlike all others we experience all six realms emotionally throughout our lives, both in the form of changing feelings – we can go from hell to heaven in minutes sometimes, or several times a day – and over various dark or light periods – be it months, years or decades – over the course of our lives.
The one I find key here is the asura/jealous god/titan realm. This mentality aspires to climb up to the exalted level of being a god. But is not quite one yet. Even though it feels highly superior, knowing that it is far more worthy and powerful than the humans and animals below. Asuras are competitive, striving. Half their energy is in trampling others beneath them, in order to be on top. The other half is in dragging those above them down. And the third half is in elbowing their peers out of the way, or trampling on them too. Constant struggle. Constant jealousy/envy. Constant battle. They are fiercely intelligent, paranoid, skilled, resourceful, creative, driven, remorseless. They lack real humour. They are dedicated to causes, not heart.
All human populations have low and high members and aspects. Some periods in history are more enlightened, some more degraded. But in all populations and all periods, there will always be an asura quotient. The measure of any society is the degree to which it cares for and elevates the poorer (including meaner) amongst them, and also – to my mind – how well or poorly it channels the tremendously creative and intelligent energies of the asuras in its midst. If they are allowed to rule, then war and atrocity gradually consumes the entire realm. If they are well channeled, then great cities and economies and philosophies and so forth can emerge and flourish.
To my mind what is missing in your proposal for what is needed is the Royalty or Monarch principle. Only such a principle – which essentially joins Church and State to use imprecise terms – can bind a society together in such a way that a Sacredness Perceiving Heart Space can rule over an otherwise asura-dominated materialist worshipping (and thus literally satanic) realm. Because where materialism is rampant, asuras end up on top. Gods do not engage in warfare, they dwell in bliss, be they humble peasants, retired millionaires, or happy tribal peoples on tropical islands, or contented church-going burghers in peaceful countries for that matter (usually grandmotherly types!) Humans are complex, passionate, slippery and always in some sort of emotional turmoil or drama. Animals are magnificent but stuck, inflexible, controlled by the bodies they are born into. Ghosts are wretched, hell beings in isolated agony, of either hot or cold ilk. Asuras rule.
Put another way, as I tend to do if this comes up in conversation (which unlike you it seems I try to avoid!): ‘if the Jews didn’t exist we would have to invent them’ or another way I think is more accurate: ‘if all Jews suddenly disappeared today and all their histories, then within 100 years something just like them would arise and function in pretty much the same way.’
The asura mentality is self-existing in any social group. And any group, in order to survive and thrive over time, has to learn how to corral and channel their extraordinary energies. If they don’t, those energies will bring materialist hell on earth. Usually in the form of plague, famine and war.
It is the role of Royal Monarchs to protect the Realm (Royaume) against such ills. So modern republican democracy, imo, is simply not enough. Nor is a merely mundane, or secular if you will, approach.
Sacredness has to be in the mix.
So another huge elephant in the room that is almost never discussed is:
Who says separating Church and State is such a great idea?
I think a more interesting federal republican vision might be to have a federation of multifarious counties/parishes/kingdoms/republics, each having its own structure, religion, system, whatever, but each able to have its own cohesive, unified vision and praxis, rather than trying to have one huge thing which is also not really anything. So no, not one Church all over the world, meaning ultimately only One State (aka NWO). No, what we need is no end of different states, or rather communities, each free to follow their own star, their own way. Something like that.
I enjoyed reading your post Ashley. WOnderfulv that we can discuss these ideas in a political context.The Azura beings work into our souls by inciting fear and animalistic impulses that are against our divine nature. Most theologies teach that the human soul has been placed between the opposing forces of good and evil. Awareness that we have choices about our consciousness would help human souls to consider better choices. The different levels of being are present in western theology as well as The nine levels of heaven and hell. Dante saw into these realms. As Human beings unlike the animals have choice- free will- as to what condition we chose.
The origin of the idea was the bitter realization that any human organization that could exercise power/control over others could be corrupted and used to further evil designs. As, in the immediate experience of the Americans, the Anglican church had been used (and still was) to oppress not only Romanists but Presbyterians. I.e., only Anglicans had civil rights, had their marriages recognized by the legal system, &c.
It was a reaction.
Very interesting and obviously well thought out. Lot to think about here. I’m about 85% with your explanations and still putting it all together. I do think you hit the nail on the head when you state that we consistently vote for less war and get more instead. Not for my tribe. Not anymore. We are done and will not be a part of or cannon fodder for any more empire schemes. We have given way too much already. I do not hate any group or race. I will never look for conflict. I will kill you very quickly if you intentionally harm a member of my tribe.
Reading the above, I come unfortunately to the conclusion, as we say in French “On, l’à dans le cul la balayette”?
Unless we learn to use their, methods against the psychopathic humanoid reptiles ?
Absolutely! For example, Marx at some point said, that his reason for reading books was not to gain any knowledge or insights – it was purely to defeat his opponents. When these Talmudic creatures in human form come to debate on TV, or any other media, they are not interested in debating. They come to destroy; through personal attacks and a total determination of discrediting their opponents by any means necessary …add to that, that the hosts are always on the Zionist side. They’re trained to turn any discussion upside-down, throw people off balance …and appear to be victims while doing all of the above. My father used to call them “masters of victimhood”.
I’m not Orthodox and so the “inner life” model which seems a little monastic-like is not my cup of tea. However, I believe that Christ is the solution and “under the shadow of Shaddai” is the way to have 10,000 fall at your right side and 1,000 fall at your left side but it shall not come near you.
I’m not Orthodox and so the “inner life” model which seems a little monastic-like
You are absolutely correct. In fact, Orthodoxy never had two models, one for laypeople and one for monastics. Furthermore, monasticism is considered THE model for correct Orthodox life. I would even suggest this: the more monastic-like a parish or even an Orthodox family looks to you, the healthier and more traditional their Orthodoxy is. Monasticism is THE core of Orthodoxy, THE model which inspires all, and THE highest ideal in many, many ways.
I can very much understand that this might not be everybody’s cup of tea :-)
The Saker
If anyone is interested in how Zionism went about gaining the social control they have today (especially in the US). This analytical report is the best,most detailed expose I’ve ever seen.It lays out facts that people only had vague ideas about.Including the reasons for the Worldwide immigration problem today.And the decline of the family,traditional culture,and the Christian heritage in Europe and the US. I was shocked at the depth of knowledge in this report.:
“The Culture of Critique:
An evolutionary analysis of Jewish involvement in Twentieth Century Intellectual and political movements.”
As is clearly explained in detail in the posted report. It is Jewish elements that push the most for massive foreign Third World immigration to Europe and especially to the US.The thinking behind that is that nation states,mostly homogeneous in race or ethnicity,are a danger to Jews and zionism. They “could” at any moment turn antisemitic. So by dividing those nations into multiracial and multicultural societies without any clear majority people. Would be a protection for Jews,and give them more ability to rise to the top in those societies. Right from the beginning of the push for these massive inflows of immigration it was Jewish and zionist groups and individuals that have been the must united and devoted to the ideas of changing the demographics and religious beliefs of the nations of Europe and the US. By the control of the media,Hollywood,academia,and increasingly of the politics in these countries they are able to shape the thinking of the younger populations in Europe and the US. With he control of “modern popular culture” they are able to push the message of “diversity” as the only way a society can exist. And that all those people that oppose the destruction of their native societies are racists only.It has been very effective in the West. And you’ll notice that the countries most labelled as “enemies” are those that while having minority groups in their nations. Have built over centuries stable relations between their peoples.That is anathema to those pushing for divisiveness in the Worlds nations.
The biggest weapon for this supranational neo- colonialism has traditionally been to tar all exposers as ‘ anti- Semites.’
No doubt MCDonald – great article BTW – has been tarred with that ubiquitous brush.
Those within the ranks of Jews who do likewise are called ‘ self-haters.’
So how to counter this?
One is to emphasize the non- Middle East origins of the colonists of Palestine. The ancient kingdom of Khazaria – encompassing much of Eastern Europe – is the overwhelming base from which the colonists come.
Their Biblical justification for land- theft and genocide if indigenous Middle Easrern Semites ia a myth, and it actually makes Ziofascists the worst anti-Semites in the world.
Emphasize the historical reality – that Palestine had no special significance at first, even Argentina was considered by Zionists as a Jewish home land.
Don’t lose any opportunity to remind readers of the Balfour agreement.
Or the collaboration between Zionists and Nazis to drive Jews out of Europe to the colony – even through the use of terror ( Stern, Irgun gangs etc.)
Finally, refuse to tar assimilated Jews – Jews whose loyalty is to their own nations – with Zionism.
And refine Zionism to its constituent parts – by using the term ‘ Ziofascism’ . this exposes it in its current form, and separate s it from its historical aspirations ( which could have possibly been resolved without genocide and land- theft.)
A good article here on how Ziofascists are encouraging ‘ anti- Semitism’ ( actually Judaeophobia) in Europe and US to drive assimilated Jews into their ‘ eretz Israel’ clutches:
“Nobody knows that Zionism
appeared as a Marxist movement,
a socialist one… Zionism is actually a revolution.”
Sergei Lezov, scientist at the Soviet Academy of Science,
Institute for Scientific Information.
Strana i Mir magazine (Munich), No. 3, 1988, p. 94.
“The ideals of Bolshevism
at many points are consonant with
the finest ideals of Judaism.”
Jewish Chronicle, 4th April 1919 (London).
Almost all movements of that era had similarities. It was the common thinking of most people of that time. Marxism broken down is a belief in “communalism”,a form of populist thinking. And that countless groups throughout the World’s history have in one form or the other espoused.The differences with all these groups is not the “core” but the “sides” attached to them. Zionism has more thinking that is fascist or nazi than communistic.Zionism,like fascism and nazism bases itself on the idea of a governing ethnic group. While communism is a ideology of universalism. Not giving any ethnic or religious group power over the society. It rejects nationalism,and instead points to “class” as a common unifier of people Worldwide.
I do not expect this to be posted but I am sending it because it is obvious the good Saker is a prisoner of anti Catholic polemics (not in this post but in others) and this collection could disabuse him of his prejudices as the Eastern Fathers quoted here teach what he explicitly denies.
Actually, I know these quotes very well, I even used them in my Licentiate thesis. What you fail to understand is first, that a quote out of context means little anyway and, and this is much more important, that in Christian tradition Saints and even Church Fathers are not infallible nor do they by themselves get to decide what is Orthodox or not. Only that upon ALL Fathers agree, the consensus patrum, is considered as normative or dogmatically accepted. What your feeble attempt at justifying the Papacy shows is how far removed the Papacy is, and always was, from the spirit of the fathers, the phronema ton pateron, which would immediately make it possible for a true Christian to detect the fallacy of your reasoning. So much for disabusing me from my prejudices :-)
Look, that kind of apologetics are Kindergarten-level indoctrination techniques, that’s it. They would fail to impress even a first years seminary student. That is also a very sweet case of karmic justice: having strayed away from true Christianity for a full millenium now, the Papists have completely lost the intellectual and spiritual toookit to even intelligently polemicize with Orthodox Christians. Your predecessors at the False Union of Florence did much better, which did not prevent Saint Mark from calling them “heretics”. Nowadays, you are not even bona fide heretics, you are just lost and ignorant people, totally detached from the Christianity you not only claim to belong to, but which you presume to embody and even lead. I feel sad for the millions of kind and sincere Catholics who are prisoners of your lies, deceptions and misrepresentations and who end up turning away from Christianity because of the pungent stench of lies and hypocrisy which permeates the pseudo-Christianity of the Vatican and its apologists.
It is because of you and the likes of you that the West has now become a post-Christian society. 1000 years of your lies have turned most of mankind away from Christ Himself. At the very least, instead of worrying about your boss being accepted by others, you ought to ponder the words of Christ Himself when he said “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”
The Saker
I once asked my tutorial leader in a theology course if he was Christian. He replied, “No, I am Catholic”. I took him at his word.
The Donatist (so-called) “heretics” of North Africa got it right, IMO, telling Rome “You cannot give what you do not have.”
We are all rather blind with regards to Trump. I tend to believe he was always a
“Deep State” actor. I have been baffled by your support for him Saker. But i will concede the possibility that I am wrong . (as you do in your humble and admirable way) I found this video quite plausible. Maybe you should watch it?
I have been baffled by your support for him Saker.
That is not quite accurate. More accurately:
1) I thought that Trump was better than Hillary
2) I had *hopes* that Trump might deliver on a least part of this promises, but no specific expectations.
Please re-read what I wrote exactly and you will see that I never “trusted” Trump.
The Saker
This is one of the the most moving and inspirational articles I’ve ever read. Thank you!
Thank you for the deep thought here and for the Easter faith recollections. I too have a daughter and two sons. My youngest boy is a sincere patriot and seeks a truthful America.
Importantly, militaries must meet payrolls. The reason the Zionists cling to the various reserve banks is for both the control leverage they endow but also for the deep information they illuminate privately AND for their ability to enable the directing of militaries via a true power of the purse despite a contrary public will. The “mark of the beast?”
As the many cannot differentiate the false claims (printed from thin air $ currency) of the few, the many are led quickly by the fews’ carrots. Only the fraud aware and stubborn (Putin) or the geographically unlucky (Syrians) feel the brutal false $’s sanctions and military stick.
In addition to Christian principles, the key tool to resist a $ dictatorship is to resist the reserve banks by supporting an alternate trade settlement system. An unpaid military goes home.
Russia, China, perhaps India, and Iran have started an alternative with a gold based settlement system. THIS is what the neocons showed Trump in the White House, nothing more. The real neocon fear is honest money earned in market based trade. Absent a $ reserve currency being accepted globally, false currency cannot be created and used as necessary to pay the western military. (Nor can it be used to buy media companies, banks, and the like.)
Trade settlement in gold is a slow but steady tool to reign in neocon military excess. Think back through the last five years… rethink how supporting the reserve $, especially for petroleum related, is the difinitive actor violated before a western military attack occurs. It matches fully and is determinate.
The reserve $ and a competing reserve gold are fighting before our eyes. To keep gold from rising in $ terms, naked shorts are sold by reserve banks in the futures market thereby driving paper-gold down. It means that both Russia and China can trade their reserve $ for gold at artificially LOW $ prices. The day slowly comes (or has arrived) when the US has no remaining physical gold and can nolonger successfully short gold futures. On that day, Russia and China have a tool that can force the US to follow international law. Unlike for poor Lybia, one cannot simply invade nuclear powers and steal their gold.
Syria is all about a pipeline from Saudi & Qatar to the EU… but why ? To slow competing Russian petroleum sales that enable Russia to buy gold. Iran is deemed evil, but why (yes Israel but that’s not decisive) ? The answer is that Iranian oil can be “shipped” to China around the US Navy by sending it via pipeline up to Russia and then Russia via pipeline over to China. This means that China can pay Iran in gold and bypass the reserve $. Leaving the $ out of major oil trades is what gets an American president to utilize the military.
Finally, printing unearned reserve $ globally is very much a form of global taxation. Reserve $ inflation from printing (w/ deficits) is how the western militaries are paid for. The world is now where the American Colonies were when the revolutionary war cry “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” rang out. Anyone that can should give some thought to how to answer this cry responsibly.
If you could help make your readers aware of the above, it would help them to understand the root causes that carry the day when patriots like General Flynn and Lt. Bannon are pushed from the Oval Office.
No empire shares power or follows international law unless compelled to. Nuclear shielded reserve trade settlement gold held in both Russia and China appears to be humanities best tool to bring the neocon beast to heel.
Fabulous post! I wish I had your intellect, knowledge, love and patience. I’m learning, very slowly, the truth, and I follow your Orthodox writings too. God bless!
A great read. In short quoting Mel Gibson Jews ——- America. I think its not just America its the whole world.
Still, I am using ZOG here just to show that it can be done, but this is not my favorite expression.
I prefer the term “Sanhedrin” rather than ZOG-USA.
Sounds softer, less “Stormfront”.
Wow! 27 thousand views and 362 commments. Looks like some pent up thoughts are finally being released. It feels cathartic here these days.
Wow! 27 thousand views and 362 commments. Looks like some pent up thoughts are finally being released. It feels cathartic here these days.
Indeed. As the King Solomon wrote a very long time ago: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (…) a time to keep silence, and a time to speak”.
This was the right time. Not only did Trump’s betrayal open the eyes of many people, but what better day than Holy Paskha to place a powerful spotlight on this issue?
Yes, I am very happy with the reaction. However, I am disappointed by the fact that so many outlets which normally like to reprint my more successful articles this time around seemed to have caught a major case of cold feet. I guess they will have to make sure that I survive this latest crimethink of mine before finding the courage to follow the lead, but at a safe(r) distance in the back ;-)
The Saker
I am disappointed by the fact that so many outlets which normally like to reprint my more successful articles this time around seemed to have caught a major case of cold feet.
As time passes, the goats are increasingly easy to distinguish from the sheep. By their behavior.
Or, as someone else once put it, “Judge the tree by its fruit.”
What a wonderful article! Your concluding views are very close to those of Pope Francis who calls for peace but also demands that we do good around us, which is exactly what you’re suggesting. To do good you have to have good values, etc.
Really appreciated this lenghty article. Will read the different links you give – I have already read some in the past.
Continue your excellent work.
I think it’s a mistake to think that the CIA/Pentagon (it’s one beast) and the Russian Deep State share power with Zionists. Zionists are a convenient helper but in the end the ultimate power belongs to people who can assassinate anyone anywhere in large numbers, with impunity, i.e. the deep state.
Zionists and Jews in general got this disproportionate power because the Allies during WWII (Russia-UK-USA) wanted to brainwash their respective populations about the supposed horrors of the Nazi regime. Otherwise, nobody would be willing to die in this war if the enemy is not more evil than your own government. Because Hitler was an antisemite, it was convenient to invent the fairy tale about death camps and Holocaust of the Jews. Hitler did not treat prisoners of war any differently than the Allies did. He implemented some restrictive laws for Jews but he did not kill them. Because every war is based on lies, the Allies agreed to perpetuate the myth about death camps and Holocaust for domestic propaganda purposes, and they stick to this plan to this day. Of course Jews benefited from this plan and by touting their “victim status” were able to create the apartheid state of Israel. It also helped that the Jewish religion does not offer afterlife and promotes enjoying life on Earth to the fullest, mostly through commerce and worshiping money. Muslims and Christians are not so hell bent on money, and not surprisingly, there is a disproportionately large percentage of Jews among the wealthy.
Thanks for letting me vent here. I would never talk aloud about this topic because I consider it bad manners to criticize any one religion.
Bloggers must sometimes worry what it is they are doing that attracts fools and knaves to their site.
“Yes, I am very happy with the reaction…”
Maybe not.
“Jews in general” presumably refers to the same as “Jews” in the list of terms the article urges us to be brave enough to challenge doubleplusgoodthink goody goodies and Zionist fellow travellers by using – which is presumably why the moderators pass it (and other such poison) as fit for publication.
Good principles (as set out in the article) can’t justify bad practice (as illustrated, somewhat inconsistently, by the article and by several of the comments).
Why clog up a valuable blog with such stuff? It is too important for such distractions. It needlessly gives ammunition to those who would discredit it.
I enjoyed this article. It would be hard to tell better.
I don’t have the Saker’s faith but I share the same moral principles and the ability to distinguish the right from the wrong, which as he said, are common to most religions Islam, without the Wahabis, included.
Moral principles and the ability to know what is wrong are an human necessities for avoiding anarchy and chaos.
Understanding the Creator, his attributes and his functions and the relation that we can have with him is something personal and hard to communicate without hurting the other.
God’s understanding and the relation with him, for me, are not related to the moral principles and the distinction between the good and the bad on which decent people should agree to make a safer and harmonious world.
“Remember how the Israelis watched in total delight while their forces bombed the population of Gaza in 2014? With Daesh in power in Damascus, they would get an even better show to take their kids to watch”
Visiting Israel at this time I have seen no such “total delight”. I have seen fear, and in a lot of cases anger over the death of people. There were demonstrations to stop this. And Hamas were also bombing the Israeli civil population, so it is not like the Israelis were sitting back enjoying and laughing. Have you ever visited Israel? You should go. You will see. And also seeing the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a must for any Orthodox.
Happy Paskha.
Also I did not understand your logic RE North Korea. It was something like “It is the Zionists because they want to stay at power at any price and they control Trump”. But why?
Here is Lyndon LaRouche on the “Jewish Question” from 1983
Relevant to today’s problem, lets look at the “Elephant Driver” as regards “Geopolotics”: Its
The British Empire!!!
Its the British Empire System attacking Trump with a coup, seeking to prevent the U.S. Russia and China coming together per the “New Silk Road” and “One Belt” initiatives.
Some deep background: “The True Controllers of Israel”
And from April 11th at LPAC:
American Statesman Lyndon LaRouche condemned the British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and others pushing the for regime change in Syria as liars today, when briefed on the London Guardian’s warning that,
“According to one G7 source, Tillerson plans to offer the Putin regime a bald choice, between cutting Bashar al-Assad loose and being rewarded with a thaw in relations with the west; or continuing to back him, and risking a Libyan-style outcome. The Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, was violently deposed and killed in 2011 by rebels lent air support by Nato powers, including the UK.
“Whitehall sources say Britain has been instrumental in helping to persuade the US to support the idea that Assad – and his family – must be removed from power before progress can be made. Johnson is pushing for the strongest possible conclusion, including the threat of targeted sanctions against Syrian and Russian military commanders – a proposal he judges more likely to win support than wider economic penalties against Moscow.”
To which Mr. LaRouche replied,
“Don’t respond to these allegations, denounce them, it’s a program of lying, to destroy civilization as such. The British Empire has been the enemy of mankind for a long time — shut down the British System.
“Policies like these must be cancelled, and people who perform them must be punished. Do that, and we win. Anything else, we lose. Shut them down, the Brits in particular. No British institution has the right to meddle in American affairs. Obama is an example of this evil.”
Thank you, The Saker.
I have been trying to realize a framework for the absurd patterns in our society, somewhat constrained by the indoctrination I have received in my society, including the prohibitions from inclusion of certain ‘affiliations’ in the model.
Of course there is ‘evidence’ in the form of … for lack of a better word, cliches, in our society.
In my country, collecting statistics based on these ‘affiliations’ is illegal (conveniently), so it would be illegal to determine, and compare affiliation proportionality in policy-setting and decision-making roles in society, i.e. legal/judicial, academic, legislative, finance, etc.
Nonetheless, the nexus of control, and the cliche associated with affiliates who occupy such positions, is difficult to deny, though not exactly resilient to labeling as anti-this, or anti-that, and non-covert marginalization in society.
I am concerned more about the covert means to marginalize all dissenters to the empire-supporting positions. I have noted a strange and otherwise difficult to understand active-disadvantaging, and wonder if it could have been some errant and ignorantly spoken criticism of pro-empire national players or otherwise, before I became more aware/actually considered the plausibility of a ‘ZOG’ style system in place.
If this is in place, a systematic covert dis-empowerment of ‘potential’ detractors, including financial marginalization as a prime tool, how can such systems be neutralized for ongoing social viability?
On a large scale, and you, if not most of the readers here must know, the technological capability is certainly available. If available, it is certainly in use.
Looking for tips to counter this capability on a larger scale.
Thanks again.
I hope this isn’t too far “off topic” but as an American Jew who is eligible for Israeli citizenship, I found Jack Bernstein’s book “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel” to be “eye-opening”, to say the least. .
Israel is no longer Marxist but this has not been a change for the better. Income inequality and cost of living have risen since the 1980s period. The government no longer assumes the responsibility for immigrants that it used to. Difficult to make aliyah If you don’t have money. Racism has not improved over the intervening period, it’s actually probably worse to the greater social and economic pressures.
Well. Frankly, I was at a loss. I knew the Coup had succeeded on the night of the rocket launch against Syria. I called some people some *dirty* names! For the life of me, I could inspire no “concerted efforts” in protest.
Looking back, I’ve wanted to persuade people so for a long time. But my resources were worn paper thin only a day or so ago. I just had to step back and reflect for a time. On how I was going about things. I knew that much. All these occurrences and shifts in political policy effect every thing we do.
Sometimes it can seem like ramming your head into a wall. It should be – we’re trying to persuade an entire culture, the mindset of multiple generations, here in America.
I suppose I’ll continue scribbling a few words here and there, maybe speak “for effect” when the opportunity arises, but it means nothing without the example of my home and family to support me.
One in a while I get a hateful comment which really makes my day. Today I got two!
First, here is what some guy posted about me on the Unz Review:
“he is deceitful, deceptive, disingenuous, duplicitous, false, fraudulent, hypocritical, misleading, underhanded, untrustworthy, untruthful, lying, mendacious, shifty, sneaky, stealthy, subtle, treacherous, tricky, two-faced and underhanded. A fine example of his race.”
Apparently, this guy thinks that I am a Jew, and a evil Jew at that :-)
Then, today, I got this pearl:
What kind of idiot takes his understanding from an imaginary male supremacist concept such as your “God” and then proceeds to exclude females from the definition of humanity. Fuck yourself. You are a FUCKING IDIOT. Clearly you are the worst in woman haters and male cultists. If you can’t see this is the reason the world is at the brink of destruction, perpetually, that PATRIARCHY and the fact that men think with their cocks instead of brains, you should not be here.
Apparently, this feminist crazy considers me as a bad bad male chauvinist pig.
Thanks for a good laugh, cheers!
The Saker
Much Respect to you Mr Saker….you are the Alexander Duggin of the Western Hemisphere, God Protect Always.
Wow, this is genius, really! It is so speaking out my mind – I’m pretty near to like to translate this into German..
I post the following article I wrote on the subject of ‘anti-semitism’. This article is based solely on the understanding I have received from studying Biblical Hebrew for over 30 years. This article has nothing what-so-ever to do with western or modern translations of the Old Testament, and is based solely on my own understandings gleaned from the study of Biblical Hebrew.
Вистина Воскресе!
Thank you for an excellent analysis and for doing your best to keep the Revolution alive.
All the best to you and your family!
27.April 2017
this article is very popular and thought provoking. Here my 2 cents.
It is very proper and correct to say that there are good and bad people in the world. What is not clear to me how can they be distinguished, separated, in the context of sociological analysis of a society. By that I mean the ultimate outcome – who in the society benefits from the societal consensus if the consensus is shaped by an agenda which is under the control of the „bad“ people. For example, the „Jews with agenda“ are the ones who beat the drums to war in ME. The US and the „Western“ societies do not benefit from those wars, in my opinion.
The „good“ and „bad“ Jews constantly over millennia live in „diaspora“ in societies which they do not want to assimilate with. In these societies, the agenda driven Jews are pushing themselves into the key positions in the government, in media, in the education institutions, at local and national levels. Some could argue that they are not „pushing themselves in“ but they are coming out „on top“ by their inherent added value in those societies. (This is another thread worth pursuing, for example looking at the art world – the music performing arts are dominated by the jewish impresarios and the jewish artists are hailed as the greatest ever). If one accepts that they do it on the merits, i.e. their higher average IQ, then one could accept the comparison to salt in food – a little salt makes food taste better, but too much of it makes it inedible. This would be comparable to the very admirable contributions of jewish minds to society, but if there is too much of them they become unbearable. It is not surprising that they are persecuted and expelled periodically from each and every society. Thus it is the genesis of antisemitism. General de Gaulle has been quite articulate in his speech (link below).
My basic dilemma is again – how to separate the ´agenda-pushing Jews´ from the good, fair minded, just people of mosaic faith and ethnicity. The ´agenda-Jews´ are IMHO nothing else but a world-wide very secret organization, not a formal organization, but nevertheless an organization. This group is seeking to gain material advantages over the outsiders. Their methods are frequently criminal, often use spying and distribution of secrets which give their own (in German they call themselves „unsere Leut´ – „our people“) the necessary advantage. Examples of how it is done are too numerous to count – stealing of nuclear materials, Mark Rich, Mossad, Maxwell (the one who fell over board in the Atlantic), control of entire industries (such as most recently the fight over metallurgy between Paul Singer and Kleinfeld, where the German Kleinfeld was pushed out and this struggle was called by one analyst – the struggle between the ´semitic and antisemitic´ – see link below) etc.etc.
This thinking however is not what I would like to believe in, because it leads me to the dubious idea of „world conspiracy“ of Jews.
hat tip to Saker for the reference about de Gaulle
„ his remark that “Some people even feared that the Jews, until then scattered about, but who were still what they had always been, that is an elite people, sure of themselves and domineering, would, once assembled again on the land of their ancient greatness, turn into a burning and conquering ambition.” (press conference, Nov. 27, 1967 – in the wake of the 1967 War). The elites decided De Gaulle had to go. „
and hier are the
references to Kleinfeld and Singer
and about the antisemitism specifically is this :
„Dahinter steckt tendenziell etwas Semitisch-Antisemitisches“…
(„Behind that hides something Semitic-Antisemitic“…)
from an article by Ulrich Oevermann : Klaus Kleinfelds Brief: Eine große Verarschung. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 23. April, 2017 )
Well done. I have miniatures of some of your Icons hanging in my bedroom. Please approach the Pope to debate the Filioque Insertion with the Patriachs of Constantinopol, Antioch, jerusalem and Alexandria. Point out that the Venetians put up the Norman/Templar Semi Pagan/Heretics to sack Constantinopol.
A quick read of the discussion below seems to show a post Westphalian or Dialectic Balance of Material Power argument. I’m not so sure that Russia or even China is really owned by Patriots, that is not the nature of trade. Further, when Putin more recently actually flushed out one of the “self made” Oligarchs, the true beneficial owner Rothschild, stepped up to take ownership under some sort of secret partnership agreement, likely dating back to the financing of the original ‘fire sale’ of the assets back in about 1990. Same sort of thing happened in New Zealand in the mid 1980s, “Social Laboratory of the World” – they try out their plans here first.
The Author of the article was talking about Spiritual Power to counter the “Prncipalities” and “Powers”. Jesus upbraided Peter when he cut off the soldier’s ear. That is the real discipline.
it’s impossible to understand the western world and the motivation of it’s leaders unless you understand how psychopaths think.
The biggest problem we face today is too many psychopaths in power. They are good at pretending they are just like us, they are charming, and ideally they want us to feel sorry for them (sounds familiar?)
Interestingly they cannot be any other way – because the have a serious mental defect – and inability to love anyone – so all they have are games of power and money. They are great liars and actors (like Hilary).
It’s up to us to learn to identify them and to prevent them from doing damage.
zionists seem like a psychopath as a tribe. Cultures can be psychopathic too and they can use all the lies, fake charm, trying to make us feel sorry for them etc as individual psychopaths.
Her is a great book on the subject:
or this one:
Indeed He is Risen.
Thank you, Saker for your analysis – it has added a lot to what I have been concluding this last decade of study about Zionism, Palestine/Israel, Syria and our wars of aggression in Western Asia. AngloZionist – I like that and may start using it. You have given me courage to speak and write more freely to my local paper.
The full truth about what is happening on the Earth plain is revealed poetically by the Siberian recluse Anastasia in the ringing Cedars of Russia series .Prototype humanity has always existed while mankind has devolved over millions of years into an ape. A handful of reincarnated occult sorcerers control humanity through the science of imagery: creating money out of thin air and charging interest on it for example and preventing families from living on a space of love[stolen and monoculture slavery instead]. Russia is the birth of a golden age and that is why it is targeted. Anastasia says her great grandfather stopped the Tunguska incident, with witnesses seeing two plasma spheres intercept the object before impact. Russia is protected.
God is like water.
Religions are sellers of water.
We all need water.
But we don’t necessarily need it from a particular seller.
As long as it is clean, it will do.
Fortunate, who can drink straight from the well.