Dear friends,

Yesterday I posted a subtitled video which I knew would be controversial, but I also considered that this was an important topic, so I went ahead with it.  This resulted in a few average comments, and some very good ones.  But then, today, I saw these two:

The vilification of Peter the Great is a manifestation of (not so) subtle Russophobia, fear and ‘revolutionary’ hatred of Russia. The ‘Holy Rus’ that some people are nostalgic of is the Russia moaning under the ‘Tartar yoke’. The Romanovs were the first fully ‘Russian’ Tsars. They made Russia great.


Islam is in fact a sub-product of a “Judeo-Christian” vision of the world. The ‘Judeo-Christians’ were all the sects who, while accepting the historicity of the Messiah-ship and Prophet-hood of Jesus Christ, denied that He was God.
Of course, “white Western judeo-Christian world” does not include Russia. But it does include…Islam!

I noticed that in both cases, we are dealing with anonymous posts.

These are just two examples of what I absolutely loathe: a short series of unsubstantiated slogans masquerading as a “comment”.

Here is how this model works.  Take any topic, especially one which people mistakenly believe they have an opinion about, let’s say, forestry.  The typical “slogan pseudo-comment” will read something like this:

Forest are important for humanity.  Several continents have forests.  Rivers are important too, but not as important as forests.  I wish forests did not have poison ivy.  Animals like forests too.  The Chinese communists are really evil.  Napoleon was a great genius.

The above does bear a superficial resemblance to a paragraph, until you look closer and see that these are not really “sentences” but more a kind of “flow-of-semi-consciousness” slogans stringed together with no rhyme or reason.  People who post this way also think that way (when I think I should have written “think that they think” that way, because this does not qualify as “thought”).

The idea that a thesis is best substantiated with logically processed facts simply does never even occur to them.

Our mods try really REALLY hard, but what are they supposed to do with people who simply have no idea how to think?

The rule of moderation #11 states: “Self evidently stupid, nonsensical and otherwise idiotic comments will be removed with no right to appeal.  Frankly, idiots have been the plague of this blog and I am tired of them.  From now on comments posted by people who are self-evidently stupid will be banned and their authors warned that a ban is next.

But where do we draw the line?

Another plague for our moderators have been battling is what I call the “single issue crusaders“.  These are folks who feel very VERY strongly about issue X (say, Islam, COVID, (((Jews))), Q-Anon, etc.) and have to always bring it all back to that single topic.  Very typically, their actual level of understanding of topic X is exactly inversely proportional to their hell-bent determination to bring their favorite topic back to the forefront not matter what (why? simply, because those who understand issue X understand that it is complex, thus they prefer debating/discussing over sloganeering and preaching).

Our rules of moderation (see here: currently have twenty one (21!) rules.  If we continue down this path, we will soon need a full book of rules and lawyers to navigate through them!

Besides, it is quite obvious that most commentators don’t bother reading the rules (one even told me that “since I am well educated, I don’t need to consult your rules”!).

And then, let’s be honest here, just take a look at a Bell Curve: we all can try to focus our efforts on the right hand side of that curve, but we cannot make the left side disappear, especially since folks on the left are too dull to realize where they stand on that curve.  Yet infinitely stupid comments are, literally, a type of mental pollution, they derail intelligent discussions precisely by being so stupid.  Shall we just ignore them, like mosquitoes on an otherwise very nice hike?

Then there are those who clearly do not read and/or understand what is written.  Some even openly say so “I did not read the full article but… bla bla bla”.  They are also the ones who typically send me angry “divorce letters”.

How about those who begin crusading against strawman arguments?!

I write A and they read non-A!

So what should I do?

Spell out what I am saying AND what I am NOT saying each time?!?!?!  That is not doable, I tried that in the past.  It does not work.

The extreme solution would be to shut down the comments section.  I don’t want to do that.

Making more rules?  As Putin said about forcing people to get vaccinated, “only a few hundred, maybe thousands, of people make the laws, but then millions work on how to circumvent or otherwise ignore them“.  He is right.

So making more rules for our comments section is futile.

Make all the comments like those in the current “Vignette” series: only signed-in people can comment?


Banning “anonymous” comments would only be a stop-gap semi-temporary hack, those hell-bent on posting will easily bypass that external limitation.

Maybe accept reality as it is, no matter how frustrating and discouraging, is the only viable option and I should just read the “Serenity prayer” (God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference) every time one of these folks being spewing their nonsense?


So I turn to you, Saker community, what can you recommend?  Is there anything we can do to finally free our comments section from this kind of mental garbage?

Personally, nothing demotivates me more than taking the time to put some very real effort into a post, or posting a superb guest post, only to then see the idiots (sorry, no better word comes to my mind right now) derail it all by their idiocy.  I just feel like throwing in the towel, give it all up and do something easy and fun (like hiking) instead of putting so much efforts into the blog.

And if the above sounds to you like a frustrated cry for help, it’s because it is :-)

But if that’s just me, then I am okay with it: after all, I don’t write this blog for me, but for you all, my friends and members of the Saker community.

Can you live with more of the same, or do you want changes?  If the latter, can you please suggest something, anything?

If you think it’s fine (maybe I am over-reacting!) – also please share your view with the rest of us.

Thanks to all, huge and cheers
