First, Alexander Borodai has made an important press conference.  I hope to have the subtitled video available soon.
Second, the main story is not MH17 but the murderous attack of the Nazis on Lugansk which, contrary to BBC claims, has not been taken.  However, scores of civilians have been killed in repeated volleys of MLRS rocket strikes by the Nazi forces.
Third, the Nazis in Israel are also using the MH17 as a cover/distraction to kill Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Fourth, I am, yet again, sick with the flu (yes, I know, again…) which one of my kids brought back home, so I will leave you today with an open thread.

2 Questions for all:

1) can somebody confirm to me that red-tipped Buk missiles are dummies used for training and not missiles equipped with a warhead?
2) is is true that the Resistance forces only seized red-tipped missiles?

Thanks and kind regards to all,

The Saker