I have been thinking about writing this post for several months now. But in a world were everything coming from the heart is misconstrued as some form of posturing, I was frankly afraid to do so. Also, writing that kind of stuff is not what bloggers do, much less so those who try to run a halfway credible blog. And yet, every time I got a kind email, a letter or even a gift, I felt that I have to write this. God knows I am opening myself up for even more misrepresentations as usual, but I think it is well worth it. My spiritual father always used to say “one soul is more precious than the entire universe“.
So I dedicate this post to that one soul.
My life has been one of ups and downs. Early on, after a pretty nasty childhood, it went up, rather rapidly. Then came the “fall from (pseudo-) grace” and I lost my career. It is still too early to go into all the details, but let’s just say that I used to be associated with a “three letter outfit” whose existence was not well-known by the general public and which has since been disbanded. In my field, I got to the proverbial ‘top’ pretty early on, but soon the war in Bosnia began to open my eyes to many things I had never suspected before. Then I found out about two things which got me blacklisted in my own, putatively democratic, country: I found out that a group of people had uselessly been murdered as a result of the criminal incompetence of their superiors and I found out that one guy had taken a long jail sentence while all this superiors had managed to walk away from a crime they all had committed. And even though I never went public, or even told my closest friends about it (to protect them), I was blacklisted and prevented from ever working again.
In those dark days my wonderful wife was always trying to tell me that it was not my fault, that I had never done anything wrong, that I was paying the price for being a person of integrity and that I had proven many times over how good I was in my field. I always used to bitterly reply to her that I was like a “submarine in a desert”: maybe very good at “something somewhere”, but useless in my current environment (I always used to visualize a Akula-class SSN stranded smack in the middle of the Sahara desert – what a sight that would be! I wish somebody would use a Photoshop-like software to create that pic). What I have found out since, is that our planet is covered with deserts and that there are many, many submarines in them, all yearning for the vastness of an ocean.
Modest beginnings at first
I came to the USA in 2002 with only one desire: to leave my past on the other side of the ocean and to disappear, to become an anonymous ‘nobody’ who would be left alone. More than anything else, I needed time to recover, to lick my wounds and to spend time with the only people who had stood by my without every doubting me: my wife and my kids.
The French have a very good saying:”chassez le naturel et il revient au galop” which can roughly be translated as “try to suppress your nature, and it will come back with a vengeance”. This is what happened to me. While in 2002 I had promised myself to never analyze anything more complicated that a fiction book, by 2007 I suddenly decided to start a blog. This blog. My goal? Very, very primitive: to write whatever the hell I wanted. I had spent so many years writing for “big people” who had very narrow limits of what they were willing to read that I decided to indulge in the joy of writing whatever I wanted with no concern or regard for anybody’s opinion. I had an itch to scratch I decided to scratch it.
You can still parse the archives of 2007 or 2008 and you will see that I really was making no efforts to reach anybody, make a difference or become popular. A short and ill-fated contact with (which ended up in disaster), gave me a few more readers but my readership was still tiny.
My choice of topics did not help. Years before, I had literally “bumped” into the topic of Hezbollah and, my curiosity picked, I spent a decade studying this movement and its amazing leader. By 2007 I was an unrepentant Hezbollah-groupie and Nasrallah fanboy and most of the blog dealt with the Middle-East. The other topic was Russia, simply because this was the country my family came from and which I had professionally analyzed for years. As for the Ukraine, I don’t think that I ever mentioned it at all. While I was disgusted with the ignorance and hatefulness of Ukrainian nationalists, I did not care about the Ukraine: “let them soak in their own ‘independent’ and yet pathetic and clearly sinking statelet if they want – I have more inspiring things to look at” was my philosophy at the time. Sure, I kept an eye on events there, but to me this reminded me of Russia in 1993 – I was disgusted with all the actors and with the entire situation. Besides, what could happen there which would be worthy of interest?
And sure enough, life proved me wrong (-: again :-)
The big wars of 2013
First, there was Syria and the Russian role in stopping Uncle Sam. Oh yes, there were the political efforts of the Russian diplomats, and they were ‘bad’ enough. But less noticed what the fact that Russia sent a hastily assembled but capable naval task force to the Syrian coast. Not a task force big enough to fight the US Navy, but a task force capable of providing a full view of the skies over and beyond Syria to the Syrian military. In other words, for the first time the US could not achieve a surprise attack on Syria, not with cruise missiles, not with airpower. Worse, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah embarked on a covert and overt program of material and technical assistance for Syria which ended up defeating the Wahabi insurgency. The AngloZionist were absolutely *livid*. So to teach Putin and those damn Russkies a good lesson, they blew up the Ukraine and, again, Putin did two things they had never expected and which they could never forgive: he did sent forces Crimea but he did not do so in Novorussia: there he helped covertly. There was no doubt possible: Russia had committed the “Crime of Crimes” of openly defying the will of our planetary overlords. The Empire’s response was predictable: a full-spectrum ‘war’ on Russia and Putin, albeit not an overtly military one (yet).
For me and my blog, the consequence of this mega-crisis was immediate: the readership literally exploded and, at the suggestion of other (it was not even my idea!), more Saker blogs suddenly began popping up. From a unknown one man anonymous blog the Saker blog morphed into a global community, and that over less than one year.
[Sidebar: if often fell like a war profiteer. The worse the situation in the Ukraine, the more readers I get, the calmer, the less. On a really quiet day I get as little as 20’000 hits, on a really bad day, up to 69’000. I estimate my more or less regular readership at no more than 30’000]
I am outlining all this to truthfully explain to you that this was never the plan for me. Not only was this completely unplanned, it even took me by surprise. In fact, I was so surprised that I could not honestly make sense of it. Think of it.
Here is a one-man blog, written by some anonymous dude with a silly alias, who repeatedly engages in all sorts of crimethink (like the day when I wrote – to a mainly Arab readership – that I believed that Hamas ought to unconditionally release Gilad Shalit, LOL!) who is neither from the Left, nor from the Right, whose writing is chock full of typos and, frankly, very poorly written sentences and yet this blog suddenly takes off like a rocket. And you can tell by my writing style that I don’t even take myself too seriously. But so what in the world has happened here?
Sure, I am a decent analyst, I know Russian and a few other languages, I have studied Russia for all my life and the Middle-East for, well, a little over a decade. This is not bad, but hardly a reason for such a success.
Then I understood:
It was never about me, but always about you
Along with more daily visitors, I began receiving more and more emails and letters. And presents. Often very touching ones. Just look at the absolutely beautiful drawing of a Saker Falcon I got yesterday (thanks SO MUCH “S.T.”! I will frame and posted it on my wall)
People who had never met me and who really knew nothing about me were literally pouring kindness over me. Most emails and letter centered on political issues, but a big minority were expressing much deeper feelings such as gratitude and a desire to morally support. I was amazed, really. Then my readers began suggesting that I should place a donation button on the blog. Many may not believe me here, but that idea had never even crossed my mind. Eventually, I did (God knows I needed the money) and to my absolute amazement people began donating. Why? Why would anybody in our cynical word filled with crooks donate some hard earned and always scarce money to a guy he/she has never met? Was that just because I was posting materials about Syria or the Ukraine? Or my oh-so-good analyses? Hardly.
And then there was also the rage. Many, many letters were literally oozing with rage. Rage against the government, its media, the Empire, the lies and the dishonesty. Rage at having been lied to. Rage at the humiliation of being treated like a serf or a slave. Rage at our dysfunctional and self-destructive society. Before that, I had no idea that so many people were so mad.
The most gut-wrenching letters were often from US servicemen. They often began with “I consider myself a patriotic American and I love my country which I served for many years in the military but….” and here it inevitably turned into a painful admission that this country was lead by evil crooks, occupied by parasites, owned by a 1% of SOB whom everybody else despises. And you would simply not believe the kind of stuff these correspondents, including former servicemen, would write about Putin. It was amazing – I regularly joke that if given a chance to run, Putin might be elected as President of the US of A.
[Sidebar: By the way, I will not post these letters here. Not even excepts. First, I want to protect the trust of those who wrote to me. Second, some of these letters are so amazing and moving that I will inevitably be accused of making them up. So I will simply forgo presenting any ‘proof’ for my statements. Believe me or not – makes no difference to me. And if you don’t – then I guess that yours is not the soul I dedicate this post to anyway]
So there I was trying to figure out – why such an outpouring of kindness for a total stranger (and an anonymous one at that!) and such an outpouring of rage against the society we live in. And then, I think that I figured it out.
The deserts are filled with submarines (but they are breaking free!)
That’s it. I had mistakenly believed that I was the only one feeling like a submarine in a desert, but in reality the deserts of our society were filled with people who felt completely alienated. Several times in the past I posted here the beautiful song by David Rovics “We are everywhere” because with each passing month I began to realize that he was literally right – we are, indeed, everywhere.
What society had done to me – made me completely powerless – it has also done to you. And just the way it had made me feel like a single lonely nutcase, it made you feel like you were the only one. I most sincerely believe that the real reason for the success of this blog, its global community, its vibrant discussions and the amazing outpouring of kindness towards me is in the following simple fact: I inadvertently made it possible for many thousands of people to realize they they were not alone, not crazy, not wrong but that quite literally “we are everywhere”!
The second thing that I did, again quite inadvertently, is to empower those who felt powerless to do something, to make a change, to really have an impact.
Our societies are designed to make us feel like prison inmates, serfs or slaves. We all know that voting is a useless joke, that our rulers don’t give a damn about us, that political dissent is frowned on when it is real, that revolts are crushed in violence, that pluralism is viciously repressed by the prevailing ideology, that our schools brainwash and stupidify our kids and turn them against us, that the home brainwashing appliances like the Idiot-Tube, the radio or the papers are here to do only three things: entertain us, get our money and zombify us. We know that, but we feel powerless to do anything about it.
By asking for help in my work on the blog and, especially, by allowing for what I call “spontaneous self-organization” (something which I had directly taken from how the Debian community functions) I had given those who shared my goals a readily available means to take action. And I have to say that the result exceeded my expectations by many order of magnitude (and made me realize that some “amateurs” are at least as good as, or better, then “pros”). Treat people with respect, give them a chance, and they will do miracles for you!
[Sidebar: if you are interested in how big complex projects can self-organize, please read – online – chapter 2.4 “The Debian Community” pp 46-57 in this book. Of course, I did not deliberately try to copy the Debian model, but I did apply the “just do it” principle and I let each Saker Blog self-organize in a completely independent manner. I also see my own role in the Saker community as one of a “benevolent dictator“, another free software phenomenon, though, so far, I have only had to act in this capacity once].
Thanks to my inadvertently stumbling into the fantastic and yet untapped potential of so many good people our community began to grow almost spontaneously (several Saker Blog Team Leaders have also expressed to me the same amazement I was feeling).
Suddenly many “submarines” had found their oceans to show what they were really capable off!
Do you know about the Asch conformity experiment? [If not, take a quick look here before reading on]. Well, I think that my oppositional-defiant personality inadvertently crashed at least part of the gigantic Asch conformity experiment our society has become. I was calling it as I was seeing it and to hell with the consequences (I had so few readers anyways…). Then, in 2010 I decided to really give a good kick into the sandcastle of our delusions and posted an article entitled “Why am I not hearing the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor?”. In this post I basically repeated something which anybody could verify and which was undeniable: NIST had, by direct implication, admitted that WTC7 had been brought down by controlled demolition. Furthermore, and contrary to popular belief, NIST has simply no explanation at all for how the WTC1 and WTC2 had fallen. And yet, this amazing fact was completely obfuscated by the collective Asch experiment being imposed on us. But the reality is that the 911 issue is just a tip of an iceberg. Our entire society is one big, long and neverending Asch experiment and most of us, at least on some level, know about it. We all feel what the Matrix series calls the feeling like a “splinter in our mind”.
I suppose that for types like myself (disrespectful of social dogmas and norms, oppositional and defiant towards authority, rebellious and aggressive by nature, deeply contrarian on an almost knee-jerk level, libertarian in outlook) the outcome of the tension between what I feel and what I am told to feel results in a long battle against the established order and dominant ideology (no wonder another two of my favorite songs of David Rovics are “Burn it down” and “We will shut them down“). But once a bad guy like myself decided to yank the splinter out of my mind – others decided to give it a try too and that is how it all began.
My gratitude to you
And here is what I wanted to say through all of the above: I know that I personally do not deserve such kindness and gratitude. In reality, the very fact that you have shown me so much kindness also shows that you are truly the one deserving gratitude and praise. I am just the very very lucky one – you are the kind and generous one. And, please believe me, this has nothing to do with me engaging in some kind of false modesty – I truly believe it, this is the conclusion I have come to from your letter and your emails.
In conclusion, I want to share a special song with all those of your who have “poured out their souls to me” (Russian expression). It is from the Russian bard Vladimir Vyssotskii and it is called “Song of the Earth”:
Here are the lyrics (translated by George Tokarev)
Is the earth, as they say, burnt and dried?
Will a seed, as they say, never sprout?
Has the earth, as they say, really died?
No! It’s taken a lengthy time-out!
Mother Earth will forever give birth,
Its maternity isn’t a fiction!
Don’t believe that they burnt down the earth,
No! It’s blackened from grief and affliction.
Trenches, running like scars back and forth...
Bleeding guts black shell-craters expose...
They are open nerves of the earth,
Which unearthly unhappiness knows.
It will stand wars and grief - any thing!
It’s not crippled, though booted and looted...
Don’t believe that the earth doesn’t sing,
That it’s quieted down, diluted!
No, it’s singing as loud as it can
From a trench, from a wound, from a hole!
Since the earth is the soul of Man,
Boots cannot trample down the soul!
This last sentence, “boot cannot trample down the soul!”, speaks, I believe, not only of physical boots, though these are also meant, but also about psychological, ideological, social boots who, no less than the real thing, try hard to trample down on our souls.
Remember the last sentence of Orwell’s 1984? “He loved Big Brother”. I always absolutely hated that sentence. Yes, for the purpose of the book, this was the correct ending being, as it was, a warning. But I always though “hell, no I will always hate Big Brother”, “boots cannot trample down souls”.
What you all, my friends, have proven to me is that there are many of us who will not love Big Brother and that Big Brother has not trampled down our souls. 20 years ago I used to feel like the most lonely man on the planet. Now, thanks to you, I feel like we are everywhere and I have friend, free fellow humans, all over the planet.
And for that you have my eternal and most heartfelt gratitude,
The Saker
PS: note to the Saker-haters: I am fully aware of how easy it is to distort and “rephrase in other words” what I wrote above, and how many ugly and nasty conclusions you can come up with. At the very least, you will call me either a hypocrite or delusional. Fine. You have shown me over and over again that this is a price to pay for honesty. I did not try to make this text slander-proof and if you want to use that to trash me further – fine. I just want you to know that I accept that and that I don’t fear you one bit :-p
December 2015 addendum from the Saker:
[Note: I decided to post this addendum following the events described here]
I consider that the “Submarine in the desert” text above really says everything relevant about me. I also believe that you can tell a tree by its fruits – so my blog is really what people ought to judge me by. However, since others apparently want to know a little more about my past life, I can add the following:
I was born in Zurich, Switzerland, from a Dutch father and Russian mother. My father left us when I was 5, so my mother and my Russian family raised me and this is why I took my mother’s last name. I lived most of my life in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1984 I did my military service in electronic warfare and I was later transferred to the military intelligence service (UNA) as a language specialist where did some work with the Swiss Air Force. I then traveled to the USA where I got a BA in International Relations from the School of International Service (SIS) at the American University and a MA in Strategic Studies from the Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins University. Upon my return to Switzerland, I worked as a civilian consultant for the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service (SND) writing strategic analyses, primarily about the Soviet/Russian military. In the military, I was given the Major-equivalent rank of “Technical Officer”, which is a fancy way of saying that I was an analyst. I also worked as an “enemy operations” (“Red Team” in US parlance) specialist for the operational-level training of the General Staff of Swiss armed forces.
[Special note for some alternatively gifted folks: no, I never worked/served a single day in NATO. At the time of my work for the Swiss military, Switzerland was still a neutral country whose military doctrine was purely defensive in nature and was still non-aligned country. In other words, I was willing to serve and, if needed, defend, my country of birth without in any way hurting the interests of my “historical motherland”, that is Russia.]
I then accepted a position for the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) where I specialized in peacekeeping tactics and operations. This gave me the opportunity to co-author a book on Russian peacekeeping operations with the Major-General I. N. Vorob’ev, of the Russian General Staff Academy. My last work at UNIDIR was about psychological operations and intelligence in peacekeeping which can be downloaded here. At the same time, I also wrote an evaluation of the performance of the Russian military during the first Chechen war for the Journal of Slavic Military Studies which somebody has since uploaded here. The wars in Bosnia and Chechnia really opened my eyes to the real nature of the Empire. Since I thought that I was living in a democracy, I did voice my opinion on these topics and I soon ended up being viewed with suspicion by my former bosses. I quit the UN and took up a position at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which was probably the worst mistake of my life and which I shall never discuss publicly. By the time I got out of that job, I was basically blacklisted as a “dangerous element” (meaning “disloyal”) by my former bosses (my regular contacts with Russian diplomats and my efforts at providing aid to the Bosnian Serbs probably did not help). In total disgust, I abandoned my career as a military specialist and re-trained as a software engineer. When 9/11 crashed the IT sector I was unemployed again and I left Switzerland for the USA where I homeschooled our 3 children while doing odd jobs, mostly as a translator (I am fluent in Russian, French, English, Spanish and German) while my wife worked as a veterinarian (now, that our kids have grown up, my wife and I work together). In 2007 I decided to start an anonymous blog, mainly as a psychotherapy for myself, and I called it “Vineyard Saker” – a simple machine-generated anagram of my full name :-)
Finally, and just for the record, a few points: I never did any intelligence gathering for anybody, though I was approached by the Americans, the Russians and the Swiss do to exactly that, but I turned them all down (just not my cup of tea at all). While my maternal family are all from the Russian nobility, my Dutch DNA is 100% proletarian, and I am quite happy with that mix. To my great regret, I get no help from Russia at all – not money, not information (I would *love* to be a paid “Putin agent” but VVP has not made any offers yet). All my info is 100% “open source”. My past experience with classified data tells me that it is either highly technical or time-critical but not otherwise better than open source information: 80% of all the good info is out there, in the open, it is just a matter of putting it together correctly. I get a regular trickle of donations from the blog, but nothing major, and only 2 private donors (thanks guys!!) provide most of it anyway. If making money was my big goal, then I assure you that I had plenty of much better opportunities. Oh, and if you still wonder, no, I am not a Muslim nor am I on any Muslim (or other) payroll.
I am a “proud card carrying member” of the FSF and the EFF, Political Compass ( scores me as a “Left Libertarian”:
Personally, I reject the Left-Right reference system and consider myself an Orthodox “People’s Monarchist” (народный монархист) in the tradition of Lev Tikhomirov, Feodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Solonevich and Ivan Ilyin. Just like the Russian philosopher Berdaev, rather than looking left or right, I rather look *up*!
I also recognize myself in the notion of “Left of labor, Right of values” (Gauche du travail, droite des valeurs) of Alain Soral. My economics are: laissez-faire capitalism for the family and small business level, socialism for the corporation level and communism for strategic/national level sectors of the economy.
My favorite authors are Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Sergei Lukiianenko.
I play acoustic jazz guitar and my favorite guitarist are Philip Catherine, John McLaughlin, Vicente Amigo and Angelo Debarre. My favorite composers are J.S. Bach, Astor Piazzolla and Roger Waters.
I have over 45 years of freediving experience (which I began long before the Big Blue movie made that lifestyle popular), but now, at 58, I mostly kayak and hike the Florida wilderness.
Now that I wrote all of the above, I still think that it is largely irrelevant. Judge me not by what I say about myself, but by my blog or, better, my book. All of the above is true, but these are my *external life circumstances* and they do not say much about who I really *am*. My writings do. Study them (if so inclined) and you will know who I am.
The Saker
I thank you – a reader from Portugal.
Mille merci.
It’s always nice to encounter a fellow submarine in the desert. This has been my situation since about 1952 when I put 2 and 2 together and decided (at 4 years old) that I’d been fed a diet of lies from day one. Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny…all bullshit conjured up to prepare little rugrats for a feast of adult fairy tales…God, Country, Military Heroes, Liberty and justice for all. Keep fighting and we might yet find open water.
Great, insightful commentaries, learning a lot from you.
Best regards,
Reader from Down Under
hey, nobody should be directing hatred toward you.
anybody who is a Hezzie fanboy has all the problems that he can deal with and more
I’ve read your blog on occasion, but your personal story hit the mark. I went to Russia in 95 with a 3 month visa and stayed for 8 years. It was there I woke up, and it changed my life. At the time I belonged to a religious group with which I had associated for more than 20 years, but left when it finally dawned on me they weren’t practicing what they preached, and I simply could no longer go along with group think. I’m still deeply interested in scripture and study the Bible it in the original languages, there is so much that has gotten twisted and warped along the way and I learn and understand more each day, never mind what the egg-sperts (academics) say, but the further I go along this path the fewer the people I can talk to, they simply don’t understand what I’m on about. I too feel like a like a submarine in the desert – the church I was with practice shunning.
In Russia I talked to many people from different backgrounds and cultures and every so often I would meet someone who, like me, was ready to scrape away the cultural imprinting and we would talk human to human, what a wonderful experience, I remember each occasion with fondness and a warm glow in my heart. From time to time I write on a forum of ex church members but mostly they don’t understand where I’m coming from, also there are the obligatory Zionist moles who side track and try to divert the discussion into safer channels. So your story has inspired me, I just need to find a venue, and do it, because what I am learning needs to be shared.
Cheers from the LRW ~ the little red worm
Thanks so much for writing another great article and sharing a part of your life.
Keep doing what you are doing, we need more people like you.
Thank you Mr Saker. From Brazil, i am reading yours texts and I’m deeply moved. Good to know that we have fight companions inside the empire.
For a just and freedom world. For sovereignty and self-determination. Long live to the proletariat internationalism and socialist fight!
Reading this has literally brought a tear-to-my-eye. Bully for you … and your fellow ‘submarines.’
I enjoy reading your articles. Encore!
Good Work Saker
“NIST has simply no explanation at all for how the WTC1 and WTC2 had fallen.”
Do we need an explanation from NIST or anyone? We can see with our own eyes the demolitions marching down the buildings a couple of seconds before the collapsing exploded debris.
The CDC simply has no explanation of why the ever growing tide of Autism is engulfing our children.
Do we need an explanation from the CDC or anyone, we can hear with our own ears our children screaming in pain all night until their vocal cords are too tired to cry, as their brains swell from the toxic “vaccinations”.
We KNOW and by our actions THEY will know we know.
Despite all their money, power, iron clad political control and fine technology THEY will in the end LOSE. Their centuries old dream of a planet of slaves at their beck and call will not be realized.
Florida is a beautiful state to make a home, raise children and be happy. You do good work Saker. No one of the world shall vindicate the life you spend defending and nurturing your loved ones and how you choose to do that. Through this blog we get a glimpse.
My dad was born in Voroshilovgrad in 1941. I was born in Oregon in 1964.
Being an appreciative reader of your blog we are in this together.
Warm words – and thank you for your engagement.
Spoken so eloquently .Peace brother !
It is sad how much the Anglo-Zionism has polluted our minds and culture with nonsense, the least to say degrading.
But better late than never…
WOW !! Thank you Saker. “Submarines in the desert” is simply AWESOME !
Since serving in the Southeast Asia Military Action (Vietnam War) I have also been a submarine in the desert. Now, thanks to you and other brave souls and with my periscope fully extended, I am starting to see the liberating water slowly creeping in towards us. I pray your missives with quicken the flow. God bless you ole friend that I have never met.
May I take issue with one of your opinions? How is Herzl’s Zionism project a secular version of the Talmudic religion? I agree more or less with your opinion of the latter. Yes, Zionism as a colonial venture was a criminal act because it displaced the former inhabitants. BUT, as Montesquiou in the Spirit of the Laws points out, ALL regimes are founded on a crime. All present populations have displaced or murdered the previous inhabitants of those places. Except perhaps for Australian aborigines, no people is autochthonous. It seems to me that condemning Israel as colonialist, but not condemming ALL OTHER regimes, would be based on jew hatred or being mindwashed by political correctness. I note that you make a distinction between Herzl’s vision and that of contemporary Israel. (I recently came upon some of your recent pieces. It goes almost without saying that I enjoyed reading them and found them provocative and instructive. Thanks!)
Soaring, inspiring Saker: I come to your website after many references to it by Paul Craig Roberts, etc. I’m really glad that I took time to read “About” you. More power to you as you return to the sea and then, hopefully, change from a submarine into a whale. VERY BEST WISHES!
Heartful thanks to You, Saker, and all the peaople supporting Your work !
– and not to forget the people supporting You personally !
We are not alone.
C’ln from Zürich Switzerland
From a french guy, more or less black…Thanks Saker
Bell bev Devoe ended his song “Poison” by these words “Bell bev devoe… Now you know”
So I can say now “the Saker, an Antidote… now I know ”
Please never stop, for you, for us, for them, Jori
Dear Saker, you said about youself more than enough.
Thank you saker for your work, dedication and commitment. Thank you also for the frank display of humanity and honesty.
I think the idiot you ‘outed’ you did us a great favor. very impressive background. I bought your book and have found it to be incredibly insightful.
Thank you Saker for telling us about yourself. This is important, and you did the right thing.
When I heard your surname for the first time, I thought you were from nobility. And you are. Isn’t the world amazing – 100 or so years after the bitter civil war, people from the same land but from completely different social classes (I am definitely not from nobility) can share the same thoughts, beliefs, and goals – to see their mother land prosperous and happy again? I find it incredible and very auspicious.
And, finally, I cannot believe you have not been to Russia since 1996! You MUST go. You will LOVE it, you will not believe your eyes. I go every year now, this year went 3 times, this is how much I love it. Moscow is drop-dead gorgeous, other places are great too, and give it some time – Crimea will be beautiful.
Russain heart
Heartfelt gratitude for you, your wisdom and words, from another member of the beached fleet!
Thanks for taking the time and effort to be honest. I started my website in 2006 just to make sure an old 1889 book (of the same name) I discovered years ago didn’t die a quiet death. Your “submarine in the desert” analogy fits me (and the book’s author) perfectly, but had never thought of it that way before.
I came to your site today via ZeroHedge that posted Michael Hudson’s IMF commentary. I had met Michael through AMI (American Monetary Institute) conferences several times. (More “submarines in the desert.”) Personally, I’ve stopped with the namings, too, and simply divide the world up into 1% sociopaths (with little or no empathy nor conscience) and the 99% non-sociopaths. No borders, no colors, no religions, just good and not-so-good people.
Thanks for your efforts.
An extremely informative and perceptive article. One of the best that I have read. Should be published in, at least, London Review of Books.
We are truly living in the age of the great ‘deceiver’ where all timeless ‘values’ have been turned on their heads. Wherever one cares to look ‘moral, economic, social, ethical’; everything has been corrupted to an unbelievable level.
The result is mass confusion, wars, poverty, social chaos and the list goes on. The only safe place is some remote mountainside with access to fresh water, animal rearing on a small scale and vegetable gardening for survival. To preserve one’s mental state; prayer and meditation.
My family members have a different point of view and await the time when the men in white coats take me away!
From a real submarine in the desert (meaning: in this world):
”Everyone will hate you because of my (Jesus’) name” (Matthew 10:22);
”But you don’t belong to the world; I (Jesus) took you away from the world; that’s why the world hates you” (John 15:19);
”Heaven and earth will pass away” (Matthew 24:35);
”If you find your life, you’ll lose it, but if you lose your life for Me (Jesus), you’ll find it” (Matthew 10:39);
”When we’re dead, we’re free from sin” (Romans 6:7) – our old self DIES in Him;
”If anyone isn’t born from above, he can’t see God’s kingdom” (John 3:3);
”I leave peace with you; I give you My peace” (John 14:27);
”I told you this so you will have peace in Me. In the world you have trouble. But have courage; I have conquered the world” (John. 16:33);
”If you’re thirsty, come to Me and drink. If you believe in me, steams of living water will flow from you, as the Bible has said” (John. 7:37-38);
”Blessed is the man who doesn’t go with the wicked in their planning, stand in the ways of sinners, or sit in the compane of mockers, but delights in what the Lord teaches and reads it thoughtfully day and night” (Psalms 1:1-2);
”Don’t love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, he doesn’t love the Father” (I John 2:15);
”Don’t you know that to love the world is to hate God? If you want to be a friend of the world, you make youself an enemy of God” (James 4:4);
”If you try to save your life, you’ll lose it; but if you’ll lose it, you’ll save it” (Luke 17:33).
”I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) – so the Life is there. In him only is the forgiveness of sins.
The only right way out of the desert is the way of Jesus Christ.
You have a big heart and a big soul. I pray for you that God will keep you. I am a watchman and it gets very lonely at times on the ramparts, especially as night closes in on our world and you hear the sobbing of so man people. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. When I realize how small I am I turn to prayer for that is the strongest help for the one who offers the prayer to the strongest power in the universe. Be well my friend I have not met yet and thank you again.
Thank you so much for for taking the time and effort to write this introduction to yourself for me/us. I know from experience how difficult that is to do, simply because the more one looks at oneself, the more one feels blind to who he/she really is and always more aware of how limited our “insights” into ourselves probably are. God Himself tells us that our human hearts, on their own, are totally deceitful and deceivable, meaning only He truly knows us, and we really don’t. Probably others in our lives know more about us than we do in many cases. There is also the limitation of words in attempting to create 5D descriptions of ourselves (with 4 and 5 being the temporal and the spiritual dimensions), especially given the fact that we are ever changing, with every new thought and insight and bit of wisdom we are given, even for one such as you who speaks and therefore enjoys many languages.
Anyway, I have just found this blog/site…been here once before, but only for some specific article. I’ll be visiting more now that I understand a bit of the core philosophy, worldview of this site. And yes, we all at times feel alone out here, but yes, also, we are everywhere, as the song goes. On the other hand, as a follower and lover and grateful worshiper of Christ and a believer in the truth of the Word of God, I know, from what God tells us, that I belong to a family that stretches throughout time and space and into eternity, and that He is and always will be with us…to the end of this age and beyond…we are never alone. I also fully believe in and set my hope on the sovereignty and omnipotence, as well as the infinite wisdom and grace and goodness, of God. Without that and without believing that with all my heart, nothing we could discuss would really matter to me, for the only thing that would make any sense to do would be “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”
Hi, Saker.
You make good sense on all points that I have read above.
I’m reading ”Cancer Ward” right now, there’s a lot of education about Russia in there. I thought, at one time, after I read ”Ivan Disenovich” and ”Gulag Archepellago”, decades ago, that Soldenitzen was mainly just lifting stuff from Dostoyevsky, for a less well read public, which would be ok, if true. I am that less educated myself. ”Cancer Ward was written I think in the ’60’s, and though less affluent, the conditions aren’t so much different than USA, the cultural everyday stuff rings a bell. Dostoyevsky really hammers away, repetatively (hypnoticly… ?), as I remember.
Hey Saker,
Been following you for a while now. Cool blog, a hard endeavour but very necessary.
We all do what we can in our own way in these dark times. But even those shall pass eventually.
It’s been a long time since I have first visited your site, and now I am amazed to figure out you would be the best person to appreciate my research in, and
There is more to comment here; however, I’ll have to come back later: originally I started a comment on your piece about the Jewish connection, so I’ll now go there and finish it – this one can wait (to become Part 2).
Dear Saker,
It’s been a long time since I have first visited your site, and now I am amazed to figure out you would be the best person to appreciate my research in, and
There is more to comment here; however, I’ll have to come back later: originally I started a comment on your piece about the Jewish connection, so I’ll now go there and finish it – this one can wait (to become Part 2).
I followed a link to an article on your blog, but before I was even halfway through it, I decided to check out “About Me.” I decided I wanted to find out more about the person, the soul, whose feelings were coming out in the article. Instead of glancing through your “About Me” post, I read it in its entirety. When I finished, I read every comment on the first and fourth page. (I jumped to the 4th page just to see the dates of the latest commentators, but read each of their posts.
Just wanted to say that I can feel some of the same hurts, insights, etc. as you and some of your readers (who posted). I think I will be “stopping by” your blog again and again in the very near future. Great blog and I’m happy for you it turned out to be such a success (in a way).
Take care of yourself and your family. With the greatest respect.
I Have been reading your articles for some time now and admire you very much, I have your book (kindell) and I love it. I think I am getting paranoid about the current international situation, just as of today February 14th the situatiojn in Syria is just as dangerous as ever. The US is looking for trouble all over the world, I have been almost all of my life (born in Lima Peru in the middle of WWII) a fervent beleiver of US, I lived in the US from 1960 to 1969, wonderfull years, Though never an amercian citizen, I was drafted in the US Army and volunteered to the elite 101st Airborne División ” screeming eagles”. I feel most proud and lucky about that part of my life. There are other very interesting things I have done for Uncle Sam.
But now specially since the Ukranian crisis, I must say that the US is totally wrong and against all the good things I beleived of The AMerican Way of LIfe.
During the Cuban missile crisis i was ready to give my life for the US, I thank President JF KENNEDY, he did not let the SOB military start a war that most certainly would have killed me and millions more.
The US and NATO are dead wrong about Ukraine and Syria, etc etc and Russia is the good guy agains all the evil.
Any way “Saker” I travel to Florida quite often and it would be incredibly nice, a life experience to meet you, do you give public speeches or luncheons or is there a chance we can get toguether in the near future ?
Found my way here via Twitter..Hugo Turner (anti-imperialist)..and now your site. I don’t know if I’m a submarine in the desert. But your description of how you come about your angle of events isn’t a lone shout in the wilderness. You can chalk me up as one acquiring parallel conclusions to yours also.
I also agree that it is high time to throw out the way the US uses political party labels. Relativism has bastardized the English language. Purposely done to manipulate anything under the sun.
America is the land of “Lies.”
God to know that people like you exist!
Kindest regards
Saker, since you mention studying the Fathers of the Church, I’m wondering if you’re familiar with the probable contents of the written part of the Third Secret of Fatima (as opposed to just the vision which was revealed in 2000), as is covered in Christopher Ferrara’s “The Secret Still Hidden,” which I believe can still be read online. Thanks for all you do and God bless!
Greetings Saker I just read your blog article about yourself with not small astonishment.
your life and mine on different sides of this pond have paralleled one another.
in 1978 the Lord Jesus Christ told me to join the army. Then he had me put in Russian language studies where I was the first in my class at DLI, then he had me put in intelligence analysis and then he had me put in a psychological operations unit.
the sum of all parts was that when he opened my eyes to the United States in Scripture and I was able to see the world with the background of my military training through spiritual eyes I was led to the same information that you now publish routinely. Sooner or later it was inevitable that he would lead me to your blog.
I’m writing to you today to ask you to look at my blog, as providing you agree, I would like to have permission to post a selection of your articles, complete – no editing – with full credit and a link to your blog.
My blog is http://www.The-parallel-universe.Com
thank you for getting back to me either way. Yours very truly
and God bless you richly in Christ
Victoria Jean Christine Bingham
(Feel free to delete this comment after you read it)
To The Saker…
Surely a person like yourself would have something extremely valuable to publish along the lines of ‘The Saker’s Tactical Approach to Success in Performance Freediving’.
I would absolutely read it/buy it of course!
Currently diving 65 metre constant weight and know I have 100 metre in me.
Have a great week.
Paulo Winter
65m constant weight?! Wow – then you could give me lessons. I could not go beyond 40 in constant :-( Although, to be fair, I never had a chance to try since most of my freediving was solo and swimming, meaning that I did not have a boat or board or anything. I just left the shore and went diving by myself, mostly in the Mediterranean, but also in the Atlantic and Pacific on a few occasions.
Say hello to the deep for me!
The Saker
Interesting life. I may have visited here before judging by the addon/cookies, not sure. I’m sure I have read some of your stuff though, Saker.
I am Misha. A bit younger than you, I sympathize with you and in some ways even empathize. I was born in America, of Scottish/English and Russian stock. I wandered during my youth, went to law school, took a little detour which still gives me nightmares and shakes, etc. I had a law practice and hated it in the end. Interestingly, Bosnia/Serbia was what opened my eyes as well, at least began to do so. I get FB messages from people I evidently met over there . . . it’s all blurry to me. In any case, I’m doing the TESL thing now in order to travel. My Russian is decent, I have a BA in it. I’ve forgotten most of my Spanish. I like the blues and sing a play blues guitar. I spent 10 years at a Greek Orthodox parish and learned Byzantine. Divna is my favorite.
Just touching base with you, Saker. I admire your work. –
I have posted on Monomakhos from time to time as “Misha” and other Orthodox forums.
Kali Sarakosti!
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Did you know that there is a Saker Island in Deir-ez-Zor?
Look at this map to right of green area
I was about to send an excerpt from your article, ‘What a Russia-US War Might Look Like’, to a very good friend of mine, someone I am trying to pry from his seat at the FOX, neocon table of mis and dis – information. I looked around for your identity because I don’t like to send things to him without giving him an indication of the author’s credentials. That led me to read ‘“Submarines in the desert” and “Reflections on the debacle”. I admit it, I am impressed more with you than even your very good articles, because your spirit comes through your words, and it is a kindred spirit.
Sometimes I think I am a reincarnated Russian farmer and sometimes it might be a Russian inventor. (with a farm) I awoke to the understanding that US democracy s failing us in the mid 80s and weaned myself off FOX News somewhere around the year 2000. In September of 2015 my wife, my youngest son and I relocated to the Philippines partly because I no longer wanted to live in the US for several reasons, some political.
As frustrating as it is with the likes of my good friend who is addicted to FOX News, many Americans are waking up as you say, and the doom and gloom about my ex-homeland has improved all the way up to fearful pessimism. (I fear for friends and family, 4 children and 10 grand children still living there, that I leave to the whims of our out of control government) One might think that now that I’m no longer living in the US, can’t I just forget about all its problems. No, and I have to ask you at this point, how can you stand such close proximity to the evil empire and its reach?
Anyway, I mostly just wanted tell you that you really got to me, mainly because you are a crusader and one that stays the course no matter the cost. We must be true to ourselves or we can’t be true to anyone. I’m too old now to do much about anything but try to reach a few friends and family with my version of the truth. I really don’t think we are going to change the way the world works, but that doesn’t mean we should quit trying.
Along with the political message, I want to share a song that I believe is the other important message of our day.
Beautiful, soulful Russia is an inspiration to many submarines in the desert or, simply, caged birds (souls soar). Thank you for sharing your wholesome self with the world. I am certain your words are true because they resonate in all these stranded submarines and now in me also. Might I speak of another great Russian writer, Vladimir Megre (born in the early ’50s) and his Ringing Cedars of Russia series?
Dear Saker,
it is a pleasure to read your articles!
having visited St.Petersburg already two times (again this year for the SIS congress/conference and the lovely White Nights) I had to REALLY take a good look at my own russophobia educastration, one because I met so many open people there, who pragmatically look at us westerners as simply not enough well informed…
Am just about to finish the essential saker, which makes so much more sense than the broohaha american tell-a-vision mentality, and thank you for not editing out the typo’s ( actually I’m a goldsmith but with my wife also occasional translator and subtitler) – they make the reading so much more intimate, as if you are more interested in what U R writing than correct spelling.
…Gil Scott Heron jazz-rapped: ” The revolution will not be televised ” who knows?It’s showtime everywhere and the ones with eyes to see are already revolutionizing themselves, ’cause the change has to start from you.
Thanks again for all you do.
Quite interesting life mate! Go ahead with your blog, before you I didn’t even know a blog on geopolitics could even exist. Please let me know if one can assist you on gathering information together or whatever you consider necessary to give it a push to your great blog.
If the song above is translated from the Russian, how does it rhyme?
Dear Saker,
Lieber Saker,
Your article is written in English,but I’d prefer to comment in German, my first language, a language you do understand too, as you remarked.
Schon auf den ersten Blick beeindruckten mich Inhalt und bildliche Darstellung Ihres Artikels, den ich in seiner ausführlichen und offen Darlegung Ihrer Gedanken- und Glaubenswelt als offenes Bekenntnis betrachte.
Ich vertrete keine Religion und lehne insbesondere jegliche Form der organisierten Religion ab.
In bald 7 Jahrzehnten meines Lebens waren mir drei Menschen am liebsten. Zwei waren gute, tolerante und äußert liebenswerte Christen und die dritte Person, die ich seit gut 50 Jahren kenne vertritt wie ich die Philosophie der individuellen Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung, verbunden mit der “Goldenen Regel”. Sie steht mir von allen Menschen am nächsten.
Hieraus wird klar, daß für mich der Glaube eines Menschen, sei es an eine Welt mit oder ohne Gott nichts, jedoch sein Verhalten sich und anderen gegenüber alles bedeutet.
Äußerst überzeugend wird Ihr Bekenntnis durch Ihren Lebenslauf, der Sie als aufrechten und in Grundwahrheiten kompromisslosen Menschen kennzeichnet, der die individuelle Freiheit liebt.
Ihrer Auffassung von “links” oder “rechts” kann ich mich restlos anschließen.
Roland Baader hat es sinngemäß so formuliert:
“Das Gegenteil von links ist nicht rechts, sondern freiheitlich.” Umgekehrt ist das Gegenteil von rechts eben auch freiheitlich.
Diese Konstruktion von Gegensätzen zwischen einer politisch rechten und einer linken Gesinnung hat seit den Tagen des Staatsideologen und Kollektivisten Hegel den Machteliten weltweit zur Unterwerfung und Verdummung der Menschen gedient und den Kollektivismus auf Kosten der Individualität gefördert.
Karl Raimund Popper hat sich einmal zu Bertrand Russel geäußert, daß er ihn als bedeutenden Mathematiker und Philosophen schätzte, er jedoch seine Konvertierung zum Sozialisten auf seine alten Tagen nicht nachvollziehen konnte.
Ihnen wünsche ich, daß Sie Ihre Hinwendung zur Religion nicht von kritischer Vernunft und vom wissenschaftlichen, falsifizierenden Denken wegführt.
An dieser Stelle muß ich an Einstein denken, der ein religiöser Mensch war. Er sagte einst in einer Debatte um die Zusammenführung der vier Elementarkräfte zu einer Theorie einer einheitlichen Feldkraft: “Gott würfelt nicht”. Er hat sich geirrt. Seine religiöse Anschauung beeinträchtigte ihn.
Mit den besten Wünschen Werner Ende
Google Translate.(MOD)
Even at first glance I was impressed by the content and pictorial representation of your article, which I consider open confession in his detailed and frank presentation of your thoughts and beliefs.
I represent no religion and rest especially from any form of organized religion.
In soon 7 decades of my life to me three people were most like. Two were good, tolerant and expresses lovable Christians and the third person who I have known for almost 50 years, represents how I philosophy of individual freedom and self-determination, coupled with the “Golden Rule”. It stands me of all people closest.
From this it is clear that for me the faith of a people, it is a world with or without God nothing but his behavior towards others and all this means is.
Extremely convincing your commitment is your resume, the designating you as upright and uncompromising on basic truths man who loves the individual freedom.
Your conception of “left” or “right” can I join completely.
Roland Baader has accordingly formulated as:
“The opposite of the left is not right, but liberal.” Conversely, the opposite of right is just too liberal.
This construction of opposites between a political right and left disposition has served since the days of state ideologues and collectivists Hegel the power elites world into submission and stupidity of people and promoted collectivism at the expense of individuality.
Karl Raimund Popper has once said to Bertrand Russell, that he valued him as a famous mathematician and philosopher, he, however, his conversion to Socialists in his old days could not understand.
I wish you that you leads away your turn to religion not of critical reason and the scientific, falsifying thinking.
At this point I have to think of Einstein, who was a religious man. He once said in a debate about the merging of the four elemental powers to a theory a unified field force: “God does not play dice”. He was wrong. His religious outlook affected him.
With best wishes Werner end
I much appreciated your writings and efforts to warn the world of how dangerous the U.S. has become (I’m an American citizen) and hope you continue to express your ideals in this dark and confused world. By the way, my political compass is almost exactly the same as yours!
Jerry Gerber
Everything you write is very much appreciated, great work!
BTW Solzhenitsyn was a NAZI sympathizer.
Ref: Mario Sousa – Lies concerning the history of the Soviet Union
This is ours enemy:
My father and grandfather were U.S. State Department and I came to this country from Italy in 1952, when I was 8. Compared to Rome, NYC was harsh. But even from Italy, I loved cowboys and drank fully from U.S. popular culture of that era. When I told my father that I was dropping out of ROTC, he was profoundly disappointed. I had other interests; literature, history, philosophy. That was just a sign of a bifurcation that had existed, perhaps from birth. Why am I saying this? Because I contemplate the frustration of the truth movement with the general insouciance of the American public; how can they sleep through this action? And your interview of Dimitry Orlov gave me a clue. Americans, since first coming to this land, have sought the “American Dream,” which is a white clapboard house surrounded with a white picket fence enclosing a neatly trimmed green lawn and a telly inside to tell them all they need to know. Of course, a 2-car garage for the cars and the kid’s bicycles. I believe this started in the 1620s and has become embedded in American consciousness. And of course, this is a recipe for a hijacking. These are the Goyim, waiting for what next comes over the telly. Mr. Orlov was very enlightening.. Thank you.
I must disagree with your analysis here: ” So to teach Putin and those damn Russkies a good lesson, they blew up the Ukraine and, again, Putin did two things they had never expected and which they could never forgive: he did sent forces Crimea …”
I believe that the explosion in Ukraine was more a result of Snowden’s flight to Moscow and the song and dance about whether he would be granted asylum. We all knew that he would be after his first night in the ‘transit zone’.
If the Ukrainian coup was organized after Thanksgiving 2013, how much before that did VVP know about it? And what did he do?
Most pro-Russians are fond of saying; “The Russians play chess; the Americans play checkers.” And when you give them a good example of the Russians playing chess, they dismiss it out of hand.
You must have watched the events in the Maidan with your professional scrutiny, and wondered, as I did, why Yanukovych never ordered the water canons to clear the streets.
Could this have been Putin’s plan to take strategic Crimea, while losing Ukraine?
To have put down the coup, would only have guaranteed Crimea until 2037 when Moscow’s lease expired. While Washington and the CIA would put on the full court press to get a pro-Western President. By not putting down the coup Crimea returned to Russia where it never should have left.
Just some ideas of another Putin supporter
Thank you for this post. The song is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard. I am also grateful to read the many echoes in my own life: a thrice fallen professional, a steadfast, empathetic veterinarian spouse, losing half my family and friends over Yugoslavia and the rest slowly, but inexorably, after 9/11, the “submarine in the desert” feeling, observing from greater and greater distance the utter dreariness and dis-communication of the “inert-net” age. I am grateful to Russian Observer for linking to your blog.
Your line “in a world were everything coming from the heart is misconstrued as some form of posturing” reminds me very much of this passage from Wyndham Lewis’s “Art of Being Ruled”:
“The Relativity theory, the copernican upheaval, or any great scientific convulsion, leaves a new landscape. There is a period of stunned dreariness; then people begin, ant-like, the building of a new human world. They soon forget the last disturbance. But from these shocks they derive a slightly augmented vocabulary, a new blind spot in their vision, a few new blepharospasms or tics, and perhaps a revised method of computing time. Time, especially, has received a very severe shaking from Einstein: although it is not by any means a new experience for that ancient abstraction, nor will it be the last.
The immediate effect of the latest upset can be traced everywhere in the press and writing generally by a universal squint at anything in the shape of a VALUE. This squint, usually circumspectly hidden, has never been more open and malignant.”-Wyndham Lewis, The Art of Being Ruled (1926), pp. 388,
Dear Sir,
Trying to show a friend locked in the MS Media hell (nothing is believed unless it is blessed by one of them… Meh) I selected your site at random to illustrate the level of content available outside the Matrix (completely random).
I searched and found this piece and could hardly believe it (had to keep explaining this was not a set up)… what a sterling background and a wonderful story (I now know why my trust level developed so quickly) … congrats and best wishes!
“Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans” said John Lennon, and it’s so true.
And my friend? Yet another pebble in pond of awakened souls…
Like you, I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. A software engineer professionally (though I left the corporate world in 2014) and a military historian most of my life I have fought corruption and gross mismanagement individually in my profession while studying it in my expansive readings.
To be sure, my battles, though always won, cost me a high price of always having to move on.
I have reached a point in my life that I fear I have looked too deep and long outside the “matrix” and subsequently feel that the future of the Human species is hopelessly doomed.
So I await my time when I will be able to return to the stars…
Saker Et Al,
Regarding Political Compass ( displayed in your About,
Foster Gamble of, Doug Casey’s, and I have done up similar diagrams. They break through the Right-Left illusion that has the US mesmerized currently (although there is some truth to right and left). But it is the media that is more mesmerized. Eight states have more registered independents than either Dem’s or Repub’s. “What is needed is a conspiracy to make Americans think that Republicans and Democrats are different.” – Edward House in his Philip Dru – the Administrator, quoted by Gary Allen and others.
If I can find a way to attach my version of this general knowledge (which I submit has advantages over Political Compass I will send it along. A few main points:
a) RINOs and DINOs (Republicans and Democrats in name only) are centralists and centralize power and assets. Almost all elected officials in the US I know of are in this category.
b) Right ‘Patriots,’ Libertarians, and (Left) Activists are de-centralists who wish to de-centralize power and assets.
c) Generally, RINOs and DINOs have more in common with each other than either has with Patriots and Activists respectively. In other words, ‘corporate dem’s’ have more in common with neocon republ’s than corporate dems have in common with activists. And neocon Repub’s have more in common with corporate dem’s than neocon Repub’s have in common with ‘Patriots’ and Libertarians.
d) Leftists tend (strongly) to think that Rightists (“corporations”) are in power or are trying to dominate them and society. Rightists (strongly) tend to think that Leftists (“the government”) are in power or trying to dominate them and society.
e) They are both correct. Centralizing Right and Left (neocons and corporate dem’s) are working together, often unknowingly, to centralize more and more power. As Gary Allen famously wrote, the higher you go, the less distinct are the government and the corporations. This is the revolving door military-industrial complex, or whatever you want to call it.
Not in my materials is the lesser known knowledge that there is a group with a name/s that does control this country, and each of its three branches (mainly via the executive branch). This group consists of the inner core of the cia, cfr, and five or so corporations (5 according to Catherine Austin Fitts). Bechtel is probably one. Some of the names of this group have been the Special Group, the Secret Team, Majestic 12, MJ 12, the 12 Wise Men, 5410, 5412, 404, 300 (all numbers of executive orders which established and re-established this group. This is described in wikipedia (believe it or not), although of course the degree of influence is beyond the scope of wikipedia.
And part of the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy used, with details coming from think tanks, is to divide the country via blue and red (how vivid). So congratulations Saker for being beyond this.
As far as what Pen Gun said about there being no soul, it is a right perspective. But it is also just as true to say there is a soul. On that level, being is the same as nothingness or emptiness. Anyone who has experienced this in meditation or outside meditation understands this. That ultimate value is beyond words and concepts, such as ‘soul’ or sunyata (nothingness) etc. One can see and say either or both ways, or take your pick. It is bliss.
Thank you and Regards,
I like you, Saker. I am such a simple person – not nearly as complex as you. I see things through Spiritual energy which I developed mainly through returning to my childhood Cathedral and serving as an acolyte. This amplified earlier experiences that opened me to understanding the nature of people and understanding world events before they happen.
I am curious about this Soviet naval mission. The Biblical book of Revelation is opening to me. I see a power beyond powers that we have never understood. As my writing differs from yours in the simplicity of it, so is my understanding of the powers that be.
If the design of ships and aircraft truly mattered, the USA and the world would not have not have prevailed in WWII. I see no military victory in this conflict. I have read your words laden with earthly anchors. Mine fly with freedom and glisten in the smooth blue air !
I see a curious mix of energy amassing amid chest beating and roars of delight ! It is a beastly dance ! All is cast aside to feed the frenzy of delight !!
That is all for now, Sir Saker.
Thank you. This cheered me up! The drive to robotism will not be won by intellect, but by true feeling, the differentiator between humanity and the enemy, and this piece shows that very well.
great stuff. People have become so jaded, myself included, none expect honesty and like you have said here, it’s your bare honesty that shines through your writing. I’m guilty of so many of your personality and character traits – I’m a punk; not a lawless brute, but a rebel sometimes just for rebellion’s sake, but usually because I detest those that arrogantly look down on anyone. None of us is better than any other, and the wisest men know how many wiser men are out there than themselves. I now look here at your site regularly, and look forward to reading insights that ignite interest in the world which has faded and been snuffed by all the liars, bullies, thieves and completely selfish, arrogant asses populating our media, our government, our corporate management, our streets and highways….Thank you for taking the time to communicate in bare truth, or at least unfiltered expressions of your opinions and perspectives. Awesome!
(… removed by the Saker on the grounds of being sophomoric and irrelevant…)
Yeah, I get that line quite often. Mostly by “reasonable Zionists” like you. Good try, but it won’t work :-) My reply is here: /terminology/
As for Israel – it is an abomination, the last openly racist country on the planet. It is a stain on the conscience of all mankind and it is doomed, whether you realize it or not.
The Saker
Dear Saker,
Thanks for your writing. You may already know about this prophecy, by Bishop Aristocoli of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1918, given to Mother Barbara, shortly before she went to live in the community house near the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem..
but as I haven’t read all of your blog (which I came across via Don Hank’s Laigle’s Forum a few years ago) I don’t know. It specifically refers to Russia (as well as other nations) in the last days.
I do wish my allies opposed to the Free Trade / Globalist / Zionist American Empire would refrain from exposing their religious beliefs. The mention of ‘soul’ implies a Christian genesis, which automatically suggests alliance with the said globalists, and also an implacable hatred of genuine democracy (not that any exists to day).
But, just in case I misjudge Saker, readers otherwise struggling to piece together all 17 elements of the globalist strategy would do well to visit and read How Australia was Globalised. Australia’s experience echoes that of other nations but this has been more intense due to this nation’s capacity to reject free trade and close its borders to all trade. This would mean reprisal sanctions would have the effect of reinforcing nationalism, and a military assault would be unsuccessful because of the logistic impossibility of sustained invasion of that desert continent, and also because the US Australian-epicentred hemisphere of satellite spy and navigation relay infrastructure is situated in Australia.
Ergo, Australia is the key to defeating free trade ideology.
Most interesting. I discovered you by reading Lew Rockwell.
Just beware of the large snakes in the Everglades. I heard they are now showing up on the beaches.
I am new to your blog. Previously, I had only seen people quoting you. I knew nothing of your background nor of your network. I write mostly about financial and political affairs. I also am an admirer of Putin and of Hezbollah. I do see relationships in events. Catherine Austin Fitts told Greg Hunter that Wall Street stole $50 trillion from us. It is obvious that the people who steal money by the tens of trillions are willing to spend billions to run our politicians and media. This can end rather badly. In my view Depressions are periods in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. Dr Michael Hudson said Unpayable Debts are never paid. The Bankers only allow us to have Debt Money so when we cancel debts we are destroying currency. That destruction of our currency is what causes the effects of a Depression which are unemployment and hard times. The only way out is Debt Cancellation. We will be forced some day to arrest the Bankers and to seize their assets to end this current Depression.
Thank you for such an honest, personal post. I have always been appreciative of Russian music, simply because like Polish or Czech music it resonates with my Slavic identity. I could mention several masterpieces of Russian popular music, but I will give a link to only one: it is by the outstanding Russian Slavic metal band Arkona, and it’s called “Slavsia, Rus! (Glory to you Russia)”. Here’s the link and the translation below:
“Mother Earth is great, Rus, the Great! Oh, how wide are your lands,
Through the golden fields Dazhdbog’s children came there. *
Through the old eternal thickets, through the distant lands,
Our native brothers began their way – They are Dazhdbog’s sons.
Raising our menacing flags up, we’ll revive the Rus of bygone times!
We’ll keep the testament of Prav, I swear to the Gods!
Oh, Mother-night, daughter of Svarog, I beg you to hide the ancient behests of ancestors,
I beg you to hide them from the evil eye of our enemy in the thickets of sacred forests.
My heart was dying down when I said words hardly breathing:
“Glory to you, my dear mother! Glory to you, Russian soul!
Through the old eternal thickets, through the distant lands, dear brother, let us say: “Glory to you, Rus, my Land!”