I have been thinking about writing this post for several months now. But in a world were everything coming from the heart is misconstrued as some form of posturing, I was frankly afraid to do so. Also, writing that kind of stuff is not what bloggers do, much less so those who try to run a halfway credible blog. And yet, every time I got a kind email, a letter or even a gift, I felt that I have to write this. God knows I am opening myself up for even more misrepresentations as usual, but I think it is well worth it. My spiritual father always used to say “one soul is more precious than the entire universe“.
So I dedicate this post to that one soul.
My life has been one of ups and downs. Early on, after a pretty nasty childhood, it went up, rather rapidly. Then came the “fall from (pseudo-) grace” and I lost my career. It is still too early to go into all the details, but let’s just say that I used to be associated with a “three letter outfit” whose existence was not well-known by the general public and which has since been disbanded. In my field, I got to the proverbial ‘top’ pretty early on, but soon the war in Bosnia began to open my eyes to many things I had never suspected before. Then I found out about two things which got me blacklisted in my own, putatively democratic, country: I found out that a group of people had uselessly been murdered as a result of the criminal incompetence of their superiors and I found out that one guy had taken a long jail sentence while all this superiors had managed to walk away from a crime they all had committed. And even though I never went public, or even told my closest friends about it (to protect them), I was blacklisted and prevented from ever working again.
In those dark days my wonderful wife was always trying to tell me that it was not my fault, that I had never done anything wrong, that I was paying the price for being a person of integrity and that I had proven many times over how good I was in my field. I always used to bitterly reply to her that I was like a “submarine in a desert”: maybe very good at “something somewhere”, but useless in my current environment (I always used to visualize a Akula-class SSN stranded smack in the middle of the Sahara desert – what a sight that would be! I wish somebody would use a Photoshop-like software to create that pic). What I have found out since, is that our planet is covered with deserts and that there are many, many submarines in them, all yearning for the vastness of an ocean.
Modest beginnings at first
I came to the USA in 2002 with only one desire: to leave my past on the other side of the ocean and to disappear, to become an anonymous ‘nobody’ who would be left alone. More than anything else, I needed time to recover, to lick my wounds and to spend time with the only people who had stood by my without every doubting me: my wife and my kids.
The French have a very good saying:”chassez le naturel et il revient au galop” which can roughly be translated as “try to suppress your nature, and it will come back with a vengeance”. This is what happened to me. While in 2002 I had promised myself to never analyze anything more complicated that a fiction book, by 2007 I suddenly decided to start a blog. This blog. My goal? Very, very primitive: to write whatever the hell I wanted. I had spent so many years writing for “big people” who had very narrow limits of what they were willing to read that I decided to indulge in the joy of writing whatever I wanted with no concern or regard for anybody’s opinion. I had an itch to scratch I decided to scratch it.
You can still parse the archives of 2007 or 2008 and you will see that I really was making no efforts to reach anybody, make a difference or become popular. A short and ill-fated contact with (which ended up in disaster), gave me a few more readers but my readership was still tiny.
My choice of topics did not help. Years before, I had literally “bumped” into the topic of Hezbollah and, my curiosity picked, I spent a decade studying this movement and its amazing leader. By 2007 I was an unrepentant Hezbollah-groupie and Nasrallah fanboy and most of the blog dealt with the Middle-East. The other topic was Russia, simply because this was the country my family came from and which I had professionally analyzed for years. As for the Ukraine, I don’t think that I ever mentioned it at all. While I was disgusted with the ignorance and hatefulness of Ukrainian nationalists, I did not care about the Ukraine: “let them soak in their own ‘independent’ and yet pathetic and clearly sinking statelet if they want – I have more inspiring things to look at” was my philosophy at the time. Sure, I kept an eye on events there, but to me this reminded me of Russia in 1993 – I was disgusted with all the actors and with the entire situation. Besides, what could happen there which would be worthy of interest?
And sure enough, life proved me wrong (-: again :-)
The big wars of 2013
First, there was Syria and the Russian role in stopping Uncle Sam. Oh yes, there were the political efforts of the Russian diplomats, and they were ‘bad’ enough. But less noticed what the fact that Russia sent a hastily assembled but capable naval task force to the Syrian coast. Not a task force big enough to fight the US Navy, but a task force capable of providing a full view of the skies over and beyond Syria to the Syrian military. In other words, for the first time the US could not achieve a surprise attack on Syria, not with cruise missiles, not with airpower. Worse, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah embarked on a covert and overt program of material and technical assistance for Syria which ended up defeating the Wahabi insurgency. The AngloZionist were absolutely *livid*. So to teach Putin and those damn Russkies a good lesson, they blew up the Ukraine and, again, Putin did two things they had never expected and which they could never forgive: he did sent forces Crimea but he did not do so in Novorussia: there he helped covertly. There was no doubt possible: Russia had committed the “Crime of Crimes” of openly defying the will of our planetary overlords. The Empire’s response was predictable: a full-spectrum ‘war’ on Russia and Putin, albeit not an overtly military one (yet).
For me and my blog, the consequence of this mega-crisis was immediate: the readership literally exploded and, at the suggestion of other (it was not even my idea!), more Saker blogs suddenly began popping up. From a unknown one man anonymous blog the Saker blog morphed into a global community, and that over less than one year.
[Sidebar: if often fell like a war profiteer. The worse the situation in the Ukraine, the more readers I get, the calmer, the less. On a really quiet day I get as little as 20’000 hits, on a really bad day, up to 69’000. I estimate my more or less regular readership at no more than 30’000]
I am outlining all this to truthfully explain to you that this was never the plan for me. Not only was this completely unplanned, it even took me by surprise. In fact, I was so surprised that I could not honestly make sense of it. Think of it.
Here is a one-man blog, written by some anonymous dude with a silly alias, who repeatedly engages in all sorts of crimethink (like the day when I wrote – to a mainly Arab readership – that I believed that Hamas ought to unconditionally release Gilad Shalit, LOL!) who is neither from the Left, nor from the Right, whose writing is chock full of typos and, frankly, very poorly written sentences and yet this blog suddenly takes off like a rocket. And you can tell by my writing style that I don’t even take myself too seriously. But so what in the world has happened here?
Sure, I am a decent analyst, I know Russian and a few other languages, I have studied Russia for all my life and the Middle-East for, well, a little over a decade. This is not bad, but hardly a reason for such a success.
Then I understood:
It was never about me, but always about you
Along with more daily visitors, I began receiving more and more emails and letters. And presents. Often very touching ones. Just look at the absolutely beautiful drawing of a Saker Falcon I got yesterday (thanks SO MUCH “S.T.”! I will frame and posted it on my wall)
People who had never met me and who really knew nothing about me were literally pouring kindness over me. Most emails and letter centered on political issues, but a big minority were expressing much deeper feelings such as gratitude and a desire to morally support. I was amazed, really. Then my readers began suggesting that I should place a donation button on the blog. Many may not believe me here, but that idea had never even crossed my mind. Eventually, I did (God knows I needed the money) and to my absolute amazement people began donating. Why? Why would anybody in our cynical word filled with crooks donate some hard earned and always scarce money to a guy he/she has never met? Was that just because I was posting materials about Syria or the Ukraine? Or my oh-so-good analyses? Hardly.
And then there was also the rage. Many, many letters were literally oozing with rage. Rage against the government, its media, the Empire, the lies and the dishonesty. Rage at having been lied to. Rage at the humiliation of being treated like a serf or a slave. Rage at our dysfunctional and self-destructive society. Before that, I had no idea that so many people were so mad.
The most gut-wrenching letters were often from US servicemen. They often began with “I consider myself a patriotic American and I love my country which I served for many years in the military but….” and here it inevitably turned into a painful admission that this country was lead by evil crooks, occupied by parasites, owned by a 1% of SOB whom everybody else despises. And you would simply not believe the kind of stuff these correspondents, including former servicemen, would write about Putin. It was amazing – I regularly joke that if given a chance to run, Putin might be elected as President of the US of A.
[Sidebar: By the way, I will not post these letters here. Not even excepts. First, I want to protect the trust of those who wrote to me. Second, some of these letters are so amazing and moving that I will inevitably be accused of making them up. So I will simply forgo presenting any ‘proof’ for my statements. Believe me or not – makes no difference to me. And if you don’t – then I guess that yours is not the soul I dedicate this post to anyway]
So there I was trying to figure out – why such an outpouring of kindness for a total stranger (and an anonymous one at that!) and such an outpouring of rage against the society we live in. And then, I think that I figured it out.
The deserts are filled with submarines (but they are breaking free!)
That’s it. I had mistakenly believed that I was the only one feeling like a submarine in a desert, but in reality the deserts of our society were filled with people who felt completely alienated. Several times in the past I posted here the beautiful song by David Rovics “We are everywhere” because with each passing month I began to realize that he was literally right – we are, indeed, everywhere.
What society had done to me – made me completely powerless – it has also done to you. And just the way it had made me feel like a single lonely nutcase, it made you feel like you were the only one. I most sincerely believe that the real reason for the success of this blog, its global community, its vibrant discussions and the amazing outpouring of kindness towards me is in the following simple fact: I inadvertently made it possible for many thousands of people to realize they they were not alone, not crazy, not wrong but that quite literally “we are everywhere”!
The second thing that I did, again quite inadvertently, is to empower those who felt powerless to do something, to make a change, to really have an impact.
Our societies are designed to make us feel like prison inmates, serfs or slaves. We all know that voting is a useless joke, that our rulers don’t give a damn about us, that political dissent is frowned on when it is real, that revolts are crushed in violence, that pluralism is viciously repressed by the prevailing ideology, that our schools brainwash and stupidify our kids and turn them against us, that the home brainwashing appliances like the Idiot-Tube, the radio or the papers are here to do only three things: entertain us, get our money and zombify us. We know that, but we feel powerless to do anything about it.
By asking for help in my work on the blog and, especially, by allowing for what I call “spontaneous self-organization” (something which I had directly taken from how the Debian community functions) I had given those who shared my goals a readily available means to take action. And I have to say that the result exceeded my expectations by many order of magnitude (and made me realize that some “amateurs” are at least as good as, or better, then “pros”). Treat people with respect, give them a chance, and they will do miracles for you!
[Sidebar: if you are interested in how big complex projects can self-organize, please read – online – chapter 2.4 “The Debian Community” pp 46-57 in this book. Of course, I did not deliberately try to copy the Debian model, but I did apply the “just do it” principle and I let each Saker Blog self-organize in a completely independent manner. I also see my own role in the Saker community as one of a “benevolent dictator“, another free software phenomenon, though, so far, I have only had to act in this capacity once].
Thanks to my inadvertently stumbling into the fantastic and yet untapped potential of so many good people our community began to grow almost spontaneously (several Saker Blog Team Leaders have also expressed to me the same amazement I was feeling).
Suddenly many “submarines” had found their oceans to show what they were really capable off!
Do you know about the Asch conformity experiment? [If not, take a quick look here before reading on]. Well, I think that my oppositional-defiant personality inadvertently crashed at least part of the gigantic Asch conformity experiment our society has become. I was calling it as I was seeing it and to hell with the consequences (I had so few readers anyways…). Then, in 2010 I decided to really give a good kick into the sandcastle of our delusions and posted an article entitled “Why am I not hearing the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor?”. In this post I basically repeated something which anybody could verify and which was undeniable: NIST had, by direct implication, admitted that WTC7 had been brought down by controlled demolition. Furthermore, and contrary to popular belief, NIST has simply no explanation at all for how the WTC1 and WTC2 had fallen. And yet, this amazing fact was completely obfuscated by the collective Asch experiment being imposed on us. But the reality is that the 911 issue is just a tip of an iceberg. Our entire society is one big, long and neverending Asch experiment and most of us, at least on some level, know about it. We all feel what the Matrix series calls the feeling like a “splinter in our mind”.
I suppose that for types like myself (disrespectful of social dogmas and norms, oppositional and defiant towards authority, rebellious and aggressive by nature, deeply contrarian on an almost knee-jerk level, libertarian in outlook) the outcome of the tension between what I feel and what I am told to feel results in a long battle against the established order and dominant ideology (no wonder another two of my favorite songs of David Rovics are “Burn it down” and “We will shut them down“). But once a bad guy like myself decided to yank the splinter out of my mind – others decided to give it a try too and that is how it all began.
My gratitude to you
And here is what I wanted to say through all of the above: I know that I personally do not deserve such kindness and gratitude. In reality, the very fact that you have shown me so much kindness also shows that you are truly the one deserving gratitude and praise. I am just the very very lucky one – you are the kind and generous one. And, please believe me, this has nothing to do with me engaging in some kind of false modesty – I truly believe it, this is the conclusion I have come to from your letter and your emails.
In conclusion, I want to share a special song with all those of your who have “poured out their souls to me” (Russian expression). It is from the Russian bard Vladimir Vyssotskii and it is called “Song of the Earth”:
Here are the lyrics (translated by George Tokarev)
Is the earth, as they say, burnt and dried?
Will a seed, as they say, never sprout?
Has the earth, as they say, really died?
No! It’s taken a lengthy time-out!
Mother Earth will forever give birth,
Its maternity isn’t a fiction!
Don’t believe that they burnt down the earth,
No! It’s blackened from grief and affliction.
Trenches, running like scars back and forth...
Bleeding guts black shell-craters expose...
They are open nerves of the earth,
Which unearthly unhappiness knows.
It will stand wars and grief - any thing!
It’s not crippled, though booted and looted...
Don’t believe that the earth doesn’t sing,
That it’s quieted down, diluted!
No, it’s singing as loud as it can
From a trench, from a wound, from a hole!
Since the earth is the soul of Man,
Boots cannot trample down the soul!
This last sentence, “boot cannot trample down the soul!”, speaks, I believe, not only of physical boots, though these are also meant, but also about psychological, ideological, social boots who, no less than the real thing, try hard to trample down on our souls.
Remember the last sentence of Orwell’s 1984? “He loved Big Brother”. I always absolutely hated that sentence. Yes, for the purpose of the book, this was the correct ending being, as it was, a warning. But I always though “hell, no I will always hate Big Brother”, “boots cannot trample down souls”.
What you all, my friends, have proven to me is that there are many of us who will not love Big Brother and that Big Brother has not trampled down our souls. 20 years ago I used to feel like the most lonely man on the planet. Now, thanks to you, I feel like we are everywhere and I have friend, free fellow humans, all over the planet.
And for that you have my eternal and most heartfelt gratitude,
The Saker
PS: note to the Saker-haters: I am fully aware of how easy it is to distort and “rephrase in other words” what I wrote above, and how many ugly and nasty conclusions you can come up with. At the very least, you will call me either a hypocrite or delusional. Fine. You have shown me over and over again that this is a price to pay for honesty. I did not try to make this text slander-proof and if you want to use that to trash me further – fine. I just want you to know that I accept that and that I don’t fear you one bit :-p
December 2015 addendum from the Saker:
[Note: I decided to post this addendum following the events described here]
I consider that the “Submarine in the desert” text above really says everything relevant about me. I also believe that you can tell a tree by its fruits – so my blog is really what people ought to judge me by. However, since others apparently want to know a little more about my past life, I can add the following:
I was born in Zurich, Switzerland, from a Dutch father and Russian mother. My father left us when I was 5, so my mother and my Russian family raised me and this is why I took my mother’s last name. I lived most of my life in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1984 I did my military service in electronic warfare and I was later transferred to the military intelligence service (UNA) as a language specialist where did some work with the Swiss Air Force. I then traveled to the USA where I got a BA in International Relations from the School of International Service (SIS) at the American University and a MA in Strategic Studies from the Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins University. Upon my return to Switzerland, I worked as a civilian consultant for the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service (SND) writing strategic analyses, primarily about the Soviet/Russian military. In the military, I was given the Major-equivalent rank of “Technical Officer”, which is a fancy way of saying that I was an analyst. I also worked as an “enemy operations” (“Red Team” in US parlance) specialist for the operational-level training of the General Staff of Swiss armed forces.
[Special note for some alternatively gifted folks: no, I never worked/served a single day in NATO. At the time of my work for the Swiss military, Switzerland was still a neutral country whose military doctrine was purely defensive in nature and was still non-aligned country. In other words, I was willing to serve and, if needed, defend, my country of birth without in any way hurting the interests of my “historical motherland”, that is Russia.]
I then accepted a position for the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) where I specialized in peacekeeping tactics and operations. This gave me the opportunity to co-author a book on Russian peacekeeping operations with the Major-General I. N. Vorob’ev, of the Russian General Staff Academy. My last work at UNIDIR was about psychological operations and intelligence in peacekeeping which can be downloaded here. At the same time, I also wrote an evaluation of the performance of the Russian military during the first Chechen war for the Journal of Slavic Military Studies which somebody has since uploaded here. The wars in Bosnia and Chechnia really opened my eyes to the real nature of the Empire. Since I thought that I was living in a democracy, I did voice my opinion on these topics and I soon ended up being viewed with suspicion by my former bosses. I quit the UN and took up a position at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which was probably the worst mistake of my life and which I shall never discuss publicly. By the time I got out of that job, I was basically blacklisted as a “dangerous element” (meaning “disloyal”) by my former bosses (my regular contacts with Russian diplomats and my efforts at providing aid to the Bosnian Serbs probably did not help). In total disgust, I abandoned my career as a military specialist and re-trained as a software engineer. When 9/11 crashed the IT sector I was unemployed again and I left Switzerland for the USA where I homeschooled our 3 children while doing odd jobs, mostly as a translator (I am fluent in Russian, French, English, Spanish and German) while my wife worked as a veterinarian (now, that our kids have grown up, my wife and I work together). In 2007 I decided to start an anonymous blog, mainly as a psychotherapy for myself, and I called it “Vineyard Saker” – a simple machine-generated anagram of my full name :-)
Finally, and just for the record, a few points: I never did any intelligence gathering for anybody, though I was approached by the Americans, the Russians and the Swiss do to exactly that, but I turned them all down (just not my cup of tea at all). While my maternal family are all from the Russian nobility, my Dutch DNA is 100% proletarian, and I am quite happy with that mix. To my great regret, I get no help from Russia at all – not money, not information (I would *love* to be a paid “Putin agent” but VVP has not made any offers yet). All my info is 100% “open source”. My past experience with classified data tells me that it is either highly technical or time-critical but not otherwise better than open source information: 80% of all the good info is out there, in the open, it is just a matter of putting it together correctly. I get a regular trickle of donations from the blog, but nothing major, and only 2 private donors (thanks guys!!) provide most of it anyway. If making money was my big goal, then I assure you that I had plenty of much better opportunities. Oh, and if you still wonder, no, I am not a Muslim nor am I on any Muslim (or other) payroll.
I am a “proud card carrying member” of the FSF and the EFF, Political Compass ( scores me as a “Left Libertarian”:
Personally, I reject the Left-Right reference system and consider myself an Orthodox “People’s Monarchist” (народный монархист) in the tradition of Lev Tikhomirov, Feodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Solonevich and Ivan Ilyin. Just like the Russian philosopher Berdaev, rather than looking left or right, I rather look *up*!
I also recognize myself in the notion of “Left of labor, Right of values” (Gauche du travail, droite des valeurs) of Alain Soral. My economics are: laissez-faire capitalism for the family and small business level, socialism for the corporation level and communism for strategic/national level sectors of the economy.
My favorite authors are Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Sergei Lukiianenko.
I play acoustic jazz guitar and my favorite guitarist are Philip Catherine, John McLaughlin, Vicente Amigo and Angelo Debarre. My favorite composers are J.S. Bach, Astor Piazzolla and Roger Waters.
I have over 45 years of freediving experience (which I began long before the Big Blue movie made that lifestyle popular), but now, at 58, I mostly kayak and hike the Florida wilderness.
Now that I wrote all of the above, I still think that it is largely irrelevant. Judge me not by what I say about myself, but by my blog or, better, my book. All of the above is true, but these are my *external life circumstances* and they do not say much about who I really *am*. My writings do. Study them (if so inclined) and you will know who I am.
The Saker
I am one of those who believe we come back here again and again to participate in this reality projection – internal war between collective mind (some call evil) and infinite soul, until we figure it out. As conditioned humans we are lost in the dream of “I am doing” until we start waking and shift from hard edged ‘me’ to ‘observer of someone being’. As a child I was an outsider – I knew this world system was not my home. The guilt of ‘no ambition’ and ‘not fitting in’ has long gone, replaced by love of unknowable being. Conditioning and issues of this apparently sad place fall away as we prepare to go home again to spiritual identity – but while here in our bodies we play the game and know the rules. Thank you for your blog, I love truth. Time here is short, so let us not waste it on what is not important.
Good stuff.
Greetings,Saker,from the US Deep South.
I have read your work on Unz for some months now,and felt it of vital necessity to “find the source” of this amazing intelligence mechanism called,”Saker”.And,lo and behold,you really ARE an individual and not an “agency” or “operation” of some sort.
I just read your bio,and feel that you are so correct about being a “submarine in the desert”.I can very much sympathize with THAT description,as since I do live in the heart of Dixie,my political and Spiritual leanings place me WAY out of the spectrum to nearly everyone around me…yes,indeed,this submarine is deep in the desert of “Conservative,Christian Fundamentalist,Uber-Patriotism”.I fit into NONE of the square holes of this culture,save perhaps the deep Chivalry inherent in the South.
Your writings and efforts are truly not in vain,my Friend…I am pouring over your work now,and expect to be doing so to the “detriment” of any other studies for quite a while.
Thank you,Vineyard Saker!
David S.,SC,USA
Thanks brother! The world will change for the better, but not without our participation. Do enough of us think the way we treat each other is unacceptable? Apparently we haven’t reached the tipping point yet. Keep up the good work.
I have been reading you for quite some time. Very much enjoy your work. Just posted this lengthy but majestic essay to my humble FB page.
Best wishes from another (pretty much former) blogger who has to use an alias and who admires your work.
Mantiq al-Tayr
Dear Saker,
I wish respect and prosperity to you and your family.
Normally I do not react on blogs and the like, but for you I will make an exeption.
I appreciate your personal touch here, while I stumbled upon your site via “Russia-insider” something like a year ago and was actually wondering every now and then who was behind it.
I guess a lot of people have had their moment that they became aware that they are completely fooled. For me that was 9/11. I can remember vividly that I saw the apocalyptic pictures on TV, my children were looking at me hoping for some explanation, and the first thought that went through my mind was how a building can collapse with mathematical precision downwards that is asymetrically hit.
I am an engineer. This is not possible. I am used to ask questions, and do not believe in ‘hope forces’. After some years I found out how this was done. There my search started what the hell was going on.
I want to thank you for the efforts you take, to give a rich guide to analyse the many obscure things that are happening in the world today. Maybe I do not always fully agree with you, but that is not a tattooed boundary condition I do hope. I like to read your analyses, and I consider them very valuable. Please keep sharing your stories with us.
Finally, I want to share something else. I work in Germany. This nation is sometimes considered as the Ground Zero of political correctness, but I want to ensure everybody that this is not completely true. Almost every German I have met, is quite aware of the hellhole that is thrown over them by insane people that would rather have more power over a destroyed continent filled with apes. Believe me, they know what is going on. They know that Russia is not the enemy, rather the reverse.
There is hope, so let us cling to that.
I wish you all the best.
It was a beautiful post. I am sorry the initial responses went off into a debate about whether or not the soul exists. Even if it is only a metaphor, it still has profound significance.
It will take me awhile to read all 242 comments (as of this writing). So I will go a bit off-topic myself, first.
Saker, you mentioned playing acoustic jazz guitar, and named your favorite guitarists. If you’re not familiar with these, please check them out: Charlie Byrd (yes, that’s his name), especially his rendition of “Which Side are You On”—which seems appropriate to your blog; and Brazilian guitarist Baden Powell (yes, that’s HIS name), especially his “Marcia Eu Te Amo” (not sure about the title; my Portugese is zero). And you also might enjoy Cuban Manuel Barrueco’s recordings of avant-garde Cuban classical composer Leo Brower’s (spelling?) guitar pieces, which have the feeling of jazz.
Thanks for that beautiful post. Whether as a real entity or as a metaphor, your soul is inspiring.
And thanks also to Paul Craig Roberts for promoting your work, as that’s how I learned of your website and your book.
Dear Saker,
I am so happy to have found your blog.
Just like when I discovered the work of Soral (I’m french). There is such an immense feeling of liberation, realising that you are neither alone nor crazy, even though the liberation only happens inside your being, at least at first.
The liberation goes further when discovering information that is kept from us, information that help us further understand a very complex world entangled, disfigured by layers and layers of lies and manipulations.
I’ve been “lucky” enough to have experienced that state of manipulation on a personal level from a very early age, which led me, very slowly, to the understanding that human relations on a very micro family level can be quite similar with human relations on a macro level.
What was at first vague intuition later solidified, and then inclined me to search more and more for sources out of the mainstream media.
It is the honesty, the intelligence, the capacity to distill observation and life experience of people like you that help us learn valuable information, and understand the complexity and games of our societies that affects us all.
Thank you for your courage.
I still have a lot to learn. I need to take more time to read, take notes, learn from people like you.
By the way, 4 years ago, I started learning russian on my own, for the pleasure (I always wanted to), and it has been a passion ever since. I can spend hours and hours just doing that… What a beautiful and interesting language. I now enjoy understanding more and more, and listening to Putin’s speeches is quite amazing. I also enjoyed the few Mikhalkov’s videos I’ve seen on Besogon TV.
One thing on the feeling of alienation : I find that what is mostly painful, is that the majority of people will silence you, or mark you as “suspicious” if they start realising that you don’t “think right”. It shows how deeply brainwashed people are into thinking that this is good, but that is evil, and that no discussion is permitted with “the evil thinking ones”….. How depressing it is to see the young generations brought up into that way of thinking….
Cheers to you Saker!
“I play acoustic jazz guitar and my favorite guitarist are Philip Catherine, John McLaughlin, Vicente Amigo and Angelo Debarre.”
Check out Lenny Breau.
My spiritual father always used to say “one soul is more precious then the entire universe“.
This line is worth all the moneyin the world, Thank-you fro sharing it with us. It is with great awe that I now work for the Lord in introducing so many to Christ. This has brought tears to my eyes. The word is owned an operated by the enemy of our souls. He is extremely crafty and severe. But one angel throw him into the abyss when the Father commands it it time.
I send, hand out this letter. We are at the end of our days on this earth. Our currect choices, habits will take us to heaven or hell.
Dear ,
I am sending this to many and wanted to include you. As the scripture says, “The one who endures to the end will be saved. “ Matthew 24:13 This sounds difficult to me. I want to make sure my friends and family are thinking this out beforehand so they are not caught unaware of the times we live in. Life is about to get very difficult. It may seem years off, but this is not the case. We need to be very firm in our commitment to the Lord. This seems “out of this world”. The frequency of the Spirit is completely opposite from the frequency of the world. All these fires, floods, emergencies are not a coincidence. God is trying to wake us up.
This is a very serious time in the history of the world. We have all walked away from what God directed us to do to some extent. Every day the Lord shows me ways I need to change and places I need to repent and turn around. Many have to do with fear of what people will say or do if I really start following the Lord radically like the disciples did in the book of Acts in the Bible.
When I am tempted to not believe a certain aspect of the Bible I realize now it is Satan tempting me to doubt. We have made him a humorous figure in our Disney movies, but he is very subtle and wants us to love comfort and things of this world which seem to be here to stay, but will be taken from us in an instant. What will be our source of comfort then?
As the below word states there is not much time left to make a sound decision on who to follow. After going to church my whole life, I have found very few Christians who sincerely follow the Lord with their whole hearts. They have this mentality that they can have one foot in the world and the other on Christ as the solid rock and that is a false precept.
Please consider this deeply and pass this onto anyone you know who really does not understand the times we are living in. Demanding to maintain our right to remain comfortable is not going to hold us in God’s presence. Sacrifice is one degree from comfortable. If we want to stay in a faith that is comfortable then, we serve God in a way that fits into every other area of our lives. God is going after the last unsurrendered place in our hearts. People want to say that they are giving their hearts to God as long as it does not affect them externally. If we are giving a sacrifice then we need to be submitted to change. God provides the fire. Are you ready for the great and Terrible Day of the Lord?
Dear God, I understand I have broken your law and have sinned against you. Please forgive my sins. I will turn from them and repent going the other direction. Thank you that Jesus suffered on the cross in my place and rose from the dead for me. I believe this and now place my trust in Him as my Savior and Lord.
God help me to completely surrender to you. I do not want to live a comfortable life, but one that puts you first in all areas. I submit myself to change and give my life as a sacrifice for you.
In Jesus mighty name Amen.
God Bless you brother!! Marilee
Hi Saker,
I just thought of a great quote that fits into your “Saker’s values” section, but since I can’t comment there, I’ll drop the quote here.
I don’t know if you ever read Njegoš, but I think you’ll like it.
So here’s the quote:
“Вук на овцу своје право има
ка тирјанин на слаба човјека.
Ал’ тирјанству стати ногом за врат,
довести га к познанију права,
то је људска дужност најсветија!”
And the ‘official’ translation:
“As Wolf doth on the Sheep impose his might,
So tyrant lords it over feebler fellow;
But foot to place upon the Tyrant’s neck,
To bring him to the consciousness of Right –
This of all human duties is most sacred! “
I just discovered you on a reference from Zero Hedge, where lots of Libertarian types hang out. I like your tastes in music (I have always been fond of Eastern European folk style, and Bach) and appreciate your personal history all too well. I was born into the business and the things you saw were the things my parents and their friends brought home to share with the kids. A conscience is a terrible disability in the modern job market.
You are very good at what you do, and the leaders who blackballed you have only themselves to blame for the disasters which arise out of their deliberate ignorance. I expect to be a regular reader from here out.
I was intrigued by the recent inclusion of your piece on the Truthseeker. I had not heard of you or your community, which is another intriguing thing.
Your background may not be who you are, and I completely empathise, but it proved important to me so I thank you for the post script.
As an Englishman, going back as far as records allow, and pretty much completely Lancastrian for the same period, your cosmopolitan history will no doubt prove to be an irresistible perspective.
You just earned yourself another reader, although I’m more likely a double decker bus on the moon than a land locked submarine. (A reference to a favourite spoof story in the Sunday Sport back in the day and about as serious) I used to imagine myself a wasted talent but now I’m mostly just wasted (joke)
Dear Saker,
I just read your Letter to Americans. It distills and expresses what my 77 year march through life and study of history has found. It is probably the most important expose or wake-up call that I have read since I began to see what you laid out so well.
I wish I could hope that America would do the self-analysis that you offered in your letter and develop a sense of humility for sins of commission and omission – but I don’t think it is in us.
For me, I am aware that I am spattered with the blood of millions and deeply regret the course that this nation is on. I see no solution from the inside, I believe it will and must be brought to us. Maybe then we will develop some humility from our denouement and understanding of what went before that brought us to this necessary conclusion.
Thanks for a magnificent effort.
strange like you, grandmother came from Russia (aristocrat) run away from the revolution my father was Swiss my mother would not speak to us in russian. Do like what you say.
I’m pleased that you posted this page as it helps understand more about you and how you think. I suspect that you appeal to all out-of-the-box thinkers who yearn for individual freedom and liberty, especially of thought.
Have a great day, and may success attend your efforts.
Dear Saker,
We heard you for the first time during your interview with V Guerilla and have a deep appreciation for your insights. We will be following you on your website from now on.
We are overwhelmed by the takeover of America and the apparent helplessness we patriots are experiencing in the face of a government out of control. We agree with you that the reversal must come from outside pressure; however, we wonder if the transition progresses so slowly that we will not be here to see that glorious day. We would like to know that future generations will live in an America operating with its original values.
I wrote V Guerilla about the audio problem with your interview. V’s voice comes across many times louder than yours, forcing the listeners to turn the volume up and down depending on who is speaking. Hopefully, he will be able to resolve that issue before your next interview.
For your information, there are alternative networks sprouting up across the internet as a way to avoid You Tube censorship. One that is currently operational is Bitchute; another coming in January is Community Ad Network. These alternatives do not censor or expose its audience.
Best wishes to you and yours
Good Morning: I read your personal story with twist in my heart because for second I thought that I am reading my story, with heartfelt words I would say that your struggle is mine and like many people like us, honest people as we share the same struggle, by the way, I am from Lebanon who lived the agony of civil war and what came out of it, for us was and still painful road to handle ..
Respect from Russia. This story is interesting as almost everything I’ve read from you. I came across you from here (they do translate you from time to time) I was intrigued and got here . And now I’m in your blog. I think I’ll stay -).
Your life story is touching and unusual, your life position quite close to mine, your text make one think.
The times we are leaving in left not much optimism to me. Get some light from the place you are writing from get a tiny belief.
I’m not too experienced in English,sorry, but I think it’s understandable.
Thank you
“my curiosity picked,”
Please don’t take it amiss but I think you mean ‘piqued’
Hi Saker,
Thanks for your analyses and thoughts on what is going on in this world. I enjoy reading your blog and guest post and donate a few coins whenever I can spare some. Thanks for your gift. Will read with interest and get back to you with my feedback.
Best to you and yours,
Your words are priceless and equally as accurate;
“An Empire built (and maintained) on lies, accepted on the basis of ignorance, justified by hypocrisy and energized by hysterics. This is what the “Western world” stands for.”
Дорогой Saker!
Извините за фамилиярность! Но возраст -Вы в возрасте моего сына- , факт что я Вас чувствую своим человеком читая Ваши статьи, и много еще чего общего, все это повлияло на мою обыкновенную сдержанность.
Пишу чтобы по отцовски благословить Вас, пожелать здоровья и счастья. Так держать….. как говорил мой отец, офицер Российского Императорского флота.
Искренне Ваш
mod-to translation:
Dear Saker!
Sorry for the last name! But you’re my son’s age, the fact that I can feel you as a person reading your articles, and a lot more in common, all of this has affected my usual restraint.
Writing to his father to bless You, wish you health and happiness. Keep it up….. as my father, an officer of the Russian Imperial Navy, used to say.
yours sincerely
Sorry, have to correct somewhat the translation: “Writing you to give a father’s blessing and to wish you…”
I cannot imagine that you would get hate mail, however, one need only look at the psychopaths running our planet to realise that there are bound to be many millions more who actually believe those psychopaths are there for our own good. Keep up the great work mate!
Your blog has been an inspiration to me for a few years now. When the world is upside down, I head here to get some insight. And, I find I am not alone.
I looked into you to see who you are. im glad I did.half my life was controlled by military service.i was an army medic,with my eyes wide open. im 51 now and trying to muster the courage to tell my story,if I do I will called a whistleblower,that is upsetting to me and possibly dangerous to me and my family.keep up the fight.
Hi Mr. Saker,
I’m not a regular reader of your articles, but I recently stumbled upon your latest one on (). I liked the way you spoke out against racism and phyletism. In fact, given the readership of, I’d say you were brave to do so.
While using DuckDuckGo to look for any info on whether the Russian MSM is any less biased/more objective than Western MSM (i.e. American, Canadian, EU/NATO European and Australian), I stumbled upon this site and subsequently read about how you got blacklisted in your native Switzerland for publicly disagreeing with NATO’s military actions in Bosnia and Chechnia.
Until reading this, I had the impression that Switzerland would more or less be independent from American military power, as it’s not a member of NATO or the EU and doesn’t have any military bases. This made me curious to know how biased the Swiss media was compared with those of the NATO member states. After reading it, I thought “Well, dang” and decided it’d be out of the question, though I’d still be grateful for an answer nonetheless.
I find it hard to believe that a supposedly “neutral” country would support one side over the other. Since when has Switzerland been supporting NATO? What possessed them to take a side?
The sad truth is that Switzerland, which truly used to be a neutral country, completely caved in into NATO by the late 1980s. The visible first sign of that was when Switzerland allowed NATO to use her airspace to bomb Yugoslavia and when she caved in to the blackmail of international Jewish organizations and the Volcker Commission and paid over a billion dollar in ransom money. There was a lot of resistance to this kind of behavior from the common people and from some politicians (such as Christoph Blocher), but the globalists still won. I rather not discuss that in more details.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Saker, you have a heart, and along with that enough wisdom and intelligentce to make it meaningful. That’s why I return to your site, though I often leave it in frustration when we disagree. Alas, a person who bears the initials GB brought me to your site in the first place, and many other readers became aware of you through him. It saddened me to learn that there may have been a rift between you, if I got my rumors straight (but maybe not). My first loyalty is Donbass. Everyone who loves Donbass should always be forever friends. Your past is very interesting. Thanks for being here.
I just have to ask one of the few people who I generally trust to know WTF is going on. I read this article ( and figured that if anyone had any insight into what is going on, it would be you.
We muslims have a saying “Examine what is being said, not the one who is saying it” and indeed you say the truth about what is happening in our world today, you are a rare western political blog a muslim would bother to read because we find the west (Primarily America) as the citadel of wickedness and source of all the troubles of our world today, much as they try to demonise Islam and muslims but in the end the truth will come out.
For someone who is intellectually inclined and capable of non prejudice thinking may I suggest mr. Saker that you read the Quran, its a difficult book to read for an average Westerner because the book is anchored in Arabic language, which is far superior as a language to any other language in its connotations, metaphor, and at times elliptical manner of speech, the Quran has wonderful format, rhythmic, soothing when chanted, it brings tears to those who don’t even know the language, the Quran is layered with deep underlaying wisdom but above all it is a divine book and does not subscribe to human literary standards, therefor its important to understand that reading it in any other language only gives you somewhat of a translation meaning but here the old German saying applies fully “Lost in translation” so western readers quickly get frustrated trying to make sense by their own deformed logic by applying their own learnt rules of grammar, Anyway, with effort it does open up, its a book for entire humanity and not just muslims according to its own text, so its worth the effort for you to understand the mindset of almost one fourth of humanity (Coming up to 2 Billion people)
As for the Americans, Vladimir Putin said just the right thing quite eloquently ” What can you expect from a people who can’t tell the difference between Australia and Austria” Meantime, all the best to you.
Love and Respect!
Slowly and steadily Submarines would find their oceans.
True how without knowing what I said as a child to our God, I want to be there. He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of this world, where now I look to its end
True also how, “one is not cured of suffering until experiencing it to its fullest.” Give me that wild man for my friend, whose hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him,
Ishmael, is that you?
I liked
your analysis of
preponderant, contemporary ‘Judaism’ in
your interview with Michael Hoffman:
My personal research has brought me to the conclusion ever since the recognition by Christ as the Messiah promised by the prophets of the Old Testament by one part of the first century Jews and the rejection of Him by the other part, the latter group began by developing an “anti-Christian scriptural toolkit” which included, of course, the forgery of the so-called Masoretic text, the development of the Talmud and the various commentaries, interpretations and codification of these texts. The goal was to develop a “polemical arsenal” so to speak. At the same time, the first kabbalistic concepts were developed for the internal use inside the anti-Christian communities. Would you agree with this (admittedly summarized) description and would you then agree with my personal conclusion that Rabbinical Phariseeism is at its core simply a religion of “anti-Christianity”?
I think
their leaders are
the ‘Synagogue of Satan’
Jesus warned us about –
twice ! – in
the Bible’s final book,
After many decades of
wandering around in the wilderness –
lost –
I now
do my best to
love, & obey Jesus (Yeshua), &
tell others (including Jews), about
God bless you, & yours,
John Burns
” Even the most intimate description of a a single human life is, at best, only an approximation.”
We met in Switzerland at the Scouts camp 1982. I have a picture of you, Sasha Rahr and myself, that i could send you.
Al best!
Света, привет!
Как дела? Я тебя прекрасно помню, как и Крылата ;-)
Где ты сейчас? Сбрось мне электронку, хорошо?
Thanks! I’ve followed you for a long while. It’s nice to know the road you’ve traveled. Good luck in your future pursuits.
God bless you and your family Saker! You are an amazing genius, to put it mildly!
Wow! I put the picture of one submarine in the desert more into a video in my imagination while I was reading this blog post. With every paragraph another submarine popped up in the desert.
Yes, we are everywhere, all over the globe, feeling like outcasts when opposing “official” narratives, conducting our own research, coming to different conclusions … you know what I’m talking about. And yes, we enjoy to spot more submarines in the desert (the various societies we live in). I’m a German, living in the UK.
It is my first day on your blog and I am amazed not only about your blog posts but also the comments.
Thank you for sharing “Song of the Earth”, very beautiful song!
Thank you for explaining that Vineyard Saker, is an anagram. I have always found the name rather curious.
You are on Conservative Left as most russians)
This political domain is completely absent in Western politics because the dogma is that it means “communism”)
congratulations for the initiative and especially for the courage to do your job, after all, facing the establishment is a task for elephants, thank you very much, may God always accompany you!
I like to know where the writer/journalist/traveler is from. It shows confidence. I like reading the Hawk – different points of views opens the mind. Russian, east European man, that sees the world, is better than most westerners that say they have seen the East – on TV . lol Spacibo for your work .
Я потрясена тем, что такие, как Вы, люди есть в Америке…. Это невероятно… среди той чепухи, которая звучит про Америку, Вы – окно в иной американский мир… Или нет, окно в наш общий мир, единомышленников.
I am shocked that people like You exist in America…. This is unbelievable… in the midst of all that nonsense about America, You are a window into another American world
Or not, a window into our shared world, of like-minded people.
Happy Orthodox Jesus’s birthday.
I suspect the fastest expanding entity in the world today is angry free-spirits.
Aged 21 in 1964, I realised that everything I had been taught to believe was a lie. I determined to devote ten years to searching for the truth. 10 became 57 but my perceptions are no longer isolated. Thousands of other free-spirits roam the globe and form the same conclusions. I encounter the name Saker almost daily so that is recognition indeed.
By my calculation, we number less than 1% of the global population so it would be premature to celebrate success, yet for many decades I met none who thought as I did. The numbers evident on this site, and the thousands of blogs and independent news sites are indeed cause for celebration. If we share what we discover we all benefit. is my contribution in the Australian context.
So thanks, Saker. Your story is encouraging.
Hallo Tony,I’m really happy to read your text-message- to Saker. Don’t be sad about people’s feelings about your thinking! I know what’s feeling . I use to live in beautiful Aussieland for longer part of my live . Back in my country of origin I’m making same “war” like you. More you know, it’s more difficult to talking to people who don’t know or they don’t want to know anything else , what doesn’t fit to theirs looks on reality. Future will remain them , but too late for them. I going to look 👀 your .com. Keep it up 👍🏼
Thank you for letting me know I am not alone. You are quite expressive and I felt many of the same things over my lifetime. At 63, I am not looking to launch anything as 20 years of MS has me mostly bed-bound. Joseph P. Ferrell led me to you and I feel like we are similar nodes in the thought network. I’m just a drunk who managed to graduate Loyola University in,85, without going to high school. That always made me feel uselessly special. I got sober in ’93. Worked at hundreds of companies, I felt I never fit anywhere. Chekhov and Dostoevsky were in my top ten favorites. But I am bleeding from the mouth, feeling like your story struck a chord (A flat) as I write upon Ubuntu to you. Keep trudging the road to happiness.
I have read your posts for years, but it wasn’t until I read your personal profile that I began to fully understand that we were fellow submarines.
Your new committed reader,
(68 yo musician with time on his hands)
How do donate to you?
home page right hand side click on ‘Support the Saker Donate’ button … mod
incredible story…20 years in a chinese prison! Humanity prevails always x
Did you know the Sahara Desert is a vast ocean sea bed. It was Uplifted as other lands sank. So your feelings and dreams are the past, which is the future. ‘God’ works at the micro level, no one sees or understands the moves.
Your abandoned submarine dream or feeling, is ‘Gods,’ way of speaking directly too you. The submarines position is only in Space Time. Understanding how this all works is beyond the human mind, it can not be understood.
The dream or feeling is a conduit, for God to speak too the millions who seek the true light. There is no peace until you experience war; no love until you have experience rejection. No truth, until the suffering from lies, cease.
So don’t feel sad, give the wife a hug and keep typing, because destiny stands alone and awaits ‘The Saker.’
You and Pyotr Patrushev might have liked each other. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had known him. I did, and he meant a lot to me.
About Pyotr (another submarine who finally found an ocean): on YouTube, look for “The man who swam from Russia” – it’s a four-part video. I have the links if you should need them.
I’m glad to meet you (thanks to Robert Gore, of
Leif, Denver, Colorado
Just to mention some guitarists you might like. Best I can think of to thank you. All local to me. The first is a relative. Listed by seniority.
Fred Rundquist —It might be hard to find much recorded work. No more live appearances, he is gone. For many decades he played 3 and 4 gigs a day, seven days a week. He does appear uncredited on thousands of tracks from Chess Records. If you can pick out the guitar part on At Last by Etta James that is him. Early work with the Art van Damme ensemble can be found. He traveled twice to USSR, wonder if there are recordings?
George Freeman —- On top form now in his nineties. As a recording artist better known in NY than at home in Chicago. Recorded work is jazz, as a blues guitarist certainly ranks with Buddy Guy or Eddie Taylor but you had to be in the clubs. In his best work you can hear all the places he has been. Brother to Von, uncle to Chico.
Andreas Kapsalis — Plays mostly in the currently fashionable tapping style. Which he acquired independently as a teenager. Very available on YouTube. Try his version of Pink Floyd’s Money. Or you could hire him.
Andy Brown — Young but very traditional. Works constantly. Always underplays and super solid. Sounds like elevator music when you walk in the door then suddenly you are entranced. Also a phenomenal accompanist to his wife, vocalist Petra Van Nuis. Who also sneaks up on you.
Americans can never understand Slavic taste in music. Try some of the American music above.
Thank you John, I will look them up
Hallo Snaker,
ich habe euren Blog erst gestern zufällig in Web “entdeckt”, als ich auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit war.
Ich bin beeindruckt von eurer Leistung und sauberen Berichterstattung bzgl. Ukrainekrieg.
Es herrscht ein nie dagewesener “Propagandakrieg” geben Russland, sich eine eigene Meinung zu bilden erscheint fast nicht mehr möglich. In Deutschland schreibt kein Medium (auch nicht die Alternativen) über die wirklichen Hintergründe und vor allem Verlauf der Operation. In Europa ist Putin der Kriegstreiber, es ist schwer andere vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen. Ich bin froh euch gefunden zu haben. Spende ist schon unterwegs.
Danke für die tolle Abeit. Lasst euch nicht unterkriegen.
Beste Grüße aus Leipzig
Mod – machine translation:
I just “discovered” your blog by chance on the web yesterday when I was looking for the truth. I am impressed by your performance and clean coverage of the Ukraine war. There is an unprecedented “propaganda war” giving Russia, forming its own opinion seems almost impossible. In Germany, no medium (not even the alternatives) writes about the real background and, above all, the course of the operation. In Europe, Putin is the warmonger, it is difficult to convince others otherwise. I am glad to have found you. Donation is already on its way. Thank you for the great Abeit. Don’t let yourselves be defeated. Best regards from Leipzig
Obrigado por suas análises, por suas informações esclarecedoras sobre como os fatos realmente aconteccem.
There is a portuguese equivalent to submarine in a desert… a fish out of water. But fishes May fly as much as submarines sail in sand
Your work is poetry to me…with all its subjective clarity and blessed comradery. Thank you for what you do.
Thank you for been such an eloquent writer , thank you for the analogy of the submarine an yes there is millions of us , thank you for explaining some basic things that born Americans have NOT learned in elementary school , thank you for been you . Please DO NOT STOP educating the masses , you are making a difference .
What is coming will not be pleasant for humanity .
Berdyaev was mentioned almost every day from our theologist in high school
I am approx 30km outside Dublin in Ireland. An ordinary engineer with buckets of Irish common sense. I am beginning to waken up to the picture to what Ukraine now represents. A little question running through my engineering mind is why are there so many people in deep caverns and tunnels still in Mariopol. It is a great engineering feat over time to have built so many tunnels but why are so many people still there and who are these people. I appreciate that many are people who lived in the now ruined city on the surface. But who are the other peopl. Are they French, American or other Nato or other military type of people.
Anyway, there is more to this than meets the eye!
Thanks for this, just reading it now.
With so many disinfo agents and grifters, I am encouraged to meet another submarine in the desert. I’ve visited your site on and off the last ten years (as well as a few others, some I now realize are disinfo). I’ve also been blacklisted and worse, very different field (non military)– even briefly exiled myself from the “free” U.S.
(Interesting that I came to the same conclusion at the same time as you as regards WTC from the official investigation itself and physical evidence that no one contends: always safest to argue from facts all agree upon.)
Just beware (I’m sure you are) of infiltrators.
Pax Christi tecum.
JR Bombadil
And I forgot to comment on your favorite authors. How encouraging to see a Russian who loves Dostoevsky: I’ve read all his works but really love now only his Brothers K, and think Shakespeare a bit more profound and far seeing.
I finally just got around to reading the first two parts of the Gulag Archipelago, while myself a (in truth political) prisoner in America’s own gulags (there is in truth at least one exact horrible parallel). But my favorite essay of the last century I must say is Solzhenitsyn’s “Live not by Lies,” which really cannot be read too often. I have no little background in classics, philosophy, literature.
Cheers and thanks again from the desert.
I have been reading your article with utmost interest. Especially the french proverb: chassez le naturel, because I am french and France is by now an occupied country as you know probably, rather a colonized country where it becomes difficult to speak openly or even to think clearly. As time goes on, I think we are witnessing the collapse of a civilization. André Malraux said long ago: le XXIe siècle sera religieux ou ne sera pas. Here we are. On one side false secular lying modern religions, on the other side, the one loving Christ who makes no difference between people because all men are his beloved children. There is a quote from Soljénitsyne (Helsinki speech) that I like to repeat, a russian proverb I guess: une seule parole de vérité pèse plus que le monde entier.
Mr Saker I want to say thanks for your informed intelligent analyses. PS have your heard jazz guitarist Scott Henderson
Thanks and peace to you and yours