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Tag "Mini-post"

After a bad start, ceasefire appears to be holding

It appears that after a bad start, the ceasefire is now more or less generally respected. The intensity of the shooting has dramatically fallen and the front is generally quiet. We shall see how long this will last.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have

Mini post off the road

I am quite sure that the photo of the MH-17 being shot down is fake.  The military aircraft appears to be a SU-27, the angle is wrong, as is the side of the attack, and this is not a satellite picture.  To Pen Gun, the 68 year old offended hippie: in the Russian context “liberal” means something very different from what it means in the USA.Now I hit the road again.Next

Mini Post: use the Vineyardsaker IRC channel

Friends,I want to remind you that since 2008 I have opened my own Internet Relay Chat channel.  At the time I wrote: For those of you familiar with the concept here is the info: server: channel: The_Vineyard full URL: irc:// For those of you who are no familiar with IRC, this is a virtual place were people can chat (via keyboard) with each other very informally and, unlike a

One more thing (mini-post)

I have go to work for the rest of the afternoon, but I want to remind you all of the following: when the real Ukie offensive materializes (maybe later tonight, maybe not) the Novorussians will most definitely retreat along certain axes.  This does not mean that they will be “defeated”, only that they are retreating which is a defensive tactical maneuver.  So, please, let’s not have a repeat of the
