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Tag "Novorussia news flash"

Is an Ukronazi attack imminent? Yes! So what else is new?

Novorussian officials have called a press conference today to warn about the high risks of an Ukronazi assault on Novorussia in the very near future.  I have asked our translation team and friends to subtitle the video of this press conference and I hope to get it in the next 24 hours or less. The press conference was unique in that Edward Basurin, the Deputy Defense Minister and spokesman for

News Flash – Donetsk hit by over 800 artillery strikes (UPDATED)

The Russia media is reporting that today Donetsk was hit by a record 800 artillery shells.  The Telmanovo suburb was hit particularly hard, but the shelling was also very violent in the airport region.  Furthermore,  DNR intelligence services have reported a steady movement of Ukronazi forces towards the line of contact.  These forces include tanks and artillery systems, even multiple rocket launchers.  Yesterday, a group of 8 tanks backed by
