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Tag "Russia-China alliance"

Official – China Recognises Crimean Referendum

by Alexander Mercouris “OFFICIAL – CHINA RECOGNISES CRIMEAN REFERENDUM” This is the clear meaning of the statement TASS reports that a senior official of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has made.  The fact that China recognises the Crimean referendum means that de facto (and surely before long de jure) China has recognised Crimea’s unification with Russia.  Note also that the official has expressed support for Russia’s Ukrainian policy. This is

The US shale gas canard

Dear friends,Several of you have asked my opinion about the article by U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission by Glenn Ford.  I don’t have the time for a detailed reply, but I will say this: the entire notion of US shale fracking sent to Europe to undermine Russia is a canard. Not only does the entire infrastructure for this project need to be built – at huge costs –

First results from the Russia-China partnership

Results from the new Russian-Chinese strategic partnership are coming in fast. First, Russia has agreed to sell China 4 advanced diesel-electric submarines of the “Lada” class (aka Project 677): Project 677 This type of submarine is one of the most advanced in its class, even superior to its formidable predecessor the “Kilo” class Project 636 which was already so silent that it was nicknamed the “Black Hole” because for its

Russia between Cyprus and China

The last couple of days have been truly of immense, historical, importance for Russia, first because of the hugely important visit of  Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. During this visit the Chinese side stressed that it was highly symbolic that Xi Jinping had chosen Russia as the first country
