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Tag "Saif al-Islam"

Unconfirmed reports claim Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is alive and free

DNA reports: Saif al-Islam, one of the sons of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, has vowed to take revenge for his father’s death.  Gaddafi was killed Thursday by the National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters near his hometown of Sirte. Al-Islam appeared on the Syria-based Alrai TV channel on Saturday night with an appeal to his supporters, saying he was alive and staying in Libya and intended to fight to the bitter

Targeted for Assassination by NATO? Will Seif Survive to See Court?

by Franklin Lamb for Al-Manar During the late evening of 10/20/11 the White House, the Office of the Secretary of State, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Libyan Embassy in Washington, DC received a faxed communication from an American organized international legal team currently preparing their departure to Libya. The international lawyers, whose assistance has been arranged through Gadhafi family members and friends, has accepted the obligation to

Gaddafi reportedly releases “letter to the world”

Well, its not like I ever doubted that Muammar Gaddafi was crazy, so this is not big news to me.  And, frankly, its too long and too discombobulated to publish in its entirety here, but here is the link to the “letter to the world” from the “Leader of the Green Committees Movement” (sic).  You can read it here: should that site be taken down by some over-zealous NATO

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi not captured, gives interview, cheered by crowds, claims to control Tripoli

Comment: I have no idea of what is really going on in Tripoli or the rest of Libya.  The only thing which is clear is that NATO and its local puppets are lying through their teeth about the reality of the situation.  It might well be that tomorrow I will wake up to hear about the complete triumph of the anti-Gaddafi forces.  But if what Saif al-Islam says is true,
