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Tag "saker message"

Missile strikes on Syria tonight: do not rush to conclusions + please post here what you hear

Okay, I am getting flooded with email of tweets and FB reports and articles about missiles strikes in Syria.  My first reaction EVERYBODY WAIT! DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! We have no facts.  Some reports say that the USA attacked, other that it was Israel or even France.  The truth is that we won’t know for sure for at least 24 hours.  Whoever attacked will present that as a huge

Not a fund-raiser, not even an appeal, just a report

Dear friends, I am going to make this one real short.  First, I am only addressing this to those of you who are, shall we say, financially comfortable.  Second, this is in no way a fund-raiser.  We agreed that these would only happen quarterly and we are nowhere near the middle of Fall.  Third, I will simply state the following: things are rapidly getting very dangerous in the Ukraine and

Main server back up again!

The main server at is back up. Thanks to the fast intervention of a few specialists of the IT team we also know that this was probably not a DDOS but a combination of problems including that Apache was configured to handle a greater number of connexions that the server can actually handle so it ran near out of memory.  Still, there were some weird connection attempts from certain
