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Tag "stupidity"

The good news about the Trump Presidency: stupid can be good!

[Note: This column was written for the Unz Review] Just a few days shy of the one year since the inauguration of Donalt Trump as President of the United States I think that it would be reasonable to say that pretty much everybody, besides the Neocons and a few unconditional supporters, is now feeling quite appalled at what the past year brought to the USA and the planet. Those who

The US tells Russia “put up or shut up”. Russia unimpressed

US State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner made an interesting and very significant statement today.  He told Russia to “put up or shut up”.  Here is what he said exactly: “I don’t know how to put it any better than saying: ‘It’s put up or shut up time,’” (…)  “It is time for them to show through action rather than words that they are serious about what they profess to

Two very good articles, one in Russian and one in French

Dear friends,While I work on the next SITREP I wanted to share with you two very good articles, one in Russian and one in French.The first article, sent to me by ‘D’ and entitled “Почему нет военной интервенции РФ на Украину” (Why there is no intervention of the Russian Federation in the Ukraine) provides a detailed and extremely well-written explanation of why Russia is not intervening in the Ukraine.  Until

The Chairman of the US JCS makes some completely irresponsible threats (UPDATED!)

This from Zero Hedge: With diplomacy having failed miserably to resolve the Russian annexation of Crimea, and soon East Ukraine (and with John Kerry in charge of it, was there ever any doubt), the US is moving to the heavy artillery. First, moments ago, the US DOE announced in a shocking announcement that it would proceed with the first draw down and sale of crude from the US strategic petroleum

Justice “European style” or how EU politicians have lost any sense of self-respect

The EU is really terminally degenerate.  These two pearls come off the BBC website at the same time: EU imposes Ukraine sanctions after deadly Kiev clashes (which the EU blames entirely on the government, nevermind that 13 unarmed cops were murdered by sniper fire overnight) Germany arrests three suspected Auschwitz guards (the three arrested men are 88, 92 and 94 and had therefore to be brought to a prison hospital)

“CF->CYA” – the magic formula of the Empire of Illusions

Well, it sure looks like the United States of Amnesia have rapidly recovered from the use of a so-called “weapon of mass destruction” (a pressure cooked) in Boston and has turned to more important topics like Angelina Jolie’s breasts.And yet, the official narrative is being challenged by so many facts that it is really worth at taking a short look at it.There was already the Hollywood-like one billion dollar per

The Boston bombing as a symptom of the terminal decline of the US Empire

Do you remember how crowds on Boston cheered and celebrated their “victory” when, after a week-long manhunt, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was finally arrested?  When I saw these videos I marveled at how stupid American crowds can get, but I decided not to post anything about it since, after all, stupidity is not something worth posting about, I think. Still, I though, what a pathetic display of incompetence and ignorance, what a

Newsflash for the intellectually challenged: guns are completely irrelevant!

There are certain topics which I really hate.  I hate them not inherently, not because they make me feel somehow uncomfortable, but because both sides of the issue are equally repulsive, self-righteous, ideological and totally stupid.  One such topics is “abortion rights”.  Oh how much I hate both pro-lifers and pro-choicers!  But today I am going to vent about another topic which fills me with an overwhelming desire to, maybe,

France is walking straight into a disaster of epic proportions

Francois Hollande, already one of the most hated Presidents in French history, is clearly desperate to try to change his image of being Mr “couille molle” (literally: limp dick), a nickname he got from within his own political party.  Like Sarkozy, he wants to flex some military muscle to prove that he is also a great man. Nevermind that the French soldiers are underpaid, under-equipped, and that most their promotions

This is becoming boooooring

Syrian WMD now.  Nevermind that the only case of use of chemical weapons “against his own people” was by Saddam under the high patronage of, what else, the USA.  Nevermind that it is also nonsense.  Nevermind that it would make no sense.The US “patriotic crowd” seems to be buying this one too…

Palestinians are now reaping the bitter fruits of their own miscalculations

Amongst the many calamities which have befallen the Palestinian people one of the worst ones is being systematically led by incompetent and corrupt leaders with no strategic vision and a true knack for always choosing the wrong side in a conflict.  From their misguided alliance with all kinds of unsavory terrorist groups in the 1970s, to their support for Saddam, to their naive participation in the Oslo Accords, to today

French magazing to publish “shocking caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed”

Amazing. According to Ha’aretz, A French satirical weekly magazine announced Tuesday it would publish caricatures depicting the Prophet Mohammed, a move that could spark further protests by Muslims already enraged at an internet video insulting Islam.   Stephane Charbonnier, editor of the weekly Charlie Hebdo, told broadcaster iTele that the caricatures to appear Wednesday “would shock those who wanted to be shocked.” He said the decision was aimed at defending freedom

Fars News Agency get the prize for the most delusional version of “The Russians Are Coming”

I don’t have much respect for the corporate media and, for that matter, very little for most of the alternative media.  But the prize for stupid, delusional, or even outright psychotic reporting goes to the Iranian Fars news agency which managed to print the following: “Russian atomic submarines” and “1000” tanks will soon come to Syria. Right.  I don’t know what the hell the folks at Fars are smoking, but

Kindergarten false flag ops and other nonesense (UPDATED)

Remember the ridiculous fairytale about the  “Iranian terrorist’ arrested in the USA“?  Well, it looks like these kinds of “kindergarten false flag operations” are picking up pace.  After the clueless Iranian ‘terrorist’ in the USA, we were told about a clueless bomber in Delhi (who only managed to wound a few people) and a homemade toy bomb in Georgia (it used a regular hand grenade).  Now it get even better:

911 truth: Israel, Jews, Neocons and the ADL – now that you mention it…

In preparation for the 10th anniversary of September 11th attacks, the Anti-Defamation League went on the offensive with a long article entitled “Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later“, a very interesting piece indeed which I urge you call to carefully read.  FYI, on of the persons the ADL mentions, wrote a reply in the form of an open letter to Abe Foxman, the ADL director.  Anyway,

How stupid does the US regime think that we all are?

A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama Bin Laden and took custody of his body (…) We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country Barak Obama All this

Hamas never misses a beat (to do something wholly self-defeating, again)

Oh boy, just when I was considering the possibility that Hamas might not be its own worst enemy, came this: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh (allegedly) said: “We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior. We ask God to offer him mercy with the true believers and the martyrs“. Now, of course all sinners should be prayed for, and it is perfectly wise and good to ask

The obtuse idiocy of US capitalism in one small paragraph

Here is a recent article from the BBC website:  How long is the ideal nap? Air traffic controllers in the US have been advised to take 26-minute naps, after a string of incidents involving workers falling asleep. So is 26 minutes the ideal length of time for a nap?  Five cases of air traffic controllers falling asleep on the job have been revealed since March. In three of those cases,

Palestinians commit (yet another) huge strategic mistake

Big news: Hamas and Fatah have agreed to form a new interim government as part of a process of “reconciliation” and a “unity deal”.  Yes, not only is Hamas going to join Fatah in a unity government, that government will be lead by, who else, Abbas! When I read that this morning I though “Hamas leaders have gone totally insane!”.   Think about it: Who is Abbas?  He is exactly *nobody*. 
