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Tag "Ukie attack"

Ukraine SITREP November 9th, 22:25 UTC/Zulu: A creeping conflict

There is an interesting word in Russian: вялотекущий.  It can be translated as “creeping” or “sluggish”.  It is composed of the word вяло which means “lethargically”, or “torpidly” or “apathetic” and текущий which means to flow, to progress.  This word comes to my mind when looking at the war in the Ukraine, it is progressing towards some kind of worsening, but it does so in a slouching, slowly creeping way.Novorussian

Mini post about the rumors of a Ukie attack

I consider the blog of “Colonel Cassad” the best informed and most honest blog about the situation in the Ukraine, bar none.  Right now, he is reporting that while there is an increase in the combat operation, this is more a case of “combat reconnaissance” (opening fire to try to evaluate the enemy disposition) then of a real full-scale attack.That is the good news.The bad news is that a energetic
