It has been a very long while since I have written about the popular resistance movement in France embodied by the philosopher Alain Soral and the humorist Dieudonne.
[Sidebar: for those who have missed these articles, they can be found here:
- Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a comedian
- Dieudonne’s anti-Zionist campaign in full swing in France
- Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?
- “Quenelle warfare” in France – a “report from the trenches”
- A few news updates from the virtual trenches of the “Quenelle war”
- State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger
- Dieudonne’s music video and an appeal to French speakers (updated)
- La “quenelle” now in music!! (in French with English subs)
These are just a few examples, use the search option for more]
My purpose today is to update you on what has been happening to the only meaningful anti-system Resistance movement in France.
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Soral and Dieudonne |
The first thing to say is that the state repression against Dieudonne got much more vicious: both of them are now being sued for huge amounts of money. The list of lawsuits filed against Alain Soral now takes a full page on his website and the total sum for which he is being used is a stunning 489 292 Euros. I don’t know the exact figures for Dieudonne, but I do know that attempts are being made at seizing both his home and his theater in Paris.
Next to that financial repression, the “minutes of hate” against Dieudonne and Soral have now become a quasi-permanent fixture in the French media and the doubleplusgoodthing blogosphere: they are accused of Nazis, anti-Semites, homophobes and, of course, the inspiration of various terrorist movements. Dieudo is also accused of being a crook. Some individuals do not shy away from overtly racist slurs like the Rabbi Rav Dymovisz who said that Dieudonne proves that Darwin was right and he is the living proof that some humans are descendants from monkeys “most probably a gorilla“.
There have been even numerous attempts to censor both Soral’s books and Dieudo’s shows, including efforts in the French State Court, but these have run into that pesky problem that French law does not foresee political censorship. Hence the two tricks most used have been the standard accusation of anti-Semitism and “risk of trouble to the public order”. In reality, of course, both Soral and Dieudo are completely non-violent and their ideology is one of reconciliation and equality, not hatred. They, however, have been attacked physically many times, but the police has always denied them any protection and their aggressors have walked away with, at most, a gentle little slap on the wrist. Since Soral and Dieudo are, of course, losing most of their lawsuits, it appears inevitable that prison sentences will inevitably replace fines because they will be tried as “repeat offenders”.
And yet, for all these efforts by the French 1%ers to crush them, the popularity of both men has continued to steadily grow, but mostly in the disenfranchised classes and the immigrant communities. Diedo only plays to full theaters while Soral’s books are best-sellers. As for their websites, they have more viewers than the national TV channels. The French elites, however, including the putatively freedom-loving intelligentsia, prefer to look away as if not noticing what is taking place or, worse, then join into the chorus of the ‘official’ ideological lynchmob.
Still, Diedo and Soral are not giving up the struggle. They have even decided to form a Equality and Reconciliation (E&R) party. These men are smart and they know that they cannot win, but what they can do is get two things which the state desperately tires to deny them: a platform and money. Becoming a party can get them both.
In the past Soral and Dieudo have supported the short-lived Anti-Zionist Party which did remarkably well considering the political reality in France, but make no mistake, in this case “remarkably well” means single digit figures or less. There is absolutely no reason to believe that their new party will do any better, at least visibly. This is why:
There are really two “Frances” today: one, the official, visible one, appears to be one of consensus, of democracy, of relative well-being. The other, the “invisible one”, is one of deep alienation, of rage, of despair and of revolt. And these two Frances are not always were one would expect them to be found. For example, in the very same French police which is used by the state to persecute Dieudonne and Soral the popularity of both men is very high. The same goes for the military, the fire departments, and a host of other government agencies. Likewise, even though neither Dieudo or Soral are Muslim (both are Christian Latins, though in the case of Soral this is more of a cultural affinity), they get a great deal of support from the Muslim immigres in France who understand and respect their message.
As for the French “Far Right”, it mostly dislikes them, often with no less intensity then the rest of the Establishment. The problem here is a generational one. If Dieudo and Soral both respect Jean-Marie LePen and if both of them are still close to him both ideologically, they both have accused the National Front of having basically joined the Establishment, of having been co-opted and corrupted, and they have strongly criticized the anti-Muslim stance of Marine LePen.
The second ideological struggle which is taking place is that Dieudo and Soral are also on the offensive against a French author named Eric Zemmour whom they accuse of being a fake dissident. Zemmour recently wrote a book entitled “The French Suicide” in which is strongly criticizes almost all French policies and politicians since 1968 and in which he, a French Jew, openly criticized the use for petty political purpose of the Nazi persecutions of Jews. He even went as far as to declare on national prime time TV that Petain had saved French Jewry. Among his many theories, Zemmour is also known for declaring that Islam is not compatible with the French republic and that immigrants should be assimilated. This is were he enters into a direct conflict with Dieudo and Soral.
They accuse him of being the new “Bernard Henri Levi”, the new “official ideologue” who is now in charge of Islam-bashing in the name of French patriotism. Their proof? That Zemmour is constantly invited to all the major talkshows on French radio and TV whereas they are quasi officially blacklisted.
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Eric Zemmour |
Frankly, I think that in this case they are simply wrong. First, I do not agree with Zemmour’s view of Islam at all, but to say that he is simply wrong or mistaken does not imply that he is being used. There is a very simple explanation of why he is being invited everywhere: he is not Soral or Dieudo. Really, his views are very similar to the ones of Soral on many topics, you can think of him as a “Soral light”, and that is precisely why to invite him to the official media makes sense for the Establishment: it is a safe(r) way to “prove” that there still is freedom of speech in France and that even a “quasi-Soral” gets airtime.
Zemmour is a brilliant man and speaker, he is also a formidable debater who, unless he is shouted down, usually makes minced meat of his opponents while keeping a smile all along. Zemmour is also very direct and, in my opinion, intellectually honest man, and I don’t see him at all as the next “BHL” or somebody who is corrupted by the system. However, I also think that Zemmour is completely wrong about Islam and, even more importantly, wrong about France. The France which is would like to see is one which is gone forever and though he does not really deny that, he also does not want to accept it. In a way, he reminds me of Strelkov, many of whose views I share, but who appears to me to lack the realism needed to get things done in the modern world and the reality of today’s Russia. Whatever may be the case, Zemmour, who is usually associated with the French far Right, is also a target of Dieudo and Soral.
Thus it is completely wrong to classify them with the “Right”. In fact, both of them admire Jean Marine LePen and Georges Marchais, the charismatic leader of the French Communist Party until 1994. The issue for them is not one of “Right vs Left” but one of real opposition versus selling out to the system.
Neither Soral or Dieudo have ever endorsed the political program of the National Front or the Communist Party. What they did do is praise these two forces for being truly revolutionary (in the literal meaning of the word – wanting change) and not a fake opposition. But if under Marchais and Jean-Marie LePen the Communist Party and the National Front were truly speaking “for the masses”, then after their retirement both parties turned into tools for the elites. I fully agree with that analysis. This is why I say that today the only real opposition in France is E&R.
As for Zemmour, he is a nostalgic of the past and therefore neither a revolutionary nor a supporter of the current system which his views can only mildly annoy, but not threaten.
Can Dieudo and Soral, unlike Zemmour, threaten the system?
I strongly believe so. But in the long run only.
For one thing, they are appealing to the disenfranchised masses which are, by definition, the majority. The rest of the political scene in France only appeals to the elites. Second, while the Establishment tries as hard as it can to create fake non-issues (homosexual marriages) while obfuscating the vital ones (poverty and exploitation), E&R brings the real problems to the forefront of its discourse. Furthermore, while the official (Masonic) French ideology is both anti-Christian and anti-Muslim E&R is pro-Islam and pro-Christian. This is why the key slogan of E&R is “la gauche du travail la droite des valeurs” (the Left of Labor and the Right of Values) meaning that its economics are very similar to those of traditional Socialist parties whereas its ethics and morals are more typical of the ones of religious conservatives (Zemmour, by the way, would disagree with both, even though he likes to quote Marx and defends Christian ethics). In fact, I would argue that the ideas of Soral, Dieudo and E&R appeal to moral categories taken straight out of Christian, Islamic and Marxist traditions and that they recombine and adapt them to modern realities. This is, I think, very, very interesting stuff, especially for me since this is also what I see happening in Russia.
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Solzhenitsyn and Putin |
Resistance to Empire can take many forms. Sometimes, this resistance is armed, as in the case of Hezbollah. Sometimes this resistance is purely ideological, as was the case with Gandhi. But sometimes, it begins on the purely ideological level and eventually becomes incarnate in a very material way. For example, I would argue that today’s continuator of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s ideas is Vladimir Putin. And yet, Solzhenitsyn will be remembered as possibly the biggest foe of the KGB whereas Putin was an officer in that organization. These are the amazing paradoxes of history which show over and over again that the power of ideas is far stronger than the power of the state and its institutions.
Today, Soral and Dieudo are in a position very similar to the one of opponents in the former Soviet Union. Sure, the methods have changed, and there is no GULag in France (for the time being), but the French courts are now clearly used to silence dissent. How long until they begin being used to sent thought-criminals to jail?
Soral, Dieudo are typically French phenomena and so is their resistance. But they are also part of a much larger planetary Resistance to Empire. They are part of the same struggle as Evo Morales, Ali Khamenei, Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. Just like these men, they are not always right, and we don’t have to endorse all of their views. But I think that is is vital to recognize them as fellow resistants and, therefore, comrades.
The Saker
Nearly all Dutch commenters on the article, reporting on the ‘attempted terrorist attack’ against a Dutch delegation, visiting Kharkow, ridicule this transparent attempt by the SBU to put more dirt on Russia:
Kind regards,
I’m not sure I would categorize homosexual “marriage” as a “fake non-issue”. It is every bit as vital as the others you rightly pointed out. The hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen who marched in opposition to this horror rightly see – and have – a historical perspective, and that perspective tells them that the acceptance of sodomy can destroy a nation every bit as completely as any other kind of corruption.
I have been following the news on Dieudonne for many months now, and I have much respect for him.
This very interesting FAQ was posted on The Occidental Observer (TOO) website:
Part 1:
What are Alain Soral’s political positions?
What is Alain Soral’s influence?
How has Alain Soral become so successful in building an audience?
Part 2:
What is Alain Soral’s background? Or, from “Game” to Social Conservatism
What is Alain Soral’s political experience? Or, from Communism to Nationalism
What are Alain Soral’s relations with other French nationalists?
Part 3:
What are Alain Soral’s relations with foreign nationalists?
What are Alain Soral’s views of race?
What is Alain Soral’s position on the Jewish Question?
Is Alain Soral of the Right?
Alain Soral FAQ, Part 1
Alain Soral FAQ, Part 2
Alain Soral FAQ, Part 3
OT, but:
Ukraine Admits Its Gold Is Gone: “There Is Almost No Gold Left In The Central Bank Vault”
Thanks much for this, Saker. Am always glad to have your analysis of the situation in France.
@ anonymous 23:17
Basic questions about Alain Soral ? All answers are for you to be read or listened to in the tens of hours of video on the net. For a starter, apparently you are not much familiar with the ideas of Alain Soral, I would suggest the comment of Michel Drac (Scriptoblog) on his major book (Comprendre l’empire) which, in a nutshell, (though with accuracy) breaks down and explains the main theses of Soral, which insofar have yet to be refuted or even properly challenged.
Very straightforward and concise analysis of the rise of Dieudo and Soral. As goes the french saying : «Nul n’est prophète en son pays»; being written in english and from the USA, your piece will have more impact (this is a bit stupid but real) on the French opposition who, in part, tends to shy away from Soral and Dieudo, invoquing numerous pretexts. As a French canadian, «la droite des valeurs et la gauche du travail» sounds to me like a very powerful and promising program. You mentioned Soljenitsyne and Putin, in the french province of Quebec, it could be the reconciliation between Lionel-Groulx and Michel Chartrand, and putatively P.K. Peladeau (a merge far away from the normal system’s expectations, but which appears as a possibility and a source of hope at this point).
Some of us support the LMPT, not Soral, but we all have our soapboxes on which to voice our criticism of the stifling global system.
After reading your comments on France, which I know well, I will now look at your Russian comments with a more jaundiced eye.
The most anti-system forces there are those resisting the Islamization of France and the destruction of the family. Given that E&R is pro-Islam and does not resist the Third World invasion, it is hardly a force for opposition — but rather a soft nationalist variant of the reigning forms of PC.
Compromised as it is, the National Front of Marine Le Pen remains the sole political party to offer any sort of alternative. If it should come to power, its hard, anti-system underside will break the grip of the Atlanticists, expelled the Muslim invaders, and throw off the Americanist forms that presently cripple the country.
Greetings from Singapore:
ZEROHEDGE on Ukraine today:
… we reported of a strange incident that took place just after the Ukraine presidential coup, namely that according to at least one source, “in a mysterious operation under the cover of night, Ukraine’s gold reserves were promptly loaded onboard an unmarked plane, which subsequently took the gold to the US.” To wit:
Tonight, around at 2:00 am, an unregistered transport plane took off took off from Boryspil airport. According to Boryspil staff, prior to the plane’s appearance, four trucks and two cargo minibuses arrived at the airport all with their license plates missing. Fifteen people in black uniforms, masks and body armor stepped out, some armed with machine guns. These people loaded the plane with more than forty heavy boxes.
After this, several mysterious men arrived and also entered the plane. The loading was carried out in a hurry. After unloading, the plateless cars immediately left the runway, and the plane took off on an emergency basis.
Airport officials who saw this mysterious “special operation” immediately notified the administration of the airport, which however strongly advised them “not to meddle in other people’s business.”
Later, the editors were called by one of the senior officials of the former Ministry of Income and Fees, who reported that, according to him, tonight on the orders of one of the “new leaders” of Ukraine, all the gold reserves of the Ukraine were taken to the United States.
Needless to say there was no official confirmation of any of this taking place, and in fact our report, in which we mused if the “price of Ukraine’s liberation” was the handover of its gold to the Fed at a time when Germany was actively seeking to repatriate its own physical gold located at the bedrock of the NY Fed, led to the usual mainstream media mockery.
Until now.
In an interview on Ukraine TV, none other than the head of the Ukraine Central Bank made the stunning admission that “in the vaults of the central bank there is almost no gold left. There is a small amount of gold bullion left, but it’s just 1% of reserves.”
Medjeral – Singapore
Marine Le Pen is the only hope in the near-term (3 years) for any real change in France.
Maybe they have partly sold out, but I can tell you one thing. The National Front will destroy the Euro, which will greatly weaken the European Union.
These things can’t be bad for Russia.
English pirates have been trying to kill euro for a decade. They have infiltrated EUinstitutilns.
english are common enemies of Russia and to killenglish only uence in the affairs of Europe is in best inerest of Russia.
beware of english parasites , Russia.t
taking out england must be girst task of Russia if she and humanity is to survive from that pest
I remember last year in the British press they attacked a French footballer Nicolas Anelka and basically drove him out of England because he paid tribute to Soral. They called him anti-semetic and I looked into it as much as I could in a short period of time and supported Anelka in spirit but I didn’t have a lot to base it on. This article has really helped me to understand the situation and I think the truth (or at least a million times closer to the truth than the British press was).
I read Saker’s posts most days but haven’t commented for a while but appreciate the work that goes into the articles (and they keep on coming) and the other commentators that post their thoughts.
There is a human spirit slowly gaining momentum. Men and women who want to live their lives with integrity, people concerned with the simple truth and most importantly people who are thinking about a future more healthy for human beings.
Really glad I came across this article tonight, thank-you all who care.
Stepping Razor.
The respect shown towards Jean Marie but not Marine is not because of any dilution of the basic FN ideology but because they fear Marine because she is now the leader and motor of FN so threaten their attempt at cornering the ‘revolutionary market’
French conciliation of the immigrant/muslim is a sell out of France and the French in any language.
Europe liberation comes from Europeans, Europeans who will not appease the forces of immigration nor sodomy for ‘an easy life’
Fight for a Free Europe…..or die trying is our motto!
Come on…
Does Dieudone M’bala M’bala pay his taxes now ? France also has laws relating to inciting hatred and forbidding the denial of certain kind of historic crimes, which he has repeatedly been in apparent breach of, some would say for publicity’s sake. Chomsky disagrees with these laws and in doing so supported Faussiron, a bit of a lost case himself, in his right to free speech, for example. I am not sure how I feel about this point. I like the absolute idea of freedom of speech but I also believe in the idea of basic limits in speech just as law limits physical actions.
Going back to our case here, yes he has been harassed by authorities and they were wrong in doing so, no it is not baseless persecution and they were right to investigate, no they should not have tried to cancel his shows, yes he fills the theater he uses, no it is not generally very big.
Has Alain Soral stopped being a bit of, some would say, violent fascist?
( , by the way a good source of information on Ukraine too). Not wanting to sound like I did go trough a full review of the man’s work but when I have crossed some of his texts I always felt that they were self centred while lacking contents and structure. Yes he talks about empire and oligarchic financial control, no it does not make everything he says cool.
Has Zemmour grown a pride and a neuron. He has been the ‘sympathetic'(as in presentable) public figure of the relaxed (as in racist and xenophobic) mainstream right for years. He is self promotionally provocative and frankly a disgrace to himself most of the time. I never even considered his religious/ethnic background before you mentioned it, I do not believe he is often depicted as essentially Jewish. I grew up with media repeating how shocking his last shocker was and how saying that should be punished. As a result of that, he might well be described as a shameless asshole desperately trying to buzz, though.
Why do you keep mentioning Bernard Henry-Levy who is a non event and frankly a bit of a joke? Since he quoted the fake philosopher Botul (the master of the Botulism school of thoughts, no less) twice, he has lost the last of his credibility as a philosopher. He is sometimes used as a propaganda instrument (he was IIRC in Georgia) but is not taken seriously by anyone.
As for Front National, and you seem to share Paul Craig Roberts view on this, you take the stance of describing it as anti-system and some kind of alternative. My take, and I can substantiate it, is that it is a party which has had a policy of taking the good ideas from revolutionary left, removing their core premises and using them to appeal to the people while being very much a self interested conservative and class conserving organisation. Pretty much the same strategy as the one taken by UKIP in UK. The amount of support if has from the old aristocracy is a testament to that. It also has traditionally been the political face to various generations of neo-nazis or ultra nationalistic groups, some of them having links with the old aristocracy, some of them not. We are talking about the right sector kind there.
Marine le Pen is painful to listen to, she does not generally bother making an honest point when publicly communicating and resorts to clever manipulation along populist themes. I’ll take an example: she was discussing TAFTA on France Inter a while back, and her main argument as to why it would be dangerous for France was something about the FX rate against the Canadian dollar and these bloody Canadians who would be able to get everything on the cheap as if one of their units of currency would be equivalent to one Euro. I have no doubt she knows better, the language elements were cleverly arranged for the sentence to make sense to an inattentive or economically weak listener. I bloody hate the idea of TAFTA, but hat does not mean I have to agree with her point.
Just for the record, I don’t agree with every one your positions but I generally respect your analyses as they provide a different angle. As many, I joined as to follow Ukraine developments.
Saker, how much do you actually know about France. I can’t match the quality your analysis here and in the rest of what you write.
Also, why do you have a link to egaliteetreconcilliation which uses a pictogram of the ‘quenelle’, which while being originally a fish based sausage shaped dumpling, is presented as the miming of a large (Dieudone is known to add black at this point) cock going into the arse of the system and is only a veiled reference to the nazi salute.
Saker said, becoming a party can get them both platform and money. Critically correct, because it gives the numerically overwhelming, patriotic, frantic public something to lend passive sympathy and active support.
Now! When their silly-eunuch-name Equality and Reconciliation Party gets organised and people are reading its website for the latest, France’s liberty loving pair can then tell its fans to tell everybody to tell everybody to invade the country’s major/top/biggest political party to defenestrate traitor politicians for statesmanlike, virile intellects.
But liberty loving eunuchs have no concept of accumulating political power so the suggestion bounces off their foreheads routinely, and they achieve nothing. Very top echelons of the Hate establishment know these excreting bellies on stilts and Le Pen are zero threat to actual power, though upper middle echelons are properly terrified of Soral and Dieudonne.
Sorry when I referred to “Soral” in my last post I was referring to Dieudonne.
Stepping Razor
Soral and Dieudonne would accommodate Islam in France? So they must sense what I assert, that without the capacity to threaten violence Islam cannot survive, and has not survived its encounter with the modern world. Islam is history; Islamic societies are post Muslim, they are modern. Outside the US proxy Caliphate “mullas” cannot chop anyone. Muslims in France etc. are assimilating and the few “true believers,” by the grace of the one true God by whatever name, just want to revere/serve Him.
Basically, “eldest daughter of the Church” France is Catholic or France is shit and French patriots know it—however dimly in these terrible days.
@Frog and Michael McDonnell: please read my other articles on Dieudo, Soral and E&R as you clearly don’t understand this topic. Sorry about being blunt about that. As for “France is Catholic or France is shit” and “without the capacity to threaten violence Islam cannot survive” it is wonderful example of Latin political views and ignorance. Thanks for making my case better then I ever could.
@EVERYBODY: Check out Michael McDonnell’s spontaneous statements:
“France is Catholic or France is shit”
“without the capacity to threaten violence Islam cannot survive”
Latin thought, deep down, hasn’t changed *one bit*.
All that “Ecumenist” “dialog of love” crap is just a think layer of deceptive humanity. The good old “Grand Inquisitor” is still alive and well.
The Saker
“The most anti-system forces there are those resisting the Islamization of France and the destruction of the family. Given that E&R is pro-Islam and does not resist the Third World invasion, it is hardly a force for opposition” Anon
The trouble of cultural integrity has been brought about by design in an attempt to dislocate power, cause confusion and erase history. The same aim can be ascribed to the feminist movement, the LGBT movement, the new no gender classrooms (see Sweden as the test tube), and so forth. The goal is a general weakening of the value structure of a society which increasingly loses all identity altogether. France is a long way down that road, both due to its lack of resistance to this agenda and its general inability to develop as a vibrant Christian culture (not unlike most European countries). As France loses its identity concurrent with a massive demographics shift, it also loses its historical trajectory.
The flood of immigrants only occurs under a body politic that is seeking growth where internally there is little, and the weakened stance of France as a people in reflected in their total subservience to this encroachment. Islam will conquer via demographics, this has already been stated by leading Islamists, and since France’s Christian foundation has eroded, it is inevitable that another more dominant cultural religious force take its place.
Marine LePen and the French National Front are specifically opposed to Sunni Wahhabism and its radical adherents. Suggesting that such a position is ‘anti-Muslim’ is patently false and frankly says more about the ideological beliefs and prejudices of Soral and Dieudonne than it does about National Front.
Brilliant discourse Saker !
I also don’t see that Islam is any threat to any country…people should be allowed to live wherever they want in the world … irregardless of their religion.
Thanks so much for your views on things Saker…I can’t believe how similar my views are…yet mine are undefined. So when I read your works, I just go “yes”…
Very interesting documents (french)about the Maidan and the snipers.I’m sure Saker will find this of interest?
A very good blog,one of the most documented with facts,data,video,pics,interviews etc
A must:
I really like the photo of Putin and Solzenizin…(sp?)
I wonder if Solzenitzin’s dreams are somewhat fulfilled by Putin ?
“I also don’t see that Islam is any threat to any country…” Ann
In what way do you define ‘threat’? If by threat you mean rape and pillage than yes I agree with you, there won’t be much of that. If by ‘threat’ you mean cultural disintegration or something similar than I entirely disagree. I have Muslim friends (some very good friends), I enjoy their food, their cultural nuance, but it is not my culture, it is not a culture I feel most at home within. Perhaps if the Islam I knew more reflected the enlightened Imran N Hosein I would accept it more willingly as a branch of Christianity, but the Islam I encounter is something altogether different.
To a large extent I, as a Christian, am viewed as an outsider, this is something I cannot ignore especially as regards larger Muslim functions/gatherings, and its the same way I felt among Jewish friends growing up, I was not one of them…. and in like fashion those who emigrate to France largely view themselves as not needing to assimilate, but rather as bringers of a faith, and carriers of a message.
That Islam has taken such a foothold in France only reflects France’s lack of Christian vigour, it is their own doing, their own fate and not to be blamed on those simply taking advantage of circumstances. I don’t blame Muslims for their lack of integration, what are they supposed to assimilate, feminism? LGBT? But make no mistake, the road France travels today will dictate its future destination, and its future will be much different than its past, and will be populated largely by a new peoples.
I hate to be off-topic in this rare discussion about France, but some people are posting the recent story about the gold from Ukraine’s central bank, and they may be interested in an article just posted at Fort Russ. From a Russian finance site, the article says that Russia and China are trading in physical gold (not paper gold, physical), and that Russia is essentially buying ever more physical with the US Dollars it earns for oil and gas. Thus:
“Today assets such as gold and oil look proportionally weakened and excessively undervalued against the US dollar. It is a consequence of the enormous economic effort on the part of the West.
“And now Putin sells Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars, artificially propped by the efforts of the West. With which he immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!”
The BRICS nations will trade amongst themselves using physical gold – says the article – meanwhile continuing to extract western reserves to add to their own.
The beauty of the situation is that physical gold is already at parity with other physical gold. While the Dollar is artificially high and physical gold is artificially low (manipulated by paper gold derivatives, unreal by a factor of 1,000 to 1), it doesn’t matter if you take your US dollars and buy physical gold at the prevailing price. It’s a wash, if you don’t intend to spend that gold back on the same fiat currency, and instead use it to trade with other sovereign gold-holders – for which no intermediating reserve currency such as the dollar is required..
The West has tried to crash Russia by lowering the price of oil, as it crashed USSR, but it’s not working:
“The Western world has never faced such economic events and phenomena that are happening right now. USSR rapidly sold gold during the fall of oil prices. Russia rapidly buys gold during the fall in oil prices. Thus, Russia poses a real threat to the American model of petrodollar world domination.”
If you’re a gold bug – and I believe many of you French are – you’ll love this article. It’s very long, and Christina has done a heroine’s job of translating it.
Grandmaster Putin’s Golden Trap
I must add that I am no kind of expert with these things, and I’d love to hear what others think of the scenario. Hate to crash the France discussion though. Maybe when Saker comes back he can open this in a post for discussion?
To Saker:
As a frenchman very well aware and informed of what is going on these days in France, I think that you deserve to be strongly lauded for this sagacious ( of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment) analysis about the french resistance.
Of course one can argue about some details or add to them as some previous commentators have done, but basically, it wouldn’t invalidate your argumentation or make it any better. You know your stuff Saker and this last sitrep of sort about France is right on the money.
One little quibble: Sacred Cow Mahatma Gandhi.
Our knowledge of this man is 100% Hollywood creation and a lot if fiction.
Ask yourselves this question, why is Hollywood (Jews and CIA and British establishment) so interested in presenting an extremely flattering picture of this man? Does Hollywood do the same for Hugo Chavez, Che, Evo, Putin, etc.???
Here are some answers:
@ Michael McDonnell
You state:
” So they must sense what I assert, that without the capacity to threaten violence Islam cannot survive, and has not survived its encounter with the modern world”
Your above assertion is more applicable to Latin Christianity than it is to Islam (or is at least as applicable). It is proveable that Latin Christianity has not survived its encounter with the Modern World, a direct result of Latin Christianity slowly losing the power to impose direct violence on the flock. How many Catholics attend mass in “Modern” Western Europe? It’s a bit hypocritical of Western Churches to cast aspersions on others when their own track record is so bloody, dishonest and theologically inconsistent: (75 million people killed in the Americas, by Anglicans in North America and by Catholics in South America), not to mention the treachery of the Crusades as an excuse to pillage and burn/exterminate Christian Byzantium.
As for your assertion that Islam cannot survive the Modern World, Sunni Islam with its rigid dogma, perhaps (esp Salafi/ Wahhabi), but you exhibit tremendous ignorance of Shia Islam, which has a formalized system of debates, precedence and evolution: prominent Clerics based in Lebanon have advanced positions on Stem Cell research, intravaneous drug use, prophylactic use, Gender re-assignment, etc: Modern concepts that the Catholic church stumbles around in an inconsistent theological dark space.
Before you slam me for being an Eastern Orthodox partisan, I am not Christian nor Muslim but belong to the Ancient religious traditions of Asia. A religion & cultural continum that predates Sumer and today has well over 1.5 billion practicing adherents from India, South-East Asia, China to Japan. Unlike Western Europe our religious life is interwoven into our daily lives, as it seems to be in the Eastern Orthodox World and among Muslims. And as you know, Asia has done fine with accommodating the modern world with their theologies.
In my opinion, Shia Islam appears to have the greatest potential to integrate the Modern World into Islamic theology. As well as the more spiritual, meditative schools of Sunni Islam (via the bridge of Sufism). Shia Islam is certainly more pragmatic, flexible and consistent than a religion lead by political figure like the Pope, controlling a quasi religious political entity that controls banks and assets thru the world and has official political status at the UN.
Fantastic post, someone should start a blog on the synthesis of left and right ideas in opposition to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
Greetings from Singapore:
Adapting marxism/nationalism/tradition/religion to our modern times, with a good portion of pragmatism, is possibly the way to re-construct our values and the way politics should be re-based. We re-assert what are our values and from there we act in a pragmatic (not ideological) way. Here is were Dugin fails.
Medjeral – Singapore
“Some individuals do not shy away from overtly racist slurs like the Rabbi Rav Dymovisz who said that Dieudonne proves that Darwin was right and he is the living proof that some humans are descendants from monkeys “most probably a gorilla”.”
Unless there is a mistranslation I feel compelled to point out that Dymovisz is also incorrect in stating that gorillas are monkeys.
Gorillas are apes, not monkeys, they are highly intelligent, their DNA is very similar to that of humans but, unlike many humans and especially some of those who are not intelligent, they are not violent.
Must read
This is what have Serbs, eternal French friends, done to Croatian women in Vukovar:
if you have courage read.
Why don’t you start with analyzing Dieudonné’s environment, this is the friends, collegues, people he supports (or supported and why he quit) and so on.
His social environment tells more about him than any other story, theory or wishful thinking (your story).
It’s not because someone challenges the establisment that makes him credible and good.
I assume you got carried away by a subject. Or does a French friend has some influence here?
Poor post, I hope you do better in the future.
If there is a flood of immigrants…then a valid response is … why ? Are they fleeing a horrible western imposed insanity ?
the world is our home…come on people…the only reason that you’re afraid of Islam versus Christianity is that your Christianity is so null and void that you have to look at others…doesn’t it say somewewhere that if you don’t take the beam out of your own eye first, then you’re not able to take the splinter out of your (Islamic)brother’s eye.
Off Topic … meanwhile, back on the couch
A Session on the Imperial Couch
Cross-posted with
[What follows is a transcript of a therapy session between the American Empire and a psychiatrist whose name we at TomDispatch have agreed not to disclose. Normally, even in an age in which privacy means ever less to anyone, we wouldn’t consider publishing such a private encounter, but the probative news value of the exchange is so obvious that we decided to make an exception. The transcript has been edited only for obvious repetitions and the usual set of “ums” and “uhs.” Tom]
Holy shit, the hasbarah trolls come out in force with this one.
The sell out of Marine and the FN has only marginally to do with Islam or immigration, it is about the jewish supremacism lobby LICRA and LDJ.
Any political force that wants to be accepted in the main stream has to be subservient to this lobby or else it will be libelled as “antisemitic”, right-wing or extremist. A situation which is the antithesis of sovereignity the FN champions.
The other issue is also the back-stabbing of Aymeric Chauprade.
This are the issues Soral has with her and the FN (btw Dieudo never rooted for the FN, it’s not because he did his PR-stunts with Jean-Marie Le Pen and that they somehow have respect for each other, that he called to vote for them).
Hi ,
for me you’ve joined ranks with the best sites : Tarpley , nsnbc , Land destroyer , Jon Rappoport , Engdahl .
I live in France and appreciate Dieudonné . But the real resistance is not there : we have here an extraordinary and remarkable woman , an eminent historian , Annie Lacroix-Riz . She is the real deal , as you say in USA .
Alas , you have to understand French to fully understand what I mean .
Trust me , Soral is a very dubious character .
Pierre Bruno from Bordeaux .
I’m sorry to say you’re pretty wrong on this Saker…
You assume things that arent real.
There’s no Shia/Souffi movements in France.
Every Mosquee is kinda related and i mean controlled by the UOIF, a muslim brotherhood affiliated association.
Basically potent salafi recruiting centers.
Soral and Dieudo are nice guys, dont get me wrong i totally support their right tofreedom of speech etc etc…
Soral has some brilliant analysis economically in particular, he’s way ahead of Zemmour on those matters.
But concerning the muslim problemhere in France Zemmour is right. It’s a fact that salafists are Coran “textual readers”. Meaning when you solely read the Coran and dont make any interpretation of sorts you gotta slay the christian and the jew.
At best E&R will do 2% someday but it’s not a mean to an end to change french politics and french people knows that perfectly.
I’would personally love the idea of reconciliation with some Shia proselytism here, but that s something we wont get. The guys controlling muslim migrants are Qataris here, and if you need a special description of those vile beings, as someone that personally knows them i can give you personnal insight on some of the royal family.
Anyway E&R is very limited it’s of use to the gov to limitate national front growth and that’s all.
As for the quenelle and gestures that’s just bullshit to the eye. You gotta be a real nuttjob to find that nazi related.
It’s of much greater importance that RT’s is installing a french division.
I mean ok RT is vague as an information source for the small minority of us who wnats good intel and those brilliant analysis of yours but it shos something:
Putin perfectly gets that if Germany is the economic core of the UE, France remains its political core. If French get out of EUro there’s no Euro anymore and no EU anymore. France is the sole and only key to blow up Us domination of old Europe. Uk can get out, hell Orban can get out it dont really matters to the Empire. But if France gets out and take back it’s power from Brussel. There’ll be hell to pay for Washington.
And the only mean to that is Le Pen. there aint other. No wonder Putin meets FN representatives so frequently.
I wouldnt even be surprised that E&R do get some CIA funding even without realizing it.
Besancenot, Laguilier and other far left movements were funded that way and its obvious because political campaigns are not refunded if you dont do 5% and the one and only time the FN didnt get them they nearly vanished.
Well sorry for all those unorganized thoughts.
But you need some better insights on french politics and mentality because even if Soral is mainly right, he’s not the way to get out of our mess for us.
Re: A description of the Qataris.
Please supply us your personal observation of them, it would be enlightening for the rest of us. Many of us would be very appreciative.
Also the insight in your post is very helpful. I don’t think we should create an idealistic picture of Muslim immigrants in France I’ve seen too much violence and hatred emanate from that community (Salafist what else can you expect?). I myself am an Asian immigrant in an English speaking country and understand that one should respect and the traditions and social customs of the host nation and not have contempt and hatred for them (otherwise one should not stay). We can’t give the Muslim immigrants in France a pass simply because they appear to be anti-establishment: the mainly Sunni-Maghreb immigrants in France are also the same people that become pro-establishment when the French establishment decided to fund vicious Islamist terrorists to destroy the secular society of Syria.
I’m a bit despite by your post. There are lot difference between Soral and Dieudonné. There are together against 1% but Soral had fascist views (real/not real french). And Zemmour is an historical non sense saying that Petain (collaborate with nazi) saves jews and this is proved opposite (UJIF organization to collect data on jews). It seems that you don’t exchange enougth with yours french supports and in fact have a superficial view of a very complex french situation. Better to read you on your skill subject. Sorry some times you make me good, here you make me wrong
Would someone tell the Saker Falcon that I love him – because I haven’t got the guts. Vive la France.
For those of you who want to know more about marine Le Pen, I think it should be wise to check this:
Paul Eric Blanrue, a real historian, who had already written “sarkozy israel et les Juifs. His new book “Jean marie, marine et les Juifs” is a must read.
Thanks for publishing my earlier reactions.
“@Frog and Michael McDonnell: please read my other articles on Dieudo, Soral and E&R as you clearly don’t understand this topic. Sorry about being blunt about that.” I’d rather not be associated with Michael McDonnell’s views (which I reckon would fall somewhere towards the royalist fringe, back in the hexagon).
I grew up in France with all kinds of people and it was good. France is an essentially secular country, systemically we do not think about others as different because they are from a different place( and it is illegal to do so). Xenophobia and racism has never been absent and is on the rise, but I don’t see it as anti-system.
It is your blog: it is home to your opinions; asserting you that you are right is asserting your honesty (I do not doubt your honesty) but asserting that I do not understand the subject is dismissive of valid points that can all be independently verified (except for the Zemmour bit which is more about perception). It is your place, I do not ask for equal treatment but it is a lot easier to interact with someone with whom one can argue when one disagrees, I would have rather you said, “I disagree, please read the other articles first and come back”. It may well have been what you tried to express.
Saker, I will read your other articles out of respect for your work and because I am interested to read about other points of views. They are unlikely to sway me if they follow the same line, they are subjects I have been into for 20 odd years, it does not make me an expert but gives me an opinion of my own and without strong evidence that I am wrong, direct experience trumps analysis when the latter does not explain the former.
Can you answer the question in my previous message before I proceed with your previous article, how much do you know first hand about France.
As a Frenchman, I fully agree with Saker’s post and disagree with Frog’s statements, which are just a rehash of the dishonest arguments made by the French establishment to exclude Soral and Dieudonne from the mainstream political discourse.
Just to counter the first point made by Frog: Dieudonne is such a tax-dodger that he got a cool 200k euro tax rebate cheque from the French tax autority while being accused of evading taxes by the press!
I could do the same with his other points but I have better to do with my time than address this drivel…
The new party is called “Reconciliation Nationale” (“Egalite & Reconciliation” is the name of Soral’s existing association, which is not a political party”)
sorry I don’t agree with your view of Marine Le Pen.
She is remarkably articulate and well-spoken, and holds her ground in the face of consistent attacks by the (zionist) media.
She states that Russia a friendly state, and France must foster its relationship with Russia, look after its own interests and leave NATO and the Euro.
She is a force to be reckoned with. No wonder she has the establishment worried.
Here is her take on Russia and Ukraine:
Well, it might help to actually listen to what they say.
First of all, the political party isn’t Egalité et Reconciliation. That will remain what it is: an cultural a re-information association and network. Soral was very clear on that.
The party will be called Reconciliation Nationale and neither Soral nor Dieudonné are to run. The idea is that as a political party they a) will enjoy all the political protection afforded to actual parties i.e. they will use the system to protect themselves and b) a way for people to vote on themselves (and that, apparently will be their slogan) in that they will focus on regional and local elections.
E&R, Soral or Dieudonné aren’t “pro-Islam”. The issue here is simple: they are trying to avoid a civil war.
That is the main criticism of Soral on Zemmour: Zemmour makes the same arguments that Soral (incidentally, Zemmour started writing his book around the same time Soral published his Comprendre L’Empire) but reaches a different conclusion: while Soral says that there must be a national reconciliation through integration and assimilation, and that immigrants must be shown what’s good about France instead of always what’s bad, Zemmour blames the muslims and says that civil war is inevitable (thus, in practice, pushing for it).
And also, Zemmour doesn’t take his analysis to the very end: the people pushing for this war are the Jewish lobby (not the everyday jew, as Soral always makes sure to clearly mention) – the people which Saker euphemistically calls “the 1%ers”.
Hence, we can see the connection between BHL and Zemmour. There is a switcheroo going on: while BHL was the emissary of “hate France” ideology (anti-FN, Shoah, etc, etc), that discourse is no longer useful (perhaps it has achieved its purpose) and now Zemmour is being pushed forward and the deal presented to the French is this: you can go back to loving your country without being called a fascist if, and only if you turn against the muslim and fight him (for us). Typical sionist-talmudic manipulation.
That is why the FN has been cut some slack recently too: Aymeric Chauprade clearly stated that they were pro-Israel re. foreign policy. This was what prompted Soral to go forward with RecNat. Chauprade has appealed to Soral to mobilize E&R to help elect him on a reconciliation line, and now that he’s there, he dumped it thus effectively betraying Soral and the people he mobilised to vote for him.
To sum it up: Soral and Dieudonné are for National Reconciliation, Zemmour (and the “organized community”, “1%ers”, or simply “the jewish lobby”) are for the Clash of Civilisations.
E&R isn’t pro-Islam or against-Islam. There are Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Agnostics, Atheists and perhaps even Orthodox Christians (I have never ran across any, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there) in E&R. And they discuss between themselves on every topic including religion.
Instead of politically correct bullshit, people just speak. If sometimes initially people clash, they always end up figuring out what they have in common – they are French and they love their country – and the debates become incredibly productive. And people never have to excuse themselves for what they believe or auto-censor themselves.
That is why you see a mass of people of all colours and creeds – the people – chanting La Marseillaise in Dieudonné’s trial, thus facing a group of excited Jewish Defence League “dancer” hooligans with Israel flags.
That is reconciliation.
The comment I made about the amazing and definitive work of paul Eric Blanrue has not been moderated yet… I will check what whose who are in favour of Marine Le pen have to say about it (LOL).
Let’s talk about Zemmour. This guy said on a tv show that the Koran was encouraging the killing of Jews a every pages! Yes he did really say that!
What can of an intellectual is this? I mean, seriously? This would be utterly ridiculous if that guy was not promoted on all medias.
Why has he also always refused to debate with Soral while the latter was inviting him to do so.
Eric Naulleau (who used to work with Zemmour on the same Tv show (isn’t it a disgrace already that in France politic was only given such a pop program?), did debate with the ‘evil’ Soral, a book was published “Dialogue désaccordé”, Naulleau has disapeared, it seems.
Zemmour is a part of a deadly psy-op designed to polarized an angry France against the French of maghrebian and west African origin and the immigrants from maghreb and West Africa, under the ‘slogan’ that Islam is evil.
Israël is exporting it’s war and the local Zionist are importing it while covertly (via the neocons US intelligence apparatus of subvertion)nurturing groups like Les “identitaires”
There is a group which, while being a minority, is rarely mentioned in the medias, “les Identitaires”. While “Egalité et Réconciliation”is non violent, les so called identitaires are organised as militias, just like the ‘fascistes’ anti-fa (self identified as anti-fasciste; LoL).
Dieudonné have an influence as a symbol against establisment (“La quenelle”) but Soral have really no influence because he’s too extremist in his language (specially against the jews) and it doesn’t help his cause, of course most of times he has right, but he should use an other language.
National Front, is the only way to down the system, people who want to fight against corrupted political class and establishment will vote for National Front and not for party of Soral and Dieudonné beacuse they just are nothing in term of efficiently and political proposition, they are just steril opposition.I would like to say that National Front is the only party in France to clearly support Putin’s policy
‘Compromised as it is, the National Front of Marine Le Pen remains the sole political party to offer any sort of alternative. If it should come to power, its hard, anti-system underside will break the grip of the Atlanticists, expelled the Muslim invaders, and throw off the Americanist forms that presently cripple the country.’
I completely agree with this, and I also agree with Julian that the Front National is the only real option for change in France.
I´m Dutch but I have seen many interviews with Marine Le Pen and I strongly believe she is the person who could, and will if she gets the chance, destroy the Euro and the EU. And I will be dancing and celebrating on its grave!
In addition, I have no problem at all with Marine Le Pen´s ‘anti-muslim’ stance. I don´t think Saker will agree with me but I think muslims are a danger for Europe, a true Trojan Horse. From my I own experience: a large majority of them show huge disrespect to our (European) way of life, our traditions, our women etc. Many of them certainly do not integrate at all. Well they are here now, nothing can be done about it, but there must be a full stop on immigration from the muslim world to western Europe.
I see three great dangers for Europe:
– Euro en EU
– American dominance in Europe and Americanization of Europe.
– Mass immigration (especially from Africa and Middle-East)
Tensions between immigrants and natives is dangerously on the rise in Europe, no question.
Ann said: ‘I also don’t see that Islam is any threat to any country…people should be allowed to live wherever they want in the world … irregardless of their religion’
Well Ann, I don´t know where you live but if you´re not from Europe I dare you to visit some ‘nice’ muslim neigborhoods in Paris, London, Amsterdam or Bruxelles. Pay a visit in the summer and walk around in a short skirt and you will probably change your opinion about Islam and muslims very fast. Not so long ago in a neighborhood in The Hague a large group of muslims were cheerfully standing around with ISIS and Jihad banners. What a beautiful sight that was!
Some say all of this has nothing to do with real Islam, I dont know if that´s true. These people call themselves muslims so for me they show at least what their view of Islam is. I´m not a fan.
‘Allons enfants de la Patrie,
le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L’étendard sanglant est levé.
L’étendard sanglant est levé:
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons.
Marchons! Marchons!
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons’
A must read is
an excerpt
The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: “Who has more gold sets the rules.” But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.
If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most terrible questions, which will sound like this:
– How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods
the AZs are boiling themselves on their own cauldron. Be it.
Putin’s speech in Bundestag 2001
Once Nazi, today Natoist
Tour the Destruction of a Ukrainian Battlefield Through the Eyes of a Drone
What follows is a surreal perspective into what the modern battlefields of Ukraine actually look like, from a drone’s eye view.
Bombed-out fields dotted with what appear to be fox holes and artillery explosions litter the grim landscape. The flatness of the Ukrainian plains brings to mind images of WWI, especially how the leafless trees and the dying grass mimic trench scenes from Belgium or France.
Then the drone flies over an industrial area, which appears to be the Donetsk airport—the site of fierce off and on fighting between Ukrainian forces and allegedly Russian backed insurgents associated with the Donetsk People’s Republic.
It’s easy to think the sheer destruction looks peaceful from the sky: the son is shining on a clear day and the traces of explosions in roofs seem like the trademarks of dead battles. But at 2:57 of the video tracer fire is seen whistling by the drone. The enemy has spotted the surveillance weapon and are trying to destroy it.
This Is What a Ukrainian Rocket Storm Looks Like
These look to be BM-21 grad rockets, built during the height of the Cold War in the 60s, and are a vestige of a war left unfought—except it’s 2014 and these Grad strikes are meant for Russian or Ukrainian targets, not would-be advancing Allied divisions.
Operated using a truck-mounted system, BM level rockets are known as ‘Grad strikes,’ grad meaning ‘hail’ in Russian. In other words, the BM-21s are known for hailing rockets down onto enemies. And the video evidence of these hail storms are just as scary as their moniker suggests.
SanctuaryOne said:
Unless there is a mistranslation I feel compelled to point out that Dymovisz is also incorrect in stating that gorillas are monkeys.
Gorillas are apes, not monkeys, they are highly intelligent, their DNA is very similar to that of humans but, unlike many humans and especially some of those who are not intelligent, they are not violent.
The french language does not make a distinction between monkey and ape, both translate as “singe”. It’s Saker’s translation that is at fault here.
But seriously, don’t you think that it’s a complete non issue compared to the monstrosity this rabbi tells? Who cares if a gorilla is smart or not. It’s the racial unfunny slur this pathetic excuse for a human being proffers which is the important point. I’m always amazed at peoples ability to completely miss the point.
It was interesting to learn about the Quenelle . I’ll keep it in mind the next time I’m at a public event and they play the National Anthem.
moral categories taken straight out of Christian, Islamic and Marxist traditions
What are these moral categories, for example ? I look them as revolutionary systems – They are good at attacking an existing system, but fail to nourish open compassion systems for themselves. This is not meant as observation to share rather than rage or judgement.
To a large extent I, as a Christian, am viewed as an outsider, this is something I cannot ignore especially as regards larger Muslim functions/gatherings, and its the same way I felt among Jewish friends growing up, I was not one of them…. and in like fashion those who emigrate to France largely view themselves as not needing to assimilate, but rather as bringers of a faith, and carriers of a message.
That Islam has taken such a foothold in France only reflects France’s lack of Christian vigour, it is their own doing, their own fate and not to be blamed on those simply taking advantage of circumstances
They taking in of migrants, not necessarily just Muslims, has extended the world orders life expectancy. Had it not, it would have had a hostile enemy a long time ago. It would have been them against us mentality. Have you forgotten or do you not know what France, and the “West” in general have been doing to the rest of the World and in our contemporary times the Muslim world since the establishment of the UN and “International Law”? These, migrants has been a very clever relief tap.
As Ana said, “If there is a flood of immigrants…then a valid response is … why ? Are they fleeing a horrible western imposed insanity ?“, sums it.
When people have wealth they get along, and if they don’t, they have to blame one group or another. This is human nature.
David Chu :
Arundhoty Roy has supported violent terrorism of all stripes as long as it hurts India. She defended even the terrorist who attacked Indian parliament. Indian supreme court found her contempt and jailed her. Empire gave her a prize, she can beat easily the ukrainian politician whom Saker had shown with a snakes tounge. Lately the Pakisthani professor even finds her unacceptable:
About Gandhi Read what his potential detractors say :
Note the opinion of spectrum of people on his demise – Albert einstein, Ho Chi Minh, Dr King, Bernard Shaw, Gafar Khan,Mountbatten, President Trauman .
None listens when Arundhoty Rants against India or creates an argument for anybody who is capable of violence. She is a fake revolutionary.
Royal Qatari pricks have rel fun graduating from Saint Cyr special military school.
It’s not even about the fact that those lame ass cant even follow the normal sport course that everyone else does, Senegalese crocos or french alike no!!!
Those degenerates (the fourth son of the emir and one of his nephews for those i know) were renting a loft in Rennes where orgies were usual and trust me on that one, Roman would have been jealous.
Those Sunni devouts show off are nothin but trash there was nothing righteous at any moment in any of their actions.
That’s not an insight, that’s a testimony.
Anyway they did stuff plenty off money for the “Grand Gala” wich is st Cyr graduation party, and even if the majority would have refused they ( the organisators) were ordered not to.
I understand Soral brags about fucking other men’s wives. Is this his idea of traditional (culturally Christian) values? Gay marriage is destructive to the family but seducing other men’s wives is not? Do I have this right?
I suppose in France adultery is a traditional value, but that hardly strikes me as particularly Christian or conservative in any legitimate sense.
Fortunately, the young people in the U.S. who have the most potential to take up anti-Zionism and pursue a serious revision of our economic system will never go for such social “conservatism.”
@Anonymous: I understand Soral brags about fucking other men’s wives. Is this his idea of traditional (culturally Christian) values?
You are absolutely correct. He did that a least once, but on one of his videos on YouTube. It was ugly and 100% non-Christian.
I think that his “cultural Christianity” is more about respecting the history of France then about personal behavior or ethics.
Very good point. Thanks!
The Saker
It seems that you have never heard of Francois Asselineau who is the founder ( in 2007 ) of the political party UPR, Union Populaire Republicaine. Francois Asselineau has been interviewed several times by ” la voix de la Russie “. For me, he is the true leader of french resistance.
Hi Angelo !
In what way do you define ‘threat’? If by threat you mean rape and pillage than yes I agree with you, there won’t be much of that. If by ‘threat’ you mean cultural disintegration or something similar than I entirely disagree.”
Angelo…we can enhance culture by embracing the good of every culture…Islam has a phenomenal cultural heritage…far more complex than Christianity in some ways…again…I think if we are afraid of cultural diversity, then we are afraid to lose something we’ve already lost.
And I also am a Christian, but I really work at it…not in a fundementalist way…that’s the way of hell…but the white many has abandoned his God in many countries.
And I think that if humanity can find the Christ again, that even Muslims will embrace Him. They’ll need to, because He is the only hope and He did come for all people.
François Asselineau is indeed the most balance character. But as a member of the UPR I have to say that the pyramidal structure of the traditonnal party, the logic of the “president” make it difficult to grow. Asselineau should learn from the Saker and apply the ‘debian organisation’ to unleach the full potential of it’s members. Anyway, in the Dieudonné Soral video, none of them is harsh against FA, they are right in what they say ‘against’ him. To me, FA is their man. Réconciliation national is what was needed for the UPR. We must work together, even if that cooperation is covert.
Saker, I am an avid reader of your website. I deeply respect and admire your tireless work, which I consider an invaluable antidot against all those anti-russian lies and denunciations spouted out daily by the Western mainstream.
That said, and in all respect, I have to criticize your stance on Islam. “Islam” is Arabic for “subjugation” – in modern parlance “fascism”. That’s really what it is – a political, fascist movement. All that appears to be religious about it is just superficial. What the founders of Islam did was to wrap a unifying, pseudo-religious ideology around
the vicious clan warfare signifying life in the Arabian desert, and to unite the Arab tribes against their neighbors in the process. Many authors have provided detailed analyses along these lines and the books and articles they wrote are readily available, often for free on the Internet. (,, and are just three web sites that provide high-quality accounts of everything that has always been and is still wrong with Islam.) Everyone who thinks otherwise about Islam is kidding himself. It is written in their holy book that all unbelievers are worse than animals and that’s really what they mean. There is no room for interpretation in that, and also no room for reform, for that matter, as every single word is supposed to have come directly from Allah with prophet Mohammed only having conveyed these words to a scribe.
And what about all those peaceful Muslims? They maybe peaceful but the problem is that their culture breeds subjugation – again, that is really it is all about – and terror. Every ideology has its shares of followers who are hypocrites, and hypocrites is what they are, the peaceful, moderate Muslims so many are putting their hopes on. Islam itself leaves no doubt that what it demands is total subjugation of everyone and everything by any means required, including torture, rape and murder. The Islamic state keeps saying that all they do is in one-to-one accordance with Islamic law, and there is really no arguing about it, because they are right.
[to be continued]
[continuing previous post]
Look at it this way: There has been such a wave of Islamic terror in large parts of the world over the last 15, 20 years, and there is such a drive to islamize public life in Western Europe, and all that those “moderate” Muslims are doing consists of basically looking on and keeping silent about what the so-called islamists are doing in their name. There is a saying in Arabic, namely, that that keeping silent about something is the same as approving of it. Think about that.
Did you know that some serious scholars doubt whether Mohammed actually existed? There are many indications of that including that Mohammed’s name is hardly mentioned by any contemporaries who left written accounts of conquest during the early phase of Arabic expansion. Did you also know that it is dangerous to utter such views, that many scholars are afraid of pursuing the topic and that others have had their careers destroyed for doing so? What is it about the supposedly peaceful nature of Islam that is making a mockery of the freedoms that we are supposed to have?
[to be continued]
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I have the impression that the perceptions of Islam in Russia, Eastern Europe including Poland, Western Europe including Germany and the US are different while all are equally problematic.
Russians have been living together with Muslim peoples for hundreds of years and seem to believe that what has gone well for so long will also go well in future. They certainly have to teach the world a lot about how to live together with Muslims but I believe that their history has made them blind for the dangerous situation they are now in, with Muslim immigration and demographics threatening to overwhelm them in their own country.
Eastern Europeans seem to believe that there is no Islamic threat at all. I think they are gravely mistaken. Most of their countries have joined the EU, and just as Muslim immigration and demographics are overwhelming Western Europe, the EU will see to it that the same will happen in Eastern Europe. That would be totally in line with the EU policy of weakening the nation states and their constituent peoples. An alliance with Islam is the EU’s main tool in that. Right now there is the confrontation with Russia and I believe the EU has put the process on hold until, as they believe, Russia has been brought to its knees. They need the Eastern European nation states to do the dirty work for them. Once those nation states will not needed for the purpose anymore, the EU will try to make them go down the same path on which Western Europe already has advanced so far.
Most of Western Europe including most of Scandinavia are in grave danger. Muslim immigration and the Islamization going along with it are so far advanced that the process seems to be irreversible. Many countries, including England, the Benelux, Sweden, Norway, and probably Germany and France will be under Islamic rule within the lifetimes of many who are alive today. And if the heart of Europe falls, then the entire continent will fall. If you say “So what?”, then think about in which Muslim country you would want to life today. There are dozens to choose from, for example, Saudi Arabia, a country in which there is not a single church. If you answer is “No, I do not want to live in any of today’s Muslim countries,” then why should Western Europeans want their countries to become Muslim? Incidentally, Western Europe falling under Islamic rule will mean that Russia will be confronted with at least two nuclear armed Islamic powers to it’s West. Not a nice prospect, eh?
As for the US, Muslim immigration and Islamization have not advanced quite so much as in Western Europe. Americans also have faith and they are armed. That’s why I think why many are still more oblivious to the danger than in Europe.
Lastly, if you are an Anti-Zionist, then I concur with you. But Anti-Zionism does not mean that your enemy’s enemies are your friends, as the saying goes. It is gravely mistaken to seek an alliance with Islam to counter Zionism. Whereas Zionism attacks us from above by occupying the elite positions in our society, Islam is attacking us from below by its demographics occupying the lower class positions in society and slowly but steadily overwhelming us. Both are equally dangerous. They do not seem to like each other but that should not distract us from them danger we are in from both sides.
The anti-islam, dare I say hasbara, brigade is activated I see. I am referring to crap like this:
“Many countries, including England, the Benelux, Sweden, Norway, and probably Germany and France will be under Islamic rule within the lifetimes of many who are alive today.”
Anonymous: Re: Islam. You fell for the propaganda! There is a single, esoteric school of Islam propagated by one crazy man which is horrid. This man’s interpretation of Islam wd have died a natural death except CIA heard about him, got behind him, printed lots of “educational materials” for decades, etc. I do not remember his name– he’s too filthy to remember.
In a word, you are not talking about the real Islam all the sects of which have lived peacefully with each other for centuries. Even now, what the West calls sectarian warfare isn’t.
No discussion of France complete w/o knowledge of its immoral continuing heist of the economies of 15 African countries. France’s economy is partly dependent upon this illicit income. US/UK support for this theivery & the threat to w/d it may be a major part of how France is kept in foreign-policy subjugation.
Soral is hardly a philosopher. Social critic, perhaps, or essayist.
woah woah
that’s the wrong persons that the mainstream French would recommand, except MLP, who seems rather cleverly surfing on the failure of the main political partis
Dieudonné is a gros BOff, Asselineau a clown, soral is lesser know, actually fast nobody knows of what he is talking about
Zemmour is a polemist, a bit misogyne, though with acurate political analyse, on the franco-french scene
If you want a fair vision on what the French think there’s military forums, medias links on facebook give a good insight of what the french think in their discussion section
Alain Soral:sedentaries vs nomadic predators-English Subtitles gives English speakers an opportunity to see the man and a bit of his world view. This view has relevance to analysis of Russia and China as producers and the Anglo-Zionists as nomadic-predators.
Hi Saker,
The French dissidence: did it really ever exist, or is it just a sham?
It’s starting to look like a slow-motion train wreck. I suppose you’re aware of the last “affair” (check his FB page) where Soral is accused (by an ex-“friend”, the shady Jo Dalton) of sexting with a black woman and spewing racists insults at her after she rejected him – besides sending pics of him naked. BTW, this woman is supposedly (acc. to Soral) an ex of Sarkozy’s son, and has been involved in drugs cases. Whether true, a set-up or a complete zionist manipulation (Soral is rather ambiguous on this point, neither confirming nor denying the existence of these exchanges with that woman), it’s more a symptom than anything, and follows a series of fallouts between Soral and his previous ‘allies’ and/or supporters (Farida Belghoul, Salim Laïbi and Tepa from MetaTV, most notably). The Belghoul affair is very suspicious, in that Soral never explained what happened, and never answered Belghoul’s call to an open discussion (see the FAPEC affair on Belghoul’s website). As for Laïbi, Soral called him an “obese dentist”. BTW, he also called Joe Le Corbeau a “caricaturiste épicier”, and Belghoul, a “passionaria hystérique”. Acc. to him, without him, these people wouldn’t even exist. Very nice, isn’t it? But not surprising, as Soral has a tendency to just about insult everyone, even in his own ranks.
Check Laïbi’s last article (and teaser):
I think that though Soral has many good points and his analyses are often spot on, humanly speaking, he’s unstable, possibly pathological. We’d never see a guy like Putin losing control and start to insult even his so-called “friends”. Soral is a pure megalomaniac, and he doesn’t have the mental strength to stand the inevitable pressure and attacks that are part of the package when one enters politics. His megalomania (and his possible sexual perversion, despite him publicly advocating “traditional moral values”and pointing out the decadency of modern society) might be his downfall. I don’t think it’s a good idea for Dieudonné to get entangled in this political party. I don’t think “Reconciliation nationale” is for today. When you realize the discrepancy between Soral’s public discourse, and his character/attitude with others (even his so-called friends), you can see why.