The blame probably should (yet again) go first to the Papacy with its unhealthy repression of everything sexual, which itself originates in a most unfortunate misunderstanding of the Christian dogma of the primordial sin by Saint Augustine of Hippo who, at least, never insisted that this interpretation was the correct one (traditional Christianity does not believe that per se sex is bad, but only that it has to be appropriately channeled and sublimated). Alas, his misguided views on this topic were further picked up in a long series of sex-centered teachings, practices and dogmas (celibacy for priests, condemnation of “the flesh”, “Immaculate Conceptions”, etc.) and as a result, these sexuality-repressing teachings triggered a formidable backlash which began in the Renaissance and is sill felt today.
The next group to make things worse were the Freemasons, the various revolutionary movements in Europe and, of course, the openly secular/atheistic ideologues such as Marx, Nietzsche, Freud and many others. I won’t go into the pathetic history of feminism, hippie flower-power, abortion “rights” and all the rest of the nonsense we were fed, nor will I discuss the role of pornography or the so called ‘gay’ rights. My thesis is this: in terms of sexuality the West is now terminally cluster-f**cked. I won’t even bother proving that thesis. Look for yourself a the divorce rates, teen pregnancy rates, homosexuality, pedophilia, rapes, marital violence, gross sexism and macho violence or, better, try to find something healthy in anything sex-related in the West. It ain’t there. So I will say it again: in terms of sexuality the West is now terminally cluster-f**cked.
The latest example of that complete absence of any kind of healthy understanding of sex is the “Putin hits in Xi’s wife” non-event scandal. Here is the video of the ‘act’, see for yourself:
You can plainly see for yourself what happened: it was cold, Putin though that Xi’s wife might be uncomfortable in the chilly weather and he offered her his shawl. Notice also her reaction: she accepted it very gracefully, put in on just long enough to thank him (you can see her smile and bow), then took it off and was handed another coat.
This is how the western media saw that: (excerpts from here)
“’Putin’ On the Moves: Vlad Cozies Up to China’s First Lady,” screamed NBC.
“Putin Hits on China’s First Lady,” asserted US magazine Foreign Policy. “Russia’s Don Juan-in-chief just got a little too friendly with Xi Jinping’s wife.”
“The first unspoken rule of diplomacy might be “Don’t hit on the president’s wife,” but Russia’s newly single president Vladimir Putin seems to have missed the memo,” it continued.
Very interestingly, RT also offered this photo as a reminder of the fact that it was not the first time Putin did something like that:
![]() |
Was Putin also ‘hitting’ on Merkel? |
RT added: This is not the first time Vladimir Putin’s manners have landed him in a mini-storm. A similar gesture last year, when Putin offered a shawl to German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, provoked many of the same kind of comments.
In the typical westerner’s mind, this goes something like that: we know that Russian man spend their lives drinking and beating up their woman, that they are sexist macho pigs, all potential rapists (look at how they behaved in at the end of WWII in Germany!), so if one of them shows what could be misconstrued as courtesy or attentive care, he must be ‘hitting’ on the woman, already ready to jump, beat and rape her”. This is the kind of notion that the western corporate media has been trying to implant in the minds of the poor folks who watch the Idiot-box.
Before I tell you how I, as a Russian, interpret what has happened, let me share with you what a Chinese friend of mine has written about this in a private email to me:
You have probably seen the (non) news about Putin handing Xi’s wife a shawl. Western media has made a big deal out of it and I thought some Russian viewers might misunderstand.
Peng (Mrs. Xi) was not trying to intentionally spur Putin’s kind gesture, but Chinese culture is very sensitive to simple things including these types of social gestures because in Chinese culture such behavior denotes respect, place in society, and awareness of manners. To take another man’s coat is simply disrespectful to your husband in Chinese culture. Peng was caught in the unfortunate position of having to accept Putin’s hospitality yet avoid offending her husband’s “face” publicly. This is very important in Chinese society, perhaps not to myself in particular, but to most of us especially the traditional minded (whom we mostly are… believe me). Of course, as a foreigner Putin is not expected to be aware of these nuances and his “rudeness” can be forgiven and accepted as kindness. Actually Chinese manners dictate that when a foreigner exhibits lack of knowledge of your customs, you are supposed to accommodate them, but Peng’s reaction is understandable given her position. This wasn’t made better by Western MSM claims of Putin “flirting” with Peng — which is completely ridiculous of course.
I believe the best PR fix would be Putin issuing a statement saying something along the lines of, “I was trying to be polite, but the Chinese as we continue to see are very subtle, which I admire them for, and in their culture it is frowned upon for a woman to accept another’s coat. She was simply being respectful towards her husband. This is nothing but growing pains in the fast developing Sino-Russian alliance. Xi and I have a superb relationship and it will continue to bring us success in the future.” Putin has enough of a media personality and credibility to pull this off. It is unlikely that the Chinese will utter anything publicly until Russia does, because they would not want to seem patronizing to Putin or Russians by explaining often-accepted-as-simple-manners.
I will just add that I think that Peng handled the situation *superbly*. She showed her guest, Putin, no discomfort or offense at all, she gave him a warm smile, bowed and thanked him, kept the shawl on for just a second, then slightly turned (thereby signifying the end of her gratitude expressing) and immediately took the shawl off while her (smart) aides handed her another coat so as to make the removal of the now non-needed shawl natural. If I give Putin’s aides a B for not warning him about that, I give the Chinese an A+ about how elegantly they handled the situation.
Now let’s turn to the Russki side of the issue.
First, I will readily admit that there are some Russian man who would make a Cro-Magnon look educated, sophisticated, refined and otherwise civilized (all countries probably have those) In contrast, Putin is a highly educated man. Not only that, but he is a former spy. That does not mean that he is a pro at firing guns, copying documents or evading pursuing cars. As he himself explained it in his book, a spy is first and foremost a man who knows how to make himself liked by others. Being charming, reassuring, friendly and soothing is one of the core qualities of a spy. Putin is also an officer and he very much shares into the Russian officer ethos, especially officers from elite institutions or units. In other words, besides personal reasons, Putin has professional reasons to have impeccable manners. Having watch many, many hours of his town hall style meetings with all sorts of people and having him watched interact with all sorts of different cultural and social groups I can say that Putin’s manners are absolutely superb, every bit as refined and polished as Lavrov’s. And here is the key to what happened:
In Russian culture it is not only normal to take care, be courteous, be protective, attentive and otherwise gallant to woman, it is expected. Russia is still what I call a “sexually differentiated society” in which women and man are not “equals” but which sees then a very different and which strongly believes that real men take care of women. Russian society is also multi-cultural. Just as educated Russians will not offer alcohol to a Muslim guest, they will also know that, for example, you do not physically touch a Muslim woman unless she, for example, is the first one to move her hand forward for a handshake (because this Islamic no-touching rule is not uniformly followed by all Muslim woman). Had Putin known about the fact that handing over a shawl to a Chinese lady is inappropriate he would most definitely not done so and it is absolutely clear by her reaction that lady Peng completely understood this. Neither of them every even considered such a ludicrous and vulgar notion that Putin might be “hitting” on her, a married lady and his host.
But the corporate media of a “Michel Jackson society” (neither child nor adult, neither Black nor White, neither male not female) had to, of course, bring it all down to some vulgar crass move by the Russian “mujik” on the Asian “chick”. This says nothing about Russia or China, and everything about the modern corporate media and the sexually pathological ideology it tries to force down the throats of those who are exposing themselves to it.
Honestly, when I look around myself in western Europe or the USA I feel sorry for most of the people I see. How many happy, stable and truly loving marriages do you see nowadays? However, to measure the fantastic degree of sexual frustration of western men, it is enough to look at the huge income of the porn industry and realize that somebody is consuming that porn and that, by definition, those who are reduced to a sex-by-porn sexuality are completely dysfunctional, frustrated and sadly lonely people. The so-called “sexual freedom” resulted in a terminal case of sexual misery and dissatisfaction. While I often get in trouble for saying that homosexuality is a sexual psycho-pathology, I have to say that hetero sex in the West is rarely and only marginally healthier.
This is really sad as the consequences are devastating. “Sexually differentiated” (where each gender is different and has his/her role) couples are becoming increasingly rare (I won’t even go into the “gay marriage” folly!), most families are “multiply recomposed”, children lack real fathers or mothers, normal and healthy masculine or feminine behavior is frowned upon and even basic courtesy towards a lady is apparently inevitably interpreted as an attempt to obtain sex from her (which is what “hitting” is).
I wonder how long it will take for people in the West to realize this and to revolt against it. It is already happening. I know a few “real” couples (two identifiable genders, male in the father role, female in the mother role, no divorce, no marital infidelity and no domestic violence but true deep love, children who are raised close to their parents and not given up to state schools, etc.) and they are always more or less “off the social grid”: they do their own thing away from the rest of society whose values they have rejected, whose ideology they don’t believe in, and whose brainwashing appliances (TV, radio, papers) they don’t let into their homes. They are also sexually happy, with no need for porn, meds or props. In fact, they know that sex gets *better* with time. But they are still a tiny minority. The vast majority of people out there still follow the prevailing societal model to misery, loneliness and sexual frustration.
Finally, I expect that this post will earn me yet another flood of angry comments and I can’t even begin to imagine how what I did say above will be “re-worded” to make me say something I did not. I offer the above as my own admittedly subjective point of view about the context for the “Putin hitting on Peng” “non-event scandal” in the hope that somebody might find it interesting. As like to say, please view this blog like an AA meeting: you take what you want and simply leave the rest.
In this case, I wanted draw your attention that the (mis-)interpretation of what happened in China by the corporate media is only a part of a much wider problem and that looking at the general context of male-female relations in the West might allow for a better understanding of what is going on.
Frankly, this is not a topic I want to dwell on either. I shared some of my views above, but I have to ask you to please forgive me if I won’t participate in any further discussion about it. You are, as always, welcome to have a healthy and dynamic discussion in the comments section, but please don’t expect me to join it: I am way too busy (but I will lurk and read it though, just for my own education).
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
With all respect, as a Catholic I must say that I find your characterization of the Church, its intentions and its history, to be incorrect.
Coincidentally, today’s Mass is named in honor of St. Josephat, whose story you may know.
As global forces gather against Christianity, we Christians very much need a movement towards unity, not antagonism and misunderstanding.
Yes, afterall, the almost entire history of the Catholic Church is such a pure and humane one. When “Christians” accept the real history of your Church rather than your fantastic delusions about it’s actions for the last 2000 years the sooner you and it will be relevant. The R.C. Church deserves scorn until it admits to its’ inhumanity. The same applies to most European Protestant ones.
Try reading “Theology of the Body” by Pope John Paul II. That is what Catholic teaching on Human sexuality is all about. A far cry from what we witness today due to liberal influences on sexual deviances.
@Pavel:Coincidentally, today’s Mass is named in honor of St. Josephat, whose story you may know.
If you talk about the mass murderer of Orthodox Christians who is considered as a Saint and “martyr for the faith” by the Latins yes, I know his story and I always refer to him and his current status in the Latin Church as a clear example that while externally Rome has toned down the anti-Orthodox rhetoric, it’s core view has not changed. I think of it as non-Nazi Germans denying having any anti-Jewish feelings but considering Himmler as a saint and praying to the “Martyr St. Heinrich”.
@EVERYBODY: those interested in “Saint” Josephat can read about him, and the Latin’s policies in Russia, in this excellent article:
The Saker
The Russian-Chinese strategic partnership is the biggest threat western imperial powers have ever faced and if it endures, the empire is history.
It stands to reason, then, that the will do ****anything**** to break that partnership up. There is nothing that is too low, too violent or as in this case to adolescent or sophomoric, that they would not try it.
Fortunately, both presidents Xi and Putin understand this very well.
Puritanism does not come from Catholicism.
Just look at were it came from (England, Germany not Spain, Italy or Portugal).
To look more closely, it came from judaism (marrano jews coming to Venezia & Netherlands), then expending through Germany (Frankfurt, Rothschilds…) & England
(English Revolution, by netherland money makers). And then to France. Remember the german-accent of the guys who brought money to pay the thugs freed from prisons in 1789.
Wherever they took power, they tried to destroyed the church, whether orthodox or catholic (remember how catholics were slaughtered by Cromwell. But France 1789, Spain 1936, Armenia 1914 (Ataturk was a donmeh) or Russia 1917 is all the same). Wherever you look you have the same link between degenerated judaism (Jacob Frank, Sabbathai Zvi…) & corrupt elites turning inside some wicked materialist messianism, whether Huss, Luther, Calvin and so on, influenced by judaic messianism.
Catholic religion was strong in Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, & France. Catholic religion was weak in England & Germany. Look who runs the show.
To consider catholicism suppresses sexuality is believing puritanist propaganda.
Those obsessed by sexuality are people who were circumcised on the 7th day, at the start of 1st puberty (8th through 21st day)…
guess they are not quite catholics…
I agree.
instinct is a predisposition to a certain reaction in normal circumstance.
All scientific studies show that human sexuality is flexible in every individual: this means there is no such thing as gay people and straight people. Under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie the normal conditions that instinct is developed to react to no longer exist. This is also true of certain sybaritic pre-modern social conditions (the normal gender relations our instincts are developed for are pre-agrarian). Hence the weirdness.
Also, whitewashing a system of exploitation with a narrative of liberation they have to keep up appearances of a constant march to liberty. Hence feminism, gay marriage and the increasingly cumbersome LGBTQwtf acronym.
No Man’s Land
The modern society is destructive in every aspect but the family is the last frontier of the natural order. It is here where we decide if we become slaves to a cold and calculating society. Its a battle of hearts against a mindless machine and we need to see that much of what we see as “liberation” is nothing more that the most perverted form of enslavement.
Nowhere NEAR as embarrassing as Bush hitting on Merkel… That was a huge facepalm for America.
Pray for unity against liberals, zionists, wahabbis and papists.
Liberals mean everyone who thinks the American revolution was good, rather than only for the “liberty” of rich white men to dispose of black human property at will and genocide amerindians without the moderation of a monarch. Property belongs to either god or all depending on your point of view. Liberalism is private-propertyism.
Jefferson was worse than Stalin, besides points noted above he supported the crushing of the real, great revolution in Haiti.
How can anyone be catholic?? I really don’t get it. I can see some beauty in orthodoxy and identify with my (Novorussian) mennonite heritage, but after the inquisition, conquistadors, crusades, witch-burnings, pederasty, etc etc etc, the guy’s really infallible?? really???
Ingrian sez
“..All scientific studies show that human sexuality is flexible in every individual: this means there is no such thing as gay people and straight people..” do you have any links to any such studies? and some authority for saying “all” studies agree on this?
Some of the reasons for transcending the opponents.
When Mr. Guevara was “involved” with the Cuban economy he was asked how he would “improve” it.
His answer was roughly “We will measure sucess by the shine in our children’s eyes”
Saker: Putin is really polite a gentleman. I myself (in Putins place) would have never had such a gesture towards Merkel considering how much BS (specially about Russia) has been coming out from her mouth.
The western MSM were obviously just using it as an excuse to beat up on Mr. Putin, and though him Russia. No one would have batted an eye had it been a western leader. As an FT reporter was famously told by his editor, when his report of some innocuous man-bites-dog incident in Moscow was spiked: “The news from Russia is alway [i.e., must be] bad.
This is total non event, there isn’t t any chinese cultural aspect either. The flow of the event is as simple as Putin saw a freezing Peng and naturally offered the shawl, Peng politely accepted, the aide immediately realized the boss is cold and gave her own coat. No cultural faux pas, nothing except the BBC/NBC/CNN intentionally putting a dirty spin on it trying to creat some narrow mind response from the chinese masses which would in turn embarrassing Xi and hopefully damage Sino Russian relationship. The chinese popular response to Putin’s gentlemanly gesture is universally admiring and positive. So there you go.
I have to remind myself that your peculiar cultural attitudes are not the reason why I read your blog. You should stick to politics.
Attitudes of Russian men toward women and gays never stop to amaze me.
it took PCR a while, but he finally smells a rat at RT!
Some sites open themselves to attack as well as their writers. That RT has a comment section is inexplicable, as it opens the site’s reporting to contradiction by government trolls. What is the point of a site canceling itself out? Sites with comment sections are in fact permitting organized political interests to undercut their own reporting and their own writers.
Hello Saker.
You are making too much out of this, the western press will just use anything to make Putin look bad, but you already know that…as far as peoples sexual values is concerned, it has more to do with the type of economic system we live in, and in a system that turns everything into a for profit commodity, from Art to Sexuality, why should we be surprised it is the most degenerate. The west is just the most “advanced” capitalist economy and so the most corrupt society.
Religion or ideology is totally irrelevant, peoples values emerges from the type of social organization they live in, not the other way around. Only a Marxist perspective can give us us an accurate and clear view of reality.
This is a psyops pure and simple. It caps the various strains of Putin bashing that we’ve seen for the past six months or so. It is such a minor incident, it should have gone unnoticed. But, as we can see with the insane magazine covers (e.g., The Economist), there is a concerted effort to divert attention from Putin’s successes and efforts for cooperation.
The media in the West is at the disposal of the intel agencies and their masters. The desperation and utter stupidity of this attack on Putin is one more piece of evidence. What Putin did would not be uncommon for an American adult male. Nobody is falling for this nonsense at all. There was no incident. It is all manufactured.
Russian President Vladimir Putin met Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott in Beijing on the sidelines of the APEC leaders meet on Tuesday with the two leaders discussing the probe into the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash.
“The main topic discussed by Vladimir Putin and Tony Abbot was the Malaysian airliner crash
Your anti-Catholic rants can be excused due to invincible ignornance.
All scientific studies show that human sexuality is flexible in every individual:
I don’t know what “All” scientific studies show. But I can say this: Sexuality is social and flexibility within the individual is irrelevant. It does’nt matter what your sexuality is if there is nobody else to be sexual with.
Contrary to “all” scientific studies, human history shows that, as a social matter, human sexuality is very distinct. Non “straight” forms of sexuality have always been minority aberations in all societies, as far as we can tell in all times. Thats in 200,000 years of human history.
If human sexuality were merely either/or depending on circumstances then humans, having encountered an infinity of varying circumstances through out history would have been become sexualy homogenized. We would all be bisexuals, or like John Kerry metrosexuals ;)
Besides if gender was situational, it would be a very dubious species survival strategy for nature to biologically require both genders for procreation and only one for gestation.
What happens to the species if the “situation” produces all one sexuality or a shortage of the necessary sexuality in the gestational gender?
IMHO “all” the scientific studies are wrong and as so often happens will be reevaluated after a sufficient number of funerals a la Max Planck.
it might be worth reminding people that Obama assisting/”handling” The Queen in recent years which is STRICTLY against Royal Protocol-what was the MSM reaction there?
Dear Saker. I am a Catholic, and lived in Chicago when the US bombed Serbia, and there were orthodox Christians in Daily Plaza protesting, and I was protesting too, but you know the average Catholic, (all but a tiny fraction) are completely innocent (and ignorant of ) any deep schism between Orthodox and Roman Catholics. I was attempting to declare solidarity with the Serbian Orthodox, and when a more or less co-religion tack was taken, I sensed they were – well irked at the Roman Church for long go abuses, (the crusade etc) In contrast, a sampling of Roman Catholics have nothing no knowledge that there is anything but geography and a quaint nationalism that separate two branches of Christianity which are entirely in the same foxhole against militant secularism in the culture- led mostly by Jews.There was a Catholic Magazine, Chronicles, which was fully against what was done in Serbia, and even got some air time on talk radio until the forces that watch such things caught wind of where he was coming from and stopped it. Orthodox are too paranoid about the intentions of the Catholic Church I think, and a powerful partnership is possible with Culturally conservative Catholics. I hope this can be forged. We share a lot, take each others communion, recognize each others priests etc. Maybe it is a time for a truce so we can join against the powerful pop culture in the US arrayed against us.
Kat Kan!
I have done specific academic research on this topic.
You can follow this link:
I did not take the course by choice and I do not agree with the opinions I expressed in this article (just trying to get marks in a hyper-neoliberal university).
I failed to mention Magnus Hirschfeld, the father of what the article is driving at.
You might want to just skip to the bibliography.
It is ironically tragic that good, practicing Catholics, who are on the “same page” as Saker and all others who love Russia and hate the inhuman imperialism of the USA/EU/Israel have to endure insults from our friends. Instead of working together to fight our common enemy there are those who go on and on about the Papacy and Catholicism, never realizing that this division in our ranks – division Saker himself has often lamented – is helping our enemies.
I do not understand this kind of irrational hatred of Catholicism, but I suppose, for the good of the soldiers fighting the good battle, we Catholics should practice what we preach and turn the other cheek.
On my own little blog I write of our Orthodox brothers often and never in a deprecating or insulting way. I recognize our differences but I don’t wish to stir up ancient hatreds which can only break the bonds of friendship that are so necessary now as we fight together against the murderous Zionists and their stooges.
@Unknown:Your anti-Catholic rants can be excused due to invincible ignornance.
Take a deep breath, re-read what you wrote, and realize that rather then expression your erudition, you have just manifested your frustration. Latins have gotten more or less used to be criticized by the secularists, but they really go bezerk every time we, Orthodox Christians, remind them that they have departed from true Christianity already 1000 years ago and that their entire attempt at forming a “Christianity away from Christianity” has resulted in the monumental faceplant called “western society” today. You guys blew it, badly, and you don’t even have the courage to admit that you have turned more people away from religion that the collected work of all the Marxists in history.
In the past your arrogance was in *doing*
Now it is in the *denial of ever having done*
How can you expect to elicit any respect from anybody with that kind of attitude?
You are only fooling yourselves. Desperately and in vain.
The Saker
The absolute sexual abnormality of western society is obvious to anybody look at the west from without. But I have found that its not at all obvious to most native born and bred westerners. Even those who are on crusades against “deviant” or permissive sexuality generally accept the “normal” hypersexuality of western society.
In the west sex is totalitarian.
From highly sexualized “beauty” pageants for mere babies through “wholesome” sexualized cheer leading for grade schoolers to the unbridled sexual permissiveness beyond, western society through its revolution of sexual liberation has chained itself to hypersexuality.
Western women do not have to cover themselves in the chador, but they do have to cover themselves from hair to toe nails in sexuality enhancing toxic chemicals. They are not bound by constricting traditions of conservative sexual behavior. But they must endure the oppression of constant sexual measurement, evaluation and judgement. They do not have to walk with humility but sexuality dictates that they must walk with the back destroying pain of “heels”.
@EVERYBODY: oh crap, looks like I broke my promise to say away from this comments section. Oh well, better late then never. So – cheers – I am going to work now.
Saluti a tutti,
The Saker
[from Blue]
Yes, Jim R — check this video
This Bush action had nothing to do with being chilly, but intimidation, clearly inappropriate. Putin can be trusted, but you want your daughter to be alone with Bush!?
The problem in the US, and in much else in the world, is that people get too hung up on sex in all sorts of ways, and it’s often the result of not just strange religious ideas (the Protestants are worse than the Catholics), but from issues of power and politics, especially identity politics. Just consider the still common sexual mutilation of little boys from the ancient rites of circumcision, and dark and repressed psychological nightmares that arise from it (such as Freud’s old ‘castration anxiety — well, heck, why wouldn’t someone be anxious after already having a piece chopped off?).
Homosexuality is quite natural — really bisexuality — among many animals. But monkey-brained humans tend to get hung up on anything sexual, and attach labels and identity, and social and personal psychological, ‘existential’, and ownership issues to it, which hinge on much more than simple biology. Humans drive themselves crazy in all kinds of ways, especially when the psychopaths gain power and set social normative context.
The flying saucer people are laughing at us.
Mr Saker, if you think the US is a sick nation, wait until you learn how things work in Sweden! I seems our country is the test bench for the depraved fantasies of the elite.
Like animals in ZOO captivity, also subjugated majority of normal white heterosexual people in Europe, don’t breed themselves.
Dear Saker,
I agree with every word you wrote. Western society is sick to the bone and many are unhappy but would hardly admit It for fear of getting sort of isolated in this unhealthy society.
The unfair and hysterical headlines about Mr. Putin ,hitting’ are a primitive diversion exercise: Obama was obviously commanded to sit at the cat table during APEC.
Mr. XI has spoken to him about HKG and that ,umbrella’ thingy and who knows what else Obama had to stomach.
Fact is: Obama and other western politicians are the ones with the bad manners. Watch Obama putting his hands all the time on everybodys back or shoulder – even with Asians he is doing it. THIS is a sin!
He doesn’t know how to hold a glass fillted with cooled white wine or champagne! There is enough proof on the web for his bad manners.
Contrary, Mr. Putin is always polite, friendly, attentive and caring.
Here, the real news:
Nato’s Breedlove now says: the Red Army is invading Southeast Ukraine with heavy armor – while we speak!
Russia says, that they will have a substitute fir SWIFT come May 2015.
Sounds like a kick in the US ass.
The fact that Mr. Putin is still smiling, despite an orchestrated Kiew putsch, despite sanktions, simply makes some Westerners, especially the corporate media, lose their minds.
hey saker!
don’t loose your cool!
We are still in a war of words and pictures!!
And of course the west is making up whatever it needs. Next thing: Putin steals toilietpaper or Putin has a pimple on his butt.
I would just have ignored this bs and not went for a rant.
Ps.: Rape….well about 5000 (reported!) cases of rape in Russia (in 2010) are not a non issue either. I suspect that rape in Russia is underreported bc of major stigma. Maybe I am wrong. The biggest drop in numbers in the west was btw. when pornography became legal. Go figure!
MK Ngoyo,
“Sexuality is social and flexibility within the individual is irrelevant. It does’nt matter what your sexuality is if there is nobody else to be sexual with.”
This does not contradict what I said.
“Sexuality is social and flexibility within the individual is irrelevant. It does’nt matter what your sexuality is if there is nobody else to be sexual with.”
What about the ancient greeks, chief?
European travellers to China in the middle ages were also struck by the amount of open sodomy. Read the academic work ‘the Chan’s great continent.’ Also, take a trip ;-) to modern day Kandahar.
Anyway, despite your factual mistake, you’ve misinterpreted my post.
Sometimes animals are observed engaging in same-sex behaviour, but to my knowledge they are never strictly homosexual. Just frenzied and confused.
When a cat sees a mouse it’s instinct is to kill it. If a house cat in non-natural cat-luxury conditions is raised in close proximity to pet hamsters, it probably won’t kill them.
Nature leaves things to chance, but nature is an ineffable symphony of rhythm, pattern, predictability. Instinct develops on the back of very reliable patterns built up over hundreds/millions of thousands of years.
You’re making “the situation” too abstract. “The situation” is still that we have men who develop more physical strength than women and women who need protecting, particularly while pregnant. In post-modern society everyone sits at a computer and is too busy making self-centered consumerist lifestyle choices to think about kids, so the dynamic above falls apart.
(…Oh crap and crap again. just saw these two. grrr… have to reply to them I suppose…)
@Aged Parent:never realizing that this division in our ranks – division Saker himself has often lamented
*NEVER*. Are you kidding me? All I want is for your guys to leave us *ALONE*: please stop trying to murder or convert us and just let us be. That is all I want.
@anonymous: a powerful partnership is possible with Culturally conservative Catholics.
Never. Not as long as you will pray to “Saint” Josaphat or believe in the Papal institution. The real partner for Orthodoxy has always been, and will remain, Islam (but the real one, not the AngloZionist pseudo-Islamism we mostly see today).
We share a lot, take each others communion, recognize each others priests etc.
No we do not, are you kidding? Of course, you can, like at the false Union of Florence, find apostate Orthodox clergymen who will agree to anything, but they are not the Orthodox Church. They are just syncretists, ecumenists and apostates. The real Orthodox Church is the Theandric Body of Christ which will never accept the mix of true and false or the notion that the Church is not One. Don’t mistake a rather small clique of Orthodox bishops who are basically for sale to the highest bidder with the Orthodox Church. In Christian tradition every single Orthodox person, man and woman, is responsible for the upholding of the Truth handed down to use by the Apostles and the Fathers and we take that duty very, very seriously. This is why apostates do not frighten us: we spit them out like raisin seeds and wall ourselves off from them. If you study the basics of Orthodox ecclesiology you will easily convince yourself that no “union” between the Church and the Papacy will ever happen, this is literally *impossible* and, from a Patristic ecclesiological point of view quite impossible actually.
Shall I recommend you a few texts to read? (if yes, only when I come home later this evening – right now I really *really* need to run).
The Saker
“Frankly, this is not a topic I want to dwell on either.”
You already have.
Welcome to the Internet, where everything, no matter how trivial, is overanalyzed, overemphasized and just generally overdone.
I learned from Jungian Psychology to always look for the symbolic meaning in human action which is what The Saker has done.
Most human beings operate more unconsciously than consciously and by their actions are telling what they are. I read the hatred of Putin and Russia as telling us what the West will do to its own people.
The Western media that interprets a simple act of kindness as sexual speaks volumes about the repressed sex and power drives in the Western mentality. The Anglo West is striking out against the East unconsciously driven by the need to face itself which it is avoiding with all its libido that it can muster.
The West will not face itself until it meets an obstacle that forces it back on itself. That is why I think the US and its vassals will create much more chaos and suffering until the East coalesces into a sufficiently strong entity to draw a line that the West will dare not cross. At that point either the West will go over the line into a terrible global catastrophe or it will turn back onto itself. I view the West as a very sick neurotic that is avoiding therapy.
As a 61 year old, single western man, I cannot help myself making some remarks.
Since having a lasting monogamous relation is only available for ca. 1/3 of the people, the other 2/3 rd has to do something. Our society is just not that stable anymore.
So even if one has several girlfriends (who have several boyfriends), is it that different? One can still love (very much). That is just how our society works now: one has to make the best of it. One could call it the Caribbean model. For me quite OK actually! Much better than my 2 former extremely dysfunctional marriages.
I would love to be married in a harmonious relationship, like with the lady I met in Haiti 2 years ago. But it can be almost impossible in our society.
One has to make the best of it.
Saker – Thanks for the clarification and sharing the email from your Chinese friend. I was not aware of the social implications for the Chinese, but I’m glad to hear that they are able to accommodate unintended clumsiness.
I hope President Putin follows your advice.
I fear that western sexual dysfunctionality has been orchestrated, the purpose being to divide and thus weaken our culture.
I’d say it’s not Marxists exactly who put people off religion despite the famous opiate quote (which is taken out of context) but Leninists.
Marx thought that waving the aetheist flag was to miss the point. He believed in believing in something. But yes, on the heels of the enlightenment and French Revolution he was naively progressivist and rationalist.
For me, influenced by the Coast Salish native people where I was raised and put off by the psychotic 7th Day Adventism of my family, I find classical stoicism the best moral guide for me. I don’t get the community of religion but I also think atheism a la Dawkins/Hitchens is obsene and misses the point.
Putin did his best, but cultures collide. When an English speaker says “how do you do” he/she may be given an unexpected honest answer in some countries. “Well, you see I have this back problem, my wife is yelling at me and I am angry with my boss”, for instance. In France, when you ask somebody “ca va?” [how are you?], the answer is sometimes “ca va pas” [not good] and everybody smiles.
I remember when a French baker put up a sign saying “plus de pain”. It means no bread, but the word “plus” can be misunderstood by a foreigner. I thought he had a surplus and we had a long confused conversation about it :-) I think the correct expression is “il n’y a plus de pain”, but he simplified and everybody in France understands, but this polar bear from the North did not.
One of the Grand Dukes of Russia was very proud he could speak Japanese. Onboard a Russian warship, he got in contact with harbour workers in Japan and quickly learned the language, or so he thought. Invited to the Emperors house, he adressed the Empress with the Japanese he had picked up in the harbour. She was stunned for a moment and then could not stop laughing.
The Grand Duke, who was probably fluent in three or more other languages and could talk with all the Kings and Queens of Europe and Russia, did not realize the language of the harbour was not spoken at the Court. He wanted to show the Empress respect by addressing her in her own language and I am sure she understood that, but he made a mistake.
Well, I can also tell you about some traps Americans fall into when they come to Europe, but don’t get me started on that. Like the Chinese and Japanese we are kind and forgiving -:)
About some Muslim women being nontouchers. I used to be a teacher and I had some clever Muslim and Christian refugee students from the Middle East. I was particularly successful with a palestinian woman and she thanked me by shaking my hand in front of all the students. She had no way of knowing if I understood the significance of her action, but all the other refugees did and there was silence for a moment in the class. She showed me respect by demonstratively breaking a rule in front of the whole class oland I did understand.
The one thing everyone has missed in both APEC and in Merkel shawl moment is that Putin is wearing a coat.
At the APEC and G-20 in St. Petersburg, all the other attendees (political leaders) were not wearing coats, they were instead freezing their b* off.
On one hand you have leaders who are told what to do, how politics and power is all about optics and on the other you have a leader, who is smart enough to know it is going to be cold outside and wears a coat, and brings a blanket for his lower body.
This is a man who is prepared, comfortable, and confident in his body and not a fool.
And if you look at this APEC video, Putin is the only leader with a coat.
This media misrepresentation reminds me of the occasion where Australian PM Paul Keating was accused of inappropiately touching the Queen on a visit to Canberra. Complete rubbish when you look at the video of the event.
My intention was not to suggest that homosexuality, for example, did not happen historically. It did in pretty much all human society whether openly or not. Not to equate the two but just to make a point; so has bestiality. But it has always been a minority position and an aberration regardless of whether it was practiced openly or suppressed.
So there is no factual mistake :)
Take the Kama Sutra for example, it details homosexual and lesbian activites and points out that they do happen in the harem between the women and amongst some men. But it goes on to caution the “citizen” from engaging in these activities. This has generally been the attitude of human society.
It does go against the idea that sexuality is indistinct or situational. At least from a social perspective.
Yesterday, when Vladimir Putin, put a shawl around the shoulders of China’s First Lady Peng
Liyuan, was the day of St Martin.
St Martin is most famous as a soldier on horseback, who rips his cloak in two, and gives half to a freezing beggar by the roadside. i.e. it’s an act of compassion.
I fail to see anything sexual in Putins minor act of chivalry whatsoever.
The problem is not the sexuality, but in wanting to relate everything,, even such a simple courteous gesture, back to it.
Love is what we need, brotherly love. to share, to care, irrespective of race, religion, gender, and tradition, Chinese or otherwise.
Thank you Putin, very kind, and leading the way forwards yet again.
I think the corporate media’s coverage of such a tiny faux pas was a continuation of their usual hostility towards Putin: “Let’s see if we can magnify this awkwardness to make it as hurtful and embarassing for her as possible. Maybe we can do Putin some damage that way.” I don’t interpret their coverage as indicative of sexual dysfunction or sexual immaturity.
However, I do find today’s TV, film, and novels not at all conducive to spiritual growth. It is true that the depiction of sexuality fails to show it as an integrated expression of oneself, body and soul. Everyone is familiar with the cheap view of the female body so often seen on TV. But you may not realize how much the popular novel has changed. My public library has many old novels and it’s astounding how many of them deal with the meaning of life, the place of religion in it, problems in how to treat other people, or how to respond morally to a difficult situation. The significance of one’s life’s work and the preservation of honor are often paramount.
The library’s new, just-arrived books all seem to be about death and murder, and the minute description of sexual acts, which seems to be so many writers’ pitiful approach to the grand passion.
I don’t have television because it almost uniformly lies about political events, its entertainment is de-humanizing, and it’s a time-waster. I’m not sure if you can have a functional society or an educated child if there is 15-20 weekly hours of TV-watching.
@Ingrian: “Pray for unity against liberals, zionists, wahabbis and papists.”
nazis, I forgot nazis.
But to me they’re liberals. At heart the same herrenvolk bullsh*t.
btw I’ve never seen such a purely happy look on Merkels face as in that photo.
@Saker, the way the western media portrays it is just a way to try to draw a “wedge” between china and russia. simple as that… people with any reasonable amount of brains should know by now.
Let’s see if I have this right.
Lady Peng complains to VV about the cold and he responds decently.
In a parallel universe: Lady Peng complains to VV and (courtesy of BC’s lip reading transcriptions service) he does nothing. Headlines: Putin fails to keep woman from frezing!
Am I close?
Saker, I love the subtle distinctions that are made for the Mother of Christ in Orthodoxy as compared to her description in western theology, but those distinctions would be hard to recognize for one who enjoys the common beauties of universal Christianity. There is much in the Confessions of Saint Augustine that attracted me when I read them in college, as there was much in the Catholic high school I attended before that.
I do think many of your sexist annoyances can be laid at the feet of Henry VIII, Tudor King of old England – and protestant Christianity is still finding its way back.
I personally love it when some gentleman holds open a door for me. And once a gallant Frenchman kissed my hand – I’ve never forgotten that!
Vive la difference!
The Western press is in a constant state of hysteria. Really, who even cares any more? (every 15 minutes they take a break in the constant stream of anxiety and hysteria to peddle corporate anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds) To delve into the roots of each day’s hysteria and tie it to the philosophical bases of western civilization is giving it more weight than it deserves. It’s just a matter of using hysteria to keep any fools watching TV addicted to watching TV.
Well the Catholic feeling is that you can satisfy your sunday obligation by attending an orthodox
mass and can take communion there. and they can take communion at a Catholic Church as well. The exclusion from recognizaing common priests and taking communion, at the retail level, in the pew on sunday, is entirely from the Orthodox side, and I was not even aware of it. I have attended Orthodox mass and taken communion there, and was not aware that from the Orthodox side, that this is forbidden. Goggle “chronicles magazine” and look at the pro orthodox Serbian influence there within Catholicism. There is a powerful ally in the conservative Catholic church. They don’t demand obedience for making common cause. The two don’t have to merge to be allies.
a few tidbits here about Brazil & that “new” SWIFT replacement due up & running by late spring/2015.
I guess they wouldn’t let russia get top billing in the name, but it sure sounds/looks like RUS SWIFT.
This past week Brazil announced that it will be building a 3,500-mile fiber-optic cable to Portugal in order to avoid the grip of the NSA. What’s more, they announced that not a penny of the $185 million expected to be spent on the project will go to American firms,…
ROSSWIFT – the second biggest worldwide SWIFT association after the US should be started up early 2015. This alternate system should replace SWIFT, or a system with headquarters in Brussels, Belgium and fully controlled by the USA. Russians and BRIC countries cannot accept American blackmail and will do whatever is requested to preserve their economies. ROSSWIFT is a member of the European SWIFT Alliance, it unites about 30 countries in SWIFT
Sexual dysfunction has to be gauged, at least in part, according to its reproductive consequences. By that measure, the West is severely sexually dysfunctional, with the indigenous majority in virtually every Western state having a fertility rate well below the replacement rate of 2.1.
In Greece and Bosnia, for example, the locals are rapidly approaching extinction with a fertility rate of only 1.3. Germany, Italy and Bosnia are headed for oblivion too, with a fertility rate of only 1.4.
By the same standard, the Russians are doing slightly better with a fertility rate of 1.6 but not as well as the Brits and the Americans who appear to be maintaining something close to population stability with a fertility rate of 1.9.
But the latter figure conceals the extent to which the native born are losing out to immigrants. For example, in Britain, native-born mothers match the poor performance of Russian women with a fertility rate of 1.6, whereas Libyan immigrants are hitting 5.6. Many other immigrant groups are well over 4.0, and Bangladeshi mothers, at 3.9, are doing much better than their sisters back home in Bangladesh.
This process of benign genocide is the result of a toxic culture, which protects the right to the slaughter of the unborn, holds in high regard billionaire pornographers such as Rupert Murdoch and Silvio Berlusconni, and makes instruction in fellatio part of the school curriculum.
Some may attribute this decadent decline the result of undue permissiveness or the abandonment of religion. But the process of Western genocide, both racial and cultural, is too systematic for that. Rather it is more reasonably understood as the result of a deliberate policy to destroy the powerful Western nation states, the better to subordinate them to the Anglo-Zionist New World Order, with its oligarch-owned pseudodemocracy.
Putin’s Russia, being resistant to such covert destruction, is in line for subordination by harsher measures.
puritanism and protestants are not religion-they worship the money and ruler of the land,.English Protestantism is the most evil pest on the world it is not a religion but worship of their ruler and their wind swept cold wet island of pirates otherwise known as england.
so the pilgrims did not have satellite navigator so they went west to seek jerusalem not east!
the pilgrim protestant pirates.
the fear of Russia in Europe was as we know mainly created by the British imperialists, and then ‘refurbished’ by the American generous and ubiquitous interventionists. As I already showed, British writer Hobson considered that the British Empire was often established on manipulation, false motives, humanitarian reasons, well, on propaganda, to speak a modern word. There was often no economical rationality in it; this is why the financiers and politicians who armed expeditions necessitated propagandists like Kipling.
US/NATO/Israel/Anglo-Saxons can never be friends to Russia and China. Their only Motive is how to destroy Russia and China by all means which they have done to Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria , Lebanon and many countries of world.
As early as in 1949 the first NATO Secretary General, Lord Ismay, admitted that NATO’s true role was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”
The worse fears of USA-UK-Saudi cabal is an economic alliance of Germany with Russia. It has a potential to change world order.
T he other shoe would be alliance of China and India in Asia.
That is why anglos controlled English media in these countries encourage rift amongst these nations .
it is my experience that homophobia mainly stems from lack of confidence in ones own sexuality.
It’s hard to believe that an entire country can achieve such a state, but Russia is proving me wrong.
Berlusconi called Merkel a “culona inchiavabile” (an unfuckable fatass) in a phone conversation with a journalist, and yet he was nicknamed Il Cavaliere, meaning (among other things) a courteous, honorable and gallant gentelman. Go figure.
Oh please dont parrot the gay-hate line. The reason why the East is backwards on this question (It resembles the West in the 1950s), is that West had a Black, Women’s and Gay liberation movements & the East didnt. Actually the East did – shortly after 1917 Russia led the world in women’s and Gay rights. Unfortunately Stalin’s counter-revolution dragged it all back.
Dear Saker, please be calm and accepting of people in other faiths, even other Christian faiths. Here is a wonderful thing you have said:
” In Christian tradition every single Orthodox person, man and woman, is responsible for the upholding of the Truth handed down to us by the Apostles and the Fathers and we take that duty very, very seriously.”
I wholeheartedly agree with this comment. It is what I found in Orthodoxy that I didn’t find in Catholicism, and to me it signifies a bridge between the Orthodox and all other Christians – this direct link between each person and the early teachings, an encouragement to use mind as well as heart in responding to those teachings.
I have said before, in my little Orthodox church we called no one by the pejorative names you use for other faithful who don’t measure up to your standards. Indeed, we were even circumspect in the usage of the term ‘saint’, preferring to leave such modern examples to God to determine, fraught as modernity is to the kinds of misappellations you point to. But really, it is the Creed we adhere to in common that is the standard, and there have been so many deviations from Orthodoxy in rigid form that I can only suppose it cannot be meant to be as intransigent as you express.
For the rest, none of us are infallible, not even our early fathers in the Church. As Saint Paul said, hold fast to the good, and there is more good in Orthodoxy (to my mind) than other faiths, but I am willing to say there is goodness everywhere man turns to God (using ‘man’ in the generic) so long as he does so with humility and love. And being Orthodox I would also include dialogue with those who profess atheism, as in the long run who knows where they will end up?
Dostoievski did.
A flamewar between Christians is the last thing I want to see.
I am a Christian and I want to comment on the ongoing discussion. I was born a Protestant, but I have been in contact with both Catholics and Orthodox Christians [my wife is Orthodox] and I briefly studied theology in my youth. What I remember best is when we spent two hours studying one verse in one of the letters of Paul. One little verse was multidimensional, as we realized when we looked up the references. That is how I got to study Septuaginta and Vulgata.
I had great religious experiences in Rome, especially in St. Paulus Basilika and I sent one of my children to a Taize camp in France . My problems is not with ordinary Catholics. They never gave up goods works, as Luther did. My problem is with the leadership. Many Catholics don’t even know the crusaders sacked Orthodox Konstantinople. They don’t know a Catholic Cardinal, who later became Pope, financed Hitler. Saker, give them a break.
The Orthodox Faith is strong, but only in a minority. Many Orthodox Christians are caught in rituals in a superficial way, as I think you yourself have said. Imo, this was inherited from a past age, when it was convenient for the priests to monopolize the knowledge. Catholic and Protestant priests did the same thing in the past, but the situation is at least better now. What would you say if Orthodox Christians using people power founded their own free Orthodox Churches? Other State Churches on the British Isles and in Scandinavia met competition that revived the Christian Faith in the 19th century. The free Churches went back to basics, good deeds and reading the Bible at home, though they broke the law in some countries. It was forbidden to read the Bible at home. These countries were transformed. In Wales, a common problem was the horses didn’t understand the orders after the horsemen stopped swearing and drinking. The Salvation Army fought against poverty, ignorance and dirt.
One problem is some Catholics, the former German pope in particular, do not recognize Protestants as Christians. Why is that? He said the ceremony, when one priest was blessed by another, was broken because the tradition from the Apostles was not honoured. He never looked at the faith of the heart, only on ceremonies. I think the Lord looks at the heart.
What a foul post. I regularly read Vineyard for in depth information on Ukraine that I certainly won’t get from Western MSM, and I’m usually willing to ignore the large amount of utter nonsense from Saker that often comes with it, but this is too much. Feminism and gay rights in scare quotes? Really? Disgusting, and insulting to a huge amount of people.
What is it that I read a while back:
Good manners are so rare now, it’s almost seen as flirting.
That about sums it up.
Uh Saker, I’m going to have to disagree with you a bit. The West most definitely is not a society. The other thing, reading the comments I am reminded of *The Idiot* where Myshkin goes off on a anti-papal rant and dials it back saying something about he never said a Church could disappear entirely.
I found an interesting take on this story about Putin offering the blanket to Xi’s wife. It was in the comments section of the Guardian article on the story. The author, poshansi, sounds like someone familiar with popular internet media. He writes:
The “Putin’s shawl” news is definitely not censored on Chinese website. I’m quite surprised and curious where the journalist got these “Chinese opinions”, which are exactly the opposite with what I got from, well, the Chinese. Sorry if this is not polite to ask, but is this article based on imagination?
Please at least check what the Chinese populace say before write an article about their opinions. The easiest way is to check Weibo, the Chinese version of twitter. “Gentleman Putin” is a hot topic yesterday. If you read Chinese, you’ll see how positive the comments are on Mr. Putin and the first couple of China.
Yes, the Chinese are conservative, but not to a ridiculous level! I‘m a conservative Chinese, but I didn’t even think there could be anything improper about Mr. Putin’s gentleman gesture.
About gallant vs. gauche, how extraordinary one should think that. obviously, the journalist has no idea of Present Xi’s and the first lady’s images in China, we call him Winnie the pooh and her General. No one will blame Winnie the pooh for being gauche!
It’s interesting to mention another popular gif picture yesterday on Weibo ( ), showing when taking the summits gathering photo, the first lady eyed President Xi and he immediately received the order of waving hand. The comments follow the picture are “Follow the orders of your wife and you’ll have a happy life” and “Dada (another nickname for Xi) is obviously well trained”.
And here is another picture of Winnie shaking hands with the donkey in the same cartoon, as a analogy of the awkward hand shaking between Xi and Abe.
Again, none of these are censored.
Maybe the official Chinese sites have removed the videos of the “incident” with Putin, but this sounds like the Chinese people, especially its tech savy youth, are free to talk about it. It also sounds like they are doing so in a playful and affectionate manner.
Great article, pictures and discussion.
I am 74, an ex-catholic priest and monk, an ex-new-age priest and initiate, an ex-husband, and a father; and now one who practices a religion of love.
I’ve seen the sick abuse of old and new age religions first hand and much of it is due to sick sex.
After a lifetime of reading and personal experience I have had to develop my own religion and sexual philosophy. Nothing in these areas makes any sense unless I start at the beginning with the basic human facts.
The main fact about us is that we appeared as a sexual species that lived in small groups which interacted with other small groups. The sex we had then was womam centered, love governed, communal, open and celebrated in sacred sexual rituals.
The original love culture was matri-lineal, with men acting as helpers, protectors and sexual enhancers for the mature womem. A womam knew who her child was but it didn’t really matter who the father was. All men were fathers to all the children.
What held the culture together was the idea of The Lover, an abstraction of all lovers, including the ancestors whose voices were important in the general governance.
Patriarchy killed womam’s culture of love. The Judeo-Christian bible records this clearly.
Orthodox Christians may be a benign type of patriarchy; they also may have preserved the original Christianity of the apostles and fathers.
But almost all religions today are patriarchal and that’s the problem. Patriarchy is the problem! I can solve it as an individual but socially we may be too sexually sick with patriarchy to even survive as a species.
I’m grateful to this site because it has a strength which allows discussions like the present one to take place.
I used to attend Eastern liturgies which had the chant “Oh Holy Strong One.” That’s what we need now regarding the topic of sex. Holy Strong Men who serve womem, children and the earth.
are you a homophobe and an orthodox christian zealot/fanatic?
Will you say anything critical of Orthodox Christianity?
Putin is the alphas’ alpha.
Dear Saker,
Having since moved to America all my new friends came from broken families, and I very much agree with your position on gender identities.
The fact is testosterone will scientifically, genetically make us more physical and aggressive, while estrogen does the opposite. We ARE different, there’s no two ways about it, and maybe we’ll never be able to achieve the same things, but that is why we must all play our parts so the pieces come together.
Your friend,
Charles Mondeley
A non-story always trying on the meme that Putin is beyond the pale as a human being
Hillary Clinton likened him to Hitler. That debasement coming from the Americans who only care about the “six million” lives lost in the East.
How many family members did Putin lose to the real Hitler during WWII?
This is where the Americans are becoming a joke to the world. The pettiness of the gutter press is staggering.
They will excuse Ukraine’s real Nazis while comparing Putin to Nazis.
It really doesn’t matter b/c Putin is going to remove Russia from the American noose.
Only an assassination or coup can stop him. This silliness just doesn’t matter anymore than Obama being shunted off to the “also rans” at APEC
Those sanctions aren’t coming off until Putin re-gifts Crimea.
All he has to do is rope a dope another year, America’s collapse and Russian independence from Western entanglements will be a double whammy
Is Nutty unstable?
Say it ain’t so!
the article also answers the Jeopardy question “the one chicken part that has no feathers”?
But the incident revealed an increasingly common conclusion in Washington: Netanyahu’s foot-dragging on Middle East peace is not only frustrating for the United States—it’s dangerous.
Once a taboo subject in Washington, the value of the U.S.-Israeli alliance has increasingly come under scrutiny among even leading members of the foreign policy establishment.
A cartoon take on the event:
a plus
Firstly, The Saker is spot on in regard to the Western MSM reaction to this situation, mostly based on a negative bias toward President Putin.
Secondly, The Saker description of the West as being sexually dysfunctional is true, but not on the basis he espouses. Sexual dysfunctionality rises among societies that have the most sexual repression. The major problem of the West is Violence dysfunctionality, where the West is too violent.
Will The Saker next write a blog post titled, “Bonobo chimpanzee: the most dysfunctional society on the planet”?