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Posts From amarynth

Readouts Virtual Meeting: President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping

Both readouts follow.  First, President Putin and followed by President Xi Jinping. Talks with President of China Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin held talks, via videoconference, with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. December 15, 2021, 11:20 Beginning of Russia-China talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Xi, my dear friend, I am delighted to see you. Greetings. I am happy to have this opportunity to see you via videoconference. This allows us to hold in-depth discussions on the development of Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive

Prominent Iraqi scholar forms new party dedicated to Wilayat al-Faqih

Original link: Description: Prominent Iraqi Shia scholar Sayyed Hashem al-Haidari has announced the formation of a new religious, cultural, and political party named the Ahdullah Islamic Movement. Al-Haidari is strong proponent and advocate of the theory of Wilayat al-Faqih (The Guardianship of the Jurist), the core political theory upon which the Islamic Republic of Iran is based. The following is a translation of a video in which al-Haidari makes the

The Structural debunking of the basis of construction of the Summit ON Democracy©

By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The ‘war on terror’ and the ‘war on drugs’ and similar empirical processes have come and gone and left in their wake a truly diabolical ‘Long arm of the Law and Dollar Hegemony’. A few years ago, this was labeled correctly as the rules-based international order. The Summit for Democracy© opened up a new front, which has always been there but now lies

UAE warming up to Iran/Syria because US & allies losing grip on region: Expert

Original link: Description: In a recent talk show appearance on RT Arabic, expert in Iranian and Middle East affairs Dr Hakam Amhaz revealed what he thought were the motives behind the UAE’s latest diplomatic moves across the region which have caught many observers by surprise. In recent weeks, top Emirati political and security officials paid high-profile visits to regional rivals Iran and Syria. Source:  RT Arabic Date:  December 6, 2021

American Idolatry

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog Though the idea has been ridiculed relentlessly, and for good reason, there really is something exceptional about the United States, and it lies in the terrible hubris of their view of their place in world history. Every normal, traditional people, tribe, nation, etc., has had as its ultimate goal the friendship or union with some divine Absolute principle or being; everything for them

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s interview with Izvestia, December 13, 2021

Russian media is discussing this interview actively today. Question: Mr Ryabkov, is there any predictability in relations with the United States today? Sergey Ryabkov: There is one-sided negative predictability, in fact. As for any prospects for improvement, everything is completely unpredictable. This is a sad conclusion based on the results of the long journey that we have travelled with the current US administration, with Donald Trump, and with Barack

The Menticide Manual – Red-Pilled

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog 1989 A Red Pill moment is the ultimate reality check. 11-years old Egon Walther Pillard waited outside the two-level Virgin megastore just around Haymarket corner, Central London. He knew every square foot of the gamer section and decided the place was now sufficiently swell with older students and tourists. He walked inside, barefaced and no-fuss, and straight to the aisle with the

Why Russia didn’t shoot anything down yet?

By Tarik in the Vineyard for the Saker Blog If Russia shot down a NATO bomber or ship flying or sailing where it shouldn’t be (or even a US one), who would dare respond in kind? It begs the next question: Why Russia didn’t shoot anything down yet? Things need to be put in perspective. So here is a third question: Why is the West and the US in particular,

The Reconquest: In 2022 elections, an Algerian Islamophobe wants to purge France from ‘the Muslim peril’

An Algerian Jewish ‘demonizer’ of Arabs and Islam is the new political protagonist electrifying France’s 2022 presidential elections By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle In sharp contrast with the morose political environment across Europe, the French presidential election – against all odds – is now set to become the most enthralling polls to watch in 2022. Just when everyone from Normandy to the

What is the European Union For?

After all the initial euphoria and hopes placed upon the original concept of a non-aligned, social-democratic Euro-bloc, the reality has turned out somewhat differently. By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog In 2011 I drafted an article in an obscure publication called ‘Chartist’. It was entitled: ‘’Europe: The Unfinished Project’’. It ran as follows. ‘’At the present time the EU project seems to be stuck in no-man’s land, unable to

Biden to Russia: Don’t You Dare Eat This Moldy Bagel!

By Dmitry Orlov, posted with permission from the author I have received a flurry of emails from people concerned that World War III could erupt at any moment. Most of their concern has a single cause: the crazy stuff printed and broadcast by Western press. But I would like to suggest that it is Western press that is the problem, not any incipient military conflict involving the Ukraine. Western press

How not to win an Olympic gold medal: Pepe Escobar

In the annals of diplomacy, the White House official confirmation of a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing might qualify at best as a disc thrower being hit by a boomerang. By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and widely cross-posted Realpolitik minds struggle to find a point in this gratuitous provocation, intervening less than two months before the start of the show, on February 4, 2022 at

Prof. Mohammad Marandi: Interviewed by Aaron Maté – JPCOA

Seyed Mohammad Marandi: Professor at the University of Tehran and adviser to the Iran delegation at talks on restoring the JCPOA in Vienna. At the Vienna talks on restoring the Iran nuclear deal, the US and EU are accusing Iran of refusing to compromise. Mohammad Marandi, a University of Tehran professor advising the Iran delegation in Vienna, says that the compromise was the nuclear deal itself, and the problem is

What Putin really told Biden

By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times. So Russian President Vladimir Putin, all by himself, and US President Joe Biden, surrounded by aides, finally had their secret video link conference for two hours and two minutes – with translators placed in different rooms. That was their first serious exchange since they met in person in Geneva last June – the first Russia-US summit since 2018.

Vladimir Putin held talks with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in New Delhi.

The expanded format meeting between the two delegations was followed by a face-to-face conversation over a working lunch, lasting 3 and a half hours. Following the summit, a Joint Statement Russia – India: Partnership for Peace, Progress and Prosperity was adopted. (Ed: Joint Statement below) In addition, the two countries signed a package of documents before the Russian President’s meeting with the Prime Minister of India. They include an intergovernmental agreement on technology protection due to cooperation in space research and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and on building

Minister Kordahi at center of Saudi-Lebanon row resigns Description: The full English translation of the resignation speech of Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi. Kordahi was at the center of a weeks-long major diplomatic row between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia/Gulf states, which you can read more about here:  Source: Al Jadeed KSA (YouTube) Date: December 5, 2021 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount at Patreon. Transcript: George Kordahi, Lebanese Minister of

As Turkey’s currency plummets, Al Jazeera guests clash over state of economy Description: In a recent episode of the long-running program Al-Etejah al’Mu’akis on Al Jazeera Arabic hosted by Faysal al-Qasim, two guests based in London and Istanbul, debated ‘why the value of the Turkish Lira was falling rapidly’. The following are key excerpts from this episode translated into English. The two guests featured were: – London-based writer and journalist Ghassan Ibrahim – Istanbul-based economist and political analyst Yusuf Katipoglu Source:  AlJazeera Channel (YouTube) Date:  November

Sitrep: This morning in Maria’s office …

Posted by Amarynth Maria Zakharova, I mean, or did I mean Maria Z Kalashnikov? ❗️ Maria #Zakharova: @usairforce actions have posed risks to civil aviation. Just because an air incident over the Black Sea’s Int waters has been prevented, this does not mean the US and NATO can further put people’s lives at #risk with impunity. 🔗 — MFA Russia 🇷🇺 (@mfa_russia) December 5, 2021 MFA spox #Zakharova:

GEOFOR interviews The Saker: Will Kiev decide on an open armed conflict?

Note: in late November I was interviewed by the Russian website Geofor.  Here is the English language translation of this interview. GEOFOR: Mr. Raevsky, no sooner have the American warships left the Black Sea than the British went in there. Apparently, “unscheduled exercises” of NATO ships and Ukrainian watercraft are about to commence, again. Again, near the maritime borders of the Russian Federation. Moreover, a couple of American military boats were delivered to

Sitrep: Here Comes China – Taking the lead – a dialogue on democracy in China

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog including a number of data points from Godfree Roberts Did you know that a huge International Forum on Democracy is ongoing in China right now?  This is before the supposed Summit on Democracy which is an attempt to divide the world into Democracies and Autocracies, according to the wishes of the rules-based international order. As we have seen so often from China, they acted
