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Posts From amarynth

The Menticide Manual – Wokeness [or: Euphoria]

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog FADE IN: INTL. LECTURE – SERIES We’re inside Lecture Hall 2, David Hume Building. PROFESSOR PETER JOR HANDSOME takes the platform. The Hall is packed. STUDENTS unruly. ACTIVISTS can be heard through the back doors and the hallway. One Black SECURITY stands to the left of the speaker. PETER JOR HANDSOME Good Morning, …humans, I guess! In today‘s talk we shall discuss the aims

Russia’s Greatest Weapon is not a Weapon

by Dmitry Orlov, posted with permission of the author An ultimately very healthy but in the meantime very unpleasant realization is gradually dawning in West—an insight that is simply shocking, that fundamentally alters their picture of the world: that the stronger becomes the hurricane of woke transformations that is raging there, the more attractive Russia becomes for hundreds of millions of Europeans and Americans. What is Russia’s most powerful weapon?

Russia is primed for a Persian Gulf security ‘makeover’

Russia is the one state with the necessary clout, tools, sweeteners and relationships to nudge the Persian Gulf into a new security paradigm.  Russia is teeing up a re-launch of its Collective Security Concept for the Persian Gulf Region. By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and cross-posted with The Cradle. It’s impossible to understand the resumption of the JCPOA nuclear talks in Vienna without considering the serious inner turbulence of

Lavrov gives press conference after OSCE Ministerial Council in Stockholm

Please forward the video. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov holds a press conference after the 28th OSCE Ministerial Council in Stockholm on Thursday, December 2. The annual OSCE Ministerial Council, chaired by Sweden, takes place on December 2-3. The ministers are expected to discuss security issues in the OSCE area and review the organisation’s activities.

Distorted American Aristocracy

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog One of the big lies in the United States is that there is no royalty here. It is true that it no longer adorns itself with all the traditional accoutrements of the past. But it is still with us (though in a distorted form), and reveals itself with stunning clarity at times. A case in point is the arrival of LSU’s new football

Russian Foreign Ministry Statement on the planned US «summit for democracy»

  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 1 December 2021 In connection with the so called summit for democracy to be held on December 9-10 at the initiative of the US administration, we consider it necessary to make the following statement. The organisers and enthusiasts behind this strange event claim to lead the world in advancing the cause of democracy and human rights. However, the track record

Here Comes China: From Clichéd Debt Trap to Democracy Trap with peripheral hot spots.

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller My thesis is that this is the best and most reasonable position for a Geo-political watcher and analyst to take, now that we are as a world deeply into both breakdown of single, unlilateral polarity and the changes around

The NATOstan Clown Show

The charade has come to a point that – diplomatically – is quite unprecedented: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov lost his Taoist patience. By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and widely cross-posted American hysteria over the “imminent” Russian invasion of Ukraine has exploded every geopolitical Stupid-o-Meter in sight – and that’s quite an accomplishment. What a mess. Sections of the U.S. Deep State are in open revolt against the combo that

The Menticide Manual – ‘The Second Subjunctive’

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Part I. What They Do On July 4th, 2021, the globalists’ flagship magazine The Economist published another apocalyptic prognosis for our planet’s near future and humanity’s final act: ‘No Safe Places: The 3 Degree Celsius Future’. The abstract reads: “The extremes of floods and fires are not going away, but adaptation can lessen their impact.” Fake, doctored images were used throughout the report

China, Russia and India: Foreign Ministers Joint Communique

Joint Communique of the 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China November 26, 2021 1. The 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China was held in the digital video-conference format on 26 November 2021. The meeting took place in the backdrop of negative impacts

Who Wants Some Ukraine?

by Dmitry Orlov, posted with permission of the author On Tuesday, 23 November, Russia’s most senior military general, Valery Gerasimov, had a “deconfliction” phone conference with US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, in which the two discussed “pressing issues of international security.” Actual details of what they discussed are not available; what is available is Western media speculation, which in recent days has included false reports of

Catastrophe since 2017: How to cover France’s presidential election?

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV It’s a question which appears almost too basic a starting point, but not when we recall what a catastrophe the heart of Western Europe has been since 2017: What is to be done about France? Emmanuel Macron: Marketed as Prince Charming but who quickly became Evil King Manu I of the neoliberal empire of the European Union. The Yellow Vests: It’s as if

In Memory of JFK: The First U.S. President to be Declared a Terrorist and Threat to National Security

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog In April 1954, Kennedy stood up on the Senate floor to challenge the Eisenhower Administration’s support for the doomed French imperial war in Vietnam, foreseeing that this would not be a short-lived war.[1] In July 1957, Kennedy once more took a strong stand against French colonialism, this time France’s bloody war against Algeria’s independence movement, which again found the Eisenhower Administration on the

String of pearls: Yemen could be the Arab hub of the Maritime Silk Road

With an Ansarallah takeover of Yemen, Asia’s trade and connectivity projects could expand into some of the world’s most strategic waterways By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with TheCradle   The usual suspects tried everything against Yemen. First, coercing it into ‘structural reform.’ When that didn’t work, they instrumentalized takfiri mercenaries. They infiltrated and manipulated the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), ISIS. They

Sitrep: Venezuela Elections – Landslide for United Socialist Party (PSUV)

Disciplined and well-organized elections held in Venezuela yesterday, lead to a clear win for the ruling party. President Nicolás Maduro called it a ‘Historic Victory of the Revolution’. #Venezuela | Election day in Venezuela has unfolded peacefully under international supervision and with remarkable discipline, as the voting population complies with COVID-19 preventive measures. — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) November 21, 2021 Venezuela’s ruling United Socialist Party (PSUV) won in a

State of American Hypocrisy!

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Senator Ted Cruz, a member of the Republican Party, was the key figure who introduced legislation to exempt India from sanctions under the 2017 CAATSA for buying the Russian S-400 system. Russian news agencies reported that Russia has started delivering the first of the S-400s to India, citing Dmitry Shugayev, head of the Russian military cooperation agency, who said the first S-400 unit

The Menticide Manual – Perseveration

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Perseveration means getting stuck in life. The brain notices an error. It shuts down and restarts, but the error is still there, so the entire system is sent into safe mode which, since our primordial times as sponges and reef builders goes about as follows: If this works, repeat. Perseveration is endless repetition and became the supreme survival strategy. Part I. The

Iran & Turkey working on strategic cooperation agreement: Report

Original link: Description: A translation of a news report on the Turkish foreign minister’s recent visit to Tehran, during which plans for a joint comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement between Iran and Turkey was discussed. Source: Al Mayadeen Channel (YouTube) Date: November 15, 2021 Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Reporter: The Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi received Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu in

Frozen Deutschland

A “perfect storm of Russian aggression during the coming winter months” is all but inevitable. Watch it on your screens while you properly freeze. By Pepe Escobar and extensively cross-posted As much as with “brain dead” NATO (copyright Emmanuel Macron) no one ever lost precious assets betting on the incompetence, narrow-mindedness and cowardice of political “leaders” across the Atlanticist EU. There are two main reasons for the latest German legalese

New Paradigm of US Foreign Policy and Relations with Russia: Valdai Club Analytics US foreign policy is by no means becoming less ideological. Liberal ideology in its newest left-liberal form is turning from a means of expansion into an instrument for consolidating the “collective West”, defining “us and them” and splitting the international community into opposing blocs, writes Valdai Club expert Dmitry Suslov. US foreign policy is undergoing an important transition. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan drew a final and symbolic line under the period of its
