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Posts From amarynth

Sitrep: Here Comes China: Great Chinese Firewall, Governance, Space and Spinach.

Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China. You can get it here: Further selections and editorial and geopolitical commentary by Amarynth. America outperforms the Great Chinese Firewall. We know now why China has the Great Chinese Firewall.  It is like a gated community to keep western plunderers out.  Its that simple.  Daniel Dumbrill comments on the seizing of Iranian domains vis a vis the Great Chinese

Sailing into Black Sea trouble: the right of innocent passage (with some caveats of course)

by Nat South for the Saker Blog HMS Defender’s highly visible transit past the Crimea coastline, off Cape Fiolent, is the latest bout of heated tensions in the Black Sea and in this article, I’d like to present some aspects relating to UNCLOS and consider some interesting issues that have been revealed following the incident. The UK sailed a warship, HMS Defender, inside 12nm territorial waters near to the main

Terrified Washington resorts to piracy as it loses grip over West Asia

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog In what can only be called an act of piracy, the US government “seized” several pro-resistance media outlets in a coordinated attack this week. One of the outlets that were siezed was Other web domains, including Palestine al-Youm, a Palestinian-directed broadcaster, Karbala TV – the official television of the Imam Hussein (PBUH) shrine in the holy Iraqi city of Karbala, Iraqi Afaq

CPC Centenary – China on the Cusp of a Socialist Society

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog 1. Prelude The other day, I was trying to visualize the conversation that would take place on a rainy humid day in July 2021, in a cafeteria in the Eurasian region of heaven where Karl Marx, Robert Owen, Comrade Lenin, Chairman Mao, and Generalissimo Chiang would meet. Purpose – to exchange critical views around the Communist Party of China (CPC) centenary and China. Generalissimo

A Bristling Array of Implausibility: Reflections on the Unz Bio-Warfare Attack Hypothesis

By Sushi for the Saker Blog Mr. Ron Unz has offered a hypothesis with respect to the origins of the COVID pandemic. He asserts the likelihood of the pandemic originating as a United States biological warfare attack (hereafter BWA)) on China. This essay examines the extraordinary claims of the BWA hypothesis and offers a modified hypothesis which may better fit the available evidence. The Sagan standard demands that “extraordinary claims

The Great Reset and the re-emergence of neo-Malthusianism

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Thomas Malthus (1766-1804) was born into the gentry, but as the youngest son he was not to inherit the family estate but instead entered the ranks of the clergy. He was to become a vicar and teacher of a ruthless, no-prisoners-taken, political economy which gave rise to his widespread fame with his Essay on the Principle of Population, the first edition being published

The West’s Audacity of Sanctioning Among the Latest cases – Belarus

By Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog  Case in point is Belarus. On 23 May 2021 President Lukashenko ordered the Ryanair plane, flying from Athens to Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, carrying his Nazi-schooled threatening opponent and activist Protasevich and his girlfriend, to be diverted to Minsk. He did so after having received a message of a bomb threat on board the plane from the Swiss e-mail provider Proton Mail. Proton

A Sovereign Iran will Move Closer to Russia-China

Iran’s president-elect will ‘Look East’ while seeking to exit ‘strategic patience’ when dealing with the US By Pepe Escobar posted with permission and first posted at AsiaTimes In his first press conference as President-Elect with 62% of the votes, Ebrahim Raeisi, facing a forest of microphones, came out swinging and leaving nothing to the imagination. On the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, the dossier that completely obsesses the West, Raeisi

Article by Vladimir Putin ”Being Open, Despite the Past“

An article by the President of Russia has been published in the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit and is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war. June 22, 2021 Being Open, Despite the Past On June 22, 1941, exactly 80 years ago, the Nazis, having conquered practically the whole of Europe, attacked the USSR. For the Soviet people the Great Patriotic War – the bloodiest one in the history of our country – began. Tens of millions of people lost their lives, the economic potential of the country and its cultural property were severely damaged. We

Saker readers Q&A with Faina from the LDNR

Fania, I, too, am a writer, a writer of short stories. Your talent as a writer, as exemplified by your piece published in English on the Saker blog, is already far beyond mine. I have been “following” the war since its inception in 2014, primarily although not exclusively on the Vineyard of the Saker. I can assure you, that despite the fact that the elites who rule over us are

Iraq’s Hezbollah: ‘We have entered Quds equation announced by Nasrallah’: Report

Original link: Description: A news article reports that Iraq’s Kata’ib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Brigades) group – a key component of Iraq’s Hashed al-Shaabi – has pledged to be a part of the regional military equation recently put forward by the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Nasrallah had stated that the ‘Resistance Axis’ is currently working to establish an equation whereby future Israeli attacks against al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the ‘Muslim

Peru Sitrep and Update

by Peter Koenig as an update to his initial article for The Saker Blog:  Peru had Presidential (run-off) elections on 6 June 2021 – the final result is still not published, even though the National Election Committee had finished its work and decided that, though with a razor thin margin, the socialist Pedro Castillo, primary school professor, from rural Cajamarca, won the election. His opponent, the ultra-neoliberal Keiko Fujimori –

Between the lines of the Biden-Putin summit

Biden hinted US wants Russia ‘back in the fold’ but Putin won’t being leaving China’s embrace any time soon By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at AsiaTimes Let’s start with the written word. In Geneva, the US and Russia issued a joint statement where “we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” Assorted Dr. Strangeloves will cringe – but at least the world

Statements after Putin / Biden summit

Russian-American consultations began with a restricted-format meeting that included Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. After that the talks continued in an expanded format. Following the summit, the US – Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability was adopted. U.S. – Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability June 16, 2021 We, President of the United States of America Joseph R. Biden and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, note the United States and Russia have demonstrated that, even in periods of tension, they are

The real B3W-NATO agenda

By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times The West is the best The West is the best Get here and we’ll do the rest Jim Morrison, The End For those spared the ordeal of sifting through the NATO summit communique, here’s the concise low down: Russia is an “acute threat” and China is a “systemic challenge”. NATO, of course, is just a bunch of innocent kids

Peru at the Brink of Civil War? The Uprising of the Dispossessed

By Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog On 28 July 2021, Peru, with her 33 million inhabitants, celebrates 200 years of Independence. The People of Peru may have chosen this Bicentennial celebration, to bring about a drastic change to their foreign and national oligarchy-run country. In a neck-on-neck national election run-off on 6 June 2021, the socialist Pedro Castillo, a humble primary school professor from rural Cajamarca, a Northern Peruvian

Empire of Clowns vs. Yellow Peril

Global South will be unimpressed by new B3W infrastructure scheme funded by private Western interests out for short-term profit  By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times It requires major suspension of disbelief to consider the G7, the self-described democracy’s most exclusive club, as relevant to the Raging Twenties. Real life dictates that even accounting for the inbuilt structural inequality of the current world system the G7’s

Sitrep: Here Comes China: Elephants, Finance and Trade, RCEP

Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China. You can get it here: Further selections and editorial and geopolitical commentary by Amarynth. If you do not know about the wandering elephants that are firing up imaginations, you cannot possibly be up on your reading on China.   The launch of the Huawei Harmony operating system is the first serious competition for Apple and Google in the world. 
