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Posts From amarynth

South Africa Sitrep: Civilians forced to take the Law into their own hands

By Chris Faure for The Saker Blog Waves of extreme violent anarchistic protest broke out and is ongoing in the two provinces Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal. Shopping malls and property are being set alight and burned down, looters rule the streets, roads are blockaded, cars and trucks are turned over and burned and in some scenes, one can clearly hear the bullets fly. At the last count around 200 major

Negative impact of NATO on Serbia & Montenegro and on the world

by Batko Milacic – Independent analyst – for The Saker Blog After Yugoslavia’s (Serbia) President Slobodan Milosevic refused to accept the so-called Rambouillet Agreement in 1999, which in reality was NATO ultimatum that demanded from Serbia and Montenegro to allow NATO troops to occupy the province of Kosovo as well as that NATO can build bases in Serbia, and that all NATO personnel have diplomatic immunity, which means that they

We’re integrating entire Resistance Axis to prepare for war with Israel: Nasrallah Description: Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah speaks about his front’s tireless efforts today to integrate the entire ‘Axis of Resistance’ such that it be prepared to collectively enter a regional war with Israel if Tel Aviv ‘threatens al-Quds’. The ‘Resistance Axis’ broadly refers to a strategic anti-Israel/anti-US imperialist alliance composed of, but not limited to, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Iraq’s Hashed al-Shaabi, Yemen’s Ansarullah, and various Palestinian armed factions. Source: Spot

Say hello to the diplo-Taliban

Deploying diplomatic skills refined from Doha to Moscow, the Taliban in 2021 has little to do with its 2001 incarnation by Pepe Escobar with permission, and first posted at Asia Times A very important meeting took place in Moscow last week, virtually hush-hush. Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council, received Hamdullah Mohib, Afghanistan’s national security adviser. There were no substantial leaks. A bland statement pointed to the obvious:

Press release on consultations with a Taliban delegation

8 July 2021 19:30 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation On July 8, Special Presidential Representative for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov held consultations with a delegation from the Taliban’s political office. The discussion focused on the situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the prospects for starting intra-Afghan talks. The Russian side voiced their concern over the mounting tensions in the northern regions of Afghanistan and

The Mystery of Things

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog There is a certain satisfaction, however idle, in finding the seeds and weak beginnings of social phenomena that affect the world at large. And in understanding the orientations and critical directions of the historical process we live in. Even if most of us remain helpless and impotent spectators of public calamities, or witness the vanity of conjecture and the inefficacy of predictions. For

Syria Sitrep: Joint Statement by the Representatives of Iran, Russia and Turkey

8 July 202113:17 Joint Statement by the Representatives of Iran, Russia and Turkey on the 16th International Meeting on Syria in the Astana Format, Nur-Sultan, 7-8 July 2021 The representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey as guarantors of the Astana format: Reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic as well

Beyond the Dollar

Creditocracy: A Geopolitical Economy by Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson : reposted by special permission Introduction As President Biden continues his predecessor’s New Cold War on China, it is clear that the pandemic has vastly accelerated the on-gong shift in the international balance of power, away from the US and towards China. For former US Treasury Secretary, Lawrence Summers, it was likely a ‘hinge of history’: ‘[i]f the 21st century

A Saigon moment in the Hindu Kush

By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times And it’s all over For the unknown soldier It’s all over For the unknown soldier The Doors, The Unknown Soldier Let’s start with some stunning facts on the ground. The Taliban are on a roll. Earlier this week their P.R. arm was claiming they hold 218 Afghan districts out of 421 – capturing new ones every day. Tens of

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain: In praise of James Douglas Morrison, 20th century poet, dead at 27 half a century ago

By Pepe Escobar, exclusively for the Saker Blog He was like Blake’s tiger, always burning bright and chasing Rimbaud rainbows – just to finish, like Marat, in a bathtub. He was only 27. Jim Morrison died on July 3, 1971 in Paris. Half a century later, The Collected Works of Jim Morrison: Poetry, Journals, Transcripts, and Lyrics lavishly celebrates the soul of the poet. Before he died, Jim had self-published

ICTY Srebrenica Autopsy reports

  ICTY Srebrenica Autopsy reports For twenty-five years autopsy reports have been the only tangible evidence in existence of what passes as the “Srebrenica narrative”. Between 1996 and 2001 those reports were prepared by the forensic experts of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal. Technically, the task of those experts was to conduct exhumations of mass graves considered to be related to the mid-July 1995 execution of

The long and winding multipolar road

The West’s ‘rules-based order’ invokes rulers’ authority; Russia-China say it’s time to return to law-based order By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times We do live in extraordinary times. On the day of the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), President Xi Jinping, in Tiananmen square, amid all the pomp and circumstance, delivered a stark geopolitical message: The Chinese people will never allow foreign

China’s Communist Party – A 100-Year Legacy of Success and a Forward Vision

By Peter Koenig with permission and written for China’s Chongyang Institute of the Renmin University in Beijing – for the 100 Anniversary – 1 July 2021 – of China’s Communist Party. The legendary Chinese success story goes hand-in-hand with the evolution of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and China’s Communist Revolution that began in 1945. The foundation of the CPC on 1 July 1921 signaled the end of some

Top Rabbi: America is Collapsing, Israel must Step Up as new World Superpower One of Israel’s most respected rabbis, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, has released a statement on the status of America as a waning world superpower and a message of hope for Israel to fill the void. Rabbi Eliyahu is the Chief Rabbi of Safed and a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council The big crisis that is currently happening in America Regarding the outcome of the US elections, Rabbi Eliyahu explains

The Chinese Miracle, Revisited

Western exceptionalists may continue to throw a fit 24/7 ad infinitum: that will not change the course of history. By Pepe Escobar with permission and widely distributed The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) centennial takes place this week at the heart of an incandescent geopolitical equation. China, the emerging superpower, is back to the global prominence it enjoyed throughout centuries of recorded history, while the declining Hegemon is paralyzed by the

Putin holds annual ‘Direct Line’ Q&A in Moscow (UPDATED with transcript)

Source: Yekaterina Berezovskaya: Good afternoon. We are broadcasting Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. The moderators in this studio are Nailya Asker-zade… Nailya Asker-zade: …and Yekaterina Berezovskaya. Yekaterina Berezovskaya: Our colleagues, Tatyana Remezova and Natalya Yuryeva, are working with volunteers in the Message Processing Centre. Last year we combined two projects, the annual news conference and Direct Line. The format of today’s event is different. The focus is on direct

A Sea Painted NATO Black

by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times Welcome to the latest NATO show: Sea Breeze starts today and goes all the way to July 23. The co-hosts are the US Sixth Fleet and the Ukrainian Navy. The main protagonist is Standing NATO Maritime Group 2. The show, in NATOspeak, is just an innocent display of “strenghtening deterrence and defense”. NATO spin tells us the exercise is

TV report on Muslim Brotherhood’s varying stances towards Israel

Original link: Video link: Description: A TV report on the divergent political stances towards Israel of the Muslim Brotherhood’s various branches across the Arab and Islamic world. Source: Al Mayadeen TV (You Tube) Date: June 7, 2021 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: UAE’s foreign minister Abdullah Bin Zayed put the name of the Muslim Brotherhood next to (the names of) Hezbollah

Article by Sergey Lavrov, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, “The Law, the Rights and the Rules”, Moscow, June 28, 2021   The frank and generally constructive conversation that took place at the June 16, 2021 summit meeting between presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden in Geneva resulted in an agreement to launch a substantive dialogue on strategic stability, reaffirming the crucial premise that nuclear war is unacceptable. The two sides also reached an understanding on the advisability of engaging in consultations on cybersecurity, the operation of diplomatic missions, the

Propaganda and the Media: Fact-Checking – Part 7

By Larry Romanoff for The Saker Blog, June 27, 2021 In our world today, who desperately needs to be “fact-checked“? The mass media, of course. And, in today’s world, who owns, funds, and controls the entire fact-checking infrastructure and conducts all the fact-checks? The mass media, of course. So, the inmates are running the asylum and the foxes are guarding the henhouse. What could possibly go wrong? First, let’s disabuse ourselves of the foolish
