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Posts From amarynth

How Geopolitical Economy Crossed the Atlantic – West to East

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Europe is tending to bring the society and culture of the continent into harmony with those of the United States, exulting the characteristics of the latter into models and objects of an uncritical and overwhelming admiration … There is no longer at present a European project. A North American project … under American command has replaced it … The hegemonism of the United

Naive Millennials: it’s the man (Trump) & not ‘The Man’ (the US system)

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog How many years, or decades, does it take to unlearn national propaganda? In any country it’s not easy because it starts in the cradle, or at least at preschool. Despite the false claims of moral relativists, not all national worldviews are equal – some propaganda is good and furthers modern ideas, while some are as repugnant as yesterday’s bathwater. Firstly: who is “The

Armenian-Azerbaijani Clashes And Shifting Balance Of Power In South Caucasus

South Front The Armenian-Azerbaijani tensions have once again turned South Caucasus into a hot point increasing chances of a new regional war. The key difference with previous military incidents between the two countries is that the point of confrontation shifted from the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border. Clashes first erupted on July 12 in the area of Tovuz and since then both sides have repeatedly accused each

Clash of civilizations, revisited

By Pepe Escobar – republished from Asia Times by permission of author Late afternoon in May 29, 1453, Sultan Mehmet, the third son of Murad, born of a slave-girl – probably Christian – in the harem, fluent in Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Persian and Hebrew, followed by his top ministers, his imams and his bodyguard of Janissaries, rides slowly towards the Great Church of St Sophia in Constantinople. It’s unlikely

Iraqi PMF leader: Operations on US forces to escalate day by day

Original link: Description: Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement, a faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), says that ‘resistance operations against U.S. occupation forces in Iraq will escalate day by day’. In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Nasr al-Shimmari added that the country’s ‘resistance forces’ had previously given time for dialogue in order for American forces to leave Iraq, however, it was clear that the ‘US only

US Presidential Election And Prospects Of Kiev Advance In Eastern Ukraine

Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson For the past several years, the war between Ukraine and the breakaway and still-unrecognized Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic has settled into a tense routine of attritional trench warfare, punctuated by sniping, clashes between patrols, small-scale raids, offensive minelaying, and ambushes using anti-tank guided missiles. There have been few operations by units larger than company. The front

(Photos): Russian delegation presents Iraqi PMF’s al-Muhandis with medal of honour

From Middle East Observer Description: During a political analysis show marking three years since the liberation of the Iraqi city of Mosul, a city which Daesh (ISIS) had made the capital of its caliphate, the instrumental role of Iran’s General Qasim Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were highlighted. More specifically, Al Mayadeen’s Baghdad Bureau Chief, Abdullah al-Badran, presented what he called ‘never-before-seen’ photographs of a Russian military delegation presenting

Book Review : Starikov’s ‘Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom’

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog This book was recommended by one of our commenters in the Movable Feast Café. Initially I was going to put it aside to read later but that evening, while transferring it to my tablet, I paged through and … sleep was impossible. Despite the deeply serious and existential nature of the subject matter, it is just simply a fascinating read, almost like an historical

Saudi Regime Is Balancing On Brink Of Collapse Amid Economic Crisis And Setbacks In Yemeni War

South Front Saudi Arabia has become a hostage of its own military campaign in Yemen. The Kingdom suffers from both its own inability to achieve a military victory in the conflict and regular losses from the retaliatory actions of the Houthis. At the same time, the Saudi leadership has no opportunity to withdraw from the conflict and abandon its proxies there because this will undermine its already shaky position in

The Historical Forces Behind the New U.S-Mexico Pro-Nation State Alliance

By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog On July 8, Mexico’s President Lopez Obrador met with President Trump to finalize the death of NAFTA and the signing of the USMCA agreement which has thrown over the apple cart for the neoliberal priests of London and Wall Street. As both Presidents signed a ‘Joint Declaration between the USA and Mexico’, Trump stated: “With this signing, we pledge the close and continued

Is there any possibility of diffusing Sino-US tension?

by Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Sino-US tension is growing to a dangerous level, what will be the consequences? Who will suffer more? And who will be benefitted? Is there any simple solution? Is anyone willing to rectify things? What will be the role of the UN and International Community, in case of an armed conflict? What will be the future of the World? Etc. Many similar questions are

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during the online session “Russia and the post-COVID World”

10 July 2020 15:55 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions during the online session “Russia and the post-COVID World,” held as part of the Primakov Readings international forum, Moscow, July 10, 2020 First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for inviting me to once again speak at the Primakov Readings. This is a young, but also one of the most respected platforms for discussing

Assad Sends Pantsir Air Defense Systems To Counter Turkey In Libya

South Front The Syrian government seems to be deploying Pantsir-S1 air defense systems to Libya to assist forces of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in their battle against the Turkish-controlled Government of National Accord. An unusual Pantisr-S1 air defense system was for the first time spotted in Libya last week, when local activists released a video of a Libyan National Army convoy moving towards the port city of Sirte besieged by

The Bad Ending of a Good Idea

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog Sometimes ideas born out of an apparently sensible necessity evolve into something diabolically inevitable. On the other hand, the history of the formation of ideas is, or could be, what frees the mind from a blind search for explanations. For the alternative is to (dis)-content ourselves with effects without knowing their causes, other than attributing the faults of the system, for example, to

News flash: Capitalism has no answer for 50 million jobless people

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Oh – did you have one? Well… we’re waiting. But we will certainly be waiting in vain because the “best” US economic minds, journalists, professors and pundits got nuthin’. Even God’s gift to American society – CEOs and bankers – are hoping nobody calls on them for an answer. This is an era of not just total economic disaster in the US but

Iran-China pact turbocharges the New Silk Roads

China will invest $400 billion in Iran energy and infrastructure but nothing in strategic pact allows for a Chinese troop presence or island handover By Pepe Escobar – republished from Asia Times by permission of author Two of the US’s top “strategic threats” are getting closer and closer within the scope of the New Silk Roads – the leading 21st century project of economic integration across Eurasia. The Deep State

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a news conference following political consultations between the foreign ministers of Russia and three African Union countries (South Africa, Egypt and the Congo) via videoconference, Moscow, July 8, 2020 Colleagues, Today, we held the first political consultation meeting at the foreign minister level between Russia and three members of the African Union. This mechanism was established after the first

War Preparations: Egypt And Turkey Kick Off Large-Scale Drills Near Libya

South Front Turkey and Egypt are flexing their military muscles off the Libyan shores as chances of a potential war in the eastern Mediterranean continue growing. Firstly, the Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that soon it will hold large-scale naval exercises off the Libyan coast. The official statement said that the drills, called “Naftex”, will take place in three different regions: Barbaros, Turgutreis and Chaka Bey. Turkey says that

America’s Sicilian Expedition

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; and from these proceed debt and taxes; and armies, and debts, are taxes of the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few … no nation could reserve

Iran To Help Syria With Air Defense To Repel US, Israeli Attacks

South Front Iran will help to strengthen Syrian air defense capabilities as part of a wider military security agreement between the two countries, Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on July 8. The statement was made after the signing of a new military cooperation agreement in Damascus. The agreement provides for the expansion of military and security cooperation and the
