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Posts From amarynth

Injustice’s Deadline and A Nation’s Ajal

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog Three precious decades were squandered by a handful of people bound together by a school of thought that has greed, selfishness, and arrogance as its pillars. They built systems that were founded on injustice, sustained by greed, adorned by arrogance, and re-fashioned and revised constantly by ever new versions of deceit. They chose unjust ways to acquire offensive means to do some very

Russian Private Military Contractors Took Control Of Libya’s Largest Oil Field

South Front Washington is concerned by the growing Russian influence in Libya as Turkish-led forces are preparing to storm the port city of Sirte, controlled by the Libyan National Army. On June 26, the US embassy in Libya released a statement claiming that it condemns a “foreign-backed campaign to undermine Libya’s energy sector and prevent the resumption of oil production.” The statement said that the US shares the “deep concern”

Fmr Iraqi PM: US refused to sell us arms, Russia opened its own stockpiles

From Middleeastobserver Description: In an interview with Iraqi TV, former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says that Washington’s weapons deals with Iraq and world states are based on its political and commercial interests, and not on good-will. Al-Maliki goes on to explain that Russia’s treatment of Iraqi requests for Russian weapons at critical times during Iraq’s war with ISIS was completely different. Source: Afaq TV Read transcript: Important note: Please

Bridging China’s past with humanity’s future – Part 2

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog This will be presented in 3 parts and in 3 different blog posts Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 PART – 2 5. POST-DENG CHINA Post-Deng China witnessed three variants of socio-economic trajectories associated with three different Leaders. Even though the economic programme of reform initiated by Deng went on unhindered, there were significantly different style of implementation of the same. A brief recapitulation

What is China really doing with its digital Yuan?

by Chris Faure for the Saker Blog Reserve currency, backing of a currency and value of the financial systems that distribute a currency. Its going to take years for the US dollar as reserve currency to fully reduce in importance and of course, the US should continue to use their currency as their own even when it changes into a normal currency. Yet there are financial technologies (FinTech) which may

Race, Economy and Viruses

By Jimmy Moglia for the Saker Blog Whatever busies the mind without corrupting it has at least this use, that it rescues the day from idleness, and he that is never idle will not often be vicious. The previous unnecessary remark is intended as a pre-emptive application for absolution from the reader whose views expressed hereafter may not mirror his. We live in explosive times and some believe that diseases

Bridging China’s past with humanity’s future – Part 1

by Straight-Bat for the Saker Blog This will be presented in 3 parts and in 3 different blog posts Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 PART – 1 1. INTRODUCTION The world is tottering under the omnipresent virus covid19. Since January’2020, economic and sociological parameters went into a tailspin in one after another country across the globe. By end of year 2020, when the corona pandemic would be under control

Idlib Militants Use Battle Tanks To Kill Each Others Under Turkish Nose

South Front ISIS announced a new series of attacks against the Syrian Army in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. According to the terrorist group’s news agency Amaq, ISIS cells ambushed an army unit near the town of al-Sukhna killing 2 soldiers, injuring a third one and capturing a vehicle. This attack became the second successful ISIS raid in the desert area in less than a week. The previous one took place

Ukraine’s Toe-hold in Europe

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog The open support given by the entire western media and political establishments to the regime now ensconced in Kiev should give cause for concern, but of course it doesn’t. After all it would not do to profess open backing for a staged coup by neo-nazi militants orchestrated and paid for by EU and US through non-government channels. Of course the CIA was involved

China’s $12.5 billion plan to transform Lebanon’s infrastructure (Arab TV report)

A recent Al Mayadeen TV presentation illustrating the major infrastructural projects that China is proposing to build in Lebanon. Whether these projects actually reach fruition or not hinges upon a greater consensus within the Lebanese political establishment. However, the deteriorating socio-economic situation in the country is reducing the credibility of pro-American parties who have long argued Lebanon’s prosperity is dependent upon the benevolence of Washington, Europe, and the Arab Gulf

Why Iran won’t be broken

Submitted by Pepe Escobar – source Asia Times So what’s goin’ on in Iran? How did the Islamic Republic really respond to Covid-19? How is it coping with Washington’s relentless “maximum pressure”? These questions were the subject of a long phone call I placed to Prof. Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran – one of Iran’s premier, globally recognized analysts. As Marandi explains, “Iran after the revolution was all

Militants Launch Massive Drone Attack On Russian Airbase In Syria

South Front Late on June 22, Russian air defense units repelled a massive drone attack on Russia’s Hmeimim air base in Syria. According to local sources, Russian Pantsir and Tor systems launched almost two dozen missiles at unmanned aerial vehicles launched by militants from the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone. Syria’s state-run news agency SANA reported that Syrian air defenses were also activated in the Jableh area of

75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: Shared Responsibility to History and our Future

Mr Putin wrote a comprehensive history on the 2ndWW, which surprisingly first appeared in the The National Interest and released today.  This writing leads to a further support for the request that Mr Xi Jinping, Mr Macron, Mr Trump and Mr Johnson – gather together to to hold a meeting of the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon states, permanent members of the Security Council, with the focus being: ” a

Idlib Al-Qaeda Promotes Its ‘Successes’ In Fight Against Syrian Army

SouthFront The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces are amassing their troops and equipment near the town of Ayn Issa in northern Raqqah. This town, located near the crossroad of the M4 highway and the Sanliurfa-Raqqah road, has been the target of Turkish expansionist efforts for a long while. Nonetheless, the Turkish Army and its proxies failed to capture it during the active phase of their Operation Peace Spring

Nixon-Trump vs. the Strategy of Tension

by Pepe Escobar : crossposted with Strategic Culture Foundation Nixon 68 is back with a vengeance, with President Trump placing himself as the guarantor/enforcer of Law & Order. That slogan guaranteed Nixon’s election, and was coined by Kevin Phillips, then an expert in “ethnic voting patterns”. Philips makes for a very interesting case. In 1999, he became the author of a seminal book: The Cousins’ Wars: Religion, Politics, and the

Foreign Minister Lavrov’s statement and answers following talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Zarif

16 June 202017:32 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a joint news conference following talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, Moscow, June 16, 2020   Ladies and gentlemen, The meeting with my colleague, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, was as constructive and substantive as ever. We thoroughly reviewed the current state of and outlook for Russian-Iranian

Trump’s only hope: buying re-election with populist jobless benefits

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog The US economy is in such a dire state (if we may temporarily put down the newly-discovered problem of racism in the Western hemisphere (except for Cuba)) that US voters are going to be happy to sell themselves to the highest bidder come November. It’s not like anyone could get genuinely excited by Joe Biden, after all. Trump has a huge advantage over

Russian Tor Surface-To-Air Missile Systems Shot Down 45 Drones In Syria

South Front Tor short-range surface-to-air missile systems have downed more than 45 unmanned aerial vehicles launched by Syrian militants, according to the chief of the Russian Air Defense Forces Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov. “Since the start of combat duty, the calculations of the Tor combat vehicles targeted over 45 UAVs crafted by militants”, Leonov said in an interview with the National Defense magazine. Tor missile systems, alongside with short range

Switzerland Sitrep – “Black Lives Matter” protests

By Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog There were a number of protest marches and rallies in Switzerland, in different cities and with a quite impressive number of participants. Most of the rallies were unauthorized – due to Covid-19 restrictions – but tolerated by the authorities. Apparently, the participants were young, many were „non-white“, but „genuine“ Swiss. The rallies were non-aggressive and I have seen no voices who were
