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Posts From The Saker

Documents showing how the Empire plans to overthrow Putin

This information was posted on an anonymous blog Drakula’s blog:  It looks very credible to me.  Just take a look here for comparison purposes. The Saker ——- West and Ukraine against Putin and his politicians Today I’ve got docs on Russia and Ukraine for you. The West got used to solving its problems using someone else to do the dirty work. Putin’s regime is an eyesore for the U.S., UK

It’s Not About the Nukes – Reflections on Lausanne

by Andrew Kahn Voice of America Blog: Twitter: @akahnnyc It feels practically like déjà vu. Once more President Obama has reached an agreement with one of the proclaimed threats to the United States – first it was Cuba, now Iran. So it is that following on the heels of a shaky rapprochement with Cuba, we see that the United States has reached a tentative agreement – in conjunction with

Ukraine SITREP April 9th, 2015, by Duff

8th April in the History Today, on this day, April 8, 232 years ago, in 1783, Catherine the Great, Empress of the Russian Empire signed the Manifesto (decree) of joining Crimea to the Russian Empire. Crimean Khanate, part of Ottoman Empire [modern Turkey], which raided the towns and villages of the Russian Empire and took people into slavery, was defeated in 1774 year. Ukraine didn’t exist then, only the Malorussiyan

A Donetsk People’s Republic Spetsnaz GRU officer speaks

Okay, this guy is not from the famous (and hyper secretive) Russian “Spetsnaz GRU”.  But he is from the DPR’s equivalent and he most likely has had his training with the Russian GRU.  Also, having met many Spetsnaz operators in the past, I can tell you that he is rather typical and representative of many of them.  So when I saw this interview, I asked my friend and brother in

Interview of a senior Russian Foreign Intelligence analyst

source: by Alexander Chuikov, translated by “D” On the northern outskirts of Moscow, under the reliable protection of the Interior Troops, lies low a former secret Institute of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). Nowadays, on top of its front gate there flaunt golden letters: ‘Russian Institute of Strategic Studies’. But the peaceful name would not mislead the knowing, as more than two hundred employees are forging here the analytical

Saker message to the community about the blog and appeal for help

Dear friends, I have plenty of things to report to you today, and a few things I would ask you to help me with. Blog news: For the next few days, the blog will go into “minimal” mode and barring some kind of major development, I don’t intend to post much.  For Orthodox Christians this week is Passion Week, Sunday will be Holy Paskha (“Easter” in western parlance) and next

Ukraine SITREP 04.08.2015 by Scott

IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO LOST LIVES AT SAUR MOGILA In these relatively peaceful Easter days of April, the public interest gradually turns toward unpatriotic issues of the catastrophic state of economy, domestic politics, the politicians in their variable states of sanity, the Poroshenkos and their antics, and the routine domestic hunt on the harmless members of the Ukraine Communist Party. The interim authorities in Kiev pay over 1.5million Euros

Hassan Nasrallah: so-called ‘Islamic State’ is Wahhabi, every Muslim must fight it

Transcript : See Part 1 and Part 2 […] To face [the Islamic State], a solely security or military ‘cure’ is not enough and whoever believes that this is the answer is deluded. This issue is far too profound to be resolved only by security or military measures. Still others claim that these movements are developing in impoverished environments, and the solution is therefore (economic) development. Such development is necessary

To Russia with love

Foreword: I am continuing my series of articles about the “real Russia” (see: Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – an example through Music,  Letter from ‘deep’ Russia and Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – Second Musical Illustration) I am now posting a trip journal written by Kolya Malloff in which he beautifully shares his feelings about returning to his motherland.  There is a lot of “real

Charles Bausman at the World Russia Forum in DC mentions the Saker blog + corrected stats

NOTE: Just a few corrected stats: There are seven independent Saker blogs in total (original, Russian, French, German, Latin American, Oceania, Italian) in five languages (English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish).  It is hard to estimate how many people actually work on these blogs in total, but I would say that roughly 100 active members sounds right to me.  I am also trying to get some reliable figures the number of

Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – Second Musical Illustration

Dear friends, Following my recent post Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – an example through Music a reader emailed me the link to a recent Russian Folk Festival featuring artists from various regions of Russia which, in my opinion, further illustrate the fact that Russia is not Europe or, more accurately, that “non-Russian Russians” are also not Europeans. See for yourself and enjoy the great music! The Saker

An islamic response to charlie (9/11) hebdo

by Sheikh Imran Hosein May peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad – despite the filth that a corrupt and decadent civilization of Gog and Magog has been consistently throwing at him all through its barbaric and blood-stained history. He is indeed a true Prophet of the God of Abraham, and Islamic eschatology allows us to anticipate that it will not be long before the historical process delivers

April 7, 2015, Ukraine SITREP by “R” (and request for comments!)

NEWEST DEVELOPMENTS 1)Пушилин: проведению очередной минской встречи мешает позиция Киева. Pushilin: The position of Kiev prevents the next meeting in Minsk. 2)МИД Украины: представителей Киева не будет на юбилее Победы в Москве. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine: Kiev representatives will not be on the anniversary of the Victory in Moscow. 3)Фильм “Крым. Путь на родину” будет представлен в Каннах. The film “Crimea. Way home” will be presented
