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Posts From The Saker

‘I was raised by a Jewish woman’, Saudi Arabia’s MBS tells US Journalist – English Subs

Description: A recent report on Al-Manar Tv covers the recent statements of American journalist and Christian Zionist Mike Evans regarding Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Following his meeting with bin Salman, Evans is convinced that bin Salman is more supportive of Israel than “a lot of Jews”. Quoting bin Salman, Evans also says the Saudi Crown Prince told him that he ‘likes’ Jews and was in fact raised by

Iran got Reagan elected in 1980 – will they get Trump fired in 2020?

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (cross-posted by permission with Press TV) Jimmy Carter’s foolish and feckless opposition to the Iranian Islamic Revolution was perhaps the single-most important reason he was not re-elected in 1980. Nearly 40 years later, Donald Trump is on the brink of allowing Iran to decide yet another US presidential election. The Pahlavi dynasty was popularly overthrown in February 1979, just as monarchy was deposed

Absolute Proof that Trump Is Stupid

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 26th, U.S. President Donald Trump told Fox Business News that, as the Washington Post immediately headlined it, “War with Iran Would Not Involve Ground Troops and Would Not Last Long”. He said: “I’m not talking boots on the ground. … I’m just saying if something would happen, it wouldn’t last very long.” However, even if his planned surgical missile-strikes against Iran’s

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on May 25th, 2019. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: Listen to (or download) the Interview MP3 audio file You can also grab the transcript here:

Russia’s Patrushev holds press conference following Russia US Israeli talks

Translation and transcription by Scott Humor   Good afternoon. We have concluded the first trilateral meeting on the level of Secretaries of Councils of Defense of Russia, Israel, and the United States on the settlement issue. Russia has once again reconfirmed her adherence to the principles of the territorial integrity and unity of the Syrian Arab republic, as well as the goals and principles of the UN charter. We have

Does Italy want to ditch the euro?

Translation by Y, subtitles by O. Italy is under fire in Brussels after the victory of Matteo Salvini in the last European Elections. While the Commission is threatening an excessive deficit procedure against Rome, the Italian Parliament has authorised the testing of a new form of payment, a kind of currency parallel to the euro:

The case of MH17 and the imitation of a Maidan in Georgia: the provocations of globalists

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source:   For five years in a row the International Commissions of Inquiry created in Holland has been engaged in investigating the downing of flight MH17 over the skies of Ukraine in 2014. Every summer, on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy, the commission lazily reports that it very strongly suspects the Donbass militiamen of (with the

Trump claims he canceled an airstrike against Iran at the very last minute

The first thing to say here is that we have no means to know what really happened.  At the very least, there are two possible hypotheses which could explain what took place: 1) a US provocation: it is quite possible that somebody in the US chain of command decided that Iran should be put under pressure and that having US UAV fly right next to, or even just inside, the

Trump’s ‘near strike’ shows US hesitation caused by Iranian unity & patience

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (Written for PressTV and cross-posted by permission) I am deeply skeptical that the US ever initiated a missile strike against Iran and then called it off, as was claimed by The New York Times. Of course, the US “paper of record” routinely does terrible journalism – they repeatedly rely on anonymous sources, as they did for this claim. Anonymous sources cannot be considered

The Terrorists Among US- Traitors and Terror 3

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog The second part in this series showed clearly that the US Intel community has been overrun by untrainable and undependable people. The more facts that come out, the worse the situation looks. We trust these people to dissect and analyze critical pieces of information and based on their experience advise the President of the United States whether or not diplomacy, spying, and covert

The Saker interviews Edik, a Quaker living in Russia

[this interview was made for the Unz Review] The topic of religion in Russia is a most interesting one, yet the majority of articles on this topic typically focus on Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and, sometimes, Buddhism. Yet there are other religions in Russia and, in fact, there have always been. When I learned that an active member of the Saker community, Edik (pseudonym), was a Quaker I asked him

Nasrallah: Resistance Axis is Stronger Than Ever, Trump’s Deal of the Century Doomed to Fail

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday, May 31, 2019, on the occasion of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Day.   Translation: Transcript: […] I now get to the heart of the matter after this introduction that (presented) this commemoration (of the International Day of Al-Quds / Jerusalem). Today, the key challenge that Palestine and Al-Quds must face is the ‘Deal of the Century’, or ‘Trump Deal’. And

The last news about the Gilets Jaunes

by Le Saker Francophone for The Saker Blog You no longer hear about the Yellow Vests in the media and you think that the movement finally stopped after six months of activity, without getting anything. Well, that’s not the case. Of course the decrease in the number of demonstrators is huge. From 300,000 at the end of 2018 to 30,000 by mid-2019. But every Saturday these few tens of thousands

Whither the ‘Mexican Power’ movement I predicted post-Trump?

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Why do we often forget how powerful Mexico is? 130 million people; undoubtedly the most powerful Spanish-speaking country (Brazil speaks Portuguese); a geographical location truly on top of the Latino world; access to both oceans; a historical cradle of civilisation with claims that can fairly said the be unrivaled; the world’s most developed economy accessible with the fewest shipping costs, and unparalleled expatriate

Understanding America’s “regime change” strategy in Russia

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog In what is a very timely admission taking into account the topic of my last article – 21st century international relations and decision-making, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (Служба внешней разведки Российской Федерации), Sergey Naryshkin, pointed to a low risk method of “hybrid” warfare and named a specific example where it is being implemented. RT reported the following on June 18th

Ukraine will be coerced into making peace in Donbass

By Petr Akopov Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: Ukraine is important for the US only in the context of their relationship with Russia, and blocks the path to their improvement. The latest statement of the national security adviser to the US President John Bolton became yet more proof of this. On the eve of Putin and Trump’s meeting in Osaka, Kiev ought to prepare for the

“Nuclear Armageddon” and Geopolitical Simulacrum

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog As I have now come to expect, some of the comments posted beneath my last article (and if to be honest, beneath any geopolitical article published on a so-called “pro-Russian” website) refer to an imagined scenario where human beings are just doomed – completely doomed. In context, the comments I speak of go along the lines of “Yeah, the Russian leadership might be
