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Posts From Scott

Russia, US and Syria SITREP links September 28, 2016 by Scott

The featured image is a picture of Aleppo before the NATO countries’ war on Syria Breaking news The US just issued a direct threat to attack the territory of Russia John Kirby, the State Department’s spokesperson, on Wednesday issued a threat coming from the US State Department to organize more terror attacks against the Russian cities and to kill more Russian people.   Cat Matvey‘s analysis of Russia-US standoff in

The US, Russia and SYRIA SitRep by Cat Motya, September 27, 2016

So… A few boring pieces about the future, because a few important moments came to realization. Considering these important moments, we will post some forecasts foretelling the future, but only in brief, because some of the points need separate explanations. Since we collectively are not experts in anything, and absolutely not specialists in geopolitics, it means we can’t write nonsense, but only boring, true and correct prognoses and analyses of

The US and Syria SitRep September 24th, 2016 by Auslander

The war in Syria is in fact a war between US and RF in microcosm. Russia Armed Forces have demonstrated masterful tactical skill and her diplomats have shown they are the top diplomats in the world. While eu is reduced to fawning and groveling at the feet of DC and DC has done nothing but throw temper tantrums like a small child that is denied a piece of candy, VVP

How President Putin returned the ownership of Sakhalin II to Russia

How President Putin returned the ownership of Sakhalin II to Russia A bit of political humor Sakhalin II operates the Piltun-Astokhskoye and Lunskoye oil and gas fields. Sakhalin II project uniqueness Russia’s first LNG plant. Russia’s first PSA-based project. The first offshore oil and gas producing platforms installed in Russia. First sales of Russian gas in the Asia-Pacific energy markets. During the dark times of the Yeltsin’s regime, foreign oil

Crosstalk: The Media’s Syria

Published on Sep 23, 2016 Conflicting narratives and competing agendas – this is the tragedy of the Syrian conflict. Western media coverage is focused on forcing political outcomes. In the process, the truth is often overlooked and even denied. Another casualty of war. CrossTalking with Jonathan Steele, Scott Bennett, and Daniel Lazare.

Russian FM Lavrov press conference following UNGA speech (Streamed live)

Russian FM Lavrov press conference following UNGA speech (Streamed live) Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to media questions following the ISSG meeting, New York, September 22, 2016 Question: What has happened? Sergey Lavrov: Nothing has happened; we will continue consultations. Question: Can you review the results of the meeting? Sergey Lavrov: We will continue our work to provide for the observance of the ceasefire – you can call this results.

President al-Assad’s interview to Associated Press Video

President al-Assad’s interview given to Associated Press_ Video     22 September، 2016 Damascus, SANA, President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to Associated Press published Thursday, following is the full text: Journalist: President Assad, thank you very much for this opportunity to be interviewed by the Associated Press. President Assad: You are most welcome in Syria. Question 1: I will start by talking about the ceasefire in Syria. Russia, the

World SITREP September 21, 2016 by Baaz

RUSSIA Russia Deploys Flagship Aircraft Carrier To Syria Coast 30 Israeli, Foreign Intelligence officers, killed in Russia’s Caliber missile attack in Aleppo, several U.S., Turkish, Saudi, Qatari, British officers were also neutralized Black Sea fleet to annihilate adversary at its bases SU-34 The new Russian armored bomber will revolutionize battlefield Putin popular in US, no surprise he comes up in election – Russian UN envoy Churkin   The economic sabotage in

Russia Elections results, The US Military revolt and a Syrian kerfuffle SITREP by Scott Humor

Russian election results in two words: We Won! That’s it. “Bloody revolution” had been canceled. In May I posted an article, Waiting for Yalta – 2, or What the Kerry-Lavrov pact brings to the table.  In accidence with the new principles of the new world. ” Color revolutions” will not be allowed. It doesn’t mean that an illegitimate government of the US won’t stop plotting them. We simply can’t let

Russian elections SITREP September 18, 2016 by Scott Humor

The upcoming Russian parliamentary elections President Putin made an appeal to the citizens of Russia to come out and vote. Considering that he is our commander-in-chief, his words are the command for all. In terms of getting familiar with the political parties in Russia, I recommend this basic outline of the major political parties in the following article in RI translation: Duma Elections 2016: Putin Majority Will Win, Liberals Won’t

Europe Germany Turkey September 2016 SITREP by C.

Western “Culture” is a Cult of Death / Some thoughts on BREXIT and Coup in Turkey / Translation: Interview with Green Youth spokesperson I have been meaning to write an article for a very long time now. But whenever I sat down to actually do it, it did not work. It sort of feels like a rotten tooth. You know it needs to get out. It hurts while it’s still

Gotcha! Of Those Who Want To Destroy Russia

In September, a Russian private TV channel REN.TV released a documentary that has immediately become a hit in Russia: Попались! Кто хочет развалить страну REV TV is known for their excellent investigative reporting in geopolitics, Russia’s political movements, and modern warfare. An investigation by the reporters reveals the truth about the forces that are desperately trying to destroy our beloved Russia. What are those people? Who pays them and

Syrian air defense forces shot down an Israeli warplane and an Israeli drone SITREP, by Scott

Army Command: Syrian air defense forces shoot down Israeli warplane and drone after attack in Quneitra Quneitra, SANA – The General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces announced on Tuesday that the Israeli enemy’s air force attacked a Syrian military position in the countryside of the southern Quneitra province at 1 am on September 13, 2016. The General Command said in a statement the Syrian air defense forces

Israel in Ukraine is entirely out of control Uman August 2016 Video, by Scott Humor

The Israelis use their tactic of taking over the occupied territories in Ukraine. Whatever crimes they conduct in Palestine, they do the same in  Ukraine: war on the local population, ethnic cleansing, takeover of the state power, lands, territories, banks, businesses and buildings. Previously, we met these dirty characters here Uman Ukraine Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police, fires shots, threw stones glass bottles and prior to Euro-Maidan here Nittel Nacht:

The 20th anniversary of the second (unofficial) anthem of Russia

How delightful are evenings in Russia This collection was made for us by the Russian translator of my book. This year we marked, somewhat quietly, the 20th anniversary of the second (unofficial) anthem of Russia. Composed in 1996 by Alexander Dobronravov in New York City (of all places!) where he was on a long business trip recording music, this song elicits a lot of purely Russian sentimentalism,  but the song

The New Situation starting with September 11th, 2016 by Scott Humor Updated

The secret Syrian peace agreement just signed by the Russia and the legitimate government of the US leaves many guessing. The first knee-jerk reaction coming from the different power players in the EU and US demonstrate an acute bewilderment. In terms of the certain groups inside the Pentagon, something like a military mêlée against their own Commander-In-Chief is being observed. “EU leaders and Turkey have expressed hopes that a US-Russian peace deal for

World SITREP September 10, 2016 by BAAZ

RUSSIA Putin knew what to do! His first interview, 2000 On New Year’s Eve, 1999, Putin succeeded the Russian Presidency from Boris Yeltsin. This is his first interview inside the Kremlin…. Retrospectively – He acted confidently, within that which he foresaw..     The New START:  extension impossible By  Vladimir Kozin Advisory Group to the Director, chief advisor, head of advisory group to RISS director, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of

Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok Russia September 3rd, 2016

Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. This year, representatives of 35 countries applied to attend the forum. In total, delegations from 56 countries are taking part. September 3, 2016 08:20 Russky Island     Images from the Eastern Economic Forum   The Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) was established by a Presidential Executive Order in 2015 to promote the accelerated economic development of the Russian Far East and the expansion of international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin Interview to Bloomberg

On September 1, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the international media company Bloomberg in Vladivostok. You can download the video here John Micklethwait: Mr President, thank you very much for talking to Bloomberg. We are in Vladivostok, at the border of Russia, practically the Pacific Coast is its border, and this is already the second Eastern Economic Forum that is about to start. What are you planning to achieve at the Forum? President of Russia Vladimir Putin: We would like to draw the attention of our partners, of potential investors to the Russian Far East.
