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Posts From Scott

Men don’t arch their backs, or why Russians reject “Western values” by Scott Humor Updated

European Military Expenditure per capita 2016 map   Virtual beads and all that… Cat Motya on the meaning of the “European values” “I have been thinking about how mice have brainwashed the European tribes. The technology of brainwashing is very simple and has not changed with the colonization of the Americas, but with one difference. Native Americans were selling their lands for glass beads.  Since then, the “global elites” of

High alert: Russia tests army’s readiness in massive snap exercise in west & south

High alert: Russia tests army’s readiness in massive snap exercise in west & south Russian Army units as well as the Air Force, Airborne Troops and the Navy’s Northern Fleet have been put on high alert as part of a large-scale snap exercise which the Defense Ministry says will check troops’ readiness to tackle emerging crises. “According to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces [President Vladimir Putin],

Ukraine’s Plot to Exchange a Citizen of Israel for Terrorists who Killed Russian Officers, by Scott Humor

Last week while we were celebrating the success of Russian athletes, other people were busy cooking up some fake news mixed with Hollywood-style horrors and injustices.  To make a long story short, a blogger living in Ukraine known as varyag2007 has been almost, not quite, but very close to being arrested by the SBU. We were informed that the arrest is going to take place if not now then most

World SITREP August 22, 2016 by BAAZ

RUSSIA Russia: Kalashnikov opens own-brand store at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport Russia Defense Report: Nukes, Bugs, and Gas in Hybrid Wars Russia: Four militants killed in anti-terror op in St. Petersburg – officials Launch of Kalibr cruise missiles from Mediterranean Sea against Jihadists facilities in Aleppo World’s Best Portable ManPad missile Russian Verba The Russian Ministry of defense published the first official video of the fifth generation PAK FA Sukhoi T-50

POLITE ANALYTICS: failed Crimean sabotage Ukraine the causes, results, items, effects

POLITE ANALYTICS: failed Crimean sabotage Ukraine [the causes, results, items, effects] by RoSsi BaRBeRa Translated by Scott Humor Previous posts  on the Ukrainian terrorism in Crimea Armed attack on Russian border guards in Crimea SITREP August 8th The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s main intelligence directorate terror plot foiled in Crimea August 2016 SITREP Statement by the foreign ministry of Russia on terror attacks in Crimea Other articles by the same author

Russia SITREP Questions and Answers August 16th, by Scott Humor

Just a few recent events here to show how the situation is gradually turning to the favorable for Russia and the Eastern democracies way. This year Russia is getting a record crop of grains, especially wheat. The price of Russian wheat went up considerably. Russian Wheat Prices Climb for Second Week on French Crop Woes Wheat is one of the main items of export of Russia, and  it’s comparable with

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and German Steinmeier made statements in Yekaterinburg [Updated]

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and German Steinmeier made statements in Yekaterinburg   Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, speak to the press after their meeting in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg     Russian text of the press conference Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a joint news conference following a meeting with Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier,

Russia: “We are ready for dialogue” Shoigu tells West to stop frightening their people

Russia: “We are ready for dialogue” Shoigu tells West to stop frightening their people Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu     Published on Aug 14, 2016 Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke about the Russian military presence in Syria, during an interview with VGTRK (Rossiya-1) in Moscow, Sunday, stating that there “are many of our compatriots from Russia and from countries of the former Soviet Union.” fighting on the side

Moscow Tverskaya Street is repaved with 8000 tones of asphalt installed in one day

Moscow Tverskaya Street was repaved with 8000 tones of asphalt installed in one day   Tverskaya Street, known as Gorky Street between 1935 and 1990, is the main and probably best-known radial street in Moscow.   Tverskaya Street after a restoration NEWSCOPTER  2016   More amazing pictures of Tverskaya Street and the Moscow center   The entire Moscow is being dressed now in natural light colored granite. A very interesting

Russia’s Ministry of Defense published on its YouTube official channel video titled “the Strength to rule the Skies” with T-50

The Ministry of Defense published on its YouTube official channel video titled “the Strength to rule the Skies” with T-50 Another translation:  The sky belongs to the strong. The video features performance from the Air Day competition by the Russian Aerospace Forces or VKS. The video also shows an aerial survey of the newest 5th generation fighter jet T-50 PAK FA. The video also presents a carrier-based fighter MiG-29KUB, su-33, combat

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s main intelligence directorate terror plot foiled in Crimea August 2016 SITREP, by Scott

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s main intelligence directorate terror plot foiled in Crimea August 2016 SITREP I will keep updating this post over the next couple of days. I have a large amount of information mostly in Russian, that’s why it takes me long time to translate. Please, keep checking back for updates. How it’s all started A shootout took place on Crimean border early on Saturday August 7th The shooting


STATEMENT BY THE FOREIGN MINISTRY OF RUSSIA August 11, 2016 Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has disrupted a plot to carry out terrorist attacks in the Republic of Crimea. The attacks, planned by the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, targeted critical infrastructure and facilities in Crimea. Russia’s intelligence services take the view that these planned acts of sabotage and terrorism were intended to destabilise the socio-political situation in the

Putin, Erdogan hold joint press conference in St. Petersburg (FULL VIDEO)

Putin, Erdogan hold joint press conference in St. Petersburg (FULL VIDEO)   Streamed live Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are holding a joint news conference in St. Petersburg following their meeting. Items for discussion on the agenda were expected to include economic projects and the settlement of the Syrian crisis. Erdogan is on his first foreign visit since the attempted military coup in Turkey.

A nuclear Rio, attempted murder of Plotnitsky, armed attack on Russian border guards in Crimea SITREP August 8th, Updated by Scott

An attack on Russia’s border control in Crimea leaves one Russian serviceman dead and several wounded. An attempt to assassin the President’s of the Lugansk Republic,  Igor Plotnitsky, injures him and his bodyguards. A “nuclear option” for the Rio Olympic games In Russia, there is a very strong understanding that Russian Olympic team was banned from the Olympic games as a part of  elaborated plot to organize a massive terror

World SITREP August 4th, 2016 by Baaz

Main trends for the week. Russia and Eurasia are consolidating their sphere of influence in the inner Eurasian heartland and its “rimland.” The West keeps falling apart. Russia Putin abolishes the Crimean District The Russian president has changed the status of Crimea, turning it into an ordinary Russian province. Does this threaten the peninsula? Russia and Iran negotiate starting construction of Bushehr NPP second stage   Ukraine Kiev authorities refuse

Gorlovka celebrates the Russian Airborne Forces Day

On August 2nd, people in Gorlovka celebrated the Russian Airborne Forces Day Russian airborne forces VDV have traditionally worn a blue beret and blue-striped long-sleeved shirt or telnyashka and are called “desant” (Ru: Десант) from the French “Descente”. Celebration of the Russian Airborne Troops Day in Gorlovka Donetsk People’s republic, Donbass     Oleg Gasmanov: No one, but us Олег Газманов – Никто, кроме нас! (новый клип 2015)

Russia SITREP July 31, 2016 Updated by Scott

Russia In response to the US and Israel shooting down Russian jet and recently shooting down the helicopter, Russia’s long range bombers bombed the US and UK training camps for ISIS terrorists on the border with Jordan.  Prior, these camps weren’t targeted by Russia per agreement with the US. Interesting to note that the first time Russia bombed the training camps on June 16th, after that Germany and the US

Reviews of Scott Humor’s book The Enemy of the State

Ladies and Gents, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have bought my book, The Enemy of the State. Thank you for your support. I want to remind to our readers, we get about 1.5 millions unique visitors per month, and that we are not getting paid by anyone.  We are not sitting in some deep corporate pocket. You and only you, our readers,  support
