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Posts From mod editor

Not All That

This comment was chosen by moderator FK from the post “What happened and why”. This is an abridged version of a very long and detailed comment on military technical aspects of Israeli raids into Syria and historical comparisons. The unabridged version is here Comment by Anonymous Ok – so the issue of Israeli raids into Syria has a military technical dimension as well as political. I see a lot of

The Awakening Conscience

This comment was chosen by moderator HS from the post “The Empire should be placed on suicide watch”. It is all coming to an end for the 1% and their minions. Comment by nice try   If by “the gods”, you mean “the Rothschilds/Soros”… the US/NATO/EU MIC axis has become too difficult for the 0.001% to control. Destruction in the name of profit is all well and good, but the

Straighten Up and Fly Right

This comment was chosen by the moderators from the post “Is Donald Trump a Coward, or Just a Fool?”  The moderators feel this commenter is correct that the citizens of the USA need to wake up and get with the programme. Comment by Auslander   So, the die is cast. Trump is done for, Trump is a coward, Trump is a charlatan, Trump is a Russian agent, Trump is an

The Zombie US policy – will it ever die?

This comment was chosen by Mod HM from the post “The real significance of the ODNI report on “Russia’s election interfering”. The moderator feels this commenter is correct to question that this report can’t just be mere incompetence – there is more behind this than meets the eye. Comment by MD   …..I hadn’t considered the possibility that it might be “forced” in the way that you describe; this is

His own man – or someone’s puppet?

This comment was chosen by Mod KL from the post “Is Donald Trump really only a showman who will prepare the USA for war?”. The moderator feels this comment is an interesting take on different aspects of the present geopolitical situation. Is the commenter right? The moderator doesn’t know, but the comment gives inspration to search for answers to that question. One needs to look behind what’s going on –

Until Forever, Commander!/¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!

This comment was chosen by Mod FK from the post “Lenin comes to the White House”. The moderator felt  this comment is very topical and magisterial in its structure and examples on a hot button issue: How to read and what to do about Cuba post Fidel. Uncle Bob 1 You must either be connected to the “exiles” that either supported the dictator Batista,or who loved the US so much

Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree

This comment was chosen by Mod KL from the post  “Fear and Loathing Inside The Deep State”. The moderator feels it is a very well written comment that in order to save this planet we need leave the “moral” ideals of Islam, Judaism and Christianity behind, and embrace the idea that we are all in the same boat and we need to be pragmatic, not religious, about it. Comment by

A Call For Unity

This comment was chosen by Mod FK from the post  “Battle for the ages: Protectionist Trumponomics vs. Neoliberalism”. The moderator feels the commenters take on moving from ‘left’ to right as the situation demands is very interesting and brief. As in ‘brevity is the soul of…….’. Comment by Earthrise   “There has been an awakening, have you felt it?” TFA I can’t believe how much my worldview has shifted over

Syrian Roulette

This comment was chosen by Mod TR from the post  “Erdogan Calls Putin as Russia Seethes at Turkey’s Syrian Incursion”. The moderator believes this comment gives another perspective on the complex war in Syria. There are so many different players each with their own interests and agendas – nothing is clear cut in the constantly changing playbook that is the Syrian war. Comment by Larchmonter445   “Better Understanding”? from Mercouris

Back in the USSR…..

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post  “Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/08/12 … Open Thread”. The moderator believes this comment is well written and has a good understanding of the underlaying forces at work in current confrontation with Russia, China and Iran. The moderator personally has come to the belief that the pirates of the new world (17th century) did not disappear but moved to Washington D.C. and

Tip of the melting iceberg

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post  “The “XXVIth NATO Party Conference” in Warsaw (a commentary)”. The moderator believes this comment is very interesting as it highlights that there is a window of opportunity – will it be taken? Comment by Larchmonter445   On Collapses: The USSR collapsed after 50 years of containment, fierce competition, drunken leadership, an ideology that was like embalming fluid to a living

Worshipping False Idols

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post  “Brexit: how the British people have forfeited the confidence of their government (a quick commentary)”. The moderator believes this comment is quite thought provoking. Comment by freedom007 Education? this is not about kids´ education but about all-pervading false ideology that rules all of us today. Like a magic ring. “One ring to rule them all… (and) to forever bind them”

Chasing the rainbow of truth

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post  “The shooting in Orlando – a few very basic thoughts”. The moderator believes this comment shows it’s the same old song. The pattern of behaviour is just used over and over to achieve the outcomes that are desired. There is an impossibility to discern the truth from these incidents. We are always chasing that rainbow. Comment by EXV This attack

The Well That Never Runs Dry

This comment was chosen by Mod ZZ from the post “In Syria, Russia Defends Civilization – the West Sides with Barbarism”. The moderator believes this comment is very uplifting and timely to this struggle. It speaks for itself –  beautiful. Comment by Dr. N.G. Maroudas   That classical concert Palmyra, with the sun shining on the golden stone of antiquity, celebrates the return of Syria to its normal civilized self.

The Light Will Conquer The Darkness

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post “Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/04/26 … Open Thread”. The moderator believes this comment is a long “rant” that covers many topics – this is an excerpt of the comment. The Mod feels the comment represents an alternative view of the way the world works that needs exposure. Many people all around the world are coming to similar conclusions. The Mod does

A ray of light?

 This comment was chosen by Mod ZZ from the post “Lavrov: The Americans now understand that they can do nothing without Russia.” The moderator believes this comment is a great piece of English writing.  Almost novelist quality in style. The moderator was very impressed, by not only the facts, but the commenters ability to get them across in a concise, clear and effective manner. The comment questions the blind anger

Potato Potahto, Tomato Tomahto – Let’s call the whole thing off

This comment was chosen by Mod KL from the post “Week twenty-one of the Russian military intervention in Syria: the calm before the storm?” The moderator believes this comment reflects on the assumption the Turks and Saudis are proxies for Necon Zionists. The US presidiential race is one aspect of  the struggles within the Anglos and Zionists. The summary is that whether Anglo or Zionist they both have the same

Creating The Devil In Their Own Image

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post “International Military Review – Syria, Feb. 18, 2016”.  The moderator believes this comment reflects the West’s obsession with President Vladimir Putin and how their media demonizes him.  The commenter, mmiriww, responds to the article written by Sharon Tennison. where she shares her thoughts as the Ukraine situation worsened. Unconscionable misinformation and hype was being poured on Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Who needs war with peace like this?

This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post “Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/02/13 13:58:37”.  The moderator believes this comment questions whether there will be a World War III. The commenters conclusion is there won’t be a World War III and the window for a major world war is closing. Comment by Larchmonter445   To all who predict the inevitable war, wherever your mind thinks it will transpire: It is

The Shattered Mirror

This comment was chosen by Mod KL from the post “Bosnian-Muslim witness confirms that the Markale Massacre was a false flag”.  The moderator believes this comment may raise some very passionate opinions and responses, but believes the comment gives a succinct overview of the Bosnian issue and a brief history of the region. Comment by Uncle Bob 1   Check out the maps I posted in a reply to Martin.
