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Blog, Community News and Announcements

Your questions/comments for the upcoming podcast please!

Dear friends, I would like to record the next podcast this Tuesday evening, September 8th.  I am going on yet another long car ride through the boonies and I hope to have the energy to record a postcast while behind wheel.  I have not made a Q&A for a long while, so let’s try that again. Please send me your questions before Tuesday morning 8AM Eastern Time Zone (or 12:00

Tons of thanks!! (and a short update) + Update 2 + Update 3 + Last update

Dear friends, First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your donations!  Your response as been tremendous and the sense of support I get from you guys is amazing! Thanks so much! Then, a short update from ‘my’ hurricane.  The good news is that Erika is about to run unto some atmospheric shear and some dry air, which means that there is a good chance that she might

I might soon get a most unwelcome visitor: Hurricane Erika

Dear friends, It looks like next week East-Central Florida might get a most unwelcome visitor: Hurricane Erika.  At this point in time, this is by no means certain, the system might weaken and peter out and it might turn into another direction, but so far it looks like it is coming directly towards yours truly: So far there is definitely no reason to panic, but this is a good time

I am drowning (in bills), SOS!

Dear friends, I have not been bringing up this topic since July 4th and instead I have posted appeals for others.  As a result, donations have, yet again, come to an almost complete fullstop (thanks to the few who did send them in!!!!).  In contrast, the bills have continued to come in with an enviable regularity.  As a result, I am again “drowning” in bills in struggling to make ends

Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change

Dear friends, Our Saker blog contributor Andrew Korybko has just published his first book.  Here is the press release written by our friends at Oriental Review.  Check it out and make sure to grab a copy of the book! Cheers, The Saker ——- source: Sputnik International’s political analyst and journalist, Andrew Korybko, just published his first book on “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change”. It was

Chinese->English translator needed for an important job

Dear friends, I am in bad need of a person capable of translating an important document from English into Chinese.  The document is 17 pages long.  It is an important project of mine and “Mr Unknown” which I want to publish it simultaneously in English, Russian and Chinese.  I believe that his publication will be highly interesting to a large number of people. If you can help me with this

Urgent appeal for help!

Dear friends, Our brother-in-arms at SouthFront have been sending us daily reports about the war in the Ukraine.  They are also the folks who produced truly excellent reports such as Foreign Policy Diary – The US-China Standoff in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region and special high quality maps such as the Russian Military Map, July 22 – August 2, 2015 I posted today.  The contribution of SouthFront to this blog simply cannot

The Russian Saker blog and Russian Translation Team is being completely reorganized. VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT!

Dear friends, The Russian Saker blog and Russian Translation Team is being completely reorganized. The previous Team Leader of the Russian Saker Blog and the Russian Translation Team had to stop her work due to health problems and another person has now stepped in to take over this absolutely crucial function: Eugenia. Eugenia can be reached directly at the following email: A number of key translators of the Russian

Reorganization of the SITREPs

Dear friends, You probably have noticed that the daily SITREPs have been coming in with some irregularity recently.  This is due to the fact that two of my research assistants – Raskolnikova and Duff – have had to stop their activities.   One of them is facing some personal difficulties while the other one has simply disappeared.  The good news is that Scott will now become my senior researcher and Baaz,

Community news: Sheikh Imran Hosein needs help & SouthFront is censured (again!)

Dear friends, I have two things to report today: First, Sheikh Imran Hosein has had his book “Jerusalem in the Qur’an” (69’000 words) translated to Russian and he now is looking for somebody to check this text for errors.  Considering all the kind support our community has received from the Sheikh I would be delighted if a member of our community would agree to help him with this important task. 

I need an Arabic->English translator (UPDATE: NOBODY FOUND YET!)

Dear friends, I need somebody to translate a fairly short (but important) text from Arabic into English. If you can help, please email me at or Thanks a lot! The Saker UPDATE: As of July 20th, THREE people have offered to help and all three have then defaulted.  So I STILL have not found anybody willing to help with this (relatively short) translation.

My “informational ammunition” is running out!

It’s this time of the month again – I am going to remind you all, as per your own instructions, that I badly need your donations to work on this blog.  As I wrote a while ago, Please don’t send me into the (informational) battle without ammunition! Right how, the ammo is running out.  At least mine is.  While my adversaries enjoy billion dollar budgets! So, friends, please do your

Saker with minor, but painful, injury

Dear friends, On Wednesday I went hiking in the beautiful Florida wilderness.  The hike itself was great, and I came home elated and, I would even say, intoxicated with the beauty of what I had seen.  Yet somehow, I managed to sprain my ankle.  I did not feel that on the day of the hike thanks probably to a combination of good hiking boots, the heat (over 100F/38C) and all

Saker community news, supporter thanks and VACANCIES!

Dear friends, Our community is going through some difficult times right now and, as a result, we have a number vacancies. [If you have not seen it yet, click here too see a motivational video to encourage you to help us!] Here is the positions we are trying to fill: Latin American Saker blog Team Leader: the current Latin American Saker blog Team Leader is simply over-worked and over-stretched.  He is

Yesterday’s blog outage

Dear friends, As many of you have noticed, the blog had an outage yesterday.  Though I am not sure what happened, one of our IT specialists found the location of the problem and fixed it.  I am not sure whether this fix is permanent or temporary (I just woke up to a short email from him, we did not have the time to discuss this yet), but at least from
