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Blog, Community News and Announcements

An Important Message from the Editor of The Duran

The Duran has been in existence for well over a year… In that time, called these major events right, where most were dead wrong: The Brexit vote Donald Trump’s victory Russian victory in the Syrian war Recovery of the Russian economy despite the oil price crash and the sanctions All things the MSM and other publications said would NEVER happen, and we did it with a fraction of the resources. Imagine what we

Changes to the Saker blog layout and organization

Dear friends, This morning you might have noticed that there are a few changes on the blog’s layout.  Let me explain what we have done so far. First, to make it easier for visitors to get to what I personally wrote, we have re-designed the former “Analyses” section into “Saker Analyses”.  From now on, everything I write will be posted in this section which will only include my own analyses. 

Dear Saker Community – Request for a very special Volunteer

  Let me first explain what we are doing:  On the community support side of the Saker house, our artist is creating a series of posters or infographics or quick information sheets.  The first one that we are doing is based on the Saker’s Letter to My American Friends, distilling the hard data that The Saker outlined here.   Other infographics may deal with for example geography, or size of

Community comments advice help needed: moderators and videoconferencing

Dear friends, Once again I am turning to you for advice, comments and help.  So far, absolutely every time I ask for your help you have solved my problem, so I hope that this will work again. First, we need more moderators. Herb, our webmaster, IT-guru and chief moderators is trying hard to get as close to 24/7 “coverage” as possible and thanks to the dedication of our moderators, your

APPEAL: The History of the Orthodox People (HOP) Project needs your help!

The History of Orthodox People website has been active and growing for the last several months. Its mission is to enlighten not just the Western, primarily English-speaking world, but men and women of goodwill of all backgrounds and everywhere with the theological thought and spiritual heritage of Christian Orthodoxy. West-centric surveys of history and religion all too frequently neglect to mention Orthodoxy, the Christian Church whose teaching and practice go

Any out there with a decent computer? (especially a laptop!) UPDATE: SOLVED!

Dear friends, Since you have been so helpful to me, I decided to mention another issue I would need help with.  Computer hardware. For the past 4 years I have been using a small Linux box called a Penguin Wee 4th Gen GNU / Linux Desktop with some decent CPUs (4x 3-4130T CPU @ 2.90GHz) but a very weak integrated graphics controller and an equally bad sound card. I do

A heartfelt ‘thank you!’ & Fall fund-raiser canceled!

Dear friends, Your response to my recent report of difficulties has been overwhelming and I am immensely touched by it.  Not only did you pull me out from my immediate difficulties, but I now feel reasonably sure to be able to make ends meet until the end of the year.  As a result, I am canceling the “regular” Fall quarterly fund-raiser which, believe me, makes me even happier than you! 

Not a fund-raiser, not even an appeal, just a report

Dear friends, I am going to make this one real short.  First, I am only addressing this to those of you who are, shall we say, financially comfortable.  Second, this is in no way a fund-raiser.  We agreed that these would only happen quarterly and we are nowhere near the middle of Fall.  Third, I will simply state the following: things are rapidly getting very dangerous in the Ukraine and

Comments section reform – request for comments

Dear friends, As promised, I am now sharing with you the reasons which prompted my decision to initiated a reform the comments section and the solutions I am thinking of.  Most importantly, I ask for your input as this should be a community-wide discussion. But first, sorry, I need to vent.  There are a few things which I have mentioned in the past, but I feel that I need to

The war on trolls, imbeciles and other pests is on! :-)

Wow, Eric Zuesses’ article really elicited a fury the like of which I have never seen, at least so far.  Right now there are seventy-fire (75!) intercepted comments sitting in my “trash bin” to review and either clear or terminate. And, just to add even more misery to an overworked Saker (and exhausted moderators!), I am about to post another article tomorrow which will, no doubt, infuriate the “other side”

Saker news update: all is well, I hope to be home in a couple of days (but please still don’t email me!)

Dear friends, God is merciful indeed!  Not only did Hurricane Irma not take the worst possible track (not even close), but she also lost a lot of power right at the ideal moment and then she took a very bad track (for her).  In my part of Florida the impact from an already weakened hurricane was, frankly, minimal.  My sons just returned home and found it unscathed and even our

Saker announcement: I am safe (but please do not email me!)

Dear friends, After a gruelling 16 hours on the road, I have safely arrived in southern Virginia.  I am safe and comfy, just with a slow Internet connection.  Thanks for your concern and good wishes.  I will stay put up here at least until Tuesday and, depending on the conditions, it might take me 2 days go get back down to Florida.  So being back to work on the blog

Saker message: I have to evacuate, signing off for a while

Dear friends, Hurricane Irma looks very, very powerful and the resulting hysteria in Florida is outright toxic (there are fistfights at gas stations). A friend offered to host us in Virgina and we have decided to accept that invitation.  So we are going to hit the road at 0500 tomorrow.  I will try my best to remain in contact and maybe even post a little something once I get to

Saker announcement: very uncertain week ahead

Dear friends, The glorious US corporate media did it again.  Even though Hurricane Irma is still a week away from any possible landfall in the USA, the media leeches did what they always did: the created a panic.  As a result, things are slowly but surely going crazy in Florida.  The problem with my much beloved Florida Peninsula is just that, a peninsula with basically only 3 evacuation highways to

Saker request for comment, suggestions + a poll and “ESSENTIAL SAKER” on free download!

Dear friends, Lots of thing on my mind today which I need to share with you.  But first, for starters, the good news: I have made my book “The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world” now available for unlimited free download!  Not only that, but I am releasing it under the Creative Common License BY-NC-ND which means that you are allowed (encouraged even!) to copy and

Hold the mayo – pass the grass!

Dear friends, Just a quick note to first thank you again for the tsunami of suggestions I received from so many of you.  Second, I also wanted to let you know that, having carefully considered the Mayo Clinic option, I have decided against it.  Instead, I have developed a treatment plan of sorts which combines elements from the different approaches you have suggested.  I am already doing better and I
