
Speech of Hezbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah during al-Quds Day Ceremony on July 25, 2014

In His Name I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad, on his chaste and pure Household, on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. First, I would like to welcome you all

July 26th combat SITREP by Juan

1. Fighting in The Cauldron continues. самообороны (self defense forces) continue to reinforce against the ukes surrounded in The Cauldron. Today the border crossing at Marinovka was secured. The orks in The Cauldron are now completely surrounded and cut off. 2. Almost 100 Ukes in The Cauldron have run for the Russian border and crossed in to Russia. самообороны are not happy that these terrorist ukes who were perfectly happy

The EU bestows its highest honor on Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov

Yesterday, the EU published it’s newest list of individuals and companies included in its anti-Russian sanctions list.  The latest list include Mikhail Fradkov, the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service SVR, Alexander Bortnikov, the Director of the Russian Federal Security Service FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, the Secretary of the Russian Security Council and Ramzan Kadyrov, the President of Chechnia. Previously, the EU had already “recognized” the outstanding service of Igor

The “friendly” Mr. Steinmeier

by Dagmar Henn There can be no doubt, western media are full of propaganda. The claims that are in the centre of this propaganda, are almost identical. They are: 1. The crash is the fault of the Militia. 2. The Militia obstructs the investigations   a. the Militia confines access to the site of the crash   b. the Militia does not confine enough access to the site.   c.

I stand corrected by a reader’s wisdom

Check out the email I got tonight from ‘C’: Saker,I felt your despair and thought about what to say that might help you stay strong. Please allow me to remind you of two things that you know to be true:One, are the people of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kirkov and Dnipopetrovsk, Mariupol and Odessa not essentially the same people?Two, have these people not surprised you many times in the past few months,

Footage of the vaporized leftovers of the Ukie 79th Airborne Brigade

Honestly? I feel sorry for these guys who probably did not chose to be there.  But I am also extremely relieved that they were stopped and wiped out as their role was to completely encircle Novorussia and then mercilessly crush Resistance.  Still, as the Russian poet Voloshin wrote “with all my heart, I pray for these and for the others“. The Saker 

And a few more pointers from the Saker

Well, I am still running around, but while in the car I watched some rather interesting shows on Russian TV including one called “Politics with Peter Tolstoi” who had a bunch of interesting guests talking about the issue of MH17 shot down over Novorussia.  Here again, I got very little time, are some bullet-points of some of what they said:1) MH17 was most likely not shot down by a Buk

Just a few pointers from the Saker

Dear friends, I am dealing with some “back office organizational issues” which are taking up a lot of my time, so I still cannot write a real full SITREP today.  Hopefully I will do that during the week-end.  Still, I wanted to mention a few interesting things to you, just short pointers, which I think are important. 1)  We are constantly dealing with propaganda, counter-propaganda and counter-counter propaganda.  And yet,

Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army – Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014

Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army – Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014 Preamble by Gleb Bazov: It is rare that we report on the workings of the aggressor across the battle lines. This item is different. Before you is a translation, kindly prepared by Valentina Lisitsa, of a report from the head of the Ukrainian Security Service, V.O. Nalyvaichenko, to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko. It is

Igor Strelkov and Militia Briefings, July 24, 2014

Briefings Combined for July 24-25, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov July 24, 2014 – Report from a Local Resident of Mariupol Gasoline A92 is 15 hryvnia 85 kopecks. Many companies and small factories only work to 50% of their capacity, many have sent their staff on unpaid vacation. The large factories are holding, but I know for a fact that people at Azovmash have been working an incomplete week

Important appeal for help from the “Russian Team”!

Dear fellow followers of The VineyardSaker, As you know our community of volunteer translators is growing. Almost every day we receive offers from people around the world to help us spread Saker’s articles around. We are truly growing into a great community of like-minded people who want to do something to spread just and fair information to the world. All our linguistic teams work very closely together to produce important

The Catastrophe of #MH17: BBC in the Search of the “#BUK” – The Video Report Censored by BBC

Translated from Russian by Gleb BazovNote: Videos & a PDF of the Google Web-cache Have Been Preserved and Are Available Upon Request Preamble: Why did the BBC delete this report by Olga Ivshina? Is it because the BBC team was unable to find any evidence that a rocket was launched in the area that the Ukrainian Security Service (“SBU”) alleges to be the place from which the Novorossiya Militia launched

Ukrainian SITREP and important statement of the Russian Deputy Defense Minister

First, I want to begin by posting the video of an important statement made by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov who is calling the USA’s bluff and challenging those who made accusations against the Novorussian Resistance and Russia to show their evidence. A special thank you! to the fantastic translator teams who managed to translate and subtitle this video in less than a day: you guys are literally providing

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends,I am still on the road, but I want to tell you all that things are looking much better for the Resistance and infinitely worse for the junta in Kiev.  I will write an analysis of all that when I get all the facts (and the couple of hours behind to sit my keyboard), but already I will tell you that we might well have reached a turning point

Short news items & open thread

A couple of quick things:1) The so-called “interview” with Alexander Khodakovskii (not Mikhail Khodorkovskii) is a fake made by Reuters in which different parts of the real interview were re-mixed together in order to make it sound as if Khodakovskii was saying that the Resistance had a BukM1.  Video and audio proof of that fact that this was a fake was shown on Russian TV today.2) The “new, democratic and

France’s #1 Zionist bashes Putin and Europe in the NYT

Yup, you probably guessed it.  It’s BHL, Bernard Henri-Levi, the so-called “philosopher” and France’s ArchZionist who after declaring war in Libya and, before that, Serbia, is now declaring war on Russia.  Normally, I would post the article in question.  But for BHL I will make an exception and only post the link: If you can do that and keep your breakfast down, I urge you to read his piece.  His

Peter Lavelle vs a typical CNN Presstitute

We have already seen Mark Sleboda vs a typical BBC Presstitute, today I bring you Peter Lavelle vs a typical CNN Presstitute.  I have to admit that I have been loathing the Ziomedia for many years and it has been close to 20 years since I tossed away my TV, stopped reading the papers, stopped listening to Neocon Public Radio and basically fully switched to the Internet for news and
