
Ukraine SITREP by Gleb Bazov

The Shrinking Cauldron – The Surrender of the 72nd Brigade The Southern Cauldron has entered the final stages of its existence; the agony of the units deprived of provisions has begun. The Surrender of the 72nd Brigade Original: Colonel Cassad LiveJournal Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Today, the remnants of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade fled into the territory of the Russian Federation. According to Russia Today: Four hundred and thirty

The culture wars of the glorious Ukrs of Banderastan

“Whenever I hear the word ‘culture’ I reach for my gun“ (mistakenly but appropriately attributed to) Hermann Göring The culture wars in Banderastan are in full swing.  Most of you know that Ukie historiography is, shall we say, ‘peculiar’.  It ranges through a compelte re-writing of the history of the territory which after 1991 was called the “Ukraine”, but it includes all sorts of bizarre claims about the ancient “Ukr” people

438 Ukrainian officers, NCOs and soliders have surrended to Russian forces

Russian news channels have just shown footage of 438 Ukrainian officers, NCOs and soldiers who have surrendered to Russian forces in the Rostov region.  They had requested safe passage, which was granted to them, and they abandoned their weapons and crossed the border.   They appeared exhausted and weak and they were immediately washed, given dry clothes and, when needed, provided medical treatment by the Russian military.  Those who made the

August 3rd adn 4th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

3rd Aug: Qassim Atta, spokesperson for the Iraqi Army states that the Iraqi government is willing to back local fighters from Mosul in their fight against Daash. He said that they should come within the fold of/assimilate into the regular armed forces. 3rd Aug: The Iraqi Army’s spokesperson, Qassim Atta, singles out two Television channels: Al Babiliya and Tagheer, as being sectarian. The Channels are owned by Saleh al-Mutlaq (Iraqi

The Russian military is muddying the waters

First, there was the announcement that Russia’s Defense Ministry will hold drills for reservists in all of the country’s military commands in August-October.  Now comes yet another announcement, this time that Russia’s will be holding military exercises this week involving 100 aircraft in the west of the country near the Ukraine border.  This kind of activity does not mean that Russia is saber-rattling or somehow threatening anybody, much less so

4th August Nigerian SITREP (General)

IMPORTANT Nigerian Army alleges that explosives used by female suicide bombers in recent bomb attacks in Kano have been analysed and traced to a Chinese-run quarry in Yobe State of Northeast Nigeria that was overrun and seized by Boki Haram fighters last year. However, none of the recent bombings involving female suicide bombers have been claimed by any of the Boko Haram groups. Also sources in the Harakatul-Muhajiriin and its

Just the baseless hypothesis of an uninformed amateur, nothing more

First, a disclaimer: I am not a pilot nor an air traffic controller, and I never served with air defense units.  I did spend some time with an airforce, but my role was one of electronic intercept analysis.  So what follows are just the musings of an uninformed amateur.  Caveat emptor.What I will try to do here is present a possible scenario which takes into account the basic facts established

Two Ukrainian SITREPs

El Murid SITREP, August 1, 2014 Defeating a Large Group of the Punitive Forces Could Start a Chain Reaction Original: El Murid LiveJournal Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Photograph: Viktor Drachev / AFP According to Russia Today (Experts: Kiev Military Operation is doomed to failure because of internal contradictions) “… Kiev is unable successfully to conduct the military operation in the east of the country, as it is not

“It’s perfectly simple. You need to kill 1.5 million people in Donbass”

Ukrainian Journalist Openly Calls for Genocide on Hromadske TV, Financed by the US and the Netherlands Preamble: Hromadske TV is now officially the Ukrainian version of Rwandan RTLM. Just like RTLM called for the extermination of the Tutsi, calling them Inyenzi, or cockroaches, so now Hromadske TV is legitimizing the genocide of the population of Novorossiya. From Inyenzi to Colorados, we have come full circle. Hromadske TV, this mouthpiece of

Aug 1 SITREP from Colonel Cassad & Two Analyses of the Military Situation in Novorossiya and Answers to Important Questions

Hostilities in Novorossiya – Briefings, August 1, 2014 Original: Colonel Cassad LiveJournal Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Map: Positions of the Factions near Shakhtersk The end of day on August 1, 2014 saw the Ukrainian army retreat in several areas of the front. Specifically, the Ukrainian military abandoned three border crossing checkpoings at Dolzhanskiy, Izvarino and Chervonopartizansk and retreated from Saur-Mogila, which it unsuccessfully attempted to occupy for several

August 2nd Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

1st Aug: UN figures for fatalities in Iraq in July: 1,737 Iraqis killed, 1,978 injured 1st Aug: The Iraqi Air force attacks gatherings of Daash/rebel fighters in Jurf Al Sakhar, North West of Musayib in Babil province south of Baghdad. The attacks result in 200 militants being killed. 1st Aug: Daash rebel attack Peshmerga positions to the north of Mosul. The attack was on an oil terminal and dam. The

“Panikhida” by Vera Narishkin

From the original YouTube page:  Panikhida – A Panikhida is a memorial service which is a liturgical solemn service for the repose of the departed, in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Dedicated to all those killed in Eastern Ukraine (Novorossiya): Children, women, old people, men, militia and soldiers.On July 2nd 2014, Ukrainian planes attacked the village Lugansk Cossack village and village Kondrashovka. The city of Lugansk also was attacked with mortars

July 31st – August 1st Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Correction: The report regarding the resettlement of 10000 families by the government of Baghdad to four provinces of Central Iraq, dated 26th July, should in fact read 10000 individuals, not families. 25th July: Indian Sunni Cleric Salman Nadvi writes a letter to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia offering to raise an army of 500000 Sunni Muslim volunteers from India to help fight in Iraq (against Shia militias) and establish a

A note of thanks to the blog’s donors and a few comments about support

Dear friends,I have to admit with a great deal of embarrassment that I simply have not found the time to thank those of you who have sent donations to support this blog in person.  I realize that this is rude, but my choice was stark: every minute spent on sending out personal thank you notes is one I did not spent working on this blog and maintaining contacts with the

Analysis of satellite imagery released on the Internet by the Security Service of Ukraine on July 30, 2014

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released the following document: Analysis of satellite imagery released on the Internet by the Security Service of Ukraine on July 30, 2014 The Russian Defence Ministry has analyzed the satellite imagery released by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on July 30, 2014, which allegedly disproves the authenticity of the Russian satellite imagery showing the Buk-1 batteries in the Boeing 777 (MH17) crash site

Thinking the unthinkable

Introduction I have been putting off writing about this topic for a very long while.  In fact, I wrote several articles trying to explain the self-evident truism that the US/NATO/EU does not have a military option in the Ukrainian war.  First, in an article entitled Remembering the Important Lessons of the Cold War I tried to explain that the reason the Cold War did not turn into a hot, shooting,

The Ignominious Conclusion of the Kiev Junta’s July Offensive, July 30, 2014

The Ignominious Conclusion of the Kiev Junta’s July Offensive, July 30, 2014 Original: IAC Cassad – M.V. Litvinovtranslated by Gleb Bazov   The Conclusion of July Activity As could have been expected, the last weekend of July was marked by yet another offensive gamble by the Kiev regime. More precisely, there were, in fact, two such offensive gambles. At the same time, it must be noted that the second one,
