
Germans are angry with their leaders and have been screwed over as well

Dear friends,I sometimes get very interesting emails in my inbox and this happened today when I found the email below sent to me by “M”. Having read it I immediately contacted “M” to ask for his permission to post it here. I felt that this would be especially important since I posted the “Appeal” of Egor Prosvirnin which some of you interpreted as anti-German and then accused me of also

A very telling video on Ukie assault tactics

Check out this interesting video of a Ukie battalion commander.  His frustrated speech clearly shows the following:1) The basic Ukie tactic: choose a spot on the map, hammer it with artillery fire for a few hours and then send in soldiers as canon fodder to “mop it up”.  What is important to understand here is that well-trained military forces know how to dig in an protect themselves from artillery fire.

Novorossiya Military Briefing – Situation by August 16-17, 2014

Map: Hostilities in Novorossiya, August 6-15, 2014 Link to Novorossiya Military Briefing, July 15, 2014 Original: Colonel Cassad, August 16, 2014, 02:27 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Briefly about the situation in Donbass as at the beginning of August 16, 2014   In the last two days, just as was announced earlier, the Militia was finally able to enter into battle the reserves that were freed up following the

Brussels Demand on Argentina – Arrogance and Stupidity

Foreword: It is a huge privilege and joy for me to share with you the excellent analysis submitted to this blog by Peter Koenig to whom I am immensely grateful for his contribution.  Sadly, economic topics are grossly under-covered by this blog and I hope to correct that in the future.The Saker——-Brussels Demand on Argentina – Arrogance and Stupidity by Peter Koenig Imagine – Argentina – and the rest of

Which side is getting crushed – see for yourself

First, I have to tell you that I don’t know when or where this video was shot.  I would say that it is very recent and that it was show somewhere outside the combat zone.  It seems to show a Ukie column stopped on the side of a highway which is being approached by civilians offering the exhausted soldiers some water and beginning a conversation.  The rest is self-explanatory (make

August 15th Iraq SITREP: The king is dead, long live the king

12th Aug: The United States sends another 130 “Advisors” to Iraqi Kurdistan 13th Aug: The US is reporting that its reconnaissance missions are confirming that the plight of the Yazidis is not as severe as was expected 14th Aug: The US Secretary of Defence clarifies that US troops will not take part in military operations in Iraq 14th Aug: The Iraqi Airforce bombs a Daash position in Al Atheem and

A couple of short pointers about the situation in the eastern Ukraine

Guys, I came home late after a pretty crazy day and I can’t write a proper SITREP, if only because of the still very confused situation in the eastern Ukraine.  Still, I want to share a couple of short pointers with you.The “destroyed Russian armor column”: Poroshenko vs Carl SaganI cannot prove a negative.  But then, I am not the one making the claim.  The Ukies and a few British

Novorossiya Military Briefing, August 15, 2014

Novorossiya Military Briefing, August 15, 2014 Map: Hostilities in Novorossiya, August 6-15, 2014 Translated by Gleb Bazov Overall, it is becoming increasingly clear that the widely publicized offensive on Donetsk has, as expected, amounted to zilch. The Ukrainian Armed Forces does not have any more strength. It simply does not. And that is all. Moreover, the Junta forces are facing several simultaneous catastrophes on the local scale, which can become

Reasonings on simple mistakes

by M. Khazinoriginal text here: translated by “A”About lessons of the last weeksThe correct technique of work for any politician in any situation consists in defining the main task at the moment and to solve it at any cost.  Including, at cost of situation deteriorating on other less important directions.  The USA can be an example here – when they define for themselves the main goal, they don’t stop

MH17 – We know with 99% certainty who shot down MH17

Though we don’t have all the answers (yet), there is already a great deal of evidence out there about what happened (and did not happen) to MH17.  Martin John sent me this very well-made summary of what is known at this time and I hope that you will find this synthesis interesting. A big thank you to Martin John for this very well-made video! The Saker——-

Laughter and concern

First, some laugher: I just want to show you how Ukie nationalists (Shevchenko and Liashko) interact with each other.  This needs no translation:Precious, no? Then, the possibly very bad new: Vzgliad is reporting that Igor Strelkov has resigned his position as Defense Minister.  If confirmed – Vzgliad is usually well-informed – this is very bad news.  Not that Novorussia lacks capable military leaders, but because Strelkov had managed to subordinate

Commentary on Prosvirnin’s “The Russian appeal to Germany”

Yesterday when I posted Egor Prosvirnin “appeal” I knew that I would catch hell for it. Also, and to be really honest, I had some reservations of my own about the content of this appeal. Still, I assumed that most readers would be aware that I sometimes post things here which I do not necessarily agree with, but which I find important, or interesting, or a good way to trigger

The Russian appeal to Germany

My name is Egor Prosvirnin, I am the chief editor of the Russian site which advocates European values. I’ve heard that one of the aspects of life that Europeans, and Germans especially, cherish is history. If we were to recall recent history, we would remember that a vast army of 300,000 Soviet troops along with 5,000 tanks, 1,500 aircraft and 10,000 artillery pieces (including tactical nuclear weapons) simply left

El Murid: To the Militia, Eventual Victory is a Statement of Fact

Original: El Murid LiveJournal (Anatoliy Nesmeyanov)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov My status in Donetsk was entirely uncertain. Igor Ivanovich permitted me to be present virtually everywhere (with the exception of the places that were absolutely off bounds, and which I had no knowledge of in any event). Just in case, I was given a Paper that said pretty much the same thing – identity unknown, but assistance is compulsory. All

The Extraordinary Importance of Strelkov and the Coming of the Banderite Caliphate—El Murid, August 9, 2014

Original: El Murid LiveJournal (Anatoliy Nesmeyanov)Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov / Edited by @GBabeuf Over the course of my stay in Donetsk I saw nothing that was markedly different from what is publicly known. Up close, however, many things certainly appeared completely different in detail. When the Slavyansk Brigade came to Donetsk, almost immediately the question of cooperation among the units gathered in the city was raised. Two paths were

Meet Irina Farion, the very official defender of Ukie “kulture”

A while ago I promised to describe more of the freaks in Kiev but never had the time to do so.  Today, I got an email from a friend “AK” who send me a video which I had seen a long time ago but which somebody had the good idea to subtitle into English.Meet Irina Farion, the crazy witch of the Ukie nationalist camp, the female counterpart of Oleg Liashko,

August 13th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

12th Aug: Car bombs in Zafaraniya and Karrada in Baghdad kill eight and injure another 51. Protesters in Karrada attack security checkpoints and force security personnel to withdraw at anger over the bombing that happened earlier. 12th Aug: Viyan Dikhil, MP of the Kurdistan Alliance is injured along with a number of journalists in a helicopter crash near Sinjar Mountain in Nineveh. The Iraqi Air Force evacuates the MP and

Ukraine SITREP August 13, 15:15 UTC/Zulu: A really weird moment in the Ukrainian civil war

The current situation in the Ukraine is even more unstable and unpredictable than before, and at least three major developments might have a crucial impact on the outcome of this civil war.The Russian humanitarian convoy  The situation with the Russian humanitarian convoy (287 trucks) is as confused as ever and I am personally still completely clueless as to what the Russian plan exactly is.  I mean, yes, of course, it
