

Finally!  Al-Jazeera has announced that Mubarak stepped down. This is a ABSOLUTELY HUGE moral victory for the Egyptian people and a major joy for all those worldwide who oppose the USraelian Empire. Now, on a note of caution, Mubarak gone does not mean regime change yet.  Hopefully, the people of Egypt will now press their advantage and give the boot to Suleiman and the rest of them!

New streaming in from Egypt

(All times are local in Egypt, GMT+2) 4:58pm Protesters in the north Sinai town of El-Arish exchanged gunfire with police and hurled Molotov cocktails at a police station, witnesses said. About 1,000 protesters broke off from a larger group and headed towards a police station, lobbing firebombs and burning police cars, witnesses said. 4:53pm Military helicopters arrive at Cairo’s Presidential Palace ahead of expected statement – more details soon. 4:39pm

My sincere apologies and heartfelt homage to the Egyptian people

I have to honestly confess here that my opinion of the Egyptian people was not very high until recently.  Frankly, it offended me that they would accept to help the Israelis to strangle the Palestinians, it also offended me that they would accept having their country sold out to US imperial interests.  I guess, its their silence which offended me most.  I now realize that my feeling was unfair.  Yes,

Has Mubarak totally gone insane?!

I have just listened to Mubarak addressing the Egyptian nation on al-Jazeera.  Since this morning there were plenty of rumors that the guy would finally quit.  Al-Jazeera showed amazing images.  On the left side of the screen, Mubarak was listing all his (assumed) qualities.  On the right the people at Tahrir square (fully packed) were screaming from the top of their lungs “he shall leave!”.  And then, finally, Mubarak announced

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered at the solidarity rally with Egypt that was held in Ghobairy Municipality Square

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the world. Peace be on our Master and Prophet Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste Household, chosen companions and on all prophets and messengers. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. We meet today with a clear-cut aim. We gather here to express our solidarity stand with the Egyptian people and youth as well as with the Tunisian people

This the reality of life in the USA (UPDATED)

Some people are laughing about this video.  They think that “polite robber” is a hilarious thing.  It’s not.  This is a tragedy which happens every day in the Imperial Homeland (aka the “USA”): millions of unemployed people loose it all, not because of their fault, but because of the absolute control which corrupt billionaires have over the US regime. Unlike what happens in every developed country on the planet, in

Will the Muslim world ever show enough courage to deal with the Chechen insurgents?

“Emir Dokku Abu Usman” According to the BBC, the self-styled “Emir of the Caucasus Emirate” and former “President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” Doku Umarov (aka “Emir Dokku Abu Usman”) has declared in reference to the bombing of the Domodedovo airport in Moscow that “”This special operation was carried out on my orders and, God willing, special operations like it will continue to be carried out“.  Fair enough –

Suleiman: The CIA’s man in Cairo

Al-Jazeera reports: Suleiman meets with Israeli president Shimon Peres in Tel Aviv On January 29, Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s top spy chief, was anointed vice president by tottering dictator, Hosni Mubarak. By appointing Suleiman, part of a shake-up of the cabinet in an attempt to appease the masses of protesters and retain his own grip on the presidency, Mubarak has once again shown his knack for devilish shrewdness. Suleiman has long

Obama promises “change we can believe in” – in Egypt

Yep.  The biggest crook, and arguably the most dishonest US president ever, has actually had the nerve to speak about “change” again.  CBC News reports that he declared that: Egypt will not go back to what it was and is ready for political change, U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday night, adding that the popular opposition group the Muslim Brotherhood does not have majority support in the country. I am

Larijani: US Does Not Want Freedom, Democracy for Egyptians

The Lebanese Resistance website reports: Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said on Thursday that the democracy the US speaks of is that “we saw in Egypt in the Tahrir square, the democracy of horses and camels and that of “baltagiya” (gangs) attacking the peaceful Muslim protestors. Addressing a group of military commanders in Babolsar, Mazandaran province, Larijani pointed out that the gangs’ attack on the Egyptian people in the Tahrir square,

Some quick thoughts about the situation in Egypt

(Please consider the following as the superficial musings and impressions of an interested observer who openly admits that he does not know Egypt and does not pretend to understand what is happening there – me.  The Saker) Wow!  The folks at Tahrir square have been there for two weeks, and yet judging by live shots from al-Jazeera the square is still full of people, and that is at night.  I

A view from Egypt & US military movements

From one of my readers: I received the following message this morning from a close friend in Egypt, who is very much engaged in the events now consuming the country. Since I received this note, some new dramatic events have transpired. President Obama’s special Egypt envoy, Frank Wisner, a former U.S. Ambassador there and a close friend of President Mubarak, spoke at the Wehrkunde conference in Munich, and announced that

Egypt unrest: Hosni Mubarak must stay – US envoy

According to the BBC, Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak “must stay in office” during a power transition, a US special envoy says. This statement would not have been made if the US imperial high command had not concluded that Mubarak has the resources it takes to remain in power.  This tells me that the USraelians have struck a deal with the police/security/military commanders in Egypt. If the “Egyptian spring” is really

Domodedovo suicide bomber named

The Russian magazine “Life News” has obtained the name of the 20 year old suicide bomber who detonated himself inside Moscow’s Domodedovo airport.  He is Magomed (Mohamed) Evloev, a resident of Ali-Iurt in Ingushetia.  The Russian FSB has so far neither denied nor confirmed this information.  But if this information is correct, one can only wonder what Vladimir Putin meant when he said this explosion was not linked to the

Yemen protests: 20,000 call for President Saleh to go

The BBC reports: The BBC’s Lina Sinjab says that for the demonstrators, the rally “is only the beginning and the protests will continue” More than 20,000 anti-government protesters gathered in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, for a “day of rage” against President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The demonstrators called for a change in government and rejected Mr Saleh’s offer to step down in 2013 after more than 30 years in power. Meanwhile,

Khamenei hails ‘Islamic’ uprisings

Al-Jazeera reports: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader has called the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia an “Islamic liberation movement”. In his address, during Friday prayers at Tehran University, he said that people are witnessing the reverberations of Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution. Khamenei said of the current unrest that “this is what was always referred to as … Islamic awareness in connection with Iran’s great Islamic Revolution.” Khamenei has urged

Yet another wondeful example of Israeli insanity

Haaretz reports: Dale Streisand, 57, was reportedly denied new immigrant status on the grounds that his Facebook profile indicated he had been involved in Christian missionary activity in the past. Totally nuts.  There are just no other words to describe absolutely ridiculous extremes to which Jewish racism has brought the so-called “Jewish state of Israel”.  This is hardly big news (this kind of nonsense has been going on for decades),

Travel ban imposed on Mubarak’s (former) allies

Press TV reports: Egypt’s public prosecutor has issued a travel ban on a number of ministers and officials from the former government as protests against embattled president Hosni Mubarak gain momentum. The ministers are former interior minister, Habib al-Adly, former housing minister, Ahmed al-Maghrabi, and former tourism minister Zuhair Garana. A former National Democratic Party member is also among those banned from leaving the country. The bank accounts of these
