
Quietly American Foreign Office Having Dialogue with Damascus and Mouallem off to Moscow.

By Nahed Hatter Al Akhbar 5 August 2105 Translated by Ghassan Kadi and Intibah Kadi. The regional and international scene looks like a kaleidoscope of colours in a fantasy painting. However, this is what is currently happening in between two phases and two regional regimes. After the major two powers reached an agreement and the American-Iranian plus the Russian-Saudi talks about the new regional Middle Eastern order took place, the

Yemen Map of War, July 31 – August 5, 2015: The Saudi-Led Coalition Started a Land Operation

(for a large, high resolution, image of this map please click here) SouthFront reports: In the early August, the Saudi-led coalition officially invaded Yemen. At least 3000 coalition troops with military equipment deployed in Aden as part of the second offensive of “Operation Golden Arrow” to roll back the territory held by the al Houthi government. The Yemeni government has been deploying fighters in Aden and Taiz where Saudi-led forces

Afghanistan Map of War, July 28 – August 4, 2015

(for a large high-resolution map please click here) SouthFront reports: The clashes over the country were complemented by a political competition in the Taliban and the failure of a possible peace process.  Last week Taliban militants seized wide areas in the northern Afghan provinces of Kunduz, Sar-i-Pul and Badakhshan. They are continuing to advance there and in the country’s north despite the death of Taliban’s head Mullah Omar. The Afghan

Russian Military Map, July 22 – August 2, 2015

The “Russian Military Map” series describes the ongoing military developments in Russia, shows the approximate locations of Russian military groups and drills. This year NATO has increased the number of military exercises near Russian borders from 90-95 to 150 and the number of reconnaissance aviation flights has increased by 9 times since last year. Iran’s “nuclear problem” has been settled, but the United States is continuing the development of a missile defense system in

Yemen Map of War, July 22-30, 2015

(for a large, high-resolution, map please click here) The “Maps of the War” series is released  due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The big Saudi sucsess in Aden has turned out to be a failure. Saudi proxies with the support of Operation Golden Arrow have been expanding areas of control north of Aden, showing local gains rather

Afghanistan Map of War, July 20-27, 2015

(for the large high-resolution map please click here) The “Maps of the War” series is released  due to your support. Help produce interesting content and join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Kabul government is preparing for a big advance in northern Afghanistan. National Security Forces have been involved in intense clashes with the Taliban in 7 provinces. At the moment security forces have gained round
