
Police beating people protesting currency collapse in Kiev

  This is the note by Tatzhit Mihailovich under the YouTube video: Remember how under the “dictator” Yanukovich, the police didn’t disperse the protesters but only repelled extremists advancing on Congress and President’s Administration? Yeah, that is no longer the case. And how back then police didn’t open fire even when the protesters burned a police armored car with Molotovs? Here, at 5:07 one can clearly hear them say several

Ukraine February 26th SITREP: A Ukrainian Smørrebrød

Nothing major has happened over the past 24 hours, but a lot of small but interesting things have happened in the past couple of days.  What I propose to do first today is to list them with a URL to the original source:   A Ukrainian Smørrebrød: According to a recent poll of the Lithuanian TV station TV3 82% of their viewers say that Russian media info is trustworthy.  Get

At the finish line of deindustrialization: how Ukraine loses its industry

Source: На финишной прямой деиндустриализации: как Украина теряет промышленность By Ivan Lizan Translated by Eugene   Ukraine’s refusal to cooperate with Russia in the military, scientific and technical fields has already begun to bear fruit. Naturally, this Kiev’s policy forced the citizens of Ukraine to eat only one (poisonous) kind of “fruit”: unemployment, poverty and deindustrialization.   Thanks to the West and Kiev for this The goal of this break

Ukraine SITREP Feb 24th 2015

The withdrawal of heavy weapons and M2A: The situation on the line of contact is generally calm.  The Novorussian forces are withdrawing their heavy weapons according to schedule while the junta forces are, by most reports, not or, not much.  The excuse for these delays is that “the necessary conditions have not been created”.  In reality, the problem is that Poroshenko has very little control over the various armed forces. 

Important clarifications about the new blog

Dear friends,   New blog presentation format:  A lot of you have emailed me to tell me that they don’t like the “thematic” presentation used for the new blog and that you prefer a regular “chronological” one.  That is very simple to address: If you prefer the “thematic” one use this link: If you prefer the “chronological” one use this link:  I think that with time you will

How to denazify the Nazis?

by Rostisalv Ishchenko Source: Как нам обустроить нацистов? Translated by S   I hope that at present those, who thought that Ukrainian civil war would continue for years and even for decades, clearly see that the Kiev regime and the government of Ukraine will fall within several months, at the worst – in about a year. The war goes on, because the Kiev leadership, using habitual submissive inertia of the

New blog: request for comments

Dear friends, I just want to invite you to share your comments about the new blog not here, but at the announcement post on the NEW blog.  That way our IT specialist can track what is requested instead of going through all comments everywhere. Many thanks, The Saker

The new Saker blog (v3) is now ready.

  Dear friends, An American saying says that “the third time is the charm”. I hope that this is true, because I am officially announcing the “new new blog v3” is now online at the following URL: This domain name was chosen by my webmaster Gevorg who came up with this idea at the time when our community was attacked on all sides. It is also a clear reply

23.02.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Donbass, Kharkov, USA, Europe

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Kiev officer on Debalcevo HQ incompetence and self organized breakout

  Comment by the Saker: This is a very interesting interview. First, it basically confirms everything the Novorussians were saying. But secondly, the officer speaking, Andrei Vysota, CO of 25th “Kievan Rus” battalion, declares at the end that even though Poroshenko awarded the title and medal to Commander Sergei Shaptala of the 128th Mukachevo mountain infantry brigade just to make him shut up, Shaptala did deserve that medal for having

Three fronts for Russia: How Washington will fan the flames of chaos in Central Asia

by Ivan Lizan for Odnako Source: Три фронта для России: как Вашингтон раздует пламя хаоса в Средней Азии Translated by Robin   U.S. Gen. “Ben” Hodges’ statement that within four or five years Russia could develop the capability to wage war simultaneously on three fronts is not only an acknowledgment of the Russian Federation’s growing military potential but also a promise that Washington will obligingly ensure that all three fronts

The press in Banderastan

The new Eurocraine has decided to mark the first anniversary of its glorious revolution by removing the accreditation of over 100 Russian news organizations from any official state body. We should salute that. Initially, Russian journalists were simply kidnapped and often murdered, now they are simply denied accreditation and the Russian media banned from the Ukrainian controlled outlets. I suppose that this is a form of “progress”. In the meantime,

Email from a friend: Picture from Lvov 2/19/14

Saker: Regarding your article today, I hope you will publish this picture on your website: I screencaptured this some time back from a notorious German expatriate neo-Nazi on Twitter. Its worth memorializing just who stole heavy military weapons from the government security forces and entered them into the Maidan conflict, which would be the people of Lvov, Lemberg, Lwow, Lviv or whatever the heck they want me to call their

Ukraine… It’s a Heist!!!

Excellent video made by a friend. Please distribute!   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time.
