
Two “MUST SEE” videos about the *reality* of the war in the Ukraine

Dear friends, Remember the guy who did the excellent video “We know with 99% certainty who shot down MH17“?  His name is John Martin, and he has just released another superb video entitled “Crimea… What really happened?”.  This video is, in my opinion, probably the best I have seen in terms of explaining what really took place last year.  Once again, I am amazed (and elated) to see that unpaid

Russia Rebounds, Despite Sanctions

By Matthew A. Winkler for ==>>Bloomberg<<== (yes, Bloomberg not the Kremlin’s press office!) Sanctions meant to punish Russia for snatching Crimea from Ukraine one year ago were supposed to hurt Russian business. And they did. Russian stocks, bonds and commodities had the worst performance in 2014 of those in any emerging market. That was then. Now the picture is changing, with investors starting to favor Russia in 2015. The ruble,

The Friends of Hitler Club: Uniate Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky eternalized in the center of Lviv

Source: Translated from the Russian by Alexander March 17, 2015 The Ukrainian governement started another campaign of historic proportions. On the central square of Lviv they want to raise a giant monument of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky who led the so-called Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church for 44 years (1900-1944). For this the Ukrainian authorities are ready for anything – even spend a budget of $ 1.3 million and dismantle the square.
