
Breaking News: Putin lifts ban on S-300 missile system supplies to Iran!

MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to lift the ban on supplies of S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran. “The decree cancels the ban from transit through Russia (including by air), transportation outside the territory of Russia to the Islamic Republic of Iran and also handover to the Islamic Republic of Iran outside the territory of Russia with the use of ships and

A Donetsk People’s Republic Spetsnaz GRU officer speaks

Okay, this guy is not from the famous (and hyper secretive) Russian “Spetsnaz GRU”.  But he is from the DPR’s equivalent and he most likely has had his training with the Russian GRU.  Also, having met many Spetsnaz operators in the past, I can tell you that he is rather typical and representative of many of them.  So when I saw this interview, I asked my friend and brother in

Ukronazi “dissent control” in occupied Ukraine

Check out this amazing “public service announcement” photographed in the city of Kharkov: Here is the full translation of this text: “Common” Separatist: Defiles the national symbols Waits for the arrival of the Russian world/peace Punishment: 7-12 years in prison (Art. 110 Ukr. Penal Code) Saw, heard – call 0 800 501 482 Clearly – “European values” are coming to the Ukraine, but in their Euronazi variant… Sickening. The Saker

Putin creates a Russian “Agency for Ethnic Affairs” and extends discount to the Ukraine

The Kremlin reports: Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Mr Putin and Mr Medvedev talked about the establishment of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs. The issue of extending the current discount price of natural gas for Ukraine was also discussed. * * * PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Mr Medvedev, you and I have had many discussions concerning the importance of closer coordination on

Ukraine’s Right Sector Leader Wants Donbas Residents Deported

source: Dmitri Yarosh, Rada MP and leader of Ukraine’s Right Sector, has declared that the unruly residents of eastern Ukraine must be deported and deprived of their civil rights before a program of ‘affectionate Ukrainianization’ can begin. In an interview for Ukrainian newspaper Obosrevatel published on Sunday, Ukrainian Right Sector leader and Rada deputy Dmitri Yarosh stated that the unruly residents of eastern Ukraine should be deported and deprived of their civil rights.
