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Guest Analyses

When fear is not enough

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. In his book 1984, George Orwell wrote the following on how to rule over people: He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: ‘How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?’ Winston thought. ‘By making him suffer,’ he said. ‘Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he

Response to a Bosnian Muslim

by Generation 1990 This writing is dedicated as a reply from someone from “opposite camp” to Ahmed and his article named as a “Response from a Bosnian Muslim” which can be found here: . Although I believe that Ahmed’s intention was giving point of view from someone in Bosnian Muslim perspective he failed to shed light to important facts. I was born in Belgrade in 1990, to be precise

Russia vs. ECHR: The Rise and Fall of the European Courts

by Scott One of the lesser known methods of color revolutionaries and snatchers of sovereign countries is to file multiple baseless frivolous lawsuits simultaneously to clog judicial systems and to obstruct and impede the work of courts and law enforcement. One of the recent most successful attacks took place in December 2014 in Ukraine, when a Soros funded EuroMaidanSOS coordinated with over 400 lawyers to flood the Ukrainian criminal and

The Geography Of Color Revolutionary Threats To The BRICS Countries

by Andrew Korybko One of the hottest topics of strategic research here in Russia has been the study of how the US uses Color Revolutions as a new form of influence and power projection. Because this destabilizing template can be applied all over the world, and not just against Russian interests, I wanted to share some of my latest findings with you all, in the hopes that you and your

The Moscow-Beijing Express: Russian “Oligarchs” versus Chinese Billionaires

By: Jeff J. Brown Cross linked with 44 Days and Sound Cloud China’s billionaires and Russia’s oligarchs have been in the media lately, due to a variety of business transactions, between these two allies and around the world, not to mention all the absurd sanctions the West has been piling on Russia over the last year and half. Always suspicious of the mainstream media behind the Great Western

The West’s Brawndo Journalism

by Captain Fifteen I’m appalled at just how crude, self-righteous, and horribly one-sided our mainstream reporting is. What baffles me even more is that the majority of the people I’ve spoken to on the Western side of the Iron Curtain don’t notice it and shudder when I mention the word “propaganda” when referring to it. It seems to be such a Pavlovian response that every time I see the reaction,

Chinese-Russia Media Cooperation

by Larchmonter445 China, Russia step up media cooperation with 9 deals inked I noticed this new development. It follows our Double Helix metaphor from the deepening of the China-Russia strategic integration. This time it is based in the use of media globally. As you know RT is spreading into other languages and bases of operation. However, China’s CCTV network is mature and has spanned the globe for over a decade

Whose Bosnia is it anyways?

by Putnik The 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre has brought turmoil to the political stage in Bosnia and beyond. At the behest of certain interest groups a resolution with be forthcoming in the United Nations Security Council commemorating the tragic events in Bosnia and condemning the “genocide” that occurred. Much ink has been spilled in regards to the causes and responsibility, who killed who, who ethnically cleansed who, who

Eastring vs. Balkan Stream: The Battle For Greece

by Andrew Korybko Russia wasn’t bluffing when it said that Turkish Stream would be the only route for Ukrainian-diverted gas shipments after 2019 , and after dillydallying in disbelief for over six critical months, the EU has only now come to its senses and is desperately trying to market a geopolitical alternative. Understanding that its need for gas must absolutely continue to be met by Russia for the foreseeable decades

“Cuckoo”: Russian national idea in a song?

by Tatzhit Mihailovich Video: Donbass Self-Defense: “My open hand now turned into a fist…” 18+ (please press the ‘cc’ button to see the English language captions) I subtitled a video about Ukrainian civil war set to the famous song “Cuckoo” by 90’s band Kino, I think it explains a lot of “Russian identity” fairly well. The song can actually be interpreted in many ways, but I’ve always thought it referred

What lies behind the transnationalization and occupation of the Esequibo

by Franco Vielma source: translated by Mateo The dispute between Venezuela and Guyana regarding the Esequibo has taken a significant turn with the beginning of transnationalization of contested land and territorial waters. What follows is an outline of the most profound issues involved. In 2013 Venezuelan authorities detained the ship Teknik Perdana with five U.S. citizens on board. The ship, operated by the U.S. company Anadarko Petroleum Corp., was

Solving the Ukrainian Crisis

by Oleg Maslov A magnificent project to unite the Eurasian continent in a web of pipelines, high speed rail, fiber optic cables, highways, and trade agreements from Lisbon to Singapore is already under construction and, should this project succeed, it will change the lives of everyone living in between and have profound implications on global geopolitics. Mostly initiated and driven forward by the economic might of China, the New Silk

The arrest of two mass murderers can blow up Europe

by Evgenii Krutikov source: Translated by Seva The arrest of two mass murderers can blow up Europe Within a few days two men were arrested: Naser Orić and Ramush Haradinaj, two well-known figures of the Balkan wars, two mass murderers, whose names are as known to Serbs as the names of Basaev and Chikatilo are to Russians. Both were on trial in the Hague, accused of genocide, and both

I saw death in Odessa

by Claude Roddier The events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa should not be forgotten. Some people from Odessa and Lugansk are currently in Paris, taking part in demonstrations. One of them is Irina Leskova, whom I met in Nice in January 2015 when she came with a delegation of Odessites to present an exhibition and talk to us in person of the drama. It was she who organised the

Response from a Bosnian Muslim

Foreword by the Saker: Over a year ago, I posted an interview with Nebojsa Malic, a  Bosnian-Serb who know lives in the USA.  In my introduction to this interview, I wrote the following: I understand that the topic of war in Bosnia might reopen old wounds for some readers and I also understand that some might categorically disagree with Nebojsa Malic’s point of view.  To those readers I would say

India’s War On Terror Moves To Myanmar

by Andrew Korybko India conducted a special forces operation against Myanmar-based terrorists responsible for a recent attack. Showing its renewed resolution in combating all forms of terrorism, India recently launched a precision operation against Myanmar-based terrorists, killing over 100 of them. The operation was in response to a surprise ambush earlier this month that killed 18 soldiers in the Northeastern state of Manipur. This corner of the country has long

A New World Order Requires a New Mindset – a response to Nikolai Starikov’s interview in the People’s Daily

by Mister Unknown Russian author & political analyst Nikolai Starikov recently gave an interview to the Russian language version of the “People’s Daily”, the official state newspaper of the PRC. Starikov’s attitudes toward China were predictably positive & friendly, but I noticed one problematic theme that emerged repeatedly in Starikov’s interview answers, one which I find all too common in the Russian discourse on Sino-Russian relations – a preoccupation with the US &

Those who would sell out Novorossia

Source Translated by Gideon People never cease to amaze me. For example, many Russians sincerely believe that different types of Russians live in the Crimea, in Donbass, Odessa and Kharkov because the Crimea is now Russia, because in Donbass there is war and because Kharkov and Odessa are still occupied and under repression. We might just as well argue that citizens of Moscow are 1.5 times better than citizens

Wanted: NGO Whistleblowers

By Andrew Korybko Intelligence-affiliated NGOs have become a major security risk to the sovereignty of multipolar states, and they can directly be blamed for assembling Color Revolutionary social infrastructure and managing its regime change logistics. After the first (post-Soviet) and second (‘Arab Spring’) waves of Color Revolutions, targeted states have finally wised up to the West’s game and are now actively seeking ways to innovatively defend themselves from this destabilizing
