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Guest Analyses

From Lawrence Of Arabia To The Maverick Of Eurasia

by Ghassan Kadi THE United States of America and the Soviet Union had equal footing in the Levant’s main crisis; namely the Arab-Israeli conflict in the 1950’s, 1960’s and the first half of the 70’s. Many, especially in the Arab camp, argue otherwise, and regard that American support for Israel had always been much stronger than any support the USSR had ever offered any Arab state, and to a large

US Congress and President Obama Officially Recognize Donbas’ Freedom!

by GH Eliason It’s true! President Barack Obama beat Russia’s President Putin to the punch by recognizing the right of Donbas to ascend to the fraternity of nations first. He has reaffirmed this every year he has been in office. The Captive Nations Week Resolution passed by both the Senate and House of Representatives in 1959 and reissued as a Presidential Proclamation every year for the last 56 years (also

The Shuttle Diplomacy To Save Syria

by Andrew Korybko As all observers have realized, the situation in Syria has noticeably gone from bad to worse. ISIL is advancing , the US and Turkey are preparing for a “ comprehensive battle ” there (ostensibly against the terrorists, but most reckon that it’s really against the Syrian Arab Army ), and Erdogan’s War on the Kurds is proving to be a smokescreen for the creation of an Kurdish-free

About The Ukrainophilia Of Russian Nazis Or The Defeat Of The Liberal Point Of View Of The Conflict

by Oxandabaratz Two weeks ago, Saturday 25th of July, in Kiev, Ukrainian capital, there has been a demonstration at the Russian embassy. This demonstration has not been like others, when masses of banderites were threatening to assault the embassy, but a quite pathetic one: with 50 attendants, more or less. But what was special of this demonstration was the leitmotiv for it: it was a demonstration to ask for the

Blame and Forget, Truth be Damned

by JiminNH It has become a common occurrence for the western ruling elites, and their propaganda ministries of the mainstream media euphemistically called the “free press”, to immediately blame Russia for a litany of perceived misconduct, whether there are grounds for such allegations or not. Often such baseless allegations are conflated with other events in the western narrative to give the allegations an aura of credibility and convince the western

For Russia, The Path To Laos Runs Through Vietnam

by Andrew Kroybko Southeast Asia is one of the economic powerhouses of the world, and its prized position in the global economy is only expected to grow in the coming future. This is why all the Great Powers are racing to (re)develop and reinforce their ties with the region, Russia being foremost among them. Ever since the onset of the New Cold War, Russia has been compelled to rapidly reorient

France’s CRIF-run regime has unleashed a vicious persecutions campaign against dissidents

Note: for those who are not familiar with the real political situation in France, please read the following background material: ——- Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. And above all, Thou shalt not be a bystander. Yehuda Bauer Since many months already the political situation in France has been largely overlooked by events in Greece or the Ukraine and

Bretton Woods Conference: July 1-22, 1944, then, Ufa SCO-BRICS Summit, July 6-10, 2015, now.

The Moscow-Beijing Express, on The Saker By Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland Crosslinked with 44 Days and SoundCloud Our grandchildren’s history books will reference these two international meetings, Bretton Woods and Ufa, as post-World War II geopolitical milestones, and transformative benchmarks in the world order. This of course, unless Western/Israeli colonialism does not push humanity to the brink, with a last desperate attempt to save its

What is “Ukrainian nation”, and what are its future options?

By Tatzhit source: There are a lot of arguments for the fact that Ukrainian nation does not exist, all Ukrainians are Russians brainwashed to hate their nation, Ukrainian history is fake, etc. Mostly, these arguments are put forth by people who do not understand the difference between “nation” and “ethnicity”. The idea of a “nation” really originated in the age of gunpowder, when mass armies and industrialization brought the

It’s Not the Muslims Stupid!

by GH Eliason  @TomiLahren’s rant heard round’ the world was the first I’ve ever heard of her. I listened to it a couple of times and a few of her other shows to understand her perspective and motivation. The way she repeatedly ties radical terrorism to Islam and then backs off half a step before letting loose another salvo against Muslims and president Obama is almost artistic. I live in

Oleg Tsarev on the current situation in the Donbass and in Ukraine

SOURCE. Translated by Carpatho-Russian. Edited by Tatzhit. From the editor:  Ex-MP Oleg Tsarev was the last truly “Pro-Eastern” politician in Ukraine who attempted to act through democratic channels, e.g. running in a presidential election against Poroshenko. After he was severely beaten by a nationalist mob in Kiev, he withdrew his candidacy and called on all men of honor to do the same, saying the election is undemocratic and it is

Kiev is in a stalemate

by Rostislav Ischenko source: translation: Alena Scarecrow On July 21st in Minsk there was held another regular meeting of the contact group devoted to settling the Ukrainian conflict. It resulted in reaching an agreement on the withdrawal of tanks and weapons of up to 100 mm caliber from the delimitation line. The corresponding document was drawn out – however, not signed. As for the political issues, the parties once

Three underrated and overlooked areas of potential Sino-Russian cooperation

by Mister Unknown When Sino-Russian collaboration is discussed in the media – be it western, Russian, or Chinese – the most-often discussed areas of cooperation are energy (e.g. the big gas deal last year), defense (e.g. Russian arms sales & joint exercises), and more recently, the new Silk Road as part of the Eurasian integration effort. It’s perfectly understandable that these are the focus items in the press, since they’re the “big wins” with big dollar amounts and

Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) – Part II

by Andrew Korybko PART II: Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) (Please read Part I before this article) Having laid out Nuland’s vision for the Balkans, it’s now time to reverse her processes and show how some of them can be wittily co-opted to liberate the region from unipolar control. The article will address each of the three themes that Nuland spoke upon and highlight

Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) – Part I

by Andrew Korybko PART I: Nuland’s Plan For The Balkans (And How It Can Dramatically Backfire) US regime change expert and architect of regional destabilization, Victoria Nuland, recently paid a visit to the Balkans to preach the oft-repeated gospel of Euro-Atlantic integration. Her trip comes at a time when the region is experiencing a spike in geostrategic significance , having emerged at the forefront of the New Cold War between

Ukrainian Myths and Ukrainian Lies

by GH Elisason Why “the Ukrainians” Lie- Prof. A. Moytl Says the West Shouldn’t Freak Out! In an article published  at the New Atlanticist, Political Science Professor Alexander Moytl  of Rutgers University wrote the strongest justification a Ukrainian Nationalist scholar can mount in defense of the Ukraine”s love affair with the nationalism of Stepan Bandera. Bandera, a mass murderer, torturer, and assassinated former leader of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalist emigre political movement is the Ukrainian equivalent to

Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (part 2)

by Andrew Korybko PART II: The US’ Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (Please read Part I before this article) The Military-Political Game In Guyana The US is exploiting its latest proxy client, Guyana, in order to open up a second ground front in the containment of Venezuela. Franco Vielma, in a translated article for The Saker, brilliantly explains how this came to be. To summarize his detailed research (which the reader

The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie.

by John Pilger original article: An historic betrayal has consumed Greece. Having set aside the mandate of the Greek electorate, the Syriza government has willfully ignored last week’s landslide “No” vote and secretly agreed a raft of repressive, impoverishing measures in return for a “bailout” that means sinister foreign control and a warning to the world. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has pushed through parliament a proposal to cut at

Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (part 1)

by Andrew Korybko PART I: The US’ Geopolitical War Against Venezuela Ever since the presidency of the late Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has been the brightest multipolar beacon in the Western Hemisphere. Although Brazil is much larger and wealthier, some Latin American states have expressed fear about its future intentions, believing that ‘multipolarity’ is simply a slogan to justify Brasilia’s soft expansion into regional markets and resource reserves and replace Washington’s

BRICS and SCO – to replace PACE and OSCE

by Vasilii Ivanenko translated by “K” In the Capital of Bashkiria one of the key events in global politics of 2015 is taking shape Historic summits of two organisations – BRICS and SCO – which are providing the framework of the emerging “Eurasian” world order opened at the same time in Ufa. Moreover it is the first time they take place in the same location. In both structures Russia-China is
