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Guest Analyses

Towards a Third Intifada: Why Israel has no Future in the Middle East

By Salah Lamrani (Sayed Hasan) On September 9, 2015, Sayed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, repeated the Islamic Republic’s commitment, in word and deed, to liberate Palestine and put an end to the so-called State of Israel, the last colony on Earth, just as vicious as it is anachronical. He stated that in spite of the nuclear deal, the USA or “Great Satan and enemy of the peoples”, worse than

Exclusive One Belt One Road (OBOR) Briefing From Andrew Korybko’s China Trip

Regular contributor to The Saker, Andrew Korybko, attended the second-annual Yangtze River International Forum Summit 2015 last month that brought together China’s political, economic, and social elite (to see the full program, click here). The day-long event saw the participants discuss the One Belt One Road project, which is the world’s largest-ever connective endeavor. Having received the hard-to-get permission of the Chinese government to operate at this closed-door event as

Rewriting History or Making History?

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. This year marked the 70th anniversary since the end of World War Two. And it has proved that the world has changed dramatically. The parades in Moscow and Beijing and the subsequent snubbing by the “West” prove that in today’s politics everything is fair; even the dishonour of the memory of the millions of people that died so that Europe can

There is an exhaustive explanation for the disgrace of the American allies in Syria

by Evgenii Krutikov Translated by Carpatho-Russian source: The scandal around the “Thirtieth Division”, prepared by American instructors for war with Assad, but who immediately surrendered to the Islamic “al-Nusra Front” right after crossing the Turkish border, is resounding around the entire world now. There will be many such scandals. They are predetermined by the very methodology of the American instruction of “allies” in Syria, a well as in Georgia

Putin – the incredible Abou Ali

by Ghassan Kadi As the news of the Russian military action in Syria intensifies and takes more rather affirmative steps, the rest of the world cannot help but to look with a mixed bag of emotions all the way from awe to gratitude, anxiety, disappointment, frustration or fear and many others in between. Diverse as they may be in their outlooks, all observers are united in their gasps of disbelief.

The “follies” of Russia’s pivot to China

by Mister Unknown Recently, there has been no shortage of  highly pessimistic   commentaries   published  &  republished , pointing out the supposed ” follies ” of Russia’s eastern pivot, by highlighting this year’s  decline  in Sino-Russian trade, China’s stock market volatility, and its  supposed  economic “weakness”. The conclusion implied by these articles is clear: “Russia’s economic pivot to China is failing, because increased economic cooperation has not mitigated Russia’s recent economic woes,

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART III

Andrew Korybko (Please read Part I and Part II prior to this article) The third and last section of the article explores various scenario forecasts that build upon the ideological foundations explored in the previous two sections. In total, there are 6 predicted scenarios – the Union Of Kings, Islamic Republicanism Jumps The Pond, Egypt Resurrected, The Republican Arc, Turkish Tumult, and Retrogressive Rot – some of which can occur

The World Disorder

by Ghassan Kadi The recent speech of President Putin at the UNGA has shown the rest of the world the extent of Western lies and inefficiency. Moreover, the Russian military initiative in Syria that almost immediately followed the speech has left all enemies of Syria in a bind, confused, and not knowing what to do. In one moment, Foreign Secretary Kerry says that he wants to cooperate with Russia all

Slavs and the Yellow Peril are “niggers, brutes and beasts”, in the eyes of Western Empire

The Moscow-Beijing Express on The Saker By: Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland Cross linked with 44 Days and Sound Cloud Here is a visual from a 19th century British scientific journal, “proving” that the Irish descended from subhuman Negroes. Irish, Russian, Chinese: they are all niggers in the eyes of Eurangloland. The conflicting visions between the Anti-West and Eurangloland (NATO, with Australia and New Zealand) continue

War On Syria; Not Quite According To Plan Part 4: The Undoing Of The Plotters

by Ghassan Kadi With the accelerating events in Syria over the last week or so, this concluding Part 4 had to be revised several times. The acceleration is two faceted; American and Russian-originated. On the American side, when American Foreign Secretary Kerry made a conclusive statement in the last few days saying that President Assad has to go, but the timing of his departure is negotiable, he formally confirmed that

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART II

by Andrew Korybko (Please read Part I prior to this article) Part I expounded upon the theory that Mideast developments can be understood through the prism of four ideologies (and three subcomponents), and now it’s time to test the idea by seeing if it can accurately explain key events in regional history. Those concerning Egypt, Turkey, and Yemen were already addressed, so let’s look at the Arab-Israeli Wars, the Lebanese

Vladimir Putin, a providential man

By Cédric Bernelas translation by Brahim source: Vetche and Mir have long been able to combine their egalitarian agrarian tropism with autocrats’ designs of kingdoms and Russian Tsars. But this unusual chemistry between princely regimes and democratic systems inevitably engendered some revolutions which then gave birth to a transvestite communism. That Bolshevism was the dictatorial tendencies and do not fall of Marxian sky. History is more complex than some

The Serbian Demographic Crisis

by Wolfson A couple of weeks ago there was a stir in the Serbian media as a UN World Population Prospect report was released.[1] Today there are 8.851.000 people inhabiting Serbia. In 2030 there will be 8.218.000, in 2050 there will be 7.331.000 and finally in 2100 there will be a measly 5.334.000 people living there. These numbers include Kosovo and Metohija which is now predominantly Albanian, meaning they are

War on Syria; Not Quite According to Plan Part 3: A USA Unable To Bomb Syria

by Ghassan Kadi With all the different components of the “Anti-Syrian Cocktail”, the most lethal is undoubtedly the USA. We should therefore take a deeper look at the military hopes and gambles that the USA took, in desperate attempts, to be able to bomb Syria in order to understand why those several attempts have failed for more than two decades. In Part 2, we saw how the USA was hoping

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART I

by Andrew Korybko The politics of the Mideast are intimidatingly complex, with many observers struggling to understand its dynamics and instead falling victim to false simplifications of “Sunni vs. Shiite”. The reality is a lot different than surface stereotypes let on, as the region’s processes are actually determined by the interplay between four official ideologies – Israeli Exceptionalism, Secular Republicanism, Islamic Republicanism, and Monarchic Absolutism – which divide themselves into

Russia’s ultimate lethal weapon

by Pepe Escobar for RT Let’s start with some classic Russian politics. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov is drawing up Russia’s economic strategy for 2016, including the government budget. Siluanov – essentially a liberal, in favor of foreign investment – will present his proposals to the Kremlin by the end of this month. So far, nothing spectacular. But then, a few days ago, Kommersant leaked that Russia’s Security Council asked presidential

Pinocchio in Tehran: A response to Tehran Bureau/The Guardian’s Propaganda

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Virtually everyone is familiar with Pinocchio’s story __ a wooden puppet carved by Gepetto brought to life by a fairy that instructed him to be “brave, truthful, and unselfish” in order to remain a real boy. What I remember the most about Pinocchio was his failure to heed the fairy, his nose growing longer with every lie. This seems to be the case with Tehran Bureau’s unnamed

Integration of Donbass and re-Russification of Russia – opinion

by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by N_V Source   Political columnist of “Russia Today” Rostislav Ishchenko talks about the attractiveness of the Donbass for modern Russia, the possibility of increasing Russian population of the Russian Federation, and about how the historic reunification of the Russian people promises the Russian World all the advantages. The Russian state was built as multinational since the days of ancient (pre-Mongol) Rus. However, with the

A New Day Has Dawned (reply to “Catire”)

by Andrew Kahn In responding to the article written by “Catire”, a simple note is needed before proceeding. The value in individual accounts, about individual lives, in relation to a discussion on nationwide policies within a revolutionary government – or any government for that matter – are objectively relevant when they speak within a broader context to the lives of a majority or even a significant minority of the population.

9/11 – Everything Has Changed But Nothing Has Changed

by Andrew Kahn 14 years have passed and what has changed? That’s the question always asked and perhaps that is the wrong question – the implicit idea being that nothing has changed. In a way, nothing has really changed, while so much has changed. It is easy for middle class US citizens to sit in front of the television and think “Nothing has changed.” For them, what has really changed
