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Guest Analyses

Dutch Government Outright Lies about MH17, to Blame Russia

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog 1. The Dutch Government’s 279-page investigative findings on the “Crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17” were published  in October 2015, and reported, on page 84, (under 2.13.2 “Crew autopsy”) that “First Officer Team A … During the body scan of the First Officer’s body, over 120 objects (mostly metal fragments) were detected. The majority of the fragments were found in left side of

Paradigm Shifts

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog INTRODUCTION: I first wrote this article in 2012 and have had to make a number of minor alterations. Of course a great deal has happened since that time, most of it bad. We now seem to stand on the threshold of an even bigger and deeper crisis than in 2008, plus additional worrying features, viz. the pandemic and possible future pandemics as well

White Privilege and Racism Debate: a British East European point of view

by Nebojša Radić for The Saker Blog In this country[1]I am regarded as White and therefore, privileged – it seems. People in the streets and on television say that Whites should kneel and apologise. Really? How come I find myself in this bizarre situation? How did I get here? How did a refugee from warn-torn socialist Yugoslavia turned fisherman in the South Pacific become a privileged White male? Did I

A letter to Italian-Americans

By POSTFATARESURGO for The Saker Blog The World Thought Police (WTP) has included Cristoforo Colombo, a.k.a. Christopher Columbus, in his black list. He was a “bad” person, period. Details are not needed. WTP’s decision are not questionable, nor they can be subject to anyone’s appeal, scrutiny or disagreement. Once the WTP issues a red flag on anyone, past, present or future, scores of enforcers are ready, as they were waiting

A Meditation on President Putin’s Warning from History

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog 1. The last warning… In the middle of the current global turmoil, largely ignored by the Western media, President Vladimir Putin of Russia recently wrote an article for the National Interest magazine (the article is featured on this site). In it, he magisterially dissected and integrated one of the most disputed topics in contemporary history—the cause(s) and antecedent(s) of World War II. The

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms U.S. Police State

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court, with only the libertarian right-wing (basically anti-government) Clarence Thomas dissenting — reaffirmed that America’s law-enforcement officers have “qualified immunity” from prosecution when they do things such as to shoot an innocent person in his own yard whose unthreatening pet dog is seeking his protection from an officer who is trying to shoot it; or, as the

Nixon-Trump vs. the Strategy of Tension

by Pepe Escobar : crossposted with Strategic Culture Foundation Nixon 68 is back with a vengeance, with President Trump placing himself as the guarantor/enforcer of Law & Order. That slogan guaranteed Nixon’s election, and was coined by Kevin Phillips, then an expert in “ethnic voting patterns”. Philips makes for a very interesting case. In 1999, he became the author of a seminal book: The Cousins’ Wars: Religion, Politics, and the

Trump’s only hope: buying re-election with populist jobless benefits

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog The US economy is in such a dire state (if we may temporarily put down the newly-discovered problem of racism in the Western hemisphere (except for Cuba)) that US voters are going to be happy to sell themselves to the highest bidder come November. It’s not like anyone could get genuinely excited by Joe Biden, after all. Trump has a huge advantage over

The cause of tension between China and India

by Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said: “positive consensus” on resolving the latest border issue was achieved following “effective communication” through diplomatic and military channels. New Delhi said the two countries had agreed to “peacefully resolve” the border flare-up after a high-level meeting between army commanders. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese leader Xi Jinping had sought to ease the tensions at

The other side of darkness: Towards an understanding of the roots of the Western right-wing politics

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog 1. A bit more on the protests Again, I’d like to thank the Saker for publishing my essay. I also want to thank the commenters—criticisms inspire me and encouragement inspires me even more! I think we both agree that the public needs to be better informed about the roots and antecedents of the current US protests which have spread to most of the

Politicisation of Great Lockdown result of ‘TINA’ economic ignorance & censorship

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog In the United States questioning liberal economic ideology is not tolerated, so when the latest inevitable economic bust in capitalism occurs it is little wonder that their society talks about everything except economic ideology. They spend their time inventing and discussing non-economic solutions to economic catastrophes, which is precisely how their fundamental weaknesses and inequalities only get worse and worse. Now we are

Economic Cycles and Coronavirus

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog ‘’The years since the 1970s are unprecedented in terms of their volatility in the price of commodities, currencies, real estate, and stocks. There have been 4 waves of financial crises: a large number of banks in three, four or more countries collapsed at about the same time. Each wave was followed by a recession, and the economic slowdown which began in 2008 was

Syria in Seattle: Commune Defies the U.S. Regime

By Pepe Escobar : crossposted with Strategic Culture Foundation The marriage of post-Lockdown and George Floyd protests has nurtured a rough beast that is still immune to any form of civilized debate in the U.S.: the Seattle Commune. So what really is the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone cum People’s Republic all about? Are the communards mere useful idiots? Is this a refined Occupy Wall Street experiment? Could it survive, logistically,

Russia aiming to realize Greater Eurasia dream

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission The Russian role will be to balance the hegemonic powers, as a guarantor of a new union of non-aligned nations Professor Sergey Karaganov is informally known in influential foreign policy circles as the “Russian Kissinger” – with the extra bonus of not having to carry a “war criminal” tag from Vietnam and Cambodia to Chile and beyond. Karaganov is the dean of the

Why does the public tolerate its biological warfare?

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog As Jeffrey A. Lockwood recounted in his 2008 book Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War, the first four nations that pioneered biological warfare were during the 1930s — Hitler’s Germany, Hirohito’s Japan, and Churchill’s England and Canada. However, under U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s, a biowarfare R&D program, “Operation Capricious,” was created in 1943 so secretly that though

The problem with the various ‘Fiat is all the problem!’ (FIATP) crowds

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog “‘(The German economist Kestner wrote:) The greatest success no longer goes to the merchant whose technical and commercial experience enables him best of all to understand the needs of the buyer, and who is able to discover and effectively awake a latent demand; it goes to the speculative genius [?!] who knows how to estimate, or even only to sense in advance the

The Rise and Fall of Empires

Francis Lee for the Saker Blog I think that it would be true to say that sudden spurts of economic growth are often caused by preparation for war, war itself, and post-war reconstruction. This process in particular was occasioned by the end of WW1 which was succeeded by a restless and runaway period of economic growth based on the US Stock Market boom in 1929. Given the laws of capitalism

A Pipelineistan fable for our times

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Ukraine was supposed to prevent Russia from deepening energy ties with Germany; it didn’t work out that way Once upon a time in Pipelineistan, tales of woe were the norm. Shattered dreams littered the chessboard – from IPI vs. TAPI in the AfPak realm to the neck-twisting Nabucco opera in Europe. In sharp contrast, whenever China entered the picture, successful completion prevailed. Beijing financed a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan

The US as Sal’s Pizzeria: When to ‘Do The Right Thing’ is looting

The US as Sal’s Pizzeria: When to ‘Do The Right Thing’ is looting The nice thing about art, novels, and the like is that we can be mercilessly judgmental of our favourite characters and villains if we so choose, precisely because we must always try to be the total opposite for flesh-and-blood human beings. The people who confuse escapist non-reality with sensitive reality are called “actors” and “actresses”, and they

Venezuela, Minneapolis, Iran, Europe – Trump’s Last Gasps of Collapsing World Control – Or is it?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog There comes a time when shooting around in circles just hits walls, bullets splinter off sidewalks, and shatter a window here and there. But people are in safety. They watch from a distance and with self-assurance. Venezuela has received five tankers from Iran loaded with hydrocarbons – petrol gas, additives – shipped through a totally US-militarized Caribbean Sea, amidst warnings of attacks and
