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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Drums of war in the Ukraine: OPEN THREAD

Dear friends, The situation around the Ukraine is very rapidly escalating and there are a lot of signs that everybody is preparing for some kind of crisis.  I would draw your attention to Andrei Martyanov’s blog and, specifically, this article of his: I would also point you to this recent article on ZH: So far these are the key elements of what is taking place: First, the Ukronazis

Understanding anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing for war

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Intro: cause vs pretext It is not an exaggeration to say that in the mythology of the AngloZionist Empire Putin is something akin to Satan or, at least, that he is a kind of “Sauron” who is the epitome of evil. And, we all heard that recently, Biden, in a recorded interview, declared that Putin is “a killer”. When given a chance

Uncle Shmuel is truly brain dead… (IMPORTANT UPDATE)

[this commentary was written for the Unz Review] By now, you have all heard it. Here is the official transcript: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we

Is the Ukraine on the brink of war (again)?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Just a few weeks ago I wrote a column entitled “The Ukraine’s Many Ticking Time Bombs” in which I listed a number of developments presenting a major threat to the Ukraine and, in fact, to all the countries of the region. In this short time the situation has deteriorated rather dramatically. I will therefore begin with a short recap of what is

Book review: “Disintegration” by Andrei Martyanov

[This book review was written for the Unz Review] This is the third book by Andrei Martyanov that I am reviewing, the first one was “Book Review – Losing Military Supremacy: the Myopia of American Strategic Planning by Andrei Martyanov”, while the second one was “Book Review: Andrei Martyanov’s The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs”. I also interviewed Andrei about this second volume here. The book I am reviewing today,

Do these countries really want to be respected?

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect? Roger Waters (The Final Cut) Long ago, I learned the hard way that what I call “professional ideologues” count every damn penny and I sure do NOT want you to post a full article of theirs, lest they threaten me with lawsuits (already happened twice): to them, money is far, far, more important than propagating any truths, believe me.  So

The Ukraine’s many ticking time bombs

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] While the Ukraine has mostly been out of the news, there were bigger stories out there, things have gone disastrously wrong under “Ze” (Zelenskii) and the Ukraine is now looking at several time bombs which could explode at any minute. Here is a partial list of problems which the Ze administration will have to deal with in 2021: (in no particular order)

Meet an old friend of mine (UPDATED)

Foreword by the Saker:  Today I am not posting an analysis, but a recollection of an episode of my past.  I hope that you, dear readers, will not mind.  If you do, let me know and this will be the last one. Anyway, this is how one night I met a quite remarkable officer who later became a good friend. I first met Igor Morozov in 1991, in Moscow.  I

Crucial statement by Foreign Minister Lavrov

Foreign Minister Lavrov just made the following statement that Russia is willing to sever her ties with the EU if the EU introduces new sanctions.  He said: “Мы исходим из того, что мы готовы [к разрыву с Евросоюзом]. Если мы еще раз увидим, как мы уже почувствовали не единожды, что в каких-то областях накладываются санкции, которые создают риски для нашей экономики, в том числе в самых чувствительных сферах, — да.

The headless chicken and the bear

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Introducing the headless chicken The EU has a major problem: it is run by a comprador class which is entirely dependent on the United States.  Okay, that by itself is not the problem I am referring to.  The problem I am referring to is one we could call the problem of the decapitated chicken: a decapitated chicken can run without a head,

A few basic comments on the Navalnyi PSYOP

Dear friends, Today I will begin by referring you to a post by my friend Andrei Martyanov about this Navalnyi nonsense which Andrei aptly named “I Wouldn’t Even Post About It“.  Heck, that was also what I decided since, frankly, the entire western narrative about him is so false, so totally out of touch with reality, that my first inclination was to “flush my mental toilet” and deal with most

With “Biden” in the White House, the Kremlin now needs to change gear

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] First, a clarification.  When I speak of “Biden” I don’t mean the fungus (to use Tom Luongo’s apt expression) which was recently planted in the White House, I am referring to the “collective Biden” which I defined here  With this caveat, now let’s see why Russia might want to change gears in 2021. First, let’s begin by the basics: Russians often

Zone B exists, thus there is hope, I promise you!

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Dear friends, Today it appears that the triumph of our adversaries is total.  I want to post this column saying that I don’t believe for one second that this is true.  All I want to do today is explain why.  Thus, just to make clear to those alternatively gifted, this is not a comprehensive analysis and I will be leaving many things

Nativity of our Lord and Open Thread

Dear friends I want to express my best wishes to all the Orthodox Christians who are celebrating the Nativity of our Lord today: may this day be peaceful and filled with joy! I will be gone most of the day, so I leave yet another open thread with a suggested topic: “what will happen next now that the Dems total control all *four* branches of government (the usual 3 +

Russia vs a Biden Administration

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Sure looks like Biden will take over the White House in one way or another, and while Trump and his supporters might still try a few things, the political correlation of forces inside the US ruling classes is clearly against Trump. As for the “deplorables” – they have been neutralized by stealing the election. Which means that Russia will soon face the

The Deep State wins the 2020 Presidential election: USA RIP

Okay, this time it does look like it’s over. Mitch McConnell congratulated Biden and Harris, thereby signifying the official surrender of the GOP (which, let’s be honest here, never really was ready to fight for Trump).  Vladimir Putin also sent his congratulations in the following way: (official Russian statement) Congratulations to Joseph R. Biden on winning US presidential election Vladimir Putin sent a message to Joseph R. Biden congratulating him on his victory in the presidential election

SCOTUS rejects Texas lawsuit. Is it over for Trump or not? What happens next? OPEN THREAD (UPDATED)

So, the SCOTUS rejected the lawsuit brought be the State of Texas, many other states, over 100 House Republicans and, if I am not mistaken here, by President Trump. Now the pro-Trump media claims that it was a “long shot” to begin with.  Maybe.  I am not a lawyer. But what does that mean?  What happens next? Is there still a chance that other lawsuits, or maybe some revolt in
