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Saker Analyses and Interviews

2018 – war or no war?

[Note: this post of mine is temporarily located in the ‘guest section’ because of the current fundraiser. Once the fundraiser is over, I will place it back in the correct section.  This analysis was written for the Unz Review.  The Saker] If the first months of 2017 were a time of great hopes following the historical defeat of Hillary Clinton, the year is ending in a sombre, almost menacing manner. 

Saker Man of the Year 2017: all those who gave their lives for Syria

[Note: this post of mine is temporarily located in the ‘guest section’ because of the current fundraiser.  Once the fundraiser is over, I will place it back in the correct section.  The Saker] I have been doing this “pretend I am Time mag” thing for a couple of years now, but this year I had no clear candidate(s), at least now an original one.  I could re-list names already listed,

When sanity fails – the mindset of the “ideological drone”

[Note: This article was written for the Unz Review.] My recent analysis of the potential consequences of a US attack on the DPRK has elicited a wide range of reactions.  There is one type of reaction which I find particularly interesting and most important and I would like to focus on it today: the ones which entirely dismissed my whole argument.  The following is a selection of some of the

Did the CIA stop a bloodbath in Saint Petersburg?

(Here is the original report, for my evaluation, please see below – The Saker) RT reports: The Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked his US counterpart Donald Trump for help in preventing a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. Data provided by the CIA enabled Russian security services to find and detain terrorists The Russian leader expressed his gratitude in a telephone call, adding that the Russian security services would also

Debunking the flagwaving myths about an attack on North Korea

(This analysis was written for the Unz Review) First, the bragging dummies Trump and Haley are still at it.  The want to force China to take action against the DPRK by threatening to take North Korea “into their hands” if China refuses to comply.  Haley said “But to be clear, China can do more, (…) and we’re putting as much pressure on them as we can. The last time they

A short commentary on Trumps latest SNAFU

Okay, I admit it: Trump is a Russian agent.   I tried really, really hard to deny it, but now I can’t continue anymore because I am presented with an absolutely incontrovertible truth: only a Russian agent infiltrated to the highest levels of power in the USA, the White House, could have done what Trump did a couple of days ago: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  That, truly, was

Kosovo will be liberated (UPDATED)

(This column was written for the Unz Review) General Ratko Mladic, now 75, was sentenced last week to life in prison by the NATO kangaroo court known as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). It is worth mentioning here that, just like Bosnian-Serb President Radovan Karadzic and Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, Mladic was attested and handed over to this NATO tormentors by the Serbian authorities. That tells

A commentary on the expulsion of Russia from the Olympics

So finally, the suspense is over and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has suspended the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) from 2018 Olympics, ruling that “clean” Russian athletes can only compete under a neutral flag in South Korea in February.  Since I am going to be asked about this I might as well give you my reaction to this latest development. First, I really don’t care about sports or the Olympics. 

Progress report on the US-Russian war

(This article was written for the Unz Review) I am often asked if the US and Russia will go to war with each other. I always reply that they are already at war. Not a war like WWII, but a war nonetheless. This war is, at least for the time being, roughly 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% kinetic. But in political terms the outcome for the loser of this

Book excerpt: How I became a Kremlin troll by The Saker

Dear friends, Today, with the kind permission of Phil Butler, I am posting the full text of my contribution to his book “Putin’s Praetorians: Confessions of the Top Kremlin Trolls“.  There are a couple of reasons for that.  The main one is that I strongly believe that this book deserves a much bigger visibility than it has received (this is also why, exceptionally, I am placing this post in the

A ZioWahabi attack on Hezbollah and Iran?

Israel, Saudi Arabia Setting Preconditions For War With Hezbollah – a critical analysis This article was written for the Unz Review SouthFront has just released a very interesting video analysis warning about the possibility of a war involving Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and, possibility, Syria, Iran, and Israel. That, of course, also means that Russia and the USA would be involved. First, please see the video here: What I propose

AltRight vs The Saker

A very telling example of a very ugly trend I just got an email from my daughter this morning saying “You’ve probably seen this, and you might not really care even if you haven’t, but if not:  Apparently, you lived in Iceland“. No, I had not read that as I generally have no time to read the AltRight nonsense.  Out of a sense of obligation I recently forced myself to

Debunking two American myths

This article was written for the Unz Review There are two myths which are deeply imprinted in the minds of most US Americans which are extremely dangerous and which can result in a war with Russia. The first myth is the myth of the US military superiority. The second myth is the myth about the US invulnerability. I believe that it is therefore crucial to debunk these myths before they

Do you think his assessment is accurate?

This article was written for the Unz Review “Do you think his assessment is accurate?” was the subject line of an email I got from a good friend recently.  The email referred to the article by Paul Craig Roberts “One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive” which claimed that “the US military is now second class compared to the Russian military“.  The article then went on to list a number of Russian

Re-visiting Russian counter-propaganda methods

This article was written for the Unz Review A special ‘thank you!’ to my Director of Research, Scott, for providing me with the background info for this article   Everything we were told about the Soviet Union turned out to be a lie, but everything we were told about the West turned out to be true Russian joke In May of 2016 I wrote an article for the Unz Review
