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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Newly revealed Russian weapons systems: political implications

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] For those interested in the military implications of the recent revelations by Vladimir Putin about new Russian weapon systems I would recommend the excellent article entitled “The Implications of Russia’s New Weapon Systems” by Andrei Martyanov who offers a superb analysis of what these new weapons mean for the USA and, especially, the US Navy. What I want to do here is

Putin’s stunning revelations about new Russian weapons systems

If you have no read it yet, please check out Putin’s full address to the Federal Assembly.  What stunned me, and many other, are the new weapon systems Putin has announced. First, he confirmed that the Sarmat ICBM would replace the old but already formiable SS-18 “Satan”.  Then he turned to new weapon systems: A nuclear powered cruise missile with basically unlimited range A nuclear powered unmanned submersible with intercontinental

Escalation In Syria – How Far Can The Russians Be Pushed?

This video is based on the analysis of the Saker “Escalation in Syria – how far can the Russians be pushed?“. Separately, SouthFront is working on own critical documentary on modern Russia. This documentary will be ready in middle March. If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via:, BTC: 13iYp9CDYZwgSnFXNtpEKgRRqaoxHPr2MH, BCH: 1NE49pQW8yCegnFCMvKuhLUnuxvTnxNUhf, ETH: 0x962b312a9d41620f9aa0d286f9d7f8b1769bfae6 Events in

Russian Presidential Elections: boring, useless and necessary?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] As the Presidential elections in Russia are drawing near I am amazed to see how much interest this event is generating in spite of the fact that it sure seems to me that this will be an incredibly boring and, frankly, totally useless event. But first, full disclosure: I don’t have much faith in the so-called “democratic process”. Just look at the

What just happened in Korea and when will we ever learn?!

Okay, a quick summary first: one of the Russian athletes participating in the Winter Olympics has tested positive for Meldonium.  On two different probes.  There is no way to explain that away, Alexander Krushelnitsky did have Meldonium in his body.  But he was also tested for the same substance just before leaving Russia for Japan (where the athletes were training) and he was clean then.  So he must have ingested

Escalation in Syria – how far can the Russians be pushed?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Events in Syria have recently clearly taken a turn for the worse and there is an increasing amount of evidence that the Russian task force in Syria is being targeted by a systematic campaign of “harassing attacks”. First, there was the (relatively successful) drone and mortar attack on the Russian Aerospace base in Khmeimin. Then there was the shooting down of a

Syria SITREP: Approximate figures of the US airstrike in Syria & lessons learned

I will keep this one short.  You all have read all the nonsense about 100 to 600 Russians killed in the recent US air strike in Syria.  According to these rumors (typical PSYOP stuff, by the way) the “hundreds” of Russians were private military contractors (PMCs).  Well, for one thing, PMC rarely operated in the hundreds to begin with (5-20 people is much more common).  But nevermind that.  Turns that

Professor Stephen F. Cohen: Rethinking Putin – a review

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] I have recently had the pleasure of watching a short presentation by Professor Stephen F. Cohen entitled “Rethinking Putin” which he delivered on the annual Nation cruise on December 2, 2017 (see here for the original Nation Article and original YouTube video). In his short presentation, Professor Cohen does a superb job explaining what Putin is *not* and that includes: (but, please

SouthFront & The Saker video

Original video: Original article: Many thanks to “RS” for redacting the original article for this video! Now that the Neocons have hamstrung Trump, and with Trump’s planned impeachment and removal from office still in the future, the world must deal with the dangerous decline of the USA-led power bloc, because the Neocons are back in power and will do anything to reverse this trend. It is obvious that

US sanctions, baffled Russians, hot air and history

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] So, finally, the suspense is over.  Kind of.  The US Treasury has finally released the list of Russian entities and individuals which could (conditional!) be sanctioned by the US Treasury in compliance with the H.R.3364 – Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.  These two short excerpt from the report show why I say “could”: and Now let’s translate all this in plain

Uncle Sam dumps the Kurds (yet again)

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The drama which is unfolding in northern Syria is truly an almost ideal case to fully assess how weak and totally dysfunctional the AngloZionist Empire has really become. Let’s begin with a quick reminder. The US-Israeli goals in Syria were really very simple. As I have already mentioned in a past article, the initial AngloZionist plan was to overthrow Assad and replace

Christianity and Judaism

Dear friends, Today I am posting the full translation of an amazingly interesting text – Christianity and Judaism – on the issue of the historical role of the Jewish people written by a, now reposed, Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Archbishop Nathanel (Lvov) [“Lvov” is his last name, no reference to the city in the Ukraine].  This has been made possible by the superb translation of this very

Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria?

[This article has been written for the Unz Review] Informationclearinghouse recently posted an article by Darius Shahtahmasebi entitled “Israel Keeps Bombing Syria and Nobody Is Doing Anything About It”. Following this publication I received an email from a reader asking me the following question: “Putin permitting Israel to bomb Syria – why? I am confused by Putins actions – does Putin support the Zionist entity, on the quiet like. I

Saker’s Jan. 12th interview with Bonnie Faulkner – transcript

This is Guns and Butter. Andrei Raevsky, The Saker: I think it’s a person who is an Israel Firster, very, very strong Zionist ideological bent, definitely puts Israel above the United States for sure. Secondly, I would say people who truly believe in violence and force as a way to solve every conflict, people who have no use for diplomacy – internally or externally, for that matter. A messianic ideology,

The good news about the Trump Presidency: stupid can be good!

[Note: This column was written for the Unz Review] Just a few days shy of the one year since the inauguration of Donalt Trump as President of the United States I think that it would be reasonable to say that pretty much everybody, besides the Neocons and a few unconditional supporters, is now feeling quite appalled at what the past year brought to the USA and the planet. Those who

Self-defense myths and choices for civilians

Introductory note: I wanted to touch upon this subject for a long, long while, because it is one I care about a lot.  However, it is also totally off-topic for this blog.  However, since in Russia there is a lull (that is putting it mildly) between New Year and the Orthodox Nativity, I decided to “squeeze” it here in between those dates and while our usual topics are a little
