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Saker Analyses and Interviews

Book Review – Losing Military Supremacy by Andrei Martyanov

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The fact that the USA is facing a profound crisis, possibly the worst one in its history, is accepted by most observers, except maybe the most delusional ones. Most Americans definitely know that. In fact, if there is one thing upon which both those who supported Trump and those who hate him with a passion can agree on, it would be that

No 5th Column in the Kremlin? Think again!

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Following the re-appointment of Medvedev and his more or less reshuffled government, the public opinion in Russia and abroad was split on whether this was a good sign of continuity and unity amongst the Russian leadership or whether this was a confirmation that there was a 5th column inside the Kremlin working against President Putin and trying to impose neo-liberal and pro-western

The Saker interviews Michael A. Hoffman II

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] Introduction by the Saker: I have always had a passion for theology in general and the studies of religions in general. Several years ago I discovered, quite by chance, a book written by Michael A. Hoffman II entitled Judaism’s Strange Gods which I found most interesting and thought provoking. Reading that book, I felt that I wanted to find out much more

Can the EU become a partner for Russia?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The re-nomination (albeit somewhat reshuffled) of the “economic block” of the Medvedev government has elicited many explanations, some better than others.  Today I want to look at one specific hypothesis which can be summed up like this: Putin decided against purging the (unpopular) “economic block” from the Russian government because he wanted to present the EU with “known faces” and partners EU

Is Putin really ready to “ditch” Iran?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The topic of Russian actions in Syria still continues to fascinate and create a great deal of polemics.  This makes senses – the issue is exceedingly important on many levels, including pragmatic and moral ones, and today I want to stick strictly to the pragmatic level and set aside, just for a while, moral/ethical/spiritual considerations.  Furthermore, I will also pretend, for argument’s

Saker announcement: new Saker Community website launched!

Dear friends, To my never-ending amazement, our community is still growing, and I don’t mean the number of pages served by this blog (which peaked at over 3 million and is now tapering off at somewhere over 2) since that kind of numbers really don’t mean much.  And neither do I mean the other six Saker blogs.  This time around, something new happened: a website created by a member of

It all depends on your values

[This article has been written for the Unz Review] This has been an interesting week for Russia.  First, and contrary to my own expectations, Iulia Skripal has been allowed to make a recorded statement on video where she is seen writing a statement in English and Russian.  This falls far short of even the basic British obligations to allow consular access to both Skripals, but it is a sign that

Neocon buffoonery reaches a new level

Step one: the DPRK destroys its nuclear testing facility Step two: Trumps cancels his meeting with Kim Jong-un Step three, just read this masterpiece: Amazing, no?  The fact that the North Koreans requested the meeting is irrelevant, Trump’s red button is bigger than Kim’s and Kim is invited to lose face by begging for another meeting. I have to say that I am awed by the sheer lunacy of the

Making sense of Russian political ambiguities

[This article was written for the Unz Review] Introduction: the world is not Hollywood The past couple of weeks saw a number of truly tectonic events taking place simultaneously in the USA, in Russia, in Israel, in Syria, in Iran and in the EU. I think that it would also be reasonable to say that most of those who opposed the AngloZionist Empire have felt feelings ranging from mild disappointment

The Skripals will most likely never be allowed to talk

[This column was written for the Unz Review] There have been major developments this week, all of them bad, including Putin re-nominating Medvedev as his Prime Minister, and Bibi Netanyahu invited to Moscow to the Victory Day Parade in spite of him bombing Syria, a Russian ally, just on the eve of his visit. Once in Moscow, Netanyahu compared Iran to, what else, Nazi Germany. How original and profound indeed!

Medvedev re-nomination: this does not look good

Just a quick note here (since I am inundated by emails about this): there is no way I can put a positive spin on the fact that Putin has re-nominated Medvedev as Prime Minister.  I am personally bitterly disappointed and so are many others.  A comment I just saw on the YouTube chat of the inauguration was succinct and to the point: “Путин кинул народ – мы не за Медведева

The Warmakers

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Between the US strikes on Syria in April and the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, we are in somewhat of a lull in the Empire’s search for a new war to start. The always helpful Israelis, in the person of the ineffable Bibi Netanyahu, are now beating the drums for, well, if not a war, then at least some kind of

The Saker interviewed by Countdown Radio

Here are a few options to listen to this interview:[UNIQID] (I hope these liks work.  I am still away from home with no computer and just a tablet with spotty connections.  If something needs fixing, I will do that when I come home.  Cheers, The Saker )

Saker book review: POKÉMON IN UKRAINE – Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL

Dear friends, I thought I should take the time to sit down and draw your attention to a very interesting and original book written by my Director of Research, Scott Humor, entitled “POKÉMON IN UKRAINE: Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL“.  The very first sentence is the book is a disclaimer: “This book is a work of fiction. This manual is for illustrative purpose only“.  Really? The book is an in-depth

The DPRK declares itself a nuclear power

Note by the Saker: please read carefully what this official statement says.  There are two key elements here, first, the DPRK has successfully completed its program of nuclear tests and ballistic missiles test and, second, the DPRK will now act as a responsible nuclear power and never use its nuclear power unless she is attacked.  In plain English this simply means: we made it, you could not stop us, now

Each “click” brings us one step closer to the “bang!”

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Trump pulled the trigger, but instead of a “bang!” what the world heard was a demure “click”. Considering that we are talking about playing a most dangerous game of potentially nuclear Russian AngloZionist roulette, the “click” is very good news indeed. But, to use the words of Nikki Haley, the US “gun” is still “locked and loaded”. There are a number of

The Saker interviewed by “Guns and Butter”

On Monday I was interviewed by Bonnie Faulkner for her show “Guns and Butter”. The official show page is here: Direct SoundCloud link: You can also listen to the show here: or download it from here: Enjoy! The Saker
