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Saker Analyses and Interviews

The US aggression against Venezuela as a diagnostic tool

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The Neocons never cease to amaze me and their latest stunt with Venezuela falls into this bizarre category of events which are both absolutely unthinkable and simultaneously absolutely predictable.  This apparent logical contradiction is the direct result of a worldview and mindset which is, I believe, unique to the Neocons: a mix of imperial hubris and infinite arrogance, a complete lack of

Russia, Israel and the values of “western civilization” – where is the truth?

[This article was written for the Unz Review] First, what’s the deal with this obsession about bombing entire nations back into the “stone age”? Very interesting article in RT today: “IDF chief turned PM candidate touts body count & bombing Gaza into ‘stone age’ in campaign ad” (please read the full thing – it is short and very enlightening).  When I saw that, I immediately had a flash back to

The Russian pension chicken is coming home to roost… (UPDATED)

[This article was written for the Unz Review] According to RT, citing a Levada Center poll, Over 50 percent of Russians are disappointed in the government of Dmitry Medvedev, which, they believe, is unable to curb growing prices and provide jobs for people, a new poll has revealed.  Some 23 percent said they were absolutely sure that the government must resign, with another 30 percent telling Levada-Center that they were

Placing the USA on a collapse continuum with Dmitry Orlov

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The West is rotting! Yes, maybe, but what a nice smell… Old Soviet joke The word ‘catastrophe‘ has several meanings, but in its original meaning in Greek the word means a “sudden downturn” (in Greek katastrophē ‘overturning, sudden turn,’ from kata- ‘down’ + strophē ‘turning’).  As for the word “superpower” it also has several possible definitions, but my preferred one is this

From 2018 to 2019 – a quick survey of a few trends

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The year 2018 will go down in history as a turning point in the evolution of the geostrategic environment of our planet.  There are many reasons for that and I won’t list them all, but here are some of the ones which I personally consider the most important ones: The Empire blinked.  Several times. This is probably the single most important development

A much needed “Likbez” about Russian Tu-160 bombers in Venezuela

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Rusty museum antiques or the Star War’s Death Star? Remember what happened when the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier sailed around Europe to reach the eastern Mediterranean?  NATO leaders were making fun of the black smoke coming out of the ship’s engine while at the same time shadowing the Kuznetsov as if it was the Death Star from the Star Wars series and as

Saker 2018 “man” of the year: the American “dissidents”

[Cross-posted with the Unz Review] Once a year I like to pretend like my blog is some kind of “respectable” mainstream outlet and I engage in the (admittedly totally silly!) exercise of nominating some “man” (sorry, “person” is unbearably politically correct and once you go down that route you end up calling mentally deranged freaks “ze/zir/zee/etc” and the like).  Hey, if you cannot get the kind of financing AngloZionist propaganda

Why Russia won’t invade the Ukraine, the Baltic statelets or anybody else

[this article was written for the Unz Review] The AngloZionist propaganda machine is constantly warning us that Russia is about to invade some country.  The list of candidates for invasion is long and ranges from Norway to the Ukraine and includes the Baltic statelets, Poland and even countries further West.  Of course, we are also told that NATO and the US are here to prevent that.  Well, thank God for

Uber-loser Poroshenko goes “full Saakashvili”

[This article was written for the Unz Review] Petro Poroshenko is in deep trouble. His ratings have been in the single-digit range in spite of a vast propaganda effort, and his latest attempt to create a salvific crisis involving the usual “Russian aggression” has not only failed but appears to be backfiring. It is now becoming abundantly clear that the Ukronazi provocation was not only breathtakingly stupid and irresponsible, but

About the latest Ukronazi provocation in the Kerch strait (UPDATED)

First, here is a pretty good summary of what has taken place (including videos) posted by RT: I will just add that at the time of writing (07:38 UTC) the cargo ship blocking the passage under the bridge has been removed, traffic has resumed and the situation has returned to normal. Second, let me give you the single most important element to understand what is (and what is

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on November 3, 2018. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: Listen to (or download) the Interview MP3 audio file The Solari Report 2018-11-08 Read the Transcript Read the transcript of The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker – US-Russian Relations & the War Lobby

Thanking vets for their “service” – why?

[This article was written for the Unz Review] Depending on the context, the small word “why” can be totally innocuous or it can be just about the most subversive and even sacrilegious word one can utter.  This is probably why I love this word so much: it’s ability to unleash tremendous power against all sorts of sacred cows and unchallenged beliefs.  So,today I want to ask everybody why so many

S-300 in Syria – a preliminary assessment

[This article was written for the Unz Review] We now know a little more about which version of the S-300 family the Russians have delivered to the Syrians: the Russians have converted a number of S-300PM and S-300P2 systems to the export version S-300PMU-2 “Favorit” which, by the way, is also the version Russia delivered to the Iranians and to the Chinese. This system uses the 48N6E2 missile and has

A senior Russian diplomat confirms: “Russia is preparing for war” – is anybody listening?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Andrei Belousov, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control, has recently made an important statement which I shall quote in full and then provide a translation. Original Russian text: “Тут недавно на заседании Соединенные Штаты заявили, что Россия готовится к войне. Да, Россия готовится к войне, я это подтверждаю. Да, мы готовимся защищать нашу родину, нашу территориальную целостность, наши

The Empire splits the Orthodox world – possible consequences

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] In previous articles about this topic I have tried to set the context and explain why most Orthodox Churches are still used as pawns in purely political machinations and how the most commentators who discuss these issues today are using words and concepts in a totally twisted, secular and non-Christian way (which is about as absurd as discussing medicine while using a

A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism”, part II: the hunt for anti-Semites

[This article was written for the Unz Review] First, anti-Semites everywhere! It has been over a year since I wrote an article entitled “A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism “. I tried to illustrate how the kind of ideology and worldview of what ought to be called Rabbinical Phariseeism but is, alas, usually referred to as “Orthodox Judaism,” results in an inevitable hostile backlash from those whom

S-300s and other military hardware for Syria

[this article was written for the Unz Review] This week Russian officials declared that the delivery of S-300s for Syria was completed and that this first batch included 49 pieces of “military equipment”, including radars, control vehicles and four launchers. Russian officials added that, if needed, this figure could be increased to 8-12 launchers. Defense Minister Shoigu added that “the measures we will take will be devoted to ensure 100

Obedience in Christianity: a reply to an important question

Question: As an Orthodox Christian in America we are taught to almost worship our Bishops, and they can do no wrong. We are to strictly obey them unless they ask us to break the law, or hurt someone. However, what happens when they err? What is one to do? As a struggling Orthodox Christian in America I would appreciate advice from other Orthodox Christians. Iconodule (this question was originally posted

The abomination of desolation standing in the holy place

[Note: this analysis has been written for the Unz Review] Warning: the following text was written specifically to help Christians make sense of the “hijacked vocabulary” used in the discussion of the current attempts by the Empire to take control of the Orthodox people of the Ukraine. For atheists/agnostics this discussion will offer just some irrelevant and boring mumbo-jumbo with no relevance to the lofty realms of enlightened modern positivism.
